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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Quint, ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つGIVE LEONARDO༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ I'll trade you Aran
  2. Quintessence, ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つGIVE LEONARDO༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
  3. Not really...Ciarre is last. The remaining 3 units are either b& or free. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つGIVE LEONARDO༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
  4. Soul totally wanted Lyre. So he gets her. (i dont actually know if he wants her but consider it payback for early Caineghis and Nasir picks) I pick Gareth.
  5. I personally think Kirby is definetely the actual worst. His frame data is horrible, terrible mobility both in the air and on the ground, all his moves are punishable, lacks kill power, lacks range. Everything about him is awful. Even his recovery is terrible for someone with so many jumps. Pichu at least has the nair as a good move and his usmash kills pretty early (even though it's difficult to connect). He also has quite a good acceleration on his jump ala captain falcon to approach with and a decent recovery.
  6. Palutena plz...this is failing ever since I complained about my picks :/. Drafts suck :/ Palutena has 6 hours from now to pick. If not, she gets the worst unit on the list.
  7. Well, you would be fine because it's not about points, its about doing a chapter and staying active in the draft at least. I'll think up something on how to do that, maybe for a future draft idk. Also, uh, its your turn lol
  8. It's fine. I just didnt consider that you could want Rolf over Ranulf. I knew Soul wouldn't pick Rolf ever and knew you were likely to pick Ranulf. Also, im wondering if lockstep-like drafts should be the norm. Not the points thing, more like having to complete a chapter every once in a while at least.
  9. I play fast even when i'm not LTC'ing. I'm not one for turtlng.
  10. Yo ZM. This was posted in the skype chat. It's over now though *puts drama popcorn away*
  11. I've used Luke Rody Cecille and Ryan at the same time when playing casually in Lunatic Reverse. It's very possible. I like that this is back. The Arran crits are always hilarious or when that one unit that youre not using longterm crits. It's the worst.
  12. The only thing (aside from Leo>Aran) I would change is Nasir. He doesnt even do anything for my team because most of it already doubles Auras. Soul plz T.T
  13. I don't want to go back though. That's the thing, If I pick Leonardo now, Quint has to restart and it just feels cheap to me. Let's just continue really. I will play if I have to.
  14. A better idea would be to keep picking, not let this die.
  15. Gamecube Controller is the best controller ever made <3 Especially my super cool asian white controller from play asia.
  16. Ugh, once the Dark Fliers start coming, Paralogue 17 is so luck-based for my team. :/ Tiki plz
  17. Uh, afaik, the only one that isn't playing is me. So how does that affect other's experience? Most drafts i've been/finished havent been played by the others. It's kinda common. So, it's only a big deal if you say you wont play?
  18. I won't reconsider. Ciarre: Nolan, Gatrie, Kieran, Lucia, Mordecai, Vika, Rhys PKL: Oscar, Nailah, Janaff, Aran, Ranulf, Caineghis, Nasir Soul: Heather, Shinon, Nealuchi, Sanaki, Tormod, Muarim, Mist Xandere: Volug, Elincia, Ulki, Rolf, Lethe, Skrimir, Volke Doofina: Zihark, Mia, Brom, Sigrun, Makalulz, Tauroneo Mar Mar: Edward, Nephenee, Tibarn, Soren, Danved, Meg Quintessence: Boyd, Ilyana, Tanith, Naesala, Callil, Leonardo Who's turn is it? (ill still be picking the last pick but i wont play)
  19. I dont get it, the thread isnt gone. The draft is still here and this is the first ive drafted since FE13. The other FE10 one I didnt play was created by someone else EDIT: Baldrick mentioned stricter moderating. Care to elaborate? I havent hosted one since Mar.2014 (FE13 Lunatic) a draft that is in progress.
  20. No, just proceed and pretend im not there like you were all doing. Give me MEg or something
  21. Did anyone read my post in the previous page? Sigh...anyway, im done with drafting.
  22. I said you all should wait if Rolf DID get picked. I said that for a reason. If I didnt have Rolf, priority shifted to Bow user over Aran. I also wanted time to rethink my picking as I didnt have a lot of it before leaving I might also have picked Ranulf earlier if he was still there for some reason.
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