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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Something else I forgot: Etzel currently overrated in the tier list?
  2. 6/15/2014: Linde over Cecille and Arran. Ryan over Draug and Rody. Cecille and Arran lowered to Upper Mid Tier. First one: Much like the rest of High Tier, Linde is capable of really big contributions in exchange for statboosters. Aura chipping, Nosferatanking, Physic usage, Nosferarescue and Levin Swordmaster combat are powerful indeed. Second one: Draug has terrible defensive parameters and can't really be trained feasibly in the Prologue, starts with E in both swords and bows, which is a big deal when talking about being your main Horseman. Rody starts with -1 base def, E in both swords and bows, much like Draug and also has a bit of trouble gaining exp in an ideal Prologue. Ryan has the most time in the Prologue to train, starts with a nice bow rank and can use Arms Scrolls on his sword rank instead of bows because he reaches B and A on his own, allowing him to train even more. Unlike Rody and Draug and more like Luke, he needs speedwings and Rainbow Potion to meet some lategame spd benchmarks. Seems more useful overall though, especially when counting Prologue. Luke still above Ryan by request, though I feel Ryan might have the edge, barring spd benchmarks. Luke comes out of low turn Prologues (where he's not deployed in Prologue 7 and 8 because he gets in the way of a 3 and 7 turn respectively. He can also get in the way of Ogma's Prologue's lowest turncount but i'm not sure on that one.) at like Level 4 if trained and might get in the way of Prologue benchmarks. Though he IS more consistent overall with different Avatars. For example, Ryan isn't very good with a Fighter Avatar Prologue while he's a lot better in Cavalier. Luke is better with a Mage Avatar too. Third one: Cecille is just a poor man's Catria, pretty much. She can be a decent Falcoknight with resources and that's it. Worse than Catria in every way. Arran is a weird unit to tier here, as he's very useful for like 5-6 maps and then he's not really fixable for the rest of the game even with boosters. Some other stuff to discuss: Merric versus Navarre. Is Merric really better?
  3. Well, 148 turns is "possible" with ridiculous prologue dodging and crits or Mercenary Avatar (requiring those too) Thanks :) Thanks dondon :)
  4. If I took a shot everytime someone said my main is a clone, I'd be dead from alcohol intoxication.
  5. From like a page back, too lazy to quote it, but someone mentioned Peach side b got worse... In Melee, her side b didn't have a lot of distance, had significant startup and endlag, it's only use was to stall her recovery by exploding off the walls. Using it as an attack is terrible. In Brawl, the startup of the side b got a bit better though she does have significant endlag if missed. Still, it could be used effectively if you knew it would hit as it barely had endlag when you hit with it. It has a hearts animation and couldn't bounce off walls anymore unlike Melee's. So, her Side B got better in Brawl.
  6. Custom movesets are great. I'm honestly hoping they're easy to access and mostly not broken so they're the standard for tournament play in the future. I can't wait to see what Toon Link and Marth have as customs. I saw Marth doing a dash shield breaker??? in the same vid where they showed all of Mario's customs. And well, maybe Toon Link will get Fire and Ice arrows.
  7. First time through FE9 I only used Ike Soren and Titania. I killed off Shinon and was mad that I was forced to kill a former ally. It wasn't until SF that I knew. :(
  8. Actually with Ena+Gareth+Nasir, I think AmitiLincy ORKOs noncover auras. She's strong yo.
  9. The Zelda thing is just wow...a lot of people are even saying her new Down B might just be the worst new move introduced in Smash 4. She does look even worse than in Brawl and that is hard to accomplish, with her being Bottom 3 there...
  10. I honestly think you should record 17-3 unlike other Defend maps since a lot of weapon rank training might happen there for Soren.
  11. Wavedashing is not a glitch. Sakurai said he knew of it before Melee was released and it is a consequence of the physics of the game. The thing about those nerfs, however, is that campy play is too rewarded. If punishes are so bad that they're not worth it and there's a timer, tell me, what is the ideal play? Risk approaching with bad approaches just for a little bit of damage? Or not approach at all, get the lead and punish the approaching opponent instead? At least with a good combo game (Coming from L cancelling, good grab game and dash dancing), approaching would be worth the risk.
  12. Use Sheema and beat Medeus with her.
  13. I'm honestly expecting everyone to be shown. I'll probably be disappointed somehow, but it makes no sense to keep revealing characters so slowly with the 3DS release nearby
  14. That will come eventually :). Yeah that forge was the best haha. Thanks :) Thanks! Glad you enjoyed my unit analysis. I always like doing unit analysis, even in draft playthroughs :) Thank you very much :) Go finish yours. Thanks :P
  15. It's here...the end of the playthrough. It's been a very fun playthrough. I'm very happy with my final turncount. I feel like I couldn't have gotten a better turncount anywhere except maybe in Prologue 4 or Prologue 5 with misses and crits, but that's lame. I sold pretty much everything left including Brave Weapons so that I could afford 2 Lunatic statbooster Arms Scrolls for Marth and Ryan. My Linde is actually kinda spd screwed so I'm glad that I had a leftover Rainbow Potion use. I'm sure the credit's unit kills will shock a few :P 6:16 2nd Ryan 139 Battles 95 W 6:54 Catria 78 Battles 52 W 7:11 Linde 74 Battles 48 W 7:30 Palla 76 Battles 54 W 8:16 Sirius 43 Battles 26 W 8:33 Caeda 63 Battles 47 W 12:17 Xane 22 Battles 11 W 14:14 1st Badass 206 Battles 118 W 14:27 3rd Marth 76 Battle 55 W I was expecting Avatar as first and Ryan as second. It's pretty obvious, they are both Prologue units and they did a bunch of things to save turns during the playthrough. What shocks me is the third. Wasn't really expecting Marth to beat Palla in kills. Hope y'all enjoyed watching the playthrough as much as I enjoyed playing it! [spoiler=Unit Analysis] Ah, Marth. A capable but not broken lord. He has to be spoonfed kills in LTC on the way to the throne which can upset newer players though. But I find that as you get better at the game, one starts to notice more and more ways to feed him kills. He was spd blessed for awhile thanks to Growth Drop actually. I used an Energy Drop on him so he could cap str, it makes fighting Medeus much easier and lenient. The early Seraph Robe opened up ways to get him exp. The Arms Scroll at the end increased his damage to Medeus from 23 to 24, which is actually quite significant. Holy crap. Such an improvement from my other run's female Avatar haha. This guy made a bunch of strats possible thanks to his bulk. Of course, said bulk was mostly the work of Lunatic statboosters. I gave him an early Seraph Robe so that he could tank some dracoknights and well, it was a great investment mid and longterm too, as it greatly enhanced his defensive capabilities. I gave him 2 Dracoshields in C4 for the 5 turn strat and it also came in handy longterm. I gave him an Arms Scroll in Axes because I thought I would need Hauteclere Dracoknight for Hardin. It turned out I didn't but it's not like it was a run ending statbooster placement. It actually came in handy for improving the C21 reliability because Xane could use Hauteclere when copying him. I had to use an Arms Scroll on his Lances so that he could wield Gradivus in C20x and 21, this was crucial for those strats. I honestly think he's one of the craziest units in the game. Well worth the speedwings investment. Due to his superior Bow rank and better Prologue, I find he has less issues getting exp than the other Horsemen in the game. Luke Rody Draug etc need Arms Scrolls on their Bow rank while Ryan doesn't, so those Arms Scrolls can instead go to his Sword rank for Wyrmslayer (and later Master Sword) access, which opens up even more opportunities in the dragon chapters to get him exp. I used an early Speedwings so he could get going faster by doubling some enemies. This also made it possible to skip a Bow forge entirely by having a Hunter that could double C3 Dracoknights. The second wing was given in C9 because I knew it was a great longterm investment and it saved a Rainbow Potion use for the chapter. The 2 Arms Scrolls I gave to him were given to him as a Swordmaster, this gives him A Swords as a Swordmaster, which is a lot more than if i gave them to him as a Horseman. This puts him real close to getting Master Sword and Brave Sword access too. Brave Sword as a Horseman being extremely valuable for C21. I gave him the Bond Drop because Avatar honestly doesn't need it, he's already OP. I'd rather give it to a unit that can benefit from it early and it actually improved the reliability of some clears. I honestly think ideal Bond Drop recipients should be Marth or the Horsemen being used. Finally, I gave him an Arms Scroll for Mercurius in endgame as Mercurius is powerful enough to deal the rest of the damage after Marth is done, unlike Parthia. And the award for most screwed unit in the playthrough goes to....Malicia! Just wow, dat 50 mag growth never quite kicked in, did it? At least she recovered enough most of the time. Extremely disappointed at her in the stats department. But good thing she doesn't need stats to do her most important thing, right? The run would be pretty slow without her Hammerne, Again and Fortify. Damn, she's a pretty good unit in midgame to lategame isn't she? Underwhelming C2 to C11 aside, she's pretty good. Most of it has to do with her being ideal as a Falcoknight. Palla vs Catria IS still close, but Palla still has the edge. One has to remember that in runs where the Avatar turns out underwhelming, Palla IS the Avatar in those runs. Being able to pull most of the Dracoknight tanking strats Avatar does with Lunatic statboosters. Catria is a very very good unit too though. Gave her an Energy Drop for obvious reasons. The 2 Goddess Icons I gave her in Chapter 19 made the strat safer as it gave her enough Lck to make using Devil Sword reasonable and also gave her enough Lck to combat Killer Axe Warriors well. The Dracoshield I gave her in Chapter 23 allowed her to withstand a Fire Dragon and a Mage Dragon after a Pure Water or Barrier boost. She was actually quite average or screwed until she promoted. Then she became good. Well, I guess she was worth the Seraph Robe after all. Honestly a pretty good unit with a Levin Sword or a Nosferatu in hand. Her magic IS as worrisome as I feared though. Needing 6 Spirit Dusts to combat Gharnef properly and 5 Spirit Dusts to use a Levin Sword properly in C20 and C20x. She's still worth the investment though, as she's the most reasonable Gharnef killer in LTC (just look at that Malicia will you?). And Nosferatu comes in handy here and there. Was actually above her average mag for the longest time. Though I think she got skl spd screwed later on. The Goddess herself wasn't so godlike this playthrough. A lot of it has to with my Avatar though. Still was a second Avatar for the longest time. Incredibly handy until like Chapter 15. Such a good unit. Her lck is actually a bit troublesome depending on her levels in lategame, but it can be a blessing too, as having low enough lck can make enemies prioritize her, making her serve as a great baiter. And the critrates aren't bad enough to not risk the enemy baits. I gave her only one Speedwing now that I think about it. As overrated as I initially told y'all. Honestly, go a bit faster than usual and he just can't keep up. The experience is better fed elsewhere. He was relegated to miscellaneous, random tasks after Chapter 14. Not having the stats to actually do much of anything. I spent a Seraph Robe, an energy drop and a speedwing thinking I could keep him as a good unit but it just didn't happen. Still, some of those silly lategame tasks proved to be actually important. He was lame enough to get targetted by everything but not bad enough that I wouldn't deploy him I guess. I'm wondering if the ones that voted for Feena in the poll realize it's impossible to kill Medeus with Feena or not...lol. It's still hilarious that she got votes though :P. As for my analysis of Feena...well, she's a dancer and dancers rule. Lol, oops I kept Caeda as a Sage for this pic. She was ridiculous in Prologue, still pretty awesome for the rest of the game. Her midgame was actually nice because effective weapons don't care about your strength and she proved to be quite vital to some clears like C18 and C20 with her Wing Spear. Better than Sirius by a lot imo. I gave her a Seraph Robe for the Chapter 17 strat to work. Made a bunch of strats possible. Never quite reached Again because I didn't concentrate on that, but it is actually extremely doable. Xane is so good it's not even funny. Can copy your best unit in every chapter. I mean, come on. And then there are people that think his position in my tier list is unjustified lol... ~This run has been completed in 150 turns~
  16. Agreed. FE6 HM is super super super harder and it isn't even that hard either imo ;/. HHM is just weak.
  17. Credit to commonguard/Knight of Titania for the 2 turn strat. It's quite a crit-happy strat, but thanks to the map saves, it's a bit more reasonable. Catria needs to land a 21% Gradivus crit on that Fire Dragon because any further up and she'd be destroyed by a Mage Dragon and a Glower sorcerer. Believe me when I say, I tried to look for a way to make it so Catria could 1 range with the Dragonpike forge but it's just not possible. I sold the Master Sword and some other useless stuff to make another 2500G for a Dracoshield for Catria. ~Chapter 23 is completed in 2 turns~ The end is near now! Sadly, even though I beat the final chapter already, the vid will have to wait til sunday because the upload time is too long due to the end credits and I dont have enough time today. I have tournament on saturday so im gonna be away too. I'm gonna leave a commonguard-esque poll on who killed Medeus.
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