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Everything posted by PKL

  1. I also did Severa's Paralogue, letting Severa die and ignoring that part completely as there was not enough manpower to do the whole chapter in 20 turns. I was done with the left side in like 15 turns and took down the boss in Turn 20. It's been a long time and there's no stats as I didn't grab them. Then I did Chapter 15 and finished in 3 turns. Morgan took on Say'ri's side, Cordelia Stahl took down the boss and Sumia @ Frederick after Talisman and Res Tonic took down the beach enemies with later Morgan help. I got the Bullion (L) and the Arms Scrolls with Anna and Lucina. Afterwards, I did Chapter 16 in 2 turns, getting everything from the Thieves except the Master Seal one. Sumia got the Speedwings Thief, Lucina got the Bullion one. The strat was basically to dance Stahl Cordelia and she flew up and switched to Stahl, killing most enemies and opening the way in EP. He got Aegis in EP. After that, Lissa got given to Lucina by Donnel and she rescued Olivia up, Morgan flew up and Olivia danced for him and he switched to Avatar and Avatar doubled the boss with Elfire and I needed a 50% dual Strike hammer out of 2 to finish him off. It was a lot less reliable if Morgan had hammer'd instead I think, as usually I was just met with a Pavise proc. This way, Pavise would never work but I needed a 50% dual strike instead. Surprisingly, even with the Renown Seed of Trust, Lissa and Donnel still haven't produced Owain. They're close though, I think. Class Unit Lv HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wexp Great Lord Chrom 1.69 33 16 1 17 17 12 11 5 Sword A Lance E Grandmaster Robin 10.10 47 28 26 15 24 12 30 15 Sword E Tome A Valkyrie Lissa 1.00 40 5 28 19 25 24 12 25 Tome E Staff A Great Knight Frederick 15.43 42 25 5 20 22 12 20 6 Sword A Lance A Axe A Paladin Stahl 17.43 61 34 4 33 24 21 33 11 Sword A Lance A Falcon Knight Sumia 7.43 43 16 8 29 30 24 13 23 Lance A Staff E Knight Kellam 6.60 22 11 0 8 5 3 14 2 Lance D Villager Donnel 6.36 21 7 2 5 7 16 7 3 Lance D Cavalier Ricken 1.99 29 12 9 9 11 14 14 3 Sword C Lance C Troubadour Maribelle 6.52 20 0 7 6 8 7 4 10 Staff D Falcon Knight Cordelia 16.07 56 37 8 28 31 19 24 18 Lance A Staff E Trickster Anna 8.58 42 14 21 27 27 32 12 14 Sword C Staff C Dancer Olivia 10.79 22 6 3 13 13 14 6 5 Sword D Griffon Rider Cherche 4.69 44 25 3 23 21 16 22 9 Axe B Great Knight Lucina 6.84 55 29 7 24 24 23 28 9 Sword C Lance C Axe E Griffon Rider Morgan 9.39 53 30 19 30 32 22 27 15 Axe C I'm considering Great Knight Stahl. It comes at the cost of 1 move and spd but Luna is tempting.
  2. I was thinking: Does this strat work even with a blessed Avatar? If not, what adjustments should you make? Might be worth looking into a blessed Spd Avatar as it might affect AI priority among other things.
  3. I can do it. I'm taking a break from LTC in general though. But when I return, I'll do a Mid Tiers only playthrough.
  4. The problem with Castor is that he never gets the durability to be a main Horseman. I have no issue with making him Upper Mid based on his offensive capabilities. Though where exactly would one put him? "Speaking of which, we are assuming that the Cain/Navarre/Roger/Ogma's of the world are basically just copying Ryan/Luke/Rody/Draug's role, right? What about somebody like Darros? How is he expected to contribute?" Yeah, but they copy that pretty poorly. Ch8 to Ch11 in general doesn't have a lot of opportunities for training units that need catching up and most of those join at that point. They can't really emulate Luke/Ryan/Rody/Draug's role well at all :/. Darros is actually one of the units with the best bases in the game. He's decent filler if you happen to need one.
  5. Much sadness wow. I was looking forward to Kentadin Lyn Mode
  6. I'll just be a ghost drafter or idk. Don't wanna play the draft anymore. This is why I dont join drafts anymore. I lose motivation right away.
  7. Depends on when you said it. Doofina said it at 2 AM to me lol. But he seems to be offline so it might be faster to put you. That would upset Doofina so obviously the solution is to add both.
  8. Hey, you replaced Soul in the draft you said you wanted to play in yesterday and its your turn :P

  9. Palutena said he wanted to play. Maybe add him over Soul.
  10. 7. MJTom: Edward, 6. Baldrick: Nolan, 2. Jedisupersonic: Titania, 1. Yuffie Kisaragi: Heather, 4. PKL: Jill, 5. Soul 3. Quintessence
  11. I tend to think about what i'm gonna do before I play. Then I do a test run of the chapter. Usually my plans were correct and I then proceed to record the chapter and I usually never have to re-record. Like Horace said, map saves help a lot. Sometimes when my brain isn't enough during the planning phase, I look at other playthroughs for inspiration or if that playthrough has an ideal strat, I just do it and save a lot of time then credit the other playthrough's owner.
  12. I'm so rusty at FE10 though. I want to play FE10 because I found my copy the other day not because I want to low turn it.
  13. Instead of turns, we shouldnt be able to use undrafteds at all though. Otherwise theres no point.
  14. Since this is a casual draft, can we just ignore turns and play? I will enter if turns dont matter, as I just want to play FE10 again but not for turns
  15. Spoiler the unit list properly. Also, Edward and Nolan aren't free for the first 3 maps? EDIT: This is the ruleset that's usually used for FE10 [spoiler=Rules] Drafting: 1. This draft is for 7 players. 2. Ike, Micaiah, Sothe, Geoffrey, the Herons, the Black Knight, and Lehran are free for all to use. 3. The drafting order is reversed for the last round of picks. 4. Haar is banned from drafting. 5. The game will be played on Normal Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, Rescue and Shove/Smite undrafted characters and NPCs, trade, Escape/Arrive, and transfer items/skills between teams. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors and Chests, finding hidden items, and giving Blood Tide/Night Tide/White Pool bonuses. 3. Allied and Other units may do as they please without penalty. 4. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter (1-6 counts as 2 chapters, and 4-E counts as 5 chapters). Exceptions: 1. One of Edward or Nolan is free for each of 1-P, 1-1 and 1-2. 2. Volug is free for 1-5. 3. Elincia, Marcia and Nealuchi are free for 2-P 4. Nephenee and Brom are free for 2-1. 5. One undrafted, non-Lucia unit is free for 2-2. 6. One undrafted, 7 move unit is free for 3-1. 7. One undrafted, 6 move unit is free for 3-3. Teams: (names go here)
  16. I've done: FE9 no BEXP HM FE9 Three Brothers only + BEXP'd Ike in endgame FE10 no BEXP HM (this was hell) FE11 no warp or Generals FE12 Bow Users only H2 FE13 Solos of Ricken, Knight Sumia, Frederick, Stahl, Kellam FE13 Lunatic Draft (still in Chapter 17 because that map is harder in a draft) off the top of my head. There might be more.
  17. I like how the most important item is still given if 2 of them die. I usually just talk to one of them for the Robe for Cordelia and let the others kill themselves running to enemies :o
  18. Cool strat. Do you think Chapter 3 would be possible with a spd Avatar though?
  19. FE4: Ch2 FE6: Ch13 FE7: Cog of freaking Destiny aww yeah FE8: Chapter 9 Eirika FE9: Ch9 FE10: 3-13 Archer FE11: none, really... FE12: Ch20 FE13: Mila Tree
  20. If Lucina is in (I hope she is), then there's nothing stopping them from just using her promoted clothing or some other clothing that isn't too Marth-like.
  21. Her old Forward smash was pretty bad though aside from range. It had bad startup, bad ending lag and didn't really kill until super high percents. Her new fsmash I hear is leagues better.
  22. You can, but you have to press and hold an Attack button too. I set my R trigger (the one I dont shield with) to Attack back when DACUS was first discovered. Old vid of me practicing Snake, you can see DACUS at around 0:08
  23. That is a very unfortunate Marcus spawn :/. I wonder if it's really random though?
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