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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Juno is so bad holy crap :o. It's always hilarious to see just how low your chance of success is in each boss kill xD. FE6 hitrates OP. EDIT: Does this chapter's bosskill have the worst chance of success out of every bosskill so far?
  2. http://youtu.be/JamUYzUq0JI Midgame has begun and that means dragons, dragons, more dragons. They're everywhere! I managed to get all the items in the desert, recruit Jake and get a ton of experience for my units. Merric with Excalibur was pretty great. Sadly, his levels were really not good. He'll still be deployed in the next chapters due to his tome but after his terrible levels I'm having trouble seeing him as a longterm unit. I gave one level with the Drill Grounds to Cecille so that she could get an extra Spd level. You never know when starting Falcoknight with 23-24 spd will be helpful. I also forged a Dragonpike with +4MT and +10 Hit. The 10 Hit drastically increases the reliability of the ridiculously luck-based last map save and the 4MT allows Cain and Minerva (after the Energy Drop and trading the Gemini) to OHKO Max HP/max Def Wyverns except the boss. I could've forged a bit more MT on it to make Cain able to OHKO the boss, but the hit was just terrible and kinda unreasonable with the other hits I need in that last map save. It also wouldn't have saved turns so it was just better to use Parthia on the boss. I had Jake buy 3 Wyrmslayers and 3 Dragonpikes from the Secret Shop. I had a feeling I would need more Wyrmslayers than usual. A bunch of my units can pull off Swordmaster class in the next few chapters pretty well. I wanted to make sure I have enough Wyrmslayers in the event that I end up using almost everyone as Swordmaster or something. You may have noticed that I had Caeda obtain items on her way to recruit Jake. She is a top tier unit, but there's no rule against moving them around the map. In order to obtain a desert item you just have to stand there, so she is allowed to obtain the items. Speaking of items, I obtain quite a few useful ones here: 2 Energy Drops. 1 of them was already used by Minerva mid-chapter in order to OHKO with the Dragonpike forge. I'm still thinking on which unit should receive the other Energy Drop. There's quite a few candidates for it. Marth may or may not need it. His str has been struggling for quite a while. Cain has been growing str pretty well and currently has no issues but maybe his Str will be an issue in the future? Ogma and Minerva might also want it. 1 Spirit Dust. Linde already used it mid-chapter to augment her Levin Sword damage. 1 Secret Book. It's probably gonna be sold. 1 Speedwing. It might go to Ogma Barst or Minerva. I'm not really sure yet. 1 Goddess Icon. It's probably gonna be sold. 1 Dracoshield. Probably going to Cain or Minerva to augment his/her already really solid Def. If 12 Def instead of 10 Def as a Falcoknight helps in a way with Cecille, then she might receive it instead. 1 Arms Scroll. This Arms Scroll is most likely going to be used on Ogma after he promotes, in combination with the one I got in Chapter 8. This will allow him to use Silver Bows right away after promotion. 1 Seraph Robe. I'm not really sure on who to give this Seraph Robe to, yet. Cecille Minerva Cain Marth and Linde all would appreciate a Seraph Robe, but only one of them will get it...tough choice Elysian Whip, which allows Cecille to finally promote into a Falcoknight. Her offense will be kinda ridiculous once she promotes. Chapter 11 is completed in 11 turns Yeah he can go Dracoknight, but he's pretty bad at it. His bases are just inadequate for his jointime. If only FE12 in-game Horace was as good as Horace the user is at FE8 LTC... Yeah, Cain is pretty good, I must say. :) Go and replay it then :P...in H4. >:)
  3. Oh, believe me, she's there because she deserves to be there. She's kinda crazy. Silver Lance access unpromoted gives her really ridiculous offense right away when you factor in that she has 9 absolute base spd. She can honestly take the Ch3 Master Seal and still be great. In your case, you probably neglected her for a bit (shes suuuper underleveled) and she also got str screwed. But even the best of units can be screwed, it's just how the RNG is.
  4. The struggle is real. This is a chapter where I wish I had a dozen fliers that could OHKO shaver mages and ORKO the sniper. Sadly, only Dracoknight Minerva was able to OHKO shaver mages with Hauteclere. I could have also used the Drill Grounds on Barst and get him 2 levels so that he could OHKO the other shaver mage, but the reliability of that strat is really not better than what I ended up doing. It really wasn't worth it. There's a lot of enemies in this chapter that have existent crit: the 2 Thoron Bishops with 17% Crit, the Shaver mages with a ridiculous 27% Crit and Elrean himself with 13% Crit. What I did is the most reliable I could get the clear to be while still keeping it fast. I manage to avoid fighting a Thoron Bishop entirely by using Parthia with Ryan to OHKO one of them. The other Thoron Bishop didn't pose that much of a threat to Libra Shard Minerva, only having 4% Crit on her. The Shaver mages on the other hand...had 14% crit on Minerva and 11% Crit on Marth, those crits happened way too often for my liking while recording. If it wasn't them critting, it was Merric getting 6% criticaled by Elrean. I used 3 Thief Staves in this chapter. I wanted to get the Bullion L, Unlock and Physic. I wanted the Bullion to sustain my units with Drill Ground training. It helps a ton in this sort of challenge playthrough. I wanted Unlock because It allows me to get the Again Chest in C20 while opening the door at the same time, so it sort of pays for the Thief use. It also might allow me some weird shenanigans in Chapters 15 and 17. And finally, I wanted the Physic because I had a feeling 6 Physic uses isn't quite gonna cut it until the Chapter 13 Secret Shop. Was erring on the side of caution there. Maybe I won't need 16 uses of Physic or maybe I will. Even with all these Thief staff uses, I can still get the other 2 important far away chests in C14 and C16. Merric rejoined from the Prologue and I think he might be in my team until endgame due to reasons you'll see when I upload Chapter 11 :P Chapter 10 is completed in 3 turns You're getting 2 today though :) In this chapter, Linde and Cain finally get to promotion thanks to the Drill Grounds. Linde was very close to leveling up so I didn't mind giving her a round of Drill Grounds. She needs to promote for Chapter 11 anyway and no other combat unit could get exp from the Legion copies anyway so I figured I would have her use a staff to get her rank up and a tiny amount of exp. As a cleric she doesn't have the rank to use the Barrier staff on someone, otherwise I would've just deployed her as a Cleric and get her a level by having her use Barrier on someone. Needing a crit on Legion kinda sucks but whatever, it's better than trying to 2 turn and getting mauled by Legions all over the place. Speaking of Boss Legion, you can know which one is the real one by highlighting a Legion and using enemy toggle until one of the Top 3 Legions is highlighted. The first top Legion that is highlighted is the real one. Ideally, you want the real Legion to be on the left or the right, because this makes killing him in one turn possible. Oh, at the end of last chapter 2 units joined btw. Maris and Dice. They come with some nice weapons. Maris comes with a Lady Sword and a Levin Sword, which is pretty cool. She's not a very cool unit though. Dice comes with a Devil Axe and a Hand Axe. Dice is pretty bad too as a unit though. Their equipment is much appreciated though. Also, I get Horace, I guess? I doubt he's gonna see much action if at all though...Frey is now oficially benched btw. Chapter 10x is completed in 1 turn It'll be back eventually! Though I guess that one is just tha Rescue staff's sibling or something :P. For quite a while she might be MVP yeah. Though Cecille is about to promote into a Falcoknight and that is a ridiculously good class and she might have competition from Cain too. You'll have to check out Chapter 11 to see if Merric is going to be used or not :P.
  5. If the problem is BEXP, just make a challenge no-BEXP run. Challenge runs solve everything.
  6. http://youtu.be/TtxGkj4DEJA A chapter full of mages and Dracoknights in a desert. That's always a dangerous combination in Fire Emblem. I'm glad I still had Bow forge uses left for the pesky 20 Speed Dracoknights in this chapter. We get 2 nice units here: Minerva and Etzel. Etzel is a High Tier, so he unfortunately can't be used in this playthrough. Minerva is a Mid Tier though and what a mid tier she is! She comes with A in Axes and she even brings Hauteclere with her. Hauteclere is the most powerful Axe in the game, with 20 MT 80 Hit and 10 Crit. Minerva can often OHKO mages and frail enemies with it, which is pretty useful to avoid huge damage from their counterattacks. With Hauteclere needing A Axes, only Minerva will be able to use it for quite a while. Minerva also comes with C in Lances, which lets her use Dragonpikes and Ridersbanes at base. Her stats are also not that shabby at all. She has one of the highest absolute base spd base stats in the game (8) and a really respectable 32 HP and 16 Def as Dracoknight. I managed to feed quite a few kills to my units and everything went super smooth. Wish Cain didn't refuse to proc his 90 spd growth in that second level though... Chapter 9 is completed in 7 turns with 1 Rescue use Glad it's been useful :) Yeah, I won't actually haha. I need him because he's like one of the only units that can pull off Horseman with no Mixed Class Sets. Wish he would stop getting bad levels though. That blank level (it had HP but since he has 100% HP growth, well...) and the HP Str Lck level sucked. Hopefully he gets some better levels soon... Thanks. I managed to feed Barst a few enemies in Chapter 9. I think I can keep using him :)
  7. Yeah, he's a tough unit to train, indeed. Hopefully I can manage to train him because I want a competent Berserker later on. Honestly, if he had C Axes when he joined he'd be so much easier to train. Dondon had told me that he thinks Draug shouldve been a Mid Tier, maybe he could've been my Berserker instead ;/. Oh well.
  8. http://youtu.be/4m9DuoeN8NE At first I thought I would be needing the last Rescue staff use in this map. After looking at the map, I noticed I didn't really need to use the Rescue staff and that using it would actually only cut 2 turns here vs more turns if I use them elsewhere. Not using Rescue here also gives me enough time to kill a few Generals for much needed experience. There was actually gonna be a big mistake somewhere before the 2nd map save. I almost had Cain use the map save instead of Ryan. Also, I originally wanted Ogma to take Ryan's Scorpio shard so he could double the General in EP, but it didn't matter because he got a crit anyway. After first map save, there's a Killer Lance Crit from Frey on a Cavalier reinforcement. While this isn't completely neccesary, it does allow Feena to dance Cain so he can get that Sniper kill. Chapter 8 is kinda messy because a ton of unwanted crits and enemy movement stuff could happen. I'm not exactly pleased at the elegance of the video but I did everything I wanted to in Chapter 8 so I'm pleased with that. 3 new units joined in this chapter: Bantu, Roger and Jeorge. Bantu with a Firestone has 25 Atk. That's better than base Palla back in Chapter 3! Except he has terrible move, no 2 range, no growths and Firestone can be sold for 1500G. Bench. Roger is pretty good with mixed class sets imo. He has a nice absolute base speed of 7, so he's pretty fast. And already has C lances. Unfortunately, in this playthrough, he has no access to Dracoknight to abuse his good Lance rank and high spd base+growth so he's hitting the bench. And finally, we have Jeorge. He comes with A rank in bows, which is kinda cool when you consider he comes with Parthia, the most powerful bow in the game. He's decent filler if you're lacking units to snipe Dracoknights or Wyverns. He's not really a longterm unit but he might be deployed from time to time If I need some chip, i'm not sure. Chapter 8 is completed in 6 turns Cain gets to Dragonpikes easier and has better spd growth in the classes that matter. Navarre's 5% more Str growth isn't enough for me. Plus, Cain was free to deploy :) Yeah, I'm likely to use Merric. I'm not actually sure though. The tier list is almost the same as the one I made in this forum, except some units are lower than in that tier list due to lack of DLC, etc. Linde and Ryan are 2 that are lower due to lack of Lunatic boosters to help them solve their issues. I've already noticed some things that I could change in the tier list though. I originally had Navarre over Cain for example and nowadays I don't think Navarre has anything worthwhile over Cain.
  9. http://youtu.be/voQu7cYivqU This is a pretty easy chapter even with these restrictions. I could actually 5 turn this map and skip the Physic and Firestone by deploying Dracoknight Ryan instead of Peg Yumina. Now, I know the Firestone is just 1500G but remember I couldn't get the Ch5 Physic. I think having a Physic will make life so much easier in the coming chapters. How I actually managed to beat the Fire Dragon is kinda interesting but otherwise this is a very straightforward chapter. Peg Yumina was actually very crucial as she allowed me to lure Cavalier reinforcements to her so the team didn't have to face them and also got me the Physic staff. I got 2 new units in this chapter: Navarre and Feena. Feena is actually a Top Tier unit, that's not even debatable. She can make units move again, thus saving turns in almost every chapter. Dancers are amazing units in every FE. I think they're irreplaceable and should be used whenever it's possible, so that's why I'm allowing her in particular for this Mid Tier playthrough. Navarre joins with actually pretty nice bases and has a really good 70% spd growth. Unfortunately for Navarre, he competes with a unit that joins next chapter, though. Cain has 90 spd growth as a Myrmidon, beating Navarre's by 20. Has practically the same absolute base stats as Navarre, losing in Spd by 1 and Lck by 3 and winning HP by 2. He has C swords too while having D Lances over Navarre. And he can also get some Prologue exp and joins at a higher level most of the time. So, I think Cain will be favored over Navarre for a spot in my team. Something I'm really sad about in this chapter is that I couldn't really get the Seraph Robe or the Wo Dao. Seraph Robe would've fixed Linde dying to anything that looks at her funny or fixed Marth's durability a bit. Oh well. Chapter 7 is completed in 6 turns Yeah, at least this game's gaidens are extremely short and have godlk music :P I'm pretty sure I won't be using Horace much, if at all. If he could go Sniper or Dracoknight I would use him for lulz but Class B is :(
  10. This chapter surprised me. It's normally really easy when you have Palla Catria Caeda Sirius and MU. But it was extremely difficult to get through with no deaths with these glass cannons. http://youtu.be/Av7Ius5es9U Skip to 1:37 for the chapter if you're not interested in the Arena training. And I thought it couldn't get any worse than Chapter 6 for the Mid Tier run. The struggle is real. I can't use my final Rescue on this map because I know I will need it for Chapter 8. I had to 2 turn the map instead of Rescue skip 1 turn so I had to face all these enemies on enemy phase that the Mid Tier team isn't really ready to handle. It would've been way easier if those 2 Fighters below Roro didn't have Hand Axes because I could get rid of them without taking counters. Sadly, that isn't the case and a single counter to any unit means certain death in the Enemy Phase. I tried doing this map without promoting anyone but quickly noticed it would not be possible. The only candidates for promotion at the moment are Cecille Linde and Ryan. I chose Ryan because Linde is barely Level 10 and she wouldn't help that much if I promoted her. Cecille's promotion is being postponed until the Chapter 11 Elysian Whip exists because I want a Falcoknight in my team. Promoting Ryan also makes sense as it's right before a chapter with hard-to-KO thieves. Sniper Ryan with a sufficiently strong bow can OHKO all the Chapter 7 thieves. This will help obtain the Chapter 7 Scorpio Shard. I arena'd Ogma a level as a Pirate to get him to 15 spd. This allows him to always be able to ORKO the middle armorknight. Then, I went YOLO with Ryan @Killer Bow on 2 mages in the Drill Grounds so he could get to Level 15 with 4 Drill Rounds instead of 5. I still needed Arran to dodge a Fighter that has 57% displayed hit on him but other than that and Roro's crit chance, the chapter is pretty consistent this way. Even with Marth having base Def, he could take on Roro and the Archer with Taurus and Cancer. Marth has to face Roro because he can't seize in Turn 2 otherwise. Btw, yeah, I rig Arena levels. I think I say this in every playthrough I do xD. But I feel that the money spent should be worth it. So I rig it to be at least a satisfactory level. Chapter 6x is completed in 2 turns Thanks! Yeah, that chapter can be really tough depending on the team. If you can't push through in like 6-8 turns you can easily get overwhelmed by the reinforcements.
  11. Before I figured the strat out many. I definetely didn't have any clue on what to do at first and slowly came up with solutions to every problem. After I knew what to do though? 3. Yeah, Frey is very likely to be a longterm unit in the team. We'll have to see how he grows. No, in fact, I did not want him to crit there. In the next turn, Norne retreats and is 2 spaces away from the soldier and Frey uses Vulnerary and engages him once again. He can crit again but if he doesn't, then the strat just changes. Norne can be OHKO'd by the soldier's Silver Lance and she is finally reached by him even with full move, but, in that case, I just had Samto transfer Taurus to her so she could survive, then she moves away and Ryan, Barst and Frey get their experience like in the vid, except someone finishes that soldier off first. No, none of the crits were neccesary. I forged Armorslayer for a reason. Though I suppose those 2 crits saved 2 uses of Armorslayer. Normally, Ogma would've healed with vulnerary and not full move after that turn so Yumina could reach him again to heal him before he faces the Sniper. The Sniper and Samto combo is the most luck-based part of the map I think. With Ogma needing to face 7% crit from the Sniper and then 18% crit from Samto. That one was the reason for the resets. The double 67% Armorslayer on Lang didn't require resets aside from the obligatory reset I do to stop recording after every map save.
  12. This has been the most difficult chapter in the run yet, probably the hardest thing I've had to play in Fire Emblem. There were a ton of things that needed to happen in order to beat the chapter. Including enemies having specific amounts of HP and def and even needed an unrevealed (in map prep and the chapter until you open the door) enemy in the throne room to not be too fast. I also needed to recruit Samto and Rickard and also get the Libra Shard with Marth. All of this while making sure I was going fast enough to not let any units get caught by the reinforcements. I started by using the preparation screen Arena to get Ogma and Barst a level as Pirates for Spd. The first Knights in this chapter have 9-10 spd, with 10 being way more likely than 9, so it was better to guarantee Barst being able to double those. Ogma having 14 spd is crucial for this whole chapter to be beatable. I then forged an Armorslayer with +3 MT and +10 Hit. The Hit adds a lot mre reliability to the strat while the +3 MT is neccesary to ORKO Lang. It costed me 5000G, but I still had enough money after selling a Steel weapon and an iron weapon to train Linde twice in the Arena. I got Linde a level so that she could proc mag. This makes it possible for her to KO the Bishops with 2 Aura hits even if they have 31 HP instead of 30. I actually used a Savestate here. That's something extremely rare from me. But I did it so I could reclass Arran to Bishop so he could rescue Julian turn 1 and Julian could move towards the right door. End turn. Then in the next turn I could open it with Julian to check throne room enemy stats. After that, I reloaded the savestate and started the video. I didn't want to have to deal with recording a failed run because the middle throne room armor knight proc'd 11 spd. It saves me a ton of time and frustration. The worst part of the map, if not the neccesary stats, are the reinforcements. Their movement can vary a ton if you don't know how to control them. Moving Frey and Norne in the way I moved them in the final run guarantees that I can beat this chapter before they catch up and kill any units. This was a ton of work for one chapter. I hope you enjoy the video :) Chapter 6 is completed in 8 turns with 1 Rescue use Happy Holidays!! Thank you very much :) Maybe if his str and def cooperated. Marth's issue is that he has to seize and do a bunch of side objectives. He's an ok unit in his own right though. I count 6x as the third chapter. Though tbh, Chapter 6 drained me so much that it should count as 10 chapters o.o. I don't think the game has ö :( EDIT: Also, i'll add annotations tomorrow. There is actually a bunch of stuff that needs annotations in this chapter.
  13. [spoiler=Chapter 5 stuff] In this chapter I get another Mid Tier: Barst. He's a Fighter with pretty nice bases. His base weapon rank is very bad at this point of the game though. He would've been amazing if he could use Hammers right away for these pesky Armors in this chapter and C6. Since Malicia is banned, I don't really need to get the Hammerne staff so I can ignore the top portion of the map with the Dracoknights and the Snipers. Of course, since I can't really beat Jeorge's Sniper squad with these mid tiers, I also have to miss out on the Physic staff. Its a shame, but I can't do anything about it in a reasonable timeframe. I also have to miss out on buying Door Keys this chapter to make the strat work. I get another chance at buying those in Chapter 9 though and since I won't have Rescue anymore for that map, I'm pretty sure Ill have time to visit that shop. Chapter 5 is completed in 7 turns with 1 Rescue use
  14. Eh, if you're good you can train whoever you want in the DB longterm in HM. Just distribute exp well. I managed Jill Edward Nolan and Micaiah training by 3-6. I ended up dropping Nolan even though he was sufficiently leveled because he got terribly screwed though. Of course, if you're playing LTC just train Jill you dont need anyone else in the DB lol
  15. They're both terrible but you're more likely to want Arran's Silver Lance and Killer Lance than Samson's Silver Axe and Vulnerary, so definetely Arran.
  16. I was very fond of Marth prior to playing FE12 (Marth secondary in Smash, liked him in Shadow Dragon though not as a unit of course) and I didn't find Kris that offensive at all. The FE12 avatar thing this says would fit me more in FE13 but I have made some almost avatar-less playthroughs in FE12 too. The est-abel thing im indifferent about, same as Belf. While I do like Micaiah, RD also doesnt fit me because I rarely get into discussions pertaining to her. Also my waifu isnt 2-E :/. They're pretty funny though.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbMjM-0sJq4 Chapter 4 stuff: [spoiler=] Oh man, this chapter was ridiculously tough to do in Mid Tiers. I had to figure out a way to block the forts at the beginning of the map without any fliers to help me. I had to move fast enough with a unit to get to the enemies near the first save point to lure some of them away from Ogma's group, saving their lives. I noticed that even this wasn't enough to keep Marth, Ogma, Yubello, Yumina and Sirius alive though, so that's when I realized that I needed to rescue a non-Cecille unit. I didn't have enough manpower to kill the Armorslayer Thief right away. Everyone was too busy pushing for the forts or doing something else so I had to make sure the first unit that Thief could reach could take 2 hits from him. That's where Cavalier Gordin comes in. He has just enough def and HP to survive this thief. Arran has 4 luck while most enemies in this map have 6 Crit, so I could lure the first Barbarian to attack him instead of Gordin at the beginning. Enemies tend to prioritize crits if they have 2% or more Crit on your unit. That Barbarian attacks before the Hunter at the back, so I had to make sure he attacked someone different to the hunter or they would die. The positioning with Arran Gordin and Linde allowed me to do this while also being able to fort block right away in the next turn. I got some more nice Mid Tier units this chapter: First up is Ogma. He's a Level 7 Mercenary with decent bases. 13 spd and C Swords for +1 Atk and Armorslayer access. He's going to be very valuable in the upcoming chapters I believe. Second is Yumina. A Level 1 Cleric who is super underleveled but comes with C Staves already and a Rescue staff. Her high staff rank gives her access to Physic and makes it easy to reach B for Again and A in time for fortify. She may not have access to Hammerne unlike Malicia, but she's still pretty good to have around, especially in a playthrough with banned Malicia. Third is Castor. A Level 7 Hunter. A bit shakier than the 2 above, but comes with enough rank to wield Steel Bows and is at least decent at the job. He may or may not be longterm depending on how he grows but expect to see him around for a bit at least. His chip might come in handy. Chapter 4 is completed in 8 turns with 2 Rescue Staff uses Annotations (in case they dont appear correctly): [spoiler=] 0:15- This barbarian can have enough HP to survive the Iron Bow forge + Gordin Iron Sword. With Taurus, Ryan+Gordin are guaranteed to kill him. 0:29- Arran takes Taurus from Ryan because Arran will need it for something very soon. 1:19- This Barbarian attacks Arran instead of Gordin because he has 2% crit on Arran and 0% crit on Gordin. Normally he would attack the lower defense unit, which would be Gordin. Gordin is in range of a Hunter so getting hit by the barbarian would be fatal to him. 1:33- Rescuing Cecille seemed like the logical thing to do at first because she can ORKO barbarians with Lady Sword, but I need her to do something else. Ryan doesn't take counters from enemies, which helps a ton in getting out of this situation. 2:06- Wrys gets to Mend Cecille here so she can keep moving but this puts him in range of the Devil Sword Thief. This Thief can double and ORKO pretty much everyone in my team except for Cecille. 2:21- Figuring out how to block these forts from spawning enemies was way tougher than it looks in the final video. Trust me. 2:46- This is why Arran needed Taurus. With a +2 MT Silver Lance forge and Taurus, he can OHKO the Devil Sword Thief before he gets doubled and ORKO'd. 2:51- He crit, making the forge useless. Lovely. Of course, I also could've rigged the 31% backfire from the Devil Sword, but it was too annoying 3:26- If Cecille doesn't get hit here, the Pirates all go for Ogma's group. Which is why rigging the Devil Sword to backfire was easier said than done when I also needed Cecille to not dodge an Axe with a Sword equipped. 3:52- B bows already o.o. Too bad Silver Bows don't exist yet. 4:19- Wow, he actually got spd as a Cavalier o.o 4:32- This pirate going to the left destroys the strat. But I find that if yubello doesnt move that far to the right, Linde doesnt move too far north and Castor is low on HP, he goes for Ogma's group 100% of the time 4:39- Armorslayer Cecille get! Just in time too! 5:48- Javelins and Steel Lances get! 6:00- Disappointing first level from Ogma. But then again, this is better than some levels I got this chapter. Even Cecille got a one stat level. Ryan Linde and Gordin got good ones however. 6:14- Bulky Wryyyyyyssss 6:37- If this were a OHKO crit I would've reloaded since Sirius isn't longterm. Boss would've fallen without this crit btw. 6:46- An average Cecille can't double this boss so the strat in that case would've been to have Sirius attack with Steel Sword, Ryan to chip with Iron Bow forge and Cecille to finish him off. The TC would still be 8 because there is a way to have Ryan reach the boss in time.
  18. Minerva for sure and I plan on making Cecil a Falcoknight eventually. Not sure If I can make it there without promoting her earlier but we'll see. Frey/Roger might also see use as Dracos. I'm pretty sure I won't use Est. Even in the event that Cecil has to go dracoknight, the next best Falcoknight options would probably be Malice or Athena and they would cost a ton of money to drill ground too.
  19. Thanks. Yeah, that was super sloppy in Chapter 3x haha. Cecil is doing like everything, its ridiculous. I hope Lady Sword will last me long enough until I don't need it. She's very close to being able to use Armorslayers, Killing Edge, Javelins and Steel Lances. She will probably manage with those until I get Malice's Lady Sword. It's the same with the bow forge, by the time it's broken, I can probably get by with Silver Bows (Jeorge exists and im pretty sure ryan will have the rank by chapter 9 for the dracoknights). Not sure if Ogma will have the bow rank but i'll try. EDIT: ACTUALLY yeah I should try to save some iron bow forge uses for Ogma lol.
  20. Chapter 3 stuff: [spoiler=] Sorry for the long absence. Was busy and also took a break from all Fire Emblem related things. I'm back now though and so is this playthrough. This chapter is pretty long. I cut out part of it because for like 7 turns or so, there's nothing but walking with units to their destination. It would've been kinda boring to watch that, so I cut it out. Gordin went Myrmidon here because I need a unit that isn't doubled and isn't OHKO'd by the Dracoknights. I needed 3 units that can tank Dracoknights and if I had kept him as an Archer he would've been doubled and I would only have Cecil and Cord to tank them. Cecil Gordin Warren Ryan and Linde handle Dracoknights pretty well. I had to move Arran far enough in Turn 1 in order to lure the mountain Dracoknights towards the main group, away from Palla. After the first wave of Dracoknights get taken care of, Palla has to flee from the cavaliers after dealing with the Thief that wants to explode Julian's village (so I can recruit him later). But in doing so, she has to get in range of a single remaining Dracoknight in the mountains. Battling this Dracoknight triggers the other 3 northeast Dracoknights to move so I have to keep Linde Cecil Ryan Warren around for when that happens. The Cavaliers catch up with the group eventually and Cecil Palla Arran Marth Linde and Ryan finish them off. After that, Marth recruits Bord, who comes with a handy Hammer that can help with the bossfight at the end. I move Marth Arran Palla Cecil Linde and Bord clock-wise. Palla Cecil and Arran arrive first and they sit on forts to heal. Marth recruits Julian and Arran Palla and Cecil lure some Cavaliers and Matthis. Matthis is recruited by Julian and he chips the Ballista so Arran can finish it off. After that, the boss is taken care of by a combination of Marth w/Rapier, Linde with Aura and Bord with Hammer. My Marth got a crit on the boss, so Linde got the kill instead of Bord. It can also be done without Bord at all if Marth's Rapier is forged a bit or if Arran/Palla chug some vulneraries to chip him with Silver Lance. Chapter 3 is completed in 26 turns While not the best turncount, I'm happy with it because of the limitations of this playthrough. I don't have a perfect combatant such as Avatar and I also don't have Catria to help out with her movement and doubling. http://youtu.be/YzI4hOssags Chapter 3x stuff: [spoiler=] It's actually kinda hard to save Wrys with only Mid Tier units around. I forged Bord a +2MT Hammer because everyone in my team is 2HKO'd by a combination of a Knight+Archer. I had to make sure I didn't take any counters from the Knights at the start while also dealing with all 3 of them and one of the Archers. The Archer that survives can actually double Bord if he spawns with 10 spd, in my case, he spawned with 9 spd so I kept Bord a Fighter instead of reclassing to Pirate. (So lazy) I made a few mistakes here at the end that are very benign: One was not noticing that Arran crit the Knight. I attacked with Ryan and noticed too late that he would be killed. Linde would've gotten more exp from the Knight kill than Ryan. The other is attacking the right Armor thinking I'd get more weapon experience over negligible combat experience for Cecil. If I had her finish off the Armor that Marth weakened she would've gotten the same amount of weapon experience and a little more exp (as well as another kill at the endgame statistics, that is totally important :P ). My excuse is that i'm rusty. Chapter 3x is completed in 6 turns
  21. I'm back. And yeah, I will continue this. I'll be playing for sure 3 chapters per Sunday. And upload them during the week. Might do more depending on my free time. :) Really interested to see if Cecille will become Catria-lite or not.
  22. The thing is, you'll all end up playing. You dont have to do them in order really. As long as you play everyone. That's swiss. And Knife I don't think I have a PM from you o.o EDIT: Oh, I did have a PM from you. The message box never told me I had it tho, lame :/
  23. Oh, I didn't see this. Too bad. I would've joined. Nowadays I don't check SF at all, I just go straight to the tournament hub since that's all I care about in SF ;/. Today I backed out to smash bros section itself to check shin's massive smash thread and saw this ;/
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