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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Wow, sorry for the 2 week absence, got a job and was still getting used to my new schedule. I didn't have much time to record, so sorry if this chapter seems a bit rushed compared to the rest. The hardest chapter by far in this run. Crappy, crucial hitrates everywhere with only 2 map saves makes this chapter tough to find a consistent strategy on with 0% growths. Blocking the first 3 forts with Malicia Wendell and Sirius is neccesary for the 6 turn to work. Otherwise, at least one of them dies when the Wyverns arrive in Turn 5 EP (they cant make it far enough to avoid them and they cant block those wyvern forts with dangerous Fire Dragon reinforcements on the loose). Had to buy an Angelic Robe for Minerva so she can take on the Wyvern and Fire Dragon at the end. She got lucky with dodges throughout the chapter so it ended up looking unnecesary, but it was neccesary. This chapter was very demanding on Rainbow Potion too, which kinda sucks, but oh well. I wish there were a way to at least save the Sirius Rainbow Potion, but that too proved neccesary even for 1 enemy only. Chapter 12 is completed in 6 turns Funds: 11770G -2500G from buying an Angelic Robe from the Prep screen Armory. Rainbow Potions: 49/77
  2. Very bad tier list imo. But it's his opinion. Peach and TL should definetely be higher but US results for them are basically nonexistent.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoCp9a7eDII Wow, this chapter was ridiculously hard. Definetely topped Chapter 9. I wanted to get every item in the desert, recruit Jake and get the Secret Shop in 6 turns. It was tough figuring out various things about the chapter. Mostly because of Caeda. She has issues surviving rounds vs Wyverns with that durability. She had to get the Dracoshield and recruit Jake with multiple wyverns there. Had to use quite a lot of Physics here, but I should still have enough for Chapter 12 and the beginning of Chapter 13 left. I can buy more Physics during Chapter 13 if i need them. I had to give Minerva a Speedwing for this strat. Though I was gonna give her one anyway because she's the only unit other than Palla that can double Fire Dragons as a Dracoknight with it. I got an unnecesary crit that changed how many times Catria got attacked by a Wyvern but I used a vulnerary and a Physic anyway because it would've been needed normally to survive. I'm very happy with how the chapter turned out. Chapter 11 is completed in 6 turns Funds: 14270G -8100G from forging "Dragonslayr", a Dragonpike with +4 MT and +5 Hit. -1800G from buying 3 Wyrmslayers from the Secret Shop -500G from buying an Armorslayer from the Secret Shop -600G from buying a Ridersbane from the Secret Shop -560G from buying a Wing Spear from the Secret Shop -2025 from buying 3 Dragonpikes from the Secret Shop. -525G from buying a Poleax from the Secret Shop Rainbow Potions: 56/77
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9CxVUR2YKU Pretty short chapter. Palla is given her first Energy Drop so she can ORKO the real Legion with Lady Sword. Deployed Caeda Minerva and Etzel to increase their weapon ranks. Chapter 10x is completed in 1 turn Funds: 28380G -2500G from buying an Energy Drop from the Prep Armory. Rainbow Potions: 60/77
  5. Hmm, then I think I don't need the Brave Sword at all. Mercurius Palla should suffice. She's getting 2 Energy Drops anyway at some point. And she also gets 2 Robes eventually even though she doesn't need it for Glower. I still didn't get the C10 Bullion though. If i ever need money even after Silver Card, I will just get the C16 Bullion + Speedwings in that case. Thanks for the help everyone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTTPsr3XH2U Funds: 30880G Rainbow Potions: 61/77
  6. So, I hate being unsure of stuff. And I've been wondering what the best use for that 5th Thief is? There's the C14 Again, the C16 Rescue staff and the Ch20 Again I need to Thief. Then I also want the C16 Speedwings. Which leaves 1 Thief left. Should I use that on a Brave weapon in C20 or a C10 Bullion? Im unsure of the need for a Brave weapon. Idk if Eremiya is gonna be an issue without one or if the C21 Glower boss requires the use of a Brave Weapon in this run...
  7. Nah, It's starting to get tough even with all of the Pegs promoted. Can't imagine doing well with one of them still a Peg.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB4m0WhS-yc This is the toughest chapter so far. Mages and Dracoknights combine to make getting through the desert super tough with 0% Growths. Thankfully, I have the super fast Palla, Rainbow Potion, tons of fliers and a Jeorge, who conveniently joined last chapter and can OHKO Dracoknights with Silver Bow. I had to forge +10 Hit on a Javelin in order to get through the chapter reliably. Every attempt was failing because of a Javelin miss and it was annoying. Forging it makes Palla and Catria have 93% Hit when they need it and gives Catria 88% instead of 78% when she's alone and has to lure Etzel towards Marth. I managed to get every item except for the Steel Sword drop from the last Thief. Here I got Minerva and Etzel, 2 units who are sure to be crucial to the success of the run. Chapter 9 is completed in 5 turns Funds: 30880G +1500G from selling a Firestone. -1500G from forging "Ch9sucks", a Javelin forge with +10 Hit Rainbow Potions: 61/77
  9. Using 2 growth units at the same time seems like a bad idea to me. I'd concentrate on Rody and ignore Luke completely. There's a good chance at least one of them will get bad levels. If you can give Rody more exp at the expense of Luke so he can get more levels and have more chances at better stats I'd go for that.
  10. There are many best Fire Emblem games. I'd say all 13 of them are the best. You've made a thread that will not end well.
  11. Cool strat, but after the Prologue in this type of run, you should be more careful with even 2% crits as it could end your run. I say give the Prologue 5 bosskill to someone that doesnt risk getting crit. Also, I think it might be worth going for Rody instead of Luke/Ryan due to how much more reliable his Spd growth and Lck are.
  12. She got 2 more of those 5%s in this chapter too lol https://youtu.be/vX6v6cmQtKU The enemies start kicking it up in this chapter and begin to use Silver full-time. Not a very complicated chapter though. The only tough part is the beginning. Not a lot of units can tank those Paladins and I had to make sure they fell in the following turn. Managed to do every side-objective in the chapter. Chapter 8 is completed in 3 turns Funds: 30880G +5000G from selling a Bullion(S). +1500G from selling a Firestone. Rainbow Potions: 64/77
  13. I can't host anymore. Especially not for a game with so many things to remember per turn like FE13.
  14. I did say Casual HM...it's a little foggy since it was a while ago, I think the pace was still in the bonus exp threshold and I remember that there was no boss abuse or whatever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xNhB0YvZIw It was a transfers run though, so that might have helped Jill. Good Paragon usage in casual play with Tier 2 units goes a long way. Nolan got benched soon after though, because he got stat screwed everywhere :(.
  15. https://youtu.be/of8CRl2bP5w This strategy I came up for this chapter is pretty cool, not gonna lie. I wanted every item, but without having to rig the Navarre crits for the Master Seal. I'm glad I didn't need any Rainbow Potions for the Dragon-killing group. In the end, I used a Physic because the recording was good otherwise and I would've had to start all the way from the beginning if i didnt want to use that physic. And I don't really need to conserve THAT many physics tbh. It might even benefit me to give some more exp to Malicia. Chapter 7 is completed in 5 turns Funds: 24380G -5000G from buying 2 Lunatic Statboosters Speedwings in the Prep Armory. Rainbow Potions: 65/77
  16. I must be an exp allocation god or something then. Last time I played Casual HM FE10, I trained Jill Edward S Strike Volug and Micaiah hit Level 20 before tier 2. Jill and Edward were both Tier 3 by 3-13 and rekt shit. This was also without boss abuse and on the wii. EDIT: basically, there's a ton of exp still in HM.
  17. FE6: Alance. They're really not anywhere near as good as some people hype them up to be. I once saw a tier list with them on the top...*cringes* FE7: Raven. He's not awful but he's not really all that, either. FE9: Boyd. I've used him a lot and he always disappoints. His str is often overkill since Hand axe forges and javelin forges often let higher move units ORKO anyway. Though I found him very useful in Maniac Mode, where his str did let him ORKO stuff the others couldn't. FE10: Shinon. He's alright but i've seen people say he's a godlike unit when he really isn't. He contributes for like 4 chapters and then isnt really useful. FE11: Wolf/Sedgar.
  18. FE6: Lugh. I was quite surprised when he was very useful in my HM run. Turns out actually being able to hit in that game is pretty cool. He's also speedier and comes earlier than Lilina. FE9: Tanith. Reinforce, very respectable base stats, flight, etc. Soren definetely agree with Chiki on that one. FE10: Definetely Marcia. Sure she's not the ridiculous dominant force that she is in FE9 but she's still very good and has very unique contributions. FE11: Caeda. Because she's THAT amazing. FE12: Katarina. Her bases are actually really good, in a game where lategame units don't often come with amazing base stats to compensate for their jointime. FE13: I actually find it's the other way around. Cordelia is often the underrated unit. Both are very samey, with Sumia having a slight edge during Cordy's jointime. But people often act like this is a dealbreaker and think Cordelia is bench-worthy when both should be used.
  19. Ugh, that chapter will suck with all those crits. https://youtu.be/JLEMxuwfy9c A super short chapter. I wanted to get every vulnerary the enemies drop while not killing Caesar and Radd. Pegasus Knight Caeda is actually OHKO'd by Fighters in this chapter so that's why she uses the Cancer shard. Legion can actually double base Marth but his hitrate on him is atrocious and he doesn't 2HKO him anyway. Chapter 6x is completed in 2 turns Funds: 29380G +10000G from selling a Bullion (L) Rainbow Potions: 69/77
  20. Just checked the map for C14 and noticed I need 2 Rescue staff uses in Chapter 14. So, I can't do the C11 4 turn anymore.
  21. Oh, I just checked an old H2 playthrough of mine and you're right. She does need to be in the tile Marth needs to visit. So that's another rescue/Again use gone. As for C11 4 turn, I'll have to see when I get there. It's hard to tell if a strat that works with growths will work for this playthrough :P I did know of the 4 turn but I just don't think it will be possible here, but I might be wrong. I'll know for sure once i get there and experiment with the AI. I might go with the C17 5 turn now that I know I need that other Rescue. Thanks.
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