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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Chapter 17 https://youtu.be/zLInwQnDeTg This chapter wasnt hard aside from the boss. Its pretty easy to figure out how to get to the boss in 2 turns. Percy now has 9 move thanks to shura. I did take some time to optimize exp though. I decided to actually turn nyx into a useful utility unit. Since she is never gonna have good combat might as well reclass her to something that could make her useful. I have no locktouch units so im veeeery lucky i drafted nyx because there are no chest keys in c20 or 23. Leo and felicia battle as much as they could in the 2 turns they have for it. Then percy and arthur ko the boss at extremely bad hitrates yet again. Chapter 17 is completed in 2 turns
  2. Chapter 16 https://youtu.be/PYEB9OL910w This chapter was a bit difficult to plan but nothing too bad. I quickly noticed leo would handle the left with ease but also noticed that, in order to 2 turn, leo and felicia would need to split. This further damages their chances of ever getting married and giving me forrest. I gave Leo the first speedwing, as it allows him to double berserkers and helps him in his shakiest stat. He does a damn good job and proves it was worth the investment. Jakob and felicia's side took me the most time to figure out. I ended up needing to freeze an enemy to allow jakob to survive and having felicia around allows jakob to orko the dark mage that attacks him. Felicia also allows him to full move the following turn after she finishes the dark mage. Corrin goes all in, with guns blazing and all. This is just to get the heart seal but it doubles as a way to position percy just right for bootsman while still being able to be paired with her by sheltering. The bootskill itself is EXTREMELY unreliable but theres not much i can do about that...in a reasonable timeframe anyway. Chapter 16 is completed in 2 turns
  3. I noticed something weird myself. Azura and jakob are 12 points away from S in this chapter. If shes paired with jakob and gets hit by an onmyoji and doesnt counter and then gets healed by jakob, they dont get to S. But if she counters the onmyoji with javelin and then gets healed, they do. Is it because just blocking an attack and then not attacking counts as +4 instead of +6?
  4. Chapter 15 https://youtu.be/ZEBqOtLW3Jk A very easy and relaxing chapter before the stressing lategame of conquest. The fastest i can go without gunter is 5 turns. I make sure to get all the loot including the 1000g...i mean the goddess icon. The boss falls easily to corrin and drops me a nice set of speedwings. Chapter 15 is completed in 5 turns
  5. Mikotos chapter imo is one of the worst designed maps in the entire series if not the worst. Its just bad.
  6. Chapter 14 https://youtu.be/GOfMcJ12W24 An easy chapter when it comes to charging to the boss and kill him. I wanted the money though so i came up with a way to actually get the chest in 2 turns with my team. Benny for mvp? Leo joins the team and barely does anything. My neighbors dog was being extremely loud as you could probably tell. Sorry for that, i didnt notice until after recording and uploading and by that time it was too late to go redo it. Chapter 14 is completed in 2 turns So im in hinokas chapter and i have a few issues: one of them is that if i give the c23 boots to corrin i cant 2 turn her at all. If i dont give em to corrin she cant reach ryoma to 2 range him until turn 2 in c25 so i have to 3 turn instead of 2 anyway. But i was watching a map of endgame and giving percy or selena the other boots could allow the 1 turn w only 1 rescue. Any ideas?
  7. Paralogue 2 https://youtu.be/7JSKmLDZQCc I'm very unhappy with how this chapter turned out. I was feeling kinda lazy the day i did this and this was my first attempt at the chapter so i screwed up on getting max exp and the chapter ended up taking 40 minutes. Yuck. The goal here was to get corrin some final levels before promoting her, getting a bunch of levels on percy and selena, get a single level on arthur for lunge just in case i needed it and build jakob azura's support. Also nyx sucks. Paralogue 2 is completed in 19 turns and is free up to 20 turns Chapter 13 https://youtu.be/PZNIFWMdWPw This was a very difficult chapter to figure out. Jakob is needed for both orochi and takumi but they're on opposite sides. I ended up having to come up with a way to pair up chain him over to takumi after clearing orochi's side. Arthur and corrin are now promoted and arthur carries corrin over the lake. Corrin kills everything there including reina and then arthur drops corrin to his left. Corrin barely survives a knight next turn and uses elixir in turn 3 to prepare for scarlet and her wyvern squad. The reason arthur and corrin are unpaired is because if they are, arthur gives her enough def for some wyverns to ignore her completely and that ruins the 3 turn. It also allows arthur to get the 5k village. Benny arrives and immediately goes to selena to start building their support. Chapter 13 is completed in 3 turns
  8. Paralogue 19 https://youtu.be/oviat8YHfIs Finally getting Percy. I gave him Nobility to make him easier to train and get going faster and Shelter to aid in a lot of LTC strats. Marrying Corrin to Arthur also lets him reclass to her Talent, which is none other than Wyvern Rider. Focused on getting Selena wexp and exp as well as building Jakob and Azura's support. Nyx keeps getting awful levels. If it wasn't a draft she'd be benched. Is it too much to ask her to get spd with 60% growth? Also Flame Shuriken is awesome. Paralogue 19 is free up to 20 turns and was completed in 15 turns
  9. I much prefer the fe14 way. Except it overdid it in a few cases like silver weapons. I only really use them for powerful attack stancing or if i really need to orko a particular enemy and dont mind the debuff at the moment (not many enemies in range, it isnt fun to have like -8 str and skl on any of your units).
  10. Chapter 12 https://youtu.be/-6_yPz2aRVc This is definetely the hardest chapter in the conquest part of the draft so far. Hitrates aren't perfect, hovering around 80-90 and there are so many enemies I need to hit in order for the strat to work. Underdog enemies in the middle make it an even harder task. Every single enemy needs to die to Corrin Arthur in that turn except the 2 ninjas and the samurai. A miss means a reset in a lot of parts of the chapter. Arthur has to move forward in the turn Corrin dragon veins so he can attack the healer from 1 range the turn afterward. This prevents enemies from blocking the way to Ryoma. I had to Freeze the Spear Fighter so Nyx doesnt die to him, I had to Freeze the Merchant so Azura Selena and Jakob dont die to him. Then Jakob Freezes Ryoma at 79% hit, Azura pairs with Selena to dance Jakob and Arthur+Corrin hit Ryoma for 22 damage and Jakob finishes the job with the Steel Shuriken. I was relieved to finally beat the chapter because it took me a day of failure at the chapter to finally get a good strat going. Even this strat is super shaky due to all the enemies needing to get hit but it works. Chapter 12 is completed in 6 turns
  11. But he survived anyway lol.Anyway, im on ch18 currently (zola) and i found a way to 2 turn in theory with my team but its too dumb. Id need a hammer crit on first general boss at 22% crit, followed by 32% crit on the 2nd general boss and then i need to crit zola with leo at 22% crit (doubles). In addition, leo has to dodge a bunch in turn 1 ep so he doesnt die in ep 2 after killing zola. Yeah...its not happening and i refuse to do the strat anyway. Its too riggy for my tastes and im lazy Do you all think the strat is acceptable? Id need a lot of convincing tbh. I find it is too unlikely to happen.
  12. Arthur hits like a truck even w bronze, which also fixes his cevd problems. He can turn to cavalier for shelter and high move, has good availability and decent bases and growths. Hes not amazing but he sbouldnt be avoided like the plague either.
  13. Chapter 11 https://youtu.be/66A9wM4ZIXc This chapter was disappointly easy. Corrin and Arthur kinda just go through the map unimpeded and the rest kill enemies to self improve. I reclass Selena to Peg for the move and to start building her Lance rank. She'll probably stay Peg forever anyway unless the need for a Bow Knight ever arises. The Hinoka kill is kinda shaky since Dragonstone Corrin has 72% hit but it's not too bad. I had to improvise selenas kills for exp because i didnt take into account that selena got str in a practice run to kill kaze. Her levels were kinda meh too. I also improvised arthurs movement in the samurai room because i thought of a way to make the samurais not block the way ever, guaranteed right there when i was recording. Chapter 11 is completed in 5 turns
  14. Concentrate on this one because 0% growths is awesome. I was wondering how you were gonna bosskill and was all wait did he 5 turn then when u used silas and saizo for other things. I thought you would use saizos pyrotechnics to help with the bosskill but i was wrong. Its crazy to see silas do 24 damage to fuga since hes very bulky...
  15. Chapter 10 https://youtu.be/sZhmPWVdJrM The infamous defense map of Conquest that a lot of people despise. I took the opportunity here to get a bunch of exp, support points and wexp on my units as well as all the villages. I decided to use Beruka and Niles as my free units the draft allows in this chapter. Beruka mainly to get the Dracoshield village and provide pairup bonuses to Selena and Niles to get the Master Seal village/weaken enemies with ballista/kill Pegs. Selena joins the team as a drafted unit and I do my best to get her a bunch of exp. I also got the Takumi Elixir because I can. Camilla is free for everyone this chapter too and is banned for everyone after. Chapter 10 is completed in 11 turns
  16. Most frustrating definetely awakening lunatic+ for me. Luna spam in earlygame, counter later makes for a terrible, unfun experience throughout. Hardest? Hard to say atm but its between fe12 lunatic reverse and fe14 conquest lunatic for me. Even though now i can beat them without struggling, first few runs of them were definetely the hardest fes ive played.
  17. Chapter 9 https://youtu.be/81LW8BRtrfM A strat with little room for error. I initially went for a 6 turn but noticed that I can actually 5 turn if i move Azura and Jakob correctly. Corrin and Arthur recruit Nyx, one of my drafted units and she breaks the wall. Arthur carries Corrin forward and then drops her in a way that chokes the enemies and forces them to attack Corrin or Arthur. In EP, every enemy except an Archer and the paired Spear Fighter die and since Corrin OHKOs Spear Fighters with Dragonstone thanks to +Mag, she doesn't get Defense Sealed. The archer and Spear Fighter then die to Jakob and Nyx and Arthur carries Corrin to the boss, who 2HKOs him with the Dragonstone at super iffy hitrates. Jakob doesn't get killed this turn despite clearly being in range of the archers, I'm thinking it might be because the boss was killed that turn and thus the reinforcements didn't trigger. The archer's AI might be tied to that. After the boss is killed, Nyx clears Jakob's path and he breaks the wall. Azura gives him the Chest Key she had and dances him so he can get me the Rescue staff. Chapter 9 is completed in 5 turns
  18. I never use suspend. I HAVE to finish what i started in one sitting.
  19. Oops, id fix it but im too lazy atm haha.Paralogue 1 https://youtu.be/TMs5kNc1qvs Jakob being able to handle himself on the right side saves a turn here by allowing corrin and arthur to pairup and handle the other side. Corrin and Arthur pairing up and separating was the key to 5 turning as it allowed Arthur and Corrin to move further every turn as well as use Attack Stance to KO the Faceless. Jakob kinda struggles on his side because he 4HKOs Faceless and needs to chug vulneraries all the time. I find it kinda funny how i have less units than in the Birthright part of the draft yet I got a lower turncount than over there. After this chapter Corrin and Arthur reached B Support. Paralogue 1 is completed in 5 turns
  20. Chapter 8 https://youtu.be/TjVT86vayr8 This chapter was even more annoying to keep undrafted units protected. I have Jakob kill all the Mages first with his 1-2 range so that undrafteds dont get cornered by the fighter+mages. Then its a matter of rushing to the boss with Arthur, get a str spd level with him so that he can double and ORKO the boss after Corrin pairs up with him. I initally thought Jakob would have to rreeze that soldier but then I noticed I could give him a Str tonic to ORKO so I ended up not needing to use Freeze to get the village. At least I got 5k gold from the villages. Conquest can be brutal when it comes to money so I'm a bit paranoid with that. It's amazing that Arthur can ORKO the boss btw xD. I know he needed 2 Str and 1 Spd from base to do so but it's still hilarious. Most people ferry Corrin with someone and kill Kilvas with Corrin but my Corrin kinda sucks at having Str so she would've needed a Dragon Fang hit and that's not bueno. After this chapter, Corrin and Arthur did NOT reach B support, sadly. But I confirmed that even if they duo almost the entire map together they won't get to B anyway. It's just how supports work. Chapter 8 is completed in 6 turns
  21. Does anyone know if silence staffers target units without staves or magic in their inventory? EDIT:confirmed it. Took away all staves from jakob and he is ignored now.
  22. Tellius is my favorite overall in the series. Fe9 was my first FE ever. Ive wished a lot that theyre remaked one day in one package. Id love an english release of fe9 maniac mode, the UI of modern FE and fixes to the flaws the games had that didnt let them realize their true potential.
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