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Everything posted by PKL

  1. She's pretty bad. Lissa joins in Prologue and has perfect availability much like Avatar and Chrom. Sadly, she isn't doing too hot. Her bases stats are freaking AWFUL and her growths are all shaky if the site is to be believed. She can heal your allies with a staff, but since you get so many OP units in this game since the beginning, the amount of healing needed will be minimal. And something to note against healers in this game is, that enemy phase action is very valuable in this game, so a vulnerary in player phase is not as big a cost as it would be in some other Fire Emblems. She's got early rescue utility and that's about it. Her uses are very limited and she's not really a good longterm unit. It doesn't help that she's outclassed in the future by Anna and Libra. 3/10
  2. I don't think Bear understands that that is literally impossible in EM, because the boss is programmed not to move until Turn 3 in EM. I've even tried ferrying Sothe with Volug before for more range and it was impossible. The thicket strategy does NOT work on EM, so cut the bullcrap.
  3. Because I like female Avatar's customization more than male's? Because she can be Lucina's mother in that one scene in Chapter 21? Also, because she can get to be my favorite FE class, which is peg knight. Idk, it could be those, but you may just dismiss me as another galeforce hyper.
  4. Female's advantage isnt JUST galeforce. Dark Flier uses mag and flies, so its naturally pretty good for Avatar. She can also pass down Veteran to Lucina. These are advantages worthy of a point at least. Though I gave 9.5 to male avatar and substracted because of bias. So I doubt you meant me.
  5. 1. Final Fantasy X 2. Xenosaga 3 3. Xenosaga 1 4. Star Ocean Till the End of Time 5. Kingdom Hearts Oh God...all of them are JRPGs!
  6. Heh, the Avatar. Let's start with Male: Much like Chrom, he has perfect availability. He's the customizable unit of the game, one can even choose his/her gender and his best stat and worst stat. I usually go +spd -lck or -str because it lets him double early on with a Chrom support, which helps him get exp with some ORKOs. His growths are pretty mediocre, but due to Veteran, he should be better than your other units anyway (even if he doesn't grow that well/got a bit screwed) because of the ridiculous level lead. He has access to every male class in the game with a Second Seal, and Veteran allows him to get away with anything. He can go Grandmaster (which is a mediocre class) for Rally Spectrum, which is an awesome skill that helps your teammates. While he could also go Sage for Tomefaire Rescue range (and Rescue in general). Or he could go Physical and be a Paladin or Griffon Rider or Swordmaster...you get it. He can do anything he wants, except bang Chrom and get Galeforce that is :P . He has 2 weapon types at first, swords and tomes. Tomes are obviously the better choice, due to hitting res and having 1-2 range. Swords are...very unpractical but it has it's uses, like ORKO'ing mages in Prologue and standing on a fort vs axe enemies in Ch1. He can support and bang every single.female unit in the game. He also makes a good father, passing Veteran to his children for faster growth. 9.5/10 -1 bias because I can and will always hate this game's Avatar 8.5/10 Now for female: All of what I said above still applies, except this one can bang Chrom to get an OP Lucina and can support every male and has access to the Pegasus Knight class tree. 10/10 would give bias but I actually quite like Female Avatar in this game.
  7. Ok, I'll bite (no trolling) Chrom is a unit that joins right from the word go, with decent bases and 2 PRF Iron Swords. One them is pretty useful to him for killing wyverns (Ch5, 7 and others) and the other is useful for killing cavaliers/knights. His earlygame is actually pretty good, thanks to his nice balance of bases and growths. As a support unit, he is amazing, having Dual Strike + and giving bonuses other great units want. He has the option of going Cavalier, which is pretty handy, as it will improve his movement so he can keep up and it will give him discipline so he can gain access to 1-2 range of his own. Paladin is also a really rad class. As for supports, he supports Frederick, which is a pretty effective combination. Vaike, who likes his spd boost. Sully, whom he gives enough spd to double some enemies if her spd is behaving. Sumia, who isn't actually too bad with him once he reclasses to Cavalier. And naturally, the Avatar, whom he supports rather well and it's in his best interest to be with Avatar anyway (Veteran Lucina). I find him to be pretty mediocre as a Great Lord, probably due to my playstyle or maybe because Great Lord sucks ass vs Paladin. (Aether is unreliable, 6 move and no discipline). Rightful King comes too late for him to be worth considering ever going Great Lord. Having access to Archer can allow him to go Bow Knight after he's done with Paladin if you so desire, if he has fallen off and you'd rather make him full support later for movement and decent dual strikes with A swords, that is. Overall, he's a nice unit in both the support and main combat unit role. For this, I give him a rating of 8.5/10. -1 for being one of the most unrelatable and unlikable lords in the series. So, 7.5/10
  8. He was on space 128 >_>. Got a massive wormhole because sharpy didnt move him with his grenade.
  9. 1. Fire Emblem Heroes of Light and Shadow 2. New Super Mario Bros. 3. Pokemon Platinum 4. Pokemon Diamond 5. The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks
  10. 1. Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask 2. Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3. Super Smash Bros. 64 4. Super Mario 64 5. Pokemon Stadium
  11. That was terrible...why are Cordelia and Sumia switching to a non flier class? And why is Sumia's level estimate so freaking high, when she's usually sharing kills with her husbando frederick? o_O
  12. Terrible unit, can't get Galeforks 0/10
  13. Yep, I'm back finally. :D Check out the vid description. Skip to 4:47 if you don't want to see how I prepare for the chapter.
  14. Paralogue 4 can be done in 2 turns with Rescue chains, heck, Anna herself can contribute to the clear. Realistically, it's a 3 turn though, but Ive seen Horace pull a 2 turn though i don't know when he did it (I just know it was a bit later than when it appears on the map)
  15. Fiora>Farina>Florina in terms of how they grow for me. Florina sure loves never getting def.
  16. Chrom never shaves turns unless hes being paired with Frederick. Avatar male saves exactly like 1 turn or 2. (Prologue and Chapter 2)
  17. Ricken actually has one of the best magic as rescuer in the game...as for training him, yes, its more possible to promote him in time than miriel at the least.
  18. Remember this is LTC PK Gaming. Rescuers are naturally better than most of the cast in this environment. Male Avatar sucks in comparison to Female Avatar. Not just in LTC, either.
  19. Everyone that has less than 8 move sucks 0/10 wouldnt bang.
  20. I feel like I should troll CR by picking Vika. And I pick Luchia. There were 17 items in your list. Here they are in random order: Vika Nasir Ena Volke Kurthnaga Meg Lucia Danved Stefan Tauroneo Gareth Muarim Lyre Giffca Renning BK/Lehran Lethe Timestamp: 2013-05-19 06:23:11 UT RNG supports me
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