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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Except he's closer to promo, can get a Robe by his second map and BEXP capping exists. All advantages that PoR soren does not have.
  2. @Anouleth- Soren does not have the durability in PoR to be a combat unit. :P
  3. My thoughts on Soren changed a lot when I got stuck with him as my only GM unit in a draft for a while. You guys would be surprised at the things he can pull off with BEXP (granted its in NM). I find PoR Soren only "good" for sieging. While RD's can be a combat unit (OK OK with favoritism) AND a sieger.
  4. You just lost like 6 turns in Chapter 3 just to level Ross. Not worth it. He should get to Pirate on his own by Chapter 7. I've had him reach Level 10 by Chapter 5 without losing a single turn.
  5. Titania is the most consistently good in Tellius. She's amazing forever in both games *_* Jill comes 2nd. Very very good in PoR and is also pretty damn ridiculous in RD. Oscar is also consistently good. Marcia is better in PoR but that doesnt mean she's bad in RD. Far from it. So I'd say she's one of those "good in both games" units. Tanith is also pretty good in both games. Ike sucks in PoR so I wouldn't include him. He only has like what? 2 good chapters? Stoopid swordlocked foot unit.
  6. I'd say Lugh is very underrated. Most people I've seen here prefer Lilina over him for some reason that eludes me. Lugh tends to be really speedy and good against Armors/Wyverns. And can be used as a healbot in a pinch.
  7. We were gonna win anyway
  8. SFDTT2 FE10 Teh Full Team: Jill, Ilyana, Elincia, Tauroneo, Gatrie, Makalov, Rhys, Mist, Fiona [spoiler=Part 1 Team] Teh Free: Teh Drafted guyz: [spoiler=Part 1] 1-P 5/5 Standard 1-1 5/10 Standard 1-2 5/15 Moar standard 1-3 5/20 Ilyana joins group. I go left, kill the Door Key guy with Sothe and make a trade chain to open the Door and kill the Archer! Micaiah stays safe from harm and is shoved once by Ilyana to escape! 1-4 4/24 Ilyana receives a Thunder forge called EstBee! With Max MT! Undrafted Edward is deployed. First, Sothe weakens a tiger with Bronze Dagger! Then Ilyana kills him with forge! Micaiah trades with Sothe and equips his Beastkiller! In Enemy Phase, a cat goes for Ilyana and she does half his hp with the forge! Sothe kills the rest of the enemies! Next, Sothe goes up and KOs the door with bronze dagger. Undrafted Edward trades for his beastkiller! Micaiah uses Sacrifice on Ilyana to heal her! Ilyana finishes off the cat with the Forge! In EP, 2 tigers on the north die to Sothe! Ilyana kills a Tiger thanks to proc'ing Mag and Spd! Next, Ilyana moves left. And Sothe goes up and is in range of the left boss and a Tiger next to Beastfoe! They die to him on EP! Turn 4, Sothe goes right and is in range of the other last enemies! Ilyana heals and gets in range of last tiger near Beastfoe! In EP, everything dies! 1-5 6/30 Trained Micaiah and Ilyana as much as I could. Stole the Master Seal so Jill can promote! 1-6-1 3/33 Wrath Tier 2 Jill saving all the turns! She got 2 BEXP levels which were kinda awful and a Dracoshield for more durability! The pegasus tinked her! 1-6-2 2/35 Tauroneo destroys the boss after Jill dropped him! 1-7 5/40 Adept Savior Sothe carries Micaiah to victory! And jill helps clear the way! She got boss kill and Sothe found the Master Seal! Ilyana trained a bit! 1-8 5/45 Ilyana promotes and is given Celerity! She's now called Celerity Ilyana! She gets a Fire forge and goes left! Killing stuff there! Micaiah takes the center and south thanks to Resolve! Sothe takes the east! 1-9 4/49 Micaiah goes left! She kills stuff with Resolve! 1-E 5/54 Savior Pass Sothe carries micaiah to throne! Ilyana helps him take down Jarod! Paragon Jill got lots of kills and Fiona tried her best to take mooch kills!
  9. Yeah, I didnt pick her either because of Heath lol. I just thought Cyron woulda picked her by now.
  10. Farina, just to screw cyron out of a flier. Cant believe she didnt go earlier o_O
  11. Afaik, no. The only difference is Male and Female specific magic, I guess.
  12. I dont find mages in H1 to be bad at all. Heck, mages are actually pretty useful in Lunatic from time to time too (Merric/Etzel [excalibur] Linde [Aura/Nosferatu]). Also, I've always preferred this setup for H1 Mage Female My Unit: +2skl/spd base +5%skl/spd growth +1str/mag base +10%str/mag growth +30% hp growth This gives Female Mage My Unit the following bases: HP 18 Str 3 Mag 4 Skl 6 Spd 6 Lck 3 Def 2 Res 3 Tome D Growths: HP 80% Str 25% Mag 55% Skl 55% Spd 50% Lck 60% Def 5% Res 20% Female Mage My Unit's def will forever suck, even with def growth bonus, so I have her focus instead on her hp growth so she can be an adequate Nosferatank later. Her base spd + the 50% growth goes a longer way than a slightly better growth with a 4 spd base. Still, you dont seem to have as bad luck as me when i tried 60% spd growth mage MU :P
  13. I personally like the spd=AS system because it allows IS to make stronger enemies (with more AS). Never liked the con=AS system because it makes some classes just downright terrible and limits how much AS Intelligent Systems can put in their enemies (since they have to take weapon weight into account when balancing the game). The Str=AS is alright, but there comes a point where it won't matter anymore.
  14. Wolf->Hero Any Class A unit->Dracoknight/Paladin Any bad unit->Curate/Cleric done
  15. Didn't know what to vote in the forum question. I visit draft section the most, would that be general FE or other?
  16. Wait, it still doesnt make sense :P. I think the best TC there is 5.
  17. Chapter 19 Ilia 7/149 Got the Energy Ring for Thany. The ballista were only painful if Thany was carrying someone. She ferried Lugh to boss in one turn thanks to Lalum and then Roy. Last turn, she got the Energy Ring. Chapter 20 Ilia 5/154 Everyone went down near Yuno's route and KO'd the enemies. Zealot recruits Yuno and then joins everybody else and they all team up on boss. The staff dudes were lured to Ray who tanked them like a boss, except in the last turn where he got Berserk'd but it didnt matter because I could already seize. Douglas got slept and tanked every dude on the right side while asleep. Boss. Chapter 20x 20/154 Trained Roy a lot. Yuno got 2 shin levels. Chapter 21 8/162 Yuno went for the Secret Shop. Thany first ferried Lugh then went back, Yuno traded Roy to her and ferried him to throne. Lugh KO'd Murdock in 3 rounds. Zealot and Lott had to distract some wyverns near the Secret Shop area so that Yuno wouldn't die/get blocked. Chapter 21x 6/168 Thany eats boots. Lalum dances her. Roy eats boots. Yuno lifts Roy and stands next to Thany and Thany grabs him and goes for boss area. Drops him in Turn 2 so he can kill the Berserker on the way and they both team up on stuff there. Then Thany lifts him again and drops him in throne room and kills boss. Lalum ate 2 boots. Chapter 22 9/177 Thany takes the left side on her own and eats her last boots. Roy eats boots too and goes to the center. Lugh and Zealot take the right switch. (Lugh coming back with Lalum dancing him over to Roy) Lugh acts a staffbot for Roy. Roy opens the door and Durandals shiz. Sword of Seals/Durandal Roy and Forblaze Lugh destroyed stuff in throne room. Zephiel died to Lugh Forblaze and Roy Sword of Seals. Ray@pure water kept Roy safe from Berserk.
  18. I only really had trouble with the controls when stabbing things.
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