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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Eclipse is right. Add to that, that its probably a better choice to stuff the other robe on Marth too. And that the speedwing could go to someone thats actually good, like Minerva.
  2. Sorry about that. Got caught up in other drafts and the H3 playthrough.
  3. Are you all kidding? She has the worst time to join, ever. Hey I can nuke dragons! What? u say that for the next 8 chapters there are no dragons? OOPS. 2/10 -1 bias for being a stupid loli
  4. When you want a bad character, Est does it best. 0/10
  5. Sorry for the double post but I added another poll. Should I put Cecil's headband on MU? yes/no With headband: Without: I personally think the headband looks pretty cool on this MU. Im not gonna play Prologue 8 until tomorrow, maybe, so I might as well do another silly poll :P.
  6. Yeah, probably shouldve chosen truth-seeker >_>. Oh well. Did Prologue 7 Cain. [spoiler=Prologue 7 Cain] Lack of Fighter MU once again hurts a lot here. Merric got a crit on the armor (I did not rig it, it just happened). MU goes up and kills the archer. Caeda stands in front of the myrmidon. Draug stands there walling. Merric finished the armor that draug weakened. MU ORKO'd another archer. Ryan KO'd the myrmidon Caeda weakened. Draug moved up and used a vulnerary. The myrmidon goes after Iron Lance Luke. In player phase, Ryan chips at that myrm with the steel bow and levels up: Amazing. Draug then moves up and prepares to lure Cain while blocking the fort. MU finishes off the myrmidon Ryan chipped and leveled up too. No hp again...sigh. Merric blocks the fort there and Luke goes for the other fort. Caeda stays put. In EP, Cain goes after Draug and draug hits him back for 12 dmg. The cav reinforcement goes after MU and she almost ORKOs it. Luke finishes that new cavalier and levels up: Screw you too, Luke. I have Merric chip at Cain. Then Caeda finishes him off for a 4 turn clear. Prologue 7 Cain done in 4 turns.
  7. [spoiler=Prologue 5] Im back for more. This time, Im tackling more axe enemies with lance users -_- and thats never good... This formation has Athena getting attacked by the highlighted barbarian while the other closest barbarian goes after MU. Both barbarians are severely injured. MU too, is severely injured but Athena dodges like a total bro. And Merric arrives to save the day! Hes such a bro too. I kill off the hunters before they pose too much trouble and am wary of the thief because that guy can ORKO ryan/rody and packs quite a punch. This is how my formation looks like at the end of Turn 2. As you can see, Merric KO'd the weakened barbarian. Caeda weakened the hunter and ryan killed it. Now I realize I couldve done it the other way to give caeda more experience as Ryan never got attacked...oh well. This is what happened. Both barbarians are severely weakened, my characters too, but at least they survived. Luke kills the top barbarian and levels up. WELCOME TO THE TEAM. That was a bro level. Ryan kills the thief now and levels up too. F YEAH! Now wrys patches Caeda up and he levels up. WRYYYYYYYYYYYYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. (thats a bad level but wrys is still the best) Now its Caeda's time to finish off a barbarian and levelup. Nice. I cant complain at my luck so far. I now end my turn. and prepare to gang up on the boss next turn. Next turn, I have merric chip him. Then have wrys patch up Athena and she hits him too. Then, Luke (who escaped being ORKO'd by his awesome level). And finally, fed the kill to Caeda. And thats it. The godess of luck smiled upon me in this prologue chapter but will my streak of good luck continue? Or will I start to get skl/lck only levels? Stay tuned :P. Prologue 5 done in 4 turns. [spoiler=Prologue 6 Draug] This chapter was pretty easy. Didnt even need to deploy wrys and no vulneraries needed either. This turn 1 formation has the mage going after ryan, and the soldiers going after luke and cecil. Ryan 2HKOs the mage with iron bow lulz. Ryan killed the mage. MU killed the soldier that went after Cecil and caeda killed the other soldier. Merric moves to lure Draug. And this is what happens. Merric doubles and 3HKOs which is pretty amazing. I have Caeda weaken the archer and she levels up. Decent. Looks almost like a typical caeda level, minus the lck but lol lck when yshe already has 14. Now Luke finishes that archer off. Ryan chips at Draug and MU takes the kill. And levels up: Her hp growth doesnt exist it seems. Prologue 6 Draug done in 3 turns.
  8. Yeah, but its just a cheap way of making it "harder". You now just have to count the tiles yourself, which is annoying but not hard. Same with a lot of other design choices of HM.
  9. I think everyone is deployable in that chapter. I had this planned: Arran- General My Unit- Cavalier/Myrmidon Ryan- Hunter Luke- Myrmidon Rody- no idea Cecil- Pegasus Knight Draug- Pirate or Cavalier? Gordin- Archer I plan to talk to lorenz because he looks like a PITA to take down in H3 and I will want the Mend.
  10. I need to watch out for that now. I tend to click every base convo haha. The rule looks good though :). Also, the pegknight draft had the perfect solution to rescue skipping. "Warp may not be used on Marth. Rescue may not be used on Marth by a unit who has been Warped or rescued earlier in the chapter. Hammerne may not be used on Rescue." Its basically the same rule that is right now in the GRs but with the added "or rescued" to avoid the warp rescue rescue skipping that Vicious Sal pulled off. The hammerne may not be used on rescue part can be ommited, though that will make malliesia unbeatable.
  11. Yeah, I will go Draug since Ogma looks terrifying. Shame too, because hed probably be more useful in P8...speaking of Draug, should I reclass him to pirate in chapter 1?
  12. 10/10 Haar with no wings but tits and red hair.
  13. It is indeed a problem. I have to come up with strats just to make everyone live -_-. P4 Athena was specially troublesome like I had told you. Im probably making MU my cavalier after prologue. Oh, also added P4 Athena to the post above you. EDIT: made a small mistake. Ryan actually leveled up after he killed the mercenary not the soldier. I got confused but too lazy to edit.
  14. [spoiler= Prologue 3] Prologue 3 So I start off by looking at the boss of the chapter and everyone's stats. And theyre pretty ridiculous. She ORKOs everyone not named Luke or MU. -_- This took a good while to figure out, and many deaths. This positioning means that the fighter goes after ryan and the merc goes after luke. In turn 2, i killed all the enemies there. Turn 3, I lured the other fighter with MU. And Ryan took the kill. MU then went down to lure caeda (using a vulnerary). Caeda 3HKOs full HP MU and MU 3HKOs back too. So, she hits caeda in EP. Then in Player Phase and Ryan finishes her off, leveling up. Thats the same level MU got back in Prologue 1. Ryan is off to a good start. Prologue 3 done in 5 turns. Idk if I couldve cut a turn here but after that levelup, I dont want to redo it anyways. Going athena route btw. [spoiler= Prologue 4 Athena Route] Wow, this chapter was a tough cookie what with Athena doubling everyone except Shiida and there is an archer prick in the map...anyway, I managed after like 5 tries and found a good positioning that allowed me to 4 turn the map :D. I had multiple failed runs. One of them was me expecting the archer to go after wrys immediately in turn 1, but instead the myrmidon moved first, doubled and ORKO'd iron sword luke -_-. So much for minimal resetting... Anyways, onto the succesful run itself: MU killed the myrmidon after caeda weakened him and leveled up. No lck again, expect me to rage a lot about crits in the future -_-. This is practically the only turn 1 formation that works without repercussions later on. The archer goes after wrys and rody gets hit by the soldier. Then all is well... as you can see in this image. The archer can proc more str IIRC but it never happened in any of my failed runs so it must be very low chance. I now had Ryan kill the soldier. MU ORKOs the archer. Caeda attacks the myrmidon and wrys patches her up. The myrmidon SD'd on caeda. The mercenary went after her too and all is good. Then, Ryan kills the merc and levels up. Nice, but weird level. no hp or skl, which are his highest growths lol. I patched MU up with wrys. And had luke kill the soldier while Caeda moved to block Athena from going for the others. In EP, she goes after Iron Lance Luke, who barely survives a round with her. He hits her back. Then in Player Phase 4, I have caeda attack her, then ryan massive chips her and MU gets the kill. And she got another level: No str :(. Prologue 4 Athena done in 4 turns.
  15. Started because according to tootchache my computer is too crap to record vids without emulation lagging horribly. Sorry, I will be taking screens. [spoiler= MU creation, prologue 1 and 2] Past- Orphan I chose Orphan because I need the str base to ORKO the soldier and defeat Jagen quickly. With any other option, My Unit falls short of KO'ing them and she dies. Present- Beautiful More spd base so she can double the soldier if he didnt proc spd and so she has a modest chance of doubling rody next chapter. Future- Humane Thinking of the future, I will want her to be a bit bulkier so I decided to go with more def growth. Her bases now allow her to 3HKO Jagen and 2HKO the soldier, while doubling him. As you can see, she cleanly ORKOs. This saves a vulnerary use that I might need later on, as well as a turn. She can also cleanly 3HKO Jagen. But, first I patch the wound she received from the soldier and stand in front of Jagen. As expected, they both hit each other. I patch her up and end the turn. Then in Player Phase, she takes him down and levels up. Thank you, My Unit! Lack of lck sucks, but its a great level. Prologue 1 done in 4 turns. Prologue 2 So, Rody sucks even as an enemy :/. Turns out my unit can double him and 3HKO him now. Luke's AI seems focused on going after Ryan while Rody seems to focus more on My Unit. Either way, they WILL gang up on someone if they have the opportunity. My turn 1 formation. Luke goes after Ryan always even if MU isnt on a fort and he is. Ryan takes the hit and the fort heals him to 12 HP so he can take another hit next turn from luke if needed. Next, I have Ryan move to that spot and chip on Luke. MU attacks luke too and sits on the fort. I did this so Luke could go after Ryan from below so then MU can finish him off and lure Rody next turn. He went after Ryan from below just like I wanted. Ryan chips at Luke again and MU takes the kill and lures Rody. He goes after MU. She doubles him for 22 damage. Ryan chips for a tiny bit of exp that he needs and MU takes the kill. Not bad. (this levelup was in EP3, i didnt actually finish in 3 turns) Prologue 2 done in 4 turns.
  16. Thanks. I will talk with Toothache. That means this run will be delayed until I get recording access though. Hopefully, it wont take too long. Yeah, I think she could pull it off, but she would waste all my vulneraries just surviving prologue 1. So Its not a good option over orphan, who would save me 1 vulnerary use, as well as a turn. Btw, poll is now closed. Looks like pegasus knight won. I will be using this build: Past- Orphan Needed to KO jagen and the soldier ASAP so I dont waste more vulneraries/turns than I need to. Present- Strong Needed to even survive the prologue. The +2 hp really comes in handy. +1 def is not enough to survive prologue :(. Future- Honorable More skl/spd proc chances. Is there any other build that can do prologue 1? I was thinking of +2 spd base to double the soldier and have enough spd for prologue 2 to double rody (and maybe luke) without having to rely on 70% spd procs...but Jagen would be a PITA to take down without orphan. Btw: Note: Pegasus Knight winning doesnt mean Ill stay pegasus knight MU forever. I am free to reclass her starting in Chapter 1 to fit my needs. I might be using Cavalier MU ocasionally.
  17. Sorry CR, gonna have to pass. FE10 takes too long and id rather not join another FE10 draft so soon.
  18. I prefer the def of kind over more spd growth. I probably wont get myrmidon anyway (look at poll) so i would like to know what build is best for PK...
  19. Oh God...so, basically you sent one of the best characters in the game to his death :/. No matter you were in that situation...
  20. ^ what Refa said. Barst is too manly to die.
  21. Uploaded my run with Eclipse's build. Is the quality good enough? Am I playing too fast?
  22. Well, Myrmidon MU kinda needs the base str to KO jagen in a timely fashion doesnt she? Ill test your build if I get myrmidon MU before I test mine :P. Im currently experimenting with recording stuff like camstudio and the desmuME built-in recorder but no luck. Camstudio gives me an error whenever I try to boot the program and desmuME's recording quality sucks, not to mention it lags horribly. EDIT: As for staffbots, yes, Ill use a few. EDIT 2: Did a quick test of your build and she couldnt beat jagen :(. Needed the 3 vulneraries and still couldnt KO him without him killing her.
  23. Rules: (borrowed from Colonel M's thread) - H3 (Lunatic Mode), assuming that Lunatic Mode was done previously - Stat boosters are allowed, as I believe a person should only be doing an efficient playthrough with them. You can obviously accomplish without them, but it's a bit more difficult. - Rainbow Potion, Maturity Drop, and Bond Drop are allowed for this playthrough. - Time-clock events are banned, primarily because the results are too random to reflect what is more likely to happen in a playthrough. - WiFi Shop is also banned due to the random days to access certain items and weapons, plus the in-game clock cannot be abused to obtain what the player could use or need. - Efficiency, which entails a low turncount with a high probability of success (at least I will try) - Minimal resetting, which means no rigging for growths. There may be some exceptions pending on what happens. Maturity Drop will be going on Marth without question. Bond Drop will go on My Unit. MU build: Past- Orphan (+2 Str/Mag base, +5% Str/Mag growth) Present- Beautiful (+1 Skl/Spd base, +10% Skl/Spd growth) Future- Humane (+10% Def growth) Base stats: 18 HP 8 Str 4 Mag 9 Skl 9 Spd 3 Lck 5 Def 6 Res Lance D Growth rates: 60% HP 40% Str 5% Mag 60% Skl 65% Spd 60% Lck 40% Def 10% Res Progress: MU, prologue 1 and prologue 2 Prologue 3 Prologue 4 Athena Route Prologue 5 and Prologue 6 Draug Prologue 7 Cain Prologue 8 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 3x Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 and 6x Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Part 1 2 Chapter 9 Part 1 2 Chapter 10 Chapter 10x Chapter 11 Part 1 2 Turns: Prologue 1- 4/4 Prologue 2- 4/8 Prologue 3- 5/13 Prologue 4A- 4/17 Prologue 5- 4/21 Prologue 6D- 3/24 Prologue 7C- 4/28 Prologue 8- 9/37 Chapter 1- 8/45 Chapter 2- 7/52 Chapter 3- 17/69 Chapter 3x- 6/75 Chapter 4- 7/82 Chapter 5- 11/93 Chapter 6- 6/99 Chapter 6x- 1/100 Chapter 7- 5/105 Chapter 8- 3/108 Chapter 9- 6/114 Chapter 10- 2/116 Chapter 10x- 1/117 Chapter 11- 5/122 Chapter 12- 6/128 Chapter 13- 7/135 Chapter 13x- 2/137 Chapter 14- 5/142
  24. Congrats on getting to page 100! Long live draft central! Cleared this draft in 127 turns. I tested pegknight MU and it didnt seem OP to me apart from prologue. Im waiting now on horace's opinion.
  25. Kept the 2 turn because its much more strategy based and Im against crits in general. Horace said he wont rig the crit anyway. Endgame 2/127 Marth moves and pure waters then is danced by Feena. He moves up and kills the Mage Dragon. Everyone moves up and I make sure no one can get more flack than they can handle except for Marth who can handle everything (thanks to the other guys luring some dragons). Next, Minerva moves and recruits Maria then kills Lena. Maria trades Minerva's rescue and uses it on Merric, who recruits Elice. Rody kills Nyna. Elice uses Fortify. Linde uses physic on Marth. Marth falchions Medeus for 33 damage. (43 remaining). Caeda attacks medeus with Gradivus for 13 damage (30 hp left). Yubello warps Feena in to dance Marth and he finishes Medeus with an unnecesary crit. Final TC is 127.
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