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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Its still a horrible choice to draft with marcia. Thats one boss kill less. Have fun getting marcia that last bit of exp she needs to promote ASAP.
  2. Makalov and Mia/soren. Soren/mia would help in ch7 which is hell in drafts, even with titania. I would personally not pick mak since you would be sacrificing potential exp from marcia just to recruit him. I would go with mia and tormod/soren. Tormod is better because of celerity, but soren can help alongside mia in ch7.

  3. Nano used Disappear!PKL used Come here and piiiiicccckkkkk! But it failed!Nano appears and strikes PKL!Its super effective...PKL lost 100% of his health. PKL fainted.Lol, the drafting took too long. Maybe we will have to replace sal >_>.
  4. The BEXP limit doesnt allow you to insta promote her but she can promote by ch18 if you do it right.
  5. While I think the game is overhyped. You cant ignore the game is really good and well made. I liked it a lot. But its not my favorite FF. Actually, its hard for me to point at a favorite FF. All are special in their own ways. FF4 had variety, FF6 had an awesome villain, FF7 had some pretty cool characters (IMO), FF8 had...uh...the omega weapon battle i guess?, FF9 had a pretty cool setting, FF10 had an amazing story and its probably my fave, FF12 had...fran i guess and FF13 had a nice battle system and in the case of 13-2, nice music.
  6. Dorkass for top tier in the nonexistent FE7 draft tier list.
  7. Astrid is alright. Anything other than earlygamers and rescuebots are redundant for the jill team. All chapters are JILL SOLO after you get her (and maybe a bit of titania here and there)
  8. @grandjackal- I agree that screwed marth BS should just stop. I mean, shouldnt we assume that the maturity drop is going on marth anyways? I find maturity drop marth really hard to screw. 70% str and 75% spd isnt exactly easy to get screwed on...And that situation will never happen. I doubt marth wont gain str for like, 20 levels with a 70% growth. Marth is more likely to not need those resources than to need them to kill medeus...
  9. Rate the Unit threads, kindly go die in a fire. Please?
  10. Its ok. And no idea what do with those wings/statboosters. I cant see anyone in particular (other than srz and minerva, but you already mentioned them) WANTING them other than scrubs...
  11. <strike>Its funny how dorcas barely changed with that promo.</strike> Suspiciously, you have almost the same team i had in that draft except that i had fiora and not erk D:
  12. Hmmm...true. Rody has an easier time with myrmidons (and thieves), although ideally, both of them shouldnt be facing them much if they want to live. Btw, im just getting into tier list debating so if i make a silly argument, Dont flame me too much. :p
  13. Dorcas is a bro isnt he horace? He saved a turn for me too in SB's draft :p
  14. Well, luke has better bases, and thus can be fed kills much easier than rody. Rody doesnt catch up/beat luke's stats for a long time. Rody's only selling point over luke is an easier time getting to C lances for dragonpike/ridersbane. While luke will have armorslayer and wyrmslayer but will probably have a worse matchup against horsies. Im convinced that rody is better than draug now though. Level 4 is too low an estimate if hes being trained. Level 6-7 is more like it and a level 7 rody definetely has draug beat.
  15. Draug has pretty nice bases and the same weapon ranks as rody, barring wexp gained by rody in prologue (which should not be that much). Rody wins growths and availability but needs babying to even get to tie/beat draug's bases. And then theres the issue that training rody takes exp from the great luuuuuuke...Id say the advantage is draug's.
  16. I think Midia should drop to a new tier below Free Silvers. She doesnt even have any equipment lol and will probably even require a rescue charge to stay alive. Worst character ever.
  17. Finished FE8 Haard Mode in 114 turns.
  18. I couldnt be assed to log stats. Franz, Saleh, Gerik, Syrene, Innes, Neimi, L'Arachel Chapter 12 Eirika 9/81 Franz rush. Saleh spammed barrier. Gerik and the other killed stuff. Neimi promoted into ranger mid chapter. Chapter 13 Eirika 2/83 Franz kills Aias. Saleh spammed barrier. Chapter 14 Eirika 8/91 Got the Secret Shp with Neimi while Franz killed the boss and did most of the stuff. Got the energy ring for Saleh and Saleh spammed unlock/barrier some more. Chapter 15 Eirika 6/97 No flier. But who needs em? Gerik is a total bro. Saleh reached A. Chapter 16 2/101 Boots!Franz rescues Eirika. Tethys dances. Saleh warps Franz and he drops Eirika. Kills boss next turn and Eirika seizes. Chapter 17 2/103 L'Arachel barriers Franz. Saleh warps him and he 2RKOs Lyon. Chapter 18 6/109 Everyone busts eggs open. Saleh warps stuff all over the place. How can this map even be 5 turned? I almost fell short of killing the last few eggs even with killing a few since the beginning of the map :s. Chapter 19 1/110 L'Arachel torches. Saleh warps Franz and he KOs the boss. Chapter 20 2/112 Warp. Dance. Kill Morva. Seize. Final 1 1/113 Myrrh gets warped and she blicks Lyon. (1 crit out of 4 attacks at like, 16% crit) Final 2 1/114 Everyone teams up on Formotiis and kills him. The end.
  19. Dont let the flier guys have Mordecai/Lethe/Muarim!
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