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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Ugh, nano isnt online. GG leave me lists plz. Sal is in a hurry. He will be very busy after these next few days, so if drafting isnt done quickly...then yeah. Remember everyone has to finish in order for the points system to work.
  2. Special quotes. Both the character and the boss need to talk to get the points. I already said it in the thread. Please read every1 the rules arent that complicated -_-
  3. Your turn again

  4. Vicious Sal gets Jill. CR is up now.
  5. Quintessence pick in my draft already :(
  6. [spoiler=Chapter 1] This chapter is actually incredibly easy. I could have 7 turned it If I had given the Rainbow Potion to MU, but I decided to get the Mend instead. Before the chapter, I gave the Maturity Drop to Marth and the Bond Drop to My Unit. Did some reclassing. Arran->General My Unit->Cavalier Ryan->Hunter Luke->Mercenary Cecil->Pegasus Knight Rody->Curate I decided Mercenary over Myrmidon for Luke because even with Rainbow Pot, Luke was short of ORKO'ing bandits with Steel. The extra str from mercenary helped him get to ORKO'ing status. Cecil is a pegknight because I want someone useless to get the Bullion :p. MU went cavalier so she is no longer OHKO'd. Arran went General so he could get 4HKO'd and tank hits like a mofo with Rainbow Pot. The bandit next to Draug goes after him, one bandit goes for Marth and the other goes for Luke. A hunter and 2 bandits went for Arran. Luke gets a bro level again. I now kill stuff Arran weakened. And Marth goes in, kills a bandit and gets ^ that level. Thanks maturity drop! I finish everything off, heal Arran with Rody and have Arran lure the last barbarian. I then recruit Malliesia with Marth and have her heal Arran who goes left without being in range of enemies yet. C rank in staves and hammerne use. YOU ARE IN of course. Cecil and Luke also teamed up on the thief with Luke grabbing the kill. Draug visited the Armory and bought javelins and a hand axe for future use. I have Arran park in the fort with a Steel lance equipped to conserve Silver uses. Ryan also moves towards Arran, one tile down from him to lure a 2range barbarian towards him, who he 2HKOs easily. Now everyone kills stuff and Arran goes up to wall more stuff. Luke leveled up when he killed something and Rody leveled up too. No str or def :(. But still good enough. ...NO COMMENT. I now trap this poor victim and only leave Elena to be targetted since she can take it. Then, I have draug cecil and ryan team up on the poor guy and Ryan levels up. Wow. THIS IS A LEVEL, LEARN RODY! LEARN TO PROC STATS. I have Marth talk to Lorenz and apparently Marth stinks so much that Lorenz decides to commit zepuku or however thats spelled. In turn 8, I have Malliesia heal for more staff rank and a level up. And ^ that happens. Dat def. Hope she doesnt get magic screwed like my last Malliesia so I dont have to feed her so many dusts...shes still got a long way to go for that anyway. Chapter 1 done in 8 turns. I could have given a rainbow pot use to MU and have her double Lorenz with Steel Lance, a Silver Lance from Arran and a Steel Sword from Rainbow Pot Merc Luke would have taken him down but I decided to err on the side of caution and 8 turn it with the mend. Is forging a +5 MT steel bow forge really neccesary to 7 turn chapter 2? My ingame wallet hurts just thinking about it...
  7. Ah...I see. I thought the others received the bonus too. Thanks for clearing that up for me. I decided to give it to MU.
  8. Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiick

  9. Should I give it to My Unit right away in Chapter 1 or should I wait until more characters join? Do the characters that join after I give her the Bond Drop still go automatically to A support?
  10. Time for some more. [spoiler=Prologue 8] This chapter is so hard T.T. I also had to undeploy Ryan so Luke could get some much needed Exp. Credit to Colonel M for coming up with this strategy. (i had to make some adjustments so it would work with pegknight MU but its mostly the same) This positioning makes Marth lure the Hunter and the west bandit. One thief goes after Caeda and the other goes after Cain. I move Marth and have him use a Vulnerary. Wrys heals him and I make a formation to protect my pegknights from the hunter. If i kill the hunter, the silver axe dude and the mages are lured and GG. The hunter went after Wrysand then died in Player Phase. Cain goes to lure the east enemies with his awesome durability. Athena lures the thief and Steel Swords it to the face I then kill all of the enemies that were lured in player phase and heal my characters. Merric leveled up when he killed the thief. Good shit Merric. Merric lured the hand axe bandit and countered in EP. Then chugged a vulnerary and stayed there. Athena went for the throne to heal up. While Caeda used a vulnerary and MU was healed by Wrys again. The 2 hand axe bandits go after Merric while the west Thief goes after Cain. I get rid of the enemies and have Cain park there to lure the silver axe bandits. Marth leveled up: That will help. I kill those enemies and prepare to lure Katarina by healing Merric with wrys. Next turn, I have Merric lure the Levin Sword thieves and Caeda takes on a 1 range thief. As you can see, Wrys healed Athena and Athena is a total bro that can ORKO Katarina while taking a hit from her. Caeda got to kill a Levin Sword thief and leveled up. Ill just post the remaining levels at the end because I forgot when they happened. MU got the other Levin Sword thief and leveled up. Then Merric weakens the last thief and Luke grabs the kill. Prologue 8 done in 9 turns. Level ups that I have no clue when they happened or happened in the last turn so didnt know where to put them: Very nice. I hope he keeps that up. Caeda is amazing. Not bad. LOL More amazing from Caeda. Prologue MVP: Caeda Honorable Mention: Merric for being a total badass too Redid P8 from the map save and got Marth the Katarina kill instead of Athena by using Iron Sword. Caeda got exactly the same level, but MU got skl lck def res >___>. MU must hate me.
  11. Edward. Ok, here's how it is: You submit chapters. I tcan be one per day or more for one day and you can completely ignore the draft for a few days. You submit stuff, Like this: Chapter: 1-4 TC: 4 Boss quotes: None EXP gained: 232 EXP total Items obtained: Beastfoe, Seraph Robe BEXP obtained: whatever the number is You have to keep track of BEXP gained during each chapter and then what you have in endgame so we can know how much BEXP you used in total. Whoever uses the least amount of BEXP in endgame wins that category. Lets say someone else did 1-4 in 7 turns, the other in 6 turns and the other in 5 turns. The one that did 4 turns would get 5 points for best TC in the chapter, the one that got 5 turns would get 4 points for second best, etc. At the end of each part, whoever took the least amount of turns wins the overall less TC for the part category and gets the points, second best gets 8, etc. Items obtained includes stuff like digged up items, stolen items, droppable items, chests, etc. But not base items. Every day, the scorekeeper will announce results
  12. Eh? Thats my opinion. I justified it didnt I? Just because you dont agree with it, doesnt mean its automatically wrong.
  13. RNG'd the drafting order and it came up: nano, PKL, Quintessence, Vicious Sal, CR gogogogo we need to hurry up so sal can play (hes going to be very busy the day after tomorrow)
  14. Green bailed out and we would have to draft riciculously quickly in order for Sal to be in the draft, which isnt gonna happen :/. So, we have 4 players. Making it a 5 players draft, so we need 1 more.
  15. Lolworthy bases. Bad growths. Terrible offense and durability. Doesnt have quite enough mag to use physic better than rhys despite better move. Shes truly horrible. She should never see combat ever as she is too fail for that. She grows at a very slow pace and horse isnt as significant an advantage in this game. Especially because shes probably not ever gonna get it. Even with favoritism, i can only see mist getting the horse in 4-4, which is terrible timing. 0/10 (-1 bias for loli)
  16. In my first playthrough, when i looked at him, i thought it had to be a joke...I still think that. 0/10
  17. Ah, i thought konnor was in. Still, im not joining.
  18. No, im not. Im backlogged and you already have enough players :p
  19. I bet quint will get sain, kent, lowen, fiora, florina and lucius knowing his luck in these...I would get something like guy, bartre, dorcas, wil, rebecca, renault and nino
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