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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Oh right...I will use the beta list.
  2. Should we use that one, then? :p No one is joining, I bet this is gonna fail...
  3. Uh...no, their support doesnt count and they cannot unsupport in this draft. I should add that to the rules. Also, if u find me the beta radiant dawn support list, Id appreciate it.
  4. chests, skills/items obtained and all that stuff. Base items arent affected by this, only in-chapter map items. For example, if sothe stole the 1-5 master seal, you get points for it. If he finds an arms scroll in 1-6-1, u get points. But if you buy a master seal from the vendor in 1-E, it doesnt count.
  5. [spoiler= Generic ruleset] Drafting: 1. This draft is for 5 players. 2. Ike, Micaiah, Sothe, Geoffrey, the Herons, the Black Knight, and Lehran are free for all to use. 3. The drafting order is reversed for the last round of picks. 4. Haar is banned from drafting. 5. The game will be played on Normal Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, Rescue and Shove/Smite undrafted characters and NPCs, trade, Escape/Arrive, and transfer items/skills between teams. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors and Chests, finding hidden items, and giving Blood Tide/Night Tide/White Pool bonuses. 3. Allied and Other units may do as they please without penalty. 4. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter (1-6 counts as 2 chapters, and 4-E counts as 5 chapters). Exceptions: 1. One of Edward or Nolan is free for each of 1-P, 1-1 and 1-2. 2. Volug is free for 1-5. 3. Elincia, Marcia and Nealuchi are free for 2-P 4. Nephenee and Brom are free for 2-1. 5. One undrafted, non-Lucia unit is free for 2-2. 6. One undrafted, 7 move unit is free for 3-1. 7. One undrafted, 6 move unit is free for 3-3. There will be 3 leftover units. They will be banned. [spoiler=These 3 suck too much to be drafted (theyre banned)] Fiona Oliver Kurthnaga Now for the new stuff. We will be drafting as normal. There will be a number of factors to determine the winner, kinda like this draft. We will be ranking how many supports you get, how much exp you get, etc. Categories Points Lowest TC in the chapter 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Lowest TC at the end of the Part 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 Lowest TC at the end of the game 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 Supports 3 per level (5 for A) Boss Quotes 3 per quote Most EXP gained in the chapter 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Most EXP gained at the end of the game 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 Items obtained during the chapter 2 per item Overall least BEXP used 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Note: Temporarily free characters do not count for point totals. Lowest TC in the chapter: This is by chapter. Whoever gets the best TC in a separate chapter gets the most points. Second gets the second best amount of points, etc. If there is tie, both get the same amount of points correspondent to their place. Lowest TC at the end of each Part: At the end of each Part, whoever gets the best TC gets the most points. Second gets the second best amount of points,etc. Lowest TC at the end of the game: At the end of the game, whoever has the best TC wins gets the most points. Second gets the second best amount of points, etc. For supports, to avoid just any character supporting, we will be using the RD Beta List as reference. If your drafted character cannot support the other character in the RD beta list, they cannot support in this draft. Micaiah and Sothe's support does not count for points and they cannot unsupport. In addition, characters cannot abandon a support once initiated. We will choose someone to keep scores for us and you must submit at least 1 chapter info per day. Undrafteds cannot support. Boss Quotes: This will be counted in every chapter as well. The requirement to get the points is to get the quote and both the player controller character and the boss have to talk. If only the boss talks, its not a boss quote. Most EXP gained in the chapter: At the end of each chapter, everyone will keep track of how much experience each of their characters got. Undrafteds (and free for only a few chapter characters) do not count toward this total. Free forever characters like Micaiah however do. The heron's exp do not count. Most EXP gained at the end of the game: Same as above except whoever got the most EXP at the end of the game wins this category. This does not count BEXP'd characters. So make sure you keep track of experience each chapter. Items obtained during the chapter: Items like things sothe steals, buried items, droppable items, etc. But starting inventory does not count. You get 2 points for each item that counts. Overall least BEXP used: At the end of the game, whoever used the least amount of BEXP gets the most points. Please send chapter info, In this format: Chapter: TC: Boss Quotes: EXP gained: Treasures/items obtained: BEXP used: For example, Chapter 1-P TC: 5 Boss quotes: Micaiah Exp gained: (lets say micaiah gained a level and 11 exp, it would be:) 111 Treasure/items obtained: None BEXP used: None If you dont submit a chapter before the specified time, you lose 2 points. If you take 2 days, you lose 6 points. And if you dont submit by day 3, the chapter wont count for you. (you will be skipped) Teams: nano- Titania, Aran, Tanith, Shinon, Sigrun, Muarim, Calill, Ranulf, Caineghis, Lethe, Giffca, Lyre PKL- Edward, Nephenee, Soren, Nealuchi, Janaff, Laura, Makalov, Heather, Rolf, Vika, Sanaki, Meg Quintessence- Nolan, Elincia, Ilyana, Mia, Naesala, Kieran, Lucia, Pelleas, Bastian, Stefan, Renning, Ena Vicious Sal- Jill, Gatrie, Ulki, Volug, Mordecai, Tormod, Rhys, Danved, Volke, Nasir, Gareth, Kyza CR- Oscar, Marcia, Zihark, Boyd, Nailah, Brom, Tibarn, Leonardo, Skrimir, Astrid, Mist, Tauroneo
  6. Hmm..yeah I will deploy Luke. Ryan is already decently leveled. He shouldnt be that much of a pain to train I think...
  7. Cecil's headband won 9 to 1. Expected/10. I will do prologue 8 tomorrow. Not sure who to deploy. Ryan is easier to feed kills to atm and the chapter is less tedious with him but Luke really needs the training...maybe I should do another silly poll.
  8. Hector battled Damian for me (walled him actually) but I dont pay attention to that stuff. Does he have a convo with Hector? EDIT: checked and the site says that he doesnt. http://www.serenesforest.net/fe7/boss_convo.html
  9. Im tempted to copypaste the tier list and update it, as well as tier the unique utility characters
  10. Elincia is OP you should all pick her. And im not kidding. She saves 4 turns in 2-E, ok maybe someone will make up for it. But wait...she saves turns in 4-2 with flight + rescue + tempest blades (if u give her an arms scroll) D: oh and wait, you say she saves another turn in 4-5? thats pretty cool. Shes still not first round pick because you need part 1 and part 3 but she shaves turns, thats for sure.
  11. @ Green- I never said rhys can become a frontline GM, you are probably thinking of someone else. Rhys is bad for every map thats not a desert and even then, he might still be bad >_>. Rhys is super overrated in drafts IMO.
  12. I said Gatrie=Soren why leave him out? D: Gatrie has a better 3-1 but Soren saves more turns overall with Meteor IIRC.
  13. Of course, I agree mages are crap in this game's HM. I would give Soren a 4/10 and Calill would get like a 2/10 in this RTU. Those are pretty bad scores but I just dont see how everyone thinks Calill>soren. On the subject of drafts: NM Soren can get the same TCs in some chapters as Oscar as Ive desmonstrated multiple times Green but thats NM >_>. NM is kinder to soren.
  14. Because endgame offense MATTERS A LOT. Sages are crap for endgame when you can just roflstomp everything with royals. It doesnt matter if she can wield rexflame (which is lolworthy because in HM she will have way too little mag in endgame to be of any use and soren is probably beating her in rough damage output with just a single attack from rexcalibur) or rexcalibur, sages are a terrible choice for endgame anyway. Yeah, it is pointless, if you consider massive chipping and ocasional ORKO'ing with adept, pointless. He can be BEXP'd once he caps mag skl and res (which will be really soon) so he caps spd too and could take a crown (even if contested) to start doubling stuff. Caill has jackshit movement in her chapters too, aside from being able to get up ledges. But due to her durability, do you really want her to do that? :/ Marcia could use all those resources a lot better because she FLIES and has more uses than "LOLMETEOR in one chapter and then hope she gets enough stats to do well in the desert". Hint: she wont get enough spd or mag in HM to ever do well in the desert. And the desert is already haar/jill's/peggies job anyway. Why drag a useless underleveled mage when you already have micaiah for that? Soren will probably do more in his forced GM chapters than calill. And wrong, calill doesnt compete with just kieran. She competes with marcia for a lone crown and very little BEXP. So she should never ever get those resources. Soren on the other hand, is on a team that has a lot of resources and gods that dont need many resources to function.
  15. I expected a lot more from you Green. You have disappointed me again. Try using Calill in HM, shes horrible. She needs an early crown for 3-9 and even then, shes not guaranteed to meteor the boss well due to the swordmasters in the way. She also comes with extremely bad stats in 3-11 if early crowned as well as a whopping ^6 MOVE and most of the GM maps dont need a 6 move unit tagging along because most of the remaining maps are heavily FLIGHT-biased. Marcia is by far, the best choice to put your CRK resources in IMO as her flight can help a lot more than calill. Soren has much better availability and thus much more time to get to a decent level. And can meteor stuff in a lot more chapters. He can also help clear 4-4 faster by opening the doors with siege tomes.
  16. Calill was voted way too high. People forget this is HM and that shes smelly in HM. Soren has much more availability and can contribute a bit, even if his spd is harder to fix in HM. Calill practically doesnt exist and will be too underleveled to be of any use when she joins the GM.
  17. All of those challenges are impossible. Anyway, Im not in again. FE10 takes too long.
  18. Best mage MU build Ive found is: Past- +2 skl/spd base +5% growth (more spd base and gives her a 50/50 chance to proc spd), Present- +1 str/mag base +10% growth (this helps her offense a bit in prologue and gives her a bit mag growth) and future- either +30% hp growth or +10% def growth. I find 15% def bad anyway, so I usually go hp. This will make her a nosferatank for the later chapters and a good gharnef killer. Also: note that going cleric will make your MU's magic suck forever.
  19. Comes very late. Has bad move. She can serve as a nuke i guess. 0/10 (-1 bias for loli and needing bantu to recruit her)
  20. There's base arena and she joins earlier but shes still as horrible as they come. 2/10 -1 bias for being the ONLY pegknight i downright hate makes that 1/10.
  21. Harpoon gets on in like, 8 hours. So yeah...
  22. Ah, I see. And yeah, Wendell should be in Unique Utility. Might as well make all the staffbots be in Unique Utility. Even though I think a unique utility tier is lazy as fuck anyway. Also, needs more Catria and Caeda over Sirius.
  23. Why is Darros so high? o_O Doesnt he get doubled forever? or is there something I missed? Is it only because of his good axe rank?
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