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Everything posted by PKL

  1. But amelia barely did anything other than ferry eirika in ch14 and kill eggs in ch18. How was she that important? You also conveniently left out speedwings gerik who was barely better than base forever. And what about neimi and colm who sucked forever? Cherrypicking ftw. Also, rarely do characters actually stay true to averages. Either they are screwed or blessed. Averages are just a tool for tier lists and arguments. Boron had a 21 def rath in an Fe7 draft, why did no one call BS on that? After all, he only has 10% def growth. Characters get blessed/screwed, not the end of the world.
  2. I got super tired of the MM draft and it rekindled my interest in HM. I BEXP'd sigrun until she capped res and got to 30 str, this allows her to ORKO paladins with no questions asked with a javelin forge. Sothe is bexp'd until he capped hp str skl spd def res. Micaiah was BEXP'd until she had 28 mag iirc. This allows her to ORKO what i need to, with shine and yuma is dispatched with thani. Anyway, i have miccy and sothe team up on the warrior and halberdier. Boots jill picks up micaiah and leanne vigored her. She dropped miccy in the bushes but in the northwestern-most tile of the bushes near the crossbow warrior. Jill cantos. Sigrun kills a halb to the east and cantos but still out of range of the bow paladins, but in range of all the other 1 range enemies. Miccy is put into resolve by the crossbow warrior and a lot of enemies SD to miccy jill and sigrun. Next, miccy kills the steel longbow paladin. Jill tomahawks the tempest blade General. Sigrun parks in a thicket tile with a javelin forge equipped. The rest of the enemies died to micaiah jill and sigrun in EP2. ~2 turns~
  3. Just do the same, except you can take it a bit slower since you wont be able to KO the boss in time for a 4 turn.

  4. Nvm, the 4 turn isnt possible without nealuchi.

  5. Whoops. Umm, i couldve sworn i saw 2-1. Well, just have leanne nephenee and brom. I hope u transferred marcia and haar's javelin with nealuchi or leanne or ur in trouble. Have neph and brom shield lucia with leanne's help. Hopefully, neph gets in wrath range and destroys the armor near the boss. Then have her vigored by leanne and wrath the boss. Lucia is undrafted, so have every undraf...

  6. 1. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. 2. Xenosaga III 3. Final Fantasy X 4. Tomb Raider 1 5. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. Honorable mentions: Skyward Sword, Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Super Smash Bros.
  7. Continued. Have brom kill the priest. PP5, neph should kill the mage/sage in front of brom, brom recruits heather. The boss SDs to neph. Also, i always call this boss ludveck for some reason yet i think his name is yeardley(?) or something like that. You can change the order to feed brom the kill but why in tellus would you do that lulz.

  8. The armor in front of neph should have 13 spd so she can double it. After shes done with it in PP2, she needs to attack and kill the sniper that blocks the way. Then, have brom shove her to safety. Have her park in front of boss in EP after she chugs a vulnerary. Have brom head right. Neph should get attacked by the boss. PP4, retreat with neph to a tile the boss cant reach, he still follows yo...

  9. Am i forced to recruit drafted characters? If so, gimme linde. If not, also gimme linde lulz.
  10. Well, i also had a skl screwed and massively str blessed lyn in that draft. A hector that refused to proc spd past a certain point (after promotion) and a rebecca and wil that were useless (especially rebecca) past a certain point because they got sucky level ups. And would i really finish a draft in less than 2 days If I had rigged the RNG? :/ The 2 peggie sisters capped str skl spd but that isnt such a strange ocurrence when both of them were above level 16. And marcus got a bit blessed, big deal. Where did having more spd shave a turn? Not even in 19x because florina could finish aion after marcus attacked anyway. And if i really wanted to rng the fuck out of things, wouldnt i have a marcus with all str skl spd def res level ups? and not with just 16 spd and 15 def. Also, ppl only complain when they see character blessings. Why did no one complain when i had a base def eirika in chapter 9? No one can get THAT unlucky right? Must have been RNG abuse, clearly.
  11. I know for a fact that uhai wont move or 2 range you, if you attacked him in PP with a horseslayer. Ive had marcus/sain horseslayer him in PP and then he SDs like a noob in EP. He seems to forget he has a bow with him. But thats probably due to his health being at about 50%.
  12. Haha, damn. Even when she does get kills, the exp gain is so bad anyway. :/ At least tauro acts like the NM resolve miccy in 1-6. Which is the only reason why im close to 4 turning the map.
  13. Yeah, i dont need beastfoe that much except maybe for gold lol. How is ur miccy shaping up? Im thinking I shouldve bought the dust...
  14. I didnt find beastfoe lol, I just said fuck it and pressed on bcuz eddie's levels were awesome.
  15. Also, im counting my rages. 1-4 8 turns. Sothe needed to heal instead of grabbing the robe in turn 7...and he missed a tiger Eddie got a bunch of levels with careful wrath usage and laura's help. Found master seal. 1-5 6 turns. Volug was clutch to help jill survive. Eddie got a bunch of kills from atop the platform. 1-6-1 RAGE #2 - first try, standard 4 turn until sothe misses a peggie in the last turn and, to boot, miccy MISSED too with thani and got javelin'd to the face wtf is up with 90 hit rates missing so much, is this FE6?.
  16. Aww man, my eddie is wtfblessed but my micaiah is unviable for resolve. She has 8 magic and 8 spd in 1-6 lulz. And its all because shes level 3. i cant find many opportunities to get her kills...ill just treat her as a pure healer and 8 turn 1-9.
  17. I restarted from the 1-2 savefile. 1-2 7 turns yet again because it could have been 6 with the drop and thani but nolan derped and missed the myrm in turn 5 EP and im not about to skip thani anytime soon. 1-3 6 turns. Managed to shave 2 turns with careful positioning, this forfeited the micaiah bosskill though.
  18. Lol yeah, I was surprised Esme didnt pick Franz. I was all liek, eh Im second so I autoget vanessa and didnt realize franz was still available .
  19. Ok, sure if you say so. I know it was legit (except for Prologue, Chapter 1 and Chapter 5x). Finished FE7 LHM + HNM 3 in 196 turns. 53 for Lyn Mode and 143 for HNM. Idk if it counts though. It had Marcus free up to Chapter 20 and the lords were free. My Team was: Florina, Raven, Pent, Farina, Louise, Rebecca. Thats 2 turns worse than horace's florina record and he did it with no marcus after Chapter 16. Haarace should be banned.
  20. I finished [FE7] LHM + HNM 3 hosted by Racer/Banjo Kazooie in 196 turns. ( #29502)
  21. Finished! Chapter 26 11/143 Defend and train my units. Unit Lv Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Hector 15 03 33 18 14 12 3 17 3 Axe B Eliwood C Eliwood 15 68 31 13 14 16 16 9 3 Sword A Hector C Lyn 20 2 16 40 22 18 21 14 10 13 Sword A Bow D Florina C Rebecca 8 34 21 9 8 11 6 5 2 Bow C Wil C Florina 20 9 79 47 21 24 26 18 11 15 Sword E Lance S Lyn C Wil 12 92 26 14 9 11 10 6 3 Bow B Rebecca C Raven 11 7 71 39 18 17 21 7 10 5 Sword B Axe B Ninian 4 22 16 0 0 15 12 7 5 Farina 18 41 30 14 16 18 11 11 12 Lance A Louise 4 00 28 12 14 17 16 9 12 Bow A Pent A Pent 8 18 33 19 22 18 14 11 16 Anima A Staff A Louise A Chapter 27 6/149 Farina and Pent take Jerme. Florina takes the Armor room. Lyn takes the Mercenary room. Louise solos the Bow Room. Unit Lv Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Hector 15 46 33 18 14 12 3 17 3 Axe A Eliwood C Eliwood 16 11 32 14 14 17 16 9 4 Sword A Hector C Lyn 20 3 71 40 23 19 21 15 10 13 Sword A Bow D Florina C Rebecca 8 77 21 9 8 11 6 5 2 Bow C Wil C Florina 20 12 63 50 21 25 27 19 12 16 Sword E Lance S Lyn C Wil 12 92 26 14 9 11 10 6 3 Bow B Rebecca C Raven 11 8 40 40 18 18 21 8 10 5 Sword B Axe B Ninian 4 72 16 0 0 15 12 7 5 Farina 18 5 16 38 19 18 22 13 14 15 Sword E Lance S Louise 6 82 30 13 15 17 17 10 13 Bow A Pent A Pent 10 01 34 21 23 19 14 12 17 Anima A Staff A Louise A Chapter 28 15/164 Training. Got Nino to talk to Jaffar for 28x. Got all the loot with Wil and Rebecca. (Chest Keys) Unit Lv Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Hector 16 39 34 18 14 13 4 18 3 Axe A Eliwood C Eliwood 17 42 33 15 14 17 17 9 5 Sword A Hector C Lyn 20 5 85 42 24 20 22 15 10 13 Sword A Bow D Florina C Rebecca 9 24 22 9 8 12 7 5 2 Bow C Wil C Florina 20 12 85 50 21 25 27 19 12 16 Sword E Lance S Lyn C Wil 12 92 26 14 9 11 10 6 3 Bow B Rebecca C Raven 11 9 44 41 18 19 22 8 10 5 Sword B Axe A Ninian 6 12 17 0 0 15 13 8 5 Farina 18 11 55 44 23 23 26 16 14 18 Sword E Lance S Louise 7 44 31 13 15 18 17 10 13 Bow A Pent A Pent 12 46 34 23 24 20 14 12 17 Anima S Staff A Louise A Chapter 28x 20/Free Training. Got the Thor's Ire and trained everyone pretty well. Unit Lv Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Hector 20 38 20 17 15 5 20 3 Axe A Eliwood C Eliwood 20 35 15 16 17 18 11 6 Sword A Hector C Lyn 20 10 92 46 24 23 26 20 11 13 Sword S Bow D Florina C Rebecca 9 24 22 9 8 12 7 5 2 Bow C Wil B Florina 20 16 42 51 23 25 28 22 14 17 Sword E Lance S Lyn C Wil 12 92 26 14 9 11 10 6 3 Bow B Rebecca B Raven 11 10 65 41 19 19 22 8 10 5 Sword B Axe A Ninian 7 32 18 0 0 15 14 8 5 Farina 18 16 62 48 23 25 28 20 15 21 Sword E Lance S Louise 8 13 31 13 15 19 18 10 13 Bow A Pent A Pent 14 20 35 25 24 21 16 12 17 Anima S Staff A Louise A Chapter 29 5/169 I still cant figure out how to 4 turn this. There's always this longbow prick up north. Pent was dropped by Farina. Raven was dropped by Florina. Florina got me the warp and then rushed to Linus, but like usual, she falls 1 tile short of being able to 1 range him... maybe im doing something wrong. Unit Lv Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Hector 20 1 00 41 20 19 18 5 21 8 Axe A Sword D Eliwood B Eliwood 20 1 00 39 17 16 18 18 12 9 Sword A Lance D Hector B Lyn 20 11 76 47 24 23 26 20 11 14 Sword S Bow D Florina C Rebecca 9 24 22 9 8 12 7 5 2 Bow C Wil B Florina 20 20 53 23 25 28 24 15 17 Sword E Lance S Lyn C Wil 12 92 26 14 9 11 10 6 3 Bow B Rebecca B Raven 11 13 99 44 19 20 24 8 12 6 Sword B Axe S Farina 18 16 73 48 23 25 28 20 15 21 Sword E Lance S Louise 8 63 31 13 15 19 18 10 13 Bow A Pent A Pent 19 25 39 28 26 24 18 13 18 Anima S Staff A Louise A Ninian 7 52 18 0 0 15 14 8 5 Chapter 30 3/172 Florina rescues Hector and moves forward. Pent warps her to the left. She drops Hector in Turn 2 in range of the boss. Hector weakens Kaim with the Hand Axe in EP 2. Florina finishes Kaim and Hector steps in the square. Meanwhile, Pent killed a thief and armors for experience. Unit Lv Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Hector 20 1 59 41 20 19 18 5 21 8 Axe A Sword D Eliwood B Florina 20 20 53 23 25 28 24 15 17 Sword E Lance S Lyn C Pent 19 96 39 28 26 24 18 13 18 Anima S Staff A Louise A Chapter 31 11/183 More training. Got all the loot. Unit Lv Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Hector 20 6 73 46 24 22 18 6 25 9 Axe A Sword D Eliwood B Eliwood 20 2 92 40 18 16 19 19 13 9 Sword A Lance D Hector B Lyn 20 15 74 49 24 24 30 21 12 15 Sword S Bow D Florina C Florina 20 20 53 23 25 28 24 15 17 Sword E Lance S Lyn C Pent 20 40 28 27 25 18 14 18 Anima S Staff C Louise A Rebecca 9 24 22 9 8 12 7 5 2 Bow C Wil B Wil 12 92 26 14 9 11 10 6 3 Bow B Rebecca B Raven 11 16 42 47 21 22 26 9 13 6 Sword B Axe S Farina 18 17 14 49 23 25 28 21 15 21 Sword E Lance S Louise 12 76 33 14 16 21 22 11 15 Bow S Pent A Chapter 31x 5/188 Training in the arena. Getting stuff in preparation for Final and blabla. Rebecca and Wil got to A Support. Unit Lv Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Hector 20 8 12 48 26 23 18 6 25 9 Axe A Sword D Eliwood B Eliwood 20 4 55 42 19 16 19 20 14 10 Sword A Lance D Hector B Lyn 20 15 74 49 24 24 30 21 12 15 Sword S Bow D Florina C Florina 20 20 53 23 25 28 24 15 17 Sword E Lance S Lyn C Pent 20 40 28 27 25 18 14 18 Anima S Staff A Louise A Rebecca same Wil A Wil same Rebecca A Raven 11 16 82 47 21 22 26 9 13 6 Sword B Axe S Farina 18 17 14 49 23 25 28 21 15 21 Sword E Lance S Louise 15 23 35 14 16 23 22 12 15 Bow S Pent A Chapter 32 3/191 Hector was rescued by Flo. Danced Flo with Nils. Pent warp. Florina flies towards Limstella. Drops Hector in Turn 2 in front of her with a Tomahawk equipped. He countered her on EP. And since he got tinked by everything except the Purge guy (who left him with 4 HP), he survived. Florina then proceeded to Brave Lance Limstella and got a crit in the last hit for exactly 21 HP. I wasnt actually counting on the crit and couldve just warped Farina to finish off Lim stella before anyone complains. Unit Lv Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Hector 20 10 46 49 28 23 18 7 26 9 Axe A Sword D Eliwood B Nils 7 72 18 0 0 15 14 8 5 Eliwood 20 4 55 42 19 16 19 20 14 10 Sword A Lance D Hector B Lyn 20 17 07 51 24 24 30 22 12 17 Sword S Bow D Florina C Florina 20 20 same Pent 20 40 28 27 25 18 14 18 Anima S Staff A Louise A Rebecca same Wil same Raven 11 16 99 same Farina 18 17 86 same Louise 15 83 same Chapter 32x 1/192 Lyn gets Warped and she KEs Kishuna. She doubles with 67 display hit or so. Unit Lv Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Hector 20 10 89 49 28 23 18 7 26 9 Axe A Sword D Eliwood B Nils 7 82 18 0 0 15 14 8 5 Lyn 20 17 70 51 24 24 30 22 12 17 Sword S Bow D Florina C Eliwood same Final Light Part 1 3/195 Barely made it. Athos had to Luna finish Lloyd in PP and Pent warped him in front of Nergal. Nergal SD'd to a Luna crit. Final Light Part 2 1/196 Athos double Lunas. Eliwood rescues him, Hector take drops him. Nils refreshes Athose. Pent physics Athos. Athos finishes off the dragon.
  22. Thats good SB. Much improved. Also, real men 7 turn 1-4 and get the Robe!
  23. I also gave artur the rings, dont forget. EDIT: and nessie had 2 dracos and a robe. I guess i should start saying where i put my resources since i dont think i ever said it in the log. But its obvious when someone like nessie takes a 10HP jump from chapter 8 to chapter 9 that i robed and whip'd her.
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