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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Thanks! Go ahead and replay it. It's a great game :) So, I was curious about what my final TC will probably look like and it seems that if i get the known lowest TCs in the next chapters: 20x 4 turns 21 6 turns 22 4 turns 23 2 turns Final 2 turns Then I would get 151 turns total. Maybe I can find a 5 turn C21 to make that 150, who knows? ;) It seems even with the hit Linde gave my wallet I can still afford the Dragonpike If I sell the right stuff. So it's all looking set. Speaking of selling stuff, should i include the prep screen when I sell all that stuff ala dondon?
  2. This chapter was very difficult to both plan for and execute. I had to find a way to get the Again chest manually because of the lack of Thief staff uses while still being able to get the door open in the following turn. This was easier said than done as most units can't really take a Thoron to the face and a Longbow. Luckily, Catria had just enough HP Def and Res after Starsphere, Pure Water and Rainbow potion. I found a way to get the door open in Turn 3, get all the chests and still get the Avatar to Hardin in 5 turns. I skipped the north Fortify staff because I needed a crit to happen in order to get it. It can be obtained by luring the Spear General in Turn 5 and then using a Javelin on the Bishop with a Paladin. The Rainbow Potion uses this chapter were: Avatar- so he can double and ORKO Heroes after Starsphere. Ryan- so he can double Heroes. Linde- so she could ORKO Snipers and Heroes with Levin Sword. Catria- so she could tank the Longbow and Thoron in Turn 4. I noticed I didn't trade the Geosphere really late, sorry about that. With the Geosphere in Linde's hands, Avatar would've had 51% chance to crit Hardin and as you can see, only a Hauteclere crit+a Parthia normal hit is needed to take him down. I had a lot of backup plans in case some things happened: If the hero linde needs to attack in Turn 2 can survive her because he gets enough HP Res, Marth could finish him off. If Marth didn't crit the Hero in EP 2 with the Master Sword, Ryan!Xane could finish him off. If Linde couldn't ORKO the Sniper in the chest room, Caeda could finish him off. Anyway, enjoy. ~Chapter 20 is completed in 5 turns~ Rainbow Potion uses remaining: 8/77 <- Dangerously low
  3. Ike returned because Sakurai doesn't like cutting people's favorites. Don't dwell too much on it. The probability of a Tellius sequel is close to 0 imo. You cant get much more epic than killing Tellius's goddess.
  4. Most male units are still mediocre while there are ridiculous females all around New Mystery, so?
  5. She has 24 spd base, that's wtf huge. Her bases are spectacular, she supports Marceeuh and Oscar. She might want an Energy Drop/Robe though.
  6. So, in the recording...I forgot to trade the Geosphere at the end, so Ryan and Avatar had 30 and 41% respectively, instead of the 40% and 51% planned. I didn't want to redo all that and there's a map save anyway. Kinda embarassing that I would forget (though there IS a lot of stuff to trade around and one can easily forget the order in which it had to be done I guess...still) this important detail lol. Oh well. Video will be up soon-ish. EDIT: It's still 25% more reliable than double Horseman crits without the Geosphere. And it's 35% more reliable with it. Horseman double crit that don't support each other, like Luke and Sirius, only have a 16% chance of happening.
  7. And Avatar FE13 would be literally the worst.
  8. I can reach it, but I need to be able to afford a 40000G Dragonpike forge for C22 and C23 strats. If I sell literally everything, I get 66000G atm but I cant sell everything and I also need a Brave Lance forge that costs around 10000G that takes up all the money the C20 bullion gives me. Currently I have 3500G due to buying 2 spirit dusts for linde and drill grounding the avatar once for spd so that my ch20 strat works. Speaking of, this chapter was a bit of a nightmare to plan for. The Again chest being right next to the Hardin door complicated matters severely, but I finally figured out a way to do this. Btw, I found a way to get a Berseker Avatar to Hardin in 5 turns. With one hauteclere crit with starsphere that's already 66 HP out of 80 done lol. So even a normal Parthia attack will do. Making it more reliable than double Horseman or whatever clears. Expect vid tomorrow or Monday though.
  9. Saint's Staff is hilariously good in FE6. Fortify is god's gift in FE12 H3. EDIT: Recover is bad...except for selling it. It's really good as money. Physic is extremely useful in Lunatic FE13 and FE10 HM. Libra's Barrier is useful for the following chapter so a unit can tank mages in the same EP. (someone like Sumia) And then there's Rescue in FE13 with how broken it is. I don't see what's so lulz about that.
  10. It's bad on stage, decent offstage in Brawl. Reason for being bad on stage is that the initial hit doesnt have enough range or speed to be a good OoS or pressure reliever like some upbs are and the reward for landing it in relation to the risk for missing it is too high. While it's got a good hitbox offstage and is multi-hit (making it tricky to gimp), his upb does have some issues like marth counter completely beating it and that it doesnt give him that much horizontal boost. Marth can literally counter vs his upb by the ledge and keep hitting him away, it's actually rather sad. Though, of course, there is always a way! If Ike is close enough to the stage, he can reverse his upb so that the sword never hits marth.
  11. He's actually Mid Tier as he was deemed too powerful in Low Tier tournaments at one point (dominating low tier tournament results like crazy, he was definetely not a low tier). His jab is a very powerful close up tool, as long as it's as good as in brawl, he will at least already have a powerful CQC tool. His forward air, while having startup higher than most aerials, has a crazy disjointed hitbox that if spaced properly, is actually almost unpunishable. Since he can jab before the opponent closes the gap. I think Aether actually recovering him in some of the hits could be a good change, it's a move that isn't likely to hit anyways.
  12. What is playing it "properly"? IS put a warp staff there, why not use it? I think the difficulties are like this personally: FE13 L+>>>>>FE12 L'>FE12 L>>FE13 L>FE11 H5>FE6 HM>FE10 HM>>FE9 MM>FE7 HHM
  13. This is all my opinion, it's not neccesarily accurate and you might not agree with it. But don't insult me over anything I say and we'll be fine. Let's see if its true that females are almost always bad, for lulz: FE6 Ellen- meh Shanna- good Clarine- meh Dorothy- awful Sue- good Lilina- meh Wendy- lol Fir- decent Tate- good Lalum- hell yeah Echidna- good Cath- awful Miledy- checkmate FE6 Cecilia- decent Sophia- LOL Igrene- decent Fa- meh Niime- holy mother of...Canas! (great) Juno- whyyy (awful) FE7: Lyn- decent Florina- great Serra- decent Rebecca- awful Priscilla- decent Fiora- good Ninian- great Isadora- good Farina- good Louise- good Nino- awful Vaida- decent Karla- whyyy FE8 Eirika- good Vanessa- great Neimi- bad Lute- decent Natasha- decent Tana- good Amelia- lol Tethys- great Marissa- why L'Arachel- why Myrrh- decent Syrene- bad FE9 Titania- OP Mia- Decent Ilyana- bad Marcia- Super OP Mist- good Nephenee- good Jill- OP Astrid- great Tanith- great Calill- good Lucia- bad Elincia- decent Ena- awful FE10 Micaiah- good Laura- decent Ilyana- bad Meg- why Jill- Super OP Fiona- whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Vika- whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Nailah- OP Elincia- great Marcia- great Leanne- great Nephenee- good Heather- bad Lucia- bad Lethe- bad Astrid- bad Calill- decent Titania- great Mist- bad Mia- great Lyre- awful Sigrun- bad Tanith- decent Sanaki- bad Ena- bad FE11 Caeda- OP Lena- OP Athena- good Maria- awful Minerva- decent Linde- bad Midia- bad Palla- good Catria- good Est- bad Tiki- decent Elice- bad Nagi- decent FE12 Avatar (female)- great Cecil- good Malicia- OP Catria- OP Linde- good Palla- OP Yumina- good Caeda- great Norne- bad Feena- great Minerva- good Maris- bad Athena- awful Tiki- bad Est- awful Katarina- good Sheema- terrible Midia- terrible Nagi- decent Lena- decent Maria- bad Nyna- great Elice- good FE13 Avatar (female)- Extremely OP Lissa- decent Sully- good Miriel- decent Sumia- great Maribelle- decent Panne- great Cordelia- great Nowi- good Tharja- decent Anna- good Olivia- good Cherche- good Say'ri- decent Tiki- good Flavia- decent
  14. Ike is fine as it he was in Brawl, he doesnt need to be slower, in fact, that would make him completely terrible. If anything, he needs to a bit faster imo. Also, I literally knew of Ike's return while I was at a tournament lol. I was ok with his return and then i saw his RD look and i went hell yeah! But i wasnt that hyped or anything. After all, I dont main or second him.
  15. Ah, dammit, I was making a huge post with all of the females through FE6 to FE13 saying if theyre bad or good, can I post it or not, Fox?
  16. Evidence.zip of it being a good growth: 75 50 50 45 25 20 5 FE6's own Miledy, must be a Kappa in str and skl right? 90 50 45 45 25 40 30 FE8's Seth. Man, his str must be so lame right? 80 45 25 60 50 45 40 45 Titania has a 50 spd growth. Damn, her spd must suck. This is obviously a joke post.
  17. It depends on the game for me. FE6: I use them, kinda often-ish, judging from the number of vulneraries I have left in Chapter 16 of my casual run. FE7: I rarely use them past earlygame or on a few defense chapters. FE8: Rarely actually need them. When it's a draft, I tend to use more because of the nature of drafts. FE9: Use them here and there, not very often. In FE8 drafts, I use more vulneraries. In FE9, I use less and heal more to even make Soren reach Rescue by Chapter 21. Yes, Soren reaching Rescue in LTC. FE10: Use them more often. Especially in Part 4 with it's EPoriented gameplay and healing items being better in general. FE11: Invaluable in earlygame. Not used that much past that though, especially when you have PHYSIC. FE12: There are like thousands of vulneraries in this game I swear. I use them more in Lunatic but I still end up with a bunch of vulneraries to sell by lategame. FE13: I use them a lot because it's an EP oriented game and I usually go semi-LTC in Lunatic with absolutely no Nosferatu or Avatar snowballing.
  18. Seeing RD Ike being in has sparked my inner Micaiah fanboy to want her in Smash again. Unlikely as it is...sigh. Would be so cool to have a mage woman rep from FE though.
  19. With how slow HHM enemies are, str>superflous spd.
  20. Marcus wins by a lot in 0% growths. Marcus doesnt need Lyn Mode to be god. Marcus is god and ye mortals shall worship him.
  21. To answer the thread's question: Because literally every other unit in the game is better, probably even Karla is better. She requires waaaaay too much babying at a point in the game where you're likely to have ridiculous units anyway. Pent exists, so she's also ridiculously outclassed by a unit that joins earlier with ranks she just wishes she had. Even if Pent didnt exist, she'd also be outclassed by Erk. EDIT: Ok wallace is worse than her, forgot him.
  22. PKL

    E3 2014

    I'll be more disappointed than usual this year if there's no Majora's Mask remake announced. I'm kinda expecting it after the rather obvious tease from Nintendo in A Link Between Worlds.
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