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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Flier. Decent stats. Costs money. 5/10
  2. Rafiel's average is 9.5. Day 20: The Black Knight Pros: God unit. 1-2 range monster that never dies. Can be ferried by Nailah or Volug to make the Throne Room a cakewalk while Sothe carries Miccy. The 4 turn 1-9 strat wouldnt be possible without him. Cons: Tends to arrive late to the party. 6 move. Terrible availability. I give him a 6/10. He is useful in 1-9 and 1-E but thats about it for me. In 3-6, he joins when the map is ending -_-.
  3. Alright. i can do this. ill have them stand together in all the maps from now on. worst case scenario i restart from 4-P...
  4. They are in C right now in 4-5. I doubt they can get to A in time for endgame. They have been supporting each other. Oh well, Im seriously screwed now. Even by being in the same P4 army and all they wont reach it. Im curious, CR did you get them both to A support?
  5. Creeper, is it required to get Kieran and Oscar to A support as a winning condition? Because I seem to be having trouble getting them to even a C. -_- They hate each other.
  6. Zohda was here a moment ago but went offline :(. Also, does anyone know whos the character in my member badge? Is that ninian?
  7. 1/10. He doesnt exist. His movement sucks. His bases suck. His growths suck. He is even hard to recruit.
  8. Nailah's average is 7.6. Day 19: Rafiel Pros: Can diamond without transforming. Best endgame heron. Saves turns and makes things that are otherwise impossible, possible. Cons: Loldurability but if you are letting your herons get attacked, you are doing it super wrong. Worst move out of the heron trio. Has bad availability when compared to the other 2. I give him a 9/10. Its kinda hard to rate a heron to be honest.
  9. OMG. I have all the peggies in FE10. Sigrun.
  10. I paused at 4-1 in EM. Got super bored of it. Seriously, I dont like easy mode. I will finish it eventually though...
  11. Brom = Nailah. I dont understand anything anymore so, sorry If its taken.
  12. At least I dont join EVERY single FE game draft when im superoverloaded. Just 10 and 12.
  13. Sorry, didnt notice it was my turn. I pick Tormod.
  14. I will join every FE10 or 12 draft even if im overloaded. So wynaut? In
  15. Vika's average is 3. Better than I expected... Day 18: Nailah Pros: God unit in Part 1. High move. Great offense. Never untransforms. Available in some of the toughest maps in the game. Cons: No 2 range. Availability isnt too good. I give her a 7/10. She is available in 1-8, 1-E and 4-4 which are some of the toughest maps in the game if not THE toughest.
  16. Hahaha. This is awesome. Cant believe he made it to me just like I had planned. Makalov.
  17. Muarim's average is 3.8. Day 17: Vika Pros: Flight. Incredible speed. Cons: Is less salvageable in 4-4 than the other 2 LEAs but still possible. Adept Tear and BEXP can kinda fix her strike issues. A bit on the frail side. Weird growths. 50 Magic on a physical unit...I think IS screwed up there. Anyway, shes never reaching SS strike or heck, probably not even S due to terrible availability. She doesnt ORKO stuff in part 1 either naturally unless you give her adept and hope for the best. Oh, and the same cons all laguz share like gauge and no 2 range. I give her 2.5/10. Still a decent pick for late drafting.
  18. Yeah, definetely making Leo go to Hawk. Thanks everyone. I just realized, I can beat the current best turncount for an RD draft (201 by Radiant Dragon with Haar). Its insane. My team is better than it looks. Just hope my Part 4 works out. If things work out, I'll be looking at 198-200 final turncount.
  19. Better than Wil and Beccy. Even though he comes too late and still sucks too much. 2.1/10
  20. PKL

    My ICs

    LOL. In a way the vid makes you look bad at first because of that gimp right at the beginning of the match and then nana...I wish my nana did that stuff. She usually just SDs, yes, my Nana once SD'd for no reason. Kept walking to the other side of the stage and fell off and hammer'd. I raged. A. Lot. After that, I never use Ice Climbers seriously. I mean, I can chaingrab with them fine but then nana does something completely retarded and screws me over. I dont have the patience to play a character like that lol.
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