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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Updated teams: Kopfjager: Rody, Malliesia, Barst, Blues/Marth:Luke, Frey, Ogma, 13th: Sirius, Draug, PKL: Caeda, Ryan, Yumina, ThisisJaye: Cecille, Cain, Minerva, LeaderElliot: Catria, Palla, Linde,
  2. I call dibs on Yumina. Brb, gonna update the list.
  3. Updated teams: Kopfjager: Rody, Malliesia, Blues/Marth:Luke 13th: Sirius, Cecille, PKL: Caeda, Ryan ThisisJaye: LeaderElliot: Catria, Palla,
  4. Round Robin is better :p. We all get to play each other. More matches = more fun :D.
  5. So, thisisjaye gets another pick right? And sounds the alarm If I understood the rules correctly...
  6. Im available to play today all day. So, if anyone here wants to play a match. Holler @ me. Preferably PM or IP Chat.
  7. Because mario is bad. /thread Nah, seriously. He has gimping shenanigans with his cape. His fireballs can be good in certain matchups but the lack of range gives him a TON of bad matchups. Like marth, metaknight, ddd, etc.
  8. Chapter 13x: 4/0 Kleine recruited...I WISH. :( Got the iote shield. Palla and Sirius were Paladins but didnt get deployed due to not noticing the unit limit -_-. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 18 94 52 16 0 18 25 21 11 2 Sword C Ursula Bishop 8 50 46 8 23 23 24 14 5 16 Tome A Staff C Ryan Horseman 13 83 43 24 1 28 26 12 17 4 Sword C Bow B Yubello Staffbot 14 74 24 0 3 8 12 10 6 10 Staff C Barst Berserker 11 74 49 28 0 23 25 16 12 0 Axe A Radd Swordmaster 5 53 39 14 1 25 24 10 13 4 Sword A Feena Dancer 6 74 20 5 0 7 18 13 7 0 Sword E Athena Myrmidon 11 17 25 9 0 13 14 7 7 0 Sword B Palla Paladin 14 13 47 23 1 26 23 14 19 9 Sword E Lance A Sirius Paladin 5 27 32 16 1 17 13 5 14 7 Sword B Lance A Chapter 14 Preparations: Nothing. Except some reclassing. Chapter 14 4/76 Marth got danced by Feena turn 1. Everyone kills stuff. Ursula then gets danced and full moves as much as possible. Marth gets the spheres. Ursula rescues marth. He full moves towards the seize point. Yubello got the Again with Thief. Sirius chased the thief and got warp. Xane was a big help because it copied Ursula :D. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 20 26 54 18 0 20 25 23 13 1 Sword B Ursula Bishop 9 96 47 9 23 24 25 14 5 16 Tome A Staff C Ryan Horseman 14 84 44 24 1 28 27 12 17 4 Sword C Bow B Yubello Curate 15 66 25 0 3 8 13 11 7 10 Staff B Barst Berserker 12 92 50 29 0 23 25 16 13 0 Axe A Radd Swordmaster 8 36 42 17 1 27 26 11 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 7 38 21 6 0 8 19 14 7 0 Sword E Athena Myrmidon 11 39 25 9 0 13 14 7 7 0 Sword B Palla Dracoknight 14 82 45 24 1 26 23 14 21 6 Lance A Axe E Sirius Dracoknight 5 73 30 17 1 17 13 5 16 4 Lance A Axe E Xane Freelancer 6 93 20 3 0 3 12 11 6 10 Chapter 15 Preparations: Gave Palla the Iote's Shield. Recover to Yubello. That Door key I bought in Chapter 5? I gave it to Palla. Deployed Rickard for the first time in years. Sold the Bullion (L). Ill play this chapter tomorrow.
  9. Then thisisjaye automatically gets Kurth. We're done with drafting. Good luck with your playthroughs everyone :D. Except Soul.
  10. I would have joined. But IMO, Sacred stones is terrible for drafts.
  11. NVM, ill pick when he gets back on. I realized I want one of those characters
  12. Eh, I had to go. You can change your pick. If you want, of course.
  13. 5. PKL: Lorenz, Abel, Est, Palla, Vyland, Ryan, Beck, Linde, Malice, Wolf, Belf, Warren, Lorenz- useless. Abel- hes gonna rolfstomp FE11. Then, he will betray me for Est in 12 and come really late and be practically useless. Est- Ill try to train her in chapter 20x in FE11 and base arena her in 12. She should grow into a useful unit. Palla- Godess in both games. Especially in 12... Vyland- should help a bit in 11. Then, hes ridiculously bad in 12. Auto bench. Ryan- Great availability and good growths to boot. Hes been competing with palla for MVP in 13th's draft. He can do ANYTHING in any class. Beck- I dont know what to say. Linde- Frail. But makes a really good cleric in 12 and a good aura bomber in 11. Malice- Not much experience with her. That def... Wolf- Backup for Abel in 11. Then, he becomes useless in 12. Belf- Why oh why. Warren- why did he last so much? He'll be my pirata.
  14. Chapter 11 Preparations: Sold the Bullion (L) and made Radd a Cavalier. Trained him a bit. Reclassed him to Myrmidon and sold the other Firestone. Then I keep training him as myrmidon. Radd 17 37 29 10 0 20 19 6 10 1 Sword C Chapter 11 6/62 Ursula rushed and rescued Marth. Palla flies gathering items (she got Draco and Arms scroll) while ryan handles the bulk of the enemy army. She then joins Ryan and kills the boss. Got all the loot except Elysian Whip thanks to Sirius. No secret shop. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 13 28 40 14 0 15 17 16 9 0 Sword C Ursula Bishop 3 69 41 8 21 18 22 10 5 14 Tome B Staff C Ryan Dracoknight 9 42 42 26 1 26 23 11 21 4 Lance D Axe E Yubello Curate 13 49 23 0 1 7 12 10 6 10 Staff C Barst Berserker 8 90 46 26 0 22 24 15 12 0 Axe A Radd Myrmidon 17 82 29 10 0 20 19 6 10 1 Sword C Feena Dancer 5 42 19 4 0 6 17 12 7 0 Sword E Palla Dracoknight 10 77 42 24 1 26 23 13 20 4 Lance A Axe E Castor Mercenary 8 45 25 8 0 12 13 4 8 0 Sword E Sirius Dracoknight 4 79 29 16 1 17 13 5 16 3 Lance A Axe E Chapter 12 Preparations: Train Radd a level. Then I seal him. Radd 1 00 26 13 1 22 21 7 12 4 Sword A Reclassed Ryan to Horseman. Gave Marth the Dracoshield. And another robe. Plus, two speedwings. The secret book i gave to ursula. And Radd received a Godess Icon. Chapter 12 6/68 Ok, I was asking myself If giving marth so many stat-boosters was such a good idea...but It definetely paid off. I literally couldnt move any faster than this. I had to put marth in danger all the time and he would barely survive with 1 HP on EP. Ursula broke physic on marth lol. Its probably not minimum, but Im very glad this map is done WITH. I HATE THIS CHAPTER. Got the last shard btw. And Im glad I promoted radd to swordmaster as the chapter couldnt have been done without him. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 17 94 51 15 0 17 24 20 11 0 Sword C Ursula Bishop 5 19 43 8 22 21 23 12 5 14 Tome B Staff C Ryan Horseman 10 54 43 24 1 28 25 11 17 4 Sword D Bow B Yubello Curate 14 20 24 0 3 8 12 10 6 10 Staff C Barst Berserker 9 75 47 26 0 22 25 16 12 0 Axe A Radd Swordmaster 4 10 38 14 1 24 23 9 13 4 Sword A Feena Dancer 6 10 20 5 0 7 18 13 7 0 Sword E Palla Dracoknight 12 93 43 24 1 26 23 13 20 5 Lance A Axe E Castor Mercenary BENCH Sirius Dracoknight 4 87 29 16 1 17 13 5 16 3 Lance A Axe E Chapter 13 Preparations: Reclassed Ryan to Dracoknight. Gave him a javelin and a steel lance. And a killer lance just in case, since hes about to reach C. Chapter 13 4/72 Risky but effective. I had Feena dance Marth on first turn and then marth used full move through the rivers. He came 1 TILE SHORT OF SEIZING IN TURN 3. But alas, this is good anyhow. Ryan and Palla are soooo awesome :D. Ursula got the Dragonpike. Radd battled some enemies to the west. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 18 85 52 16 0 18 25 21 11 2 Sword C Ursula Bishop 8 42 46 8 23 23 24 14 5 16 Tome A Staff C Ryan Dracoknight 12 89 43 26 1 26 23 12 21 4 Lance C Axe E Yubello Curate 14 55 24 0 3 8 12 10 6 10 Staff C Barst Berserker 11 33 49 28 0 23 25 16 12 0 Axe A Radd Swordmaster 5 36 39 14 1 25 24 10 13 4 Sword A Feena Dancer 6 58 20 5 0 7 18 13 7 0 Sword E Palla Dracoknight 14 13 45 24 1 26 23 14 21 6 Lance A Axe E Sirius Dracoknight 5 27 30 17 1 17 13 5 16 4 Lance A Axe E I would like to know the optimal turncounts for these chapters.
  15. It will. I will start playing this draft once Im done with the EM RD draft, the FE11-12 one and the NM RD draft.
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