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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Right it is mean, that is why I said it is a nasty way to put it. However the word had been used previously from others, and I wanted to just cut to the heart of the matter why people upset about Camilla winning. Why it was spilling over into criticizing fans of her and character bashing which is rampant throughout the thread. The thing is CYL means much much more than this one banner coming in August. It also largely dictates the release plans of the year. Far fetched heroes, okay that is obvious. However besides that it will greatly influence their strategy on alts what games get focused on, and what characters they release. With Fates/Awakening being 14/40 taking the top 20 male and top 20 female and with many of the characters already being in the game and quite a few having alts already it encourages exactly what many people are upset about. Fates/Awakening dominance on banner release, taking forever for banners for older games to come out, and increasing the alt count even further. So it isn't just a simple contest and one banner, it likely ruins the rest of the year for many people. The alt thing is common place for gacha games I guess, but I don't come from those, I want to see different faces and heroes. Not the same ones over and over again with some new faces once every few months. Hostility and mudslinging are bad, but the side that is already upset about the direction the game has gone this past year are even more so that this next year will be more of the same or even worse.
  2. This is not necessarily true. The winners will be the individual characters that get the most votes, as in people who wanted them to win. However that doesn't mean the majority of people are happy with the results. This isn't a two person presidential race or something there are hundreds of characters and votes spread all around. There is male and female categories. It is possible that say character X gets the most votes of any character, but at the same time everyone who didn't vote for the character hates him/her. That would mean the overwhelming majority actually hate the result.
  3. I am, cause otherwise the same people are screwed over every single week. Much better that everyone gets what they want at least some of the time. What's the point of those people who never get what they want to keep eating food they hate every single week? Selfish sounds like a bad word, but it just means caring for oneself without consideration of others. I wanted to put it forth why there is so much animosity not just towards just Camilla winning but towards her fans for pushing for a 7th version when so many characters are still missing. My example of not even voting for Lewyn who has no alts, is that if being considerate of others then with hundreds of characters not in the game yet and the glacial release rate one would not put votes towards characters that are in already. Camilla fans are the extreme example. Yes to some degree those voting for a character with a version already in the game are somewhat selfish, just to a lesser degree than someone voting for a character with many versions already in the game. In addition these results have a strong bearing on the future banners, and essentially this is promoting alts, 10, 20, 100 whatever with new heroes mattering very little. So it is a big middle finger for those whose favorite character isn't in the game, too bad your chances just got even lower.
  4. It's much worse with just going to McD all the time since only 3 people want it, and the rest will be disappointed. Even the ones okay with it will get sick of it, every time the same thing. It isn't like hey we are getting Camilla for the first time. Or the 2nd time, or the 5th time. That kind of redundancy will leave only the diehard fans satisfied. On the exact numbers, I think gacha games are much more male orientated for the most part so it is likely an even larger proportion of males to females than the main series. I mean we can see with the silly butt boob poses, exploding swimsuits, lines like massage me baby and the female to male ratio on these sexy banners. Like where is the groom banner? Nowhere to be found we got 2 bride banners in a row. In addition usually the male is demoted and has inferior skills, and the much larger % of females in the 5 star pool while males are mostly regulated to low rarity.
  5. Husbando is a thing, but the vast majority of the playerbase are male. Therefore the vast majority of the playerbase are attracted to females. So whatever few people here or there that are into guys aren't going to impact these polls hardly at all. Bruno is in cause he is an OC (of which many have made the list) who is still missing despite being around since the beginning of game. @bottlegnomes If it was a good group of friends then each person would get their choice once a week. So yeah they would end up eating at McDonalds a lot, but not every time. This means that the other people get their choice even if it is only once in awhile.
  6. Addressing some of the new points. The male list is always much more respectable than the female list cause there is no sexual component, people just like those characters. While with females liking the characters is part of it, but there is the whole waifu thing. Oh and there are not tons of women like Camilla. She has a gorgeous face in addition to those curves, large bust, perfect legs, and she is royalty. Lewyn is my favorite character and by some margin. Does he have any alts? No he just one version. Just one, no alternate. Did I vote for him here? No because I'm not selfish, I'd rather get other characters in the game. Then again I like more than one character which I guess is unusual. What is it called though...empathy? Yeah I can feel for others whose favorite characters are not in the game, after all my favorite was only added recently. However those born in a life of luxury with silver spoons, having favorite at launch and being thrown alts left and right continuously likely think of just themselves. Cause they have never wanted or needed. Alright all that sounds rather nasty, but I think that is the heart of the matter and why dislike of all the versions of Camilla has spilled into attacking the fanbase and bashing the character herself. I will clear up that I enjoyed Fates and Awakening, and Camilla is my favorite of the royals and I like her as a character despite some obvious pandering aspects. So I am not a 'hater'. With all that being said, I'm changing my strategy. Screw it, I am not going to vote for Eirika just to possibly push out Robin and Camilla. I am going to do the best to get a character not yet in the game that I want most, Altena. I voted for her on my phone, the ballot shows now that all my votes are for her. Finally the midterm results destroys the integrity of the final results. Besides people trying to prevent this or that winner, it also will get many to change their vote to someone who is a contender instead of their true favorite.
  7. I mean considering how incredibly over saturated we are with Awakening/Fates characters and countless alts that there is still so many of these characters top 20 male/female kind of shows it. We have 5 of top 20 females being Fates and then 4 being from Awakening. That is a whopping 9 out of 20 characters (nearly half) from just those two games. The male side isn't as bad but still 3 of the top 20 are from Fates and 2 are from Awakening. That is a 1/4. Yeah I hate this gender loophole. They are the same character, same story, same lines mostly, can marry different characters and that's about it. I think there is enough Robin for a lifetime. I hate doing this I wanted to just show my support for Altena, but I voted for Eirika today and she will take the rest of the votes. Hopefully her and Miciah can knock out Camilla and Robin too. For the greater good.
  8. What is nice about this CYL is it gives a much better look at what the playerbase wants. Reddit, serene forest whatever other online communities, youtube like/dislike all that really is just a tiny fraction. Fates/Awakening super favoritism, why do Robin and Camilla have so many alts? All the answers are found here. If it pleases so many people as it does, then it is likely each one is making tons of money and thus financially they continue to release more and more. I figure most of the playerbase is too young to have played anything besides Awakening/Fates cause as I said before even Ike's games were a decade+ ago. Perhaps a few played these oldie games in retrospect but likely the vast majority have not. It is very unfortunate for those of us that started before Awakening but we matter very little. We will be thrown a bone every once inawhile, some scraps from the Awakening/Fates continuous feast. As violently as a few drops in an ocean stir it will have little to no effect on the flow.
  9. Male results admirable. Marth? Alm? Eliwood? Oh yeah, all of those sound great. Female results suck. Camilla #1, Robin#3? Man either of those would be nauseating, but I guess it supports the many alternate versions we get of those characters. Obviously people are buying them in droves. Miciah a bright light in a putrid cesspool of darkness. Hope the community shifts their female votes to eirika and Miciah. Maybe I should too, what a disaster Camilla and Robin winning would be.
  10. Oh yeah Surtr is still in Grand Conquests, the highest difficulty seems to have him often, as well as Veronica and Legendary Azura super annoying. They can't remove Surtr from arena or Aether raids cause those are 'competitive' modes and a lot of people spent orbs to get him.
  11. 3rd vote Altena. If there is a half way result we should get it tomorrow maybe? Anyways Altena give FE4 and FE5 representation, completes the royal Leonster family, she is a holy weapon user, and likely get paired with a Travant GHB giving us another holy weapon. Might even get Arione in the game as well.
  12. Apparently now you can link to google instead of facebook, guess I'll be willing to give this a try if I can free up enough space on my phone.
  13. They were hitting people low and high at the same time, way way after the whistle. Other defensive players yeah want to do a hard hit, but a clean hit. Not something to cripple and end careers. Yeah I'm sure that super late smash hit on Warner had nothing to do with ending his career. Sure. Also they busted Favres ankle permanently, no other QB would even finish the game on that. That is what essentially ended his career. Payton was suspended cause he was aware of it and didn't stop it, which in essence is approving of it. It is like some kid in a school beating up all the other kids and teachers, and the principal being aware of it but not doing anything. Payton has head coach could have put a stop to it once made aware, but he was all for it.
  14. Well best I meant personally and for sake of fair representation for the game. They aren't doing it themselves obviously but with CYL we can actually get old characters in the game. CYL2 was all old characters and Veronica it was heaven. CYL1 only had one new character. When was the last old character banner before beasts? Oh it was September with Genealogy. September! Then before that? June with FE7. June! It is crazy how long people have to wait for any old game to get representation. These 10 or so games get a banner like once every 3 or 4 months, while Fates gets one in less than that by itself.
  15. Well finally getting him as one of the pity breakers on the beast banner, I can say now from the side of using him yeah wow he is literally an I win button. Can smash entire teams, he is a pain in the highest difficulty grand conquest too. Ever see him on the fort or defense tile, +10 and then having all his stats buffed? Good luck. Anyways good change.
  16. Eliwood and Nino? I'd be fine with that. Hopefully no Awakening/Fates characters win CYL or get 2nd place, we don't need anymore alts of them and this is one of the few times we the people can actually make old characters happen. The best would be if no Awakening/Fates characters even made the top 100, then that would likely have a major impact on their planned releases this year. I don't think it will happen, but here's hoping.
  17. She's worried about her country accent, but that isn't why everyone is looking Nephenee!
  18. Hone........fliers................finally.....................free.....................and at 4 stars! No there is no limit to the amount of flier teams I can make! This is the best part of the banner and TT by far! Camilla's art looks off, the face particularly in the attacking pose. The dagger is interesting so I may keep the 5 star copy, but the 4 star copy will likely be eventually foddered.
  19. The first year also was much grindier and much worse in many ways, the second year improved the pool and gave many quality of life improvements. However why they went alt crazy? Cause they got greedy and thought hey why don't we release the same popular 10 or so characters a zillion times instead of working on actual new characters which require so much more work. Particularly in the sprites. When I came into Heroes sure I expected favoritism towards Fates and Awakening cause they were the only games that were recent, the other ones are 10+ years old so much of the playing generation would be unfamiliar with them. Lyn? Beginning of the century, probably older than some people here. Even Ike's saga is ages ago. However I didn't expect the favoritism to be so ridiculously strong that we are constantly flooded with characters from those games and takes forever for anyone to be added from older games.
  20. I've heard you have to log in with your facebook account and give them access to your audio/pics on phone or something? That sucks if true I don't want any game company to have access to my personal data.
  21. Saints blown call was terrible but it is hard for me to sympathize with the 'Bountygate' team. Ending the career of Kurt Warner and pretty much ending the career of Brett Favre. Absolutely disgusting. While Greg Williams, who should be in prison, is not on the Saints (but being hired by teams who have no moral decency) Sean Payton was aware of it and approved. Karma, hey at least no one on the saints got crippled, they just got screwed out of a game.
  22. Besides trying to push someone who is an actual contender to the top, voting helps push your own favorites to higher rank which could figure into if they get in the game or not. All my votes will go to the tragic heroine Altena.
  23. The first year made much more money than the second year. The first year had less seasonal banners, had new hero banners of 4 to 6 characters and those new hero banners had zero alts. Now we get the beasts banner and when is our next new hero banner? March with Binding blade, hope for no alts? They made a lot of improvements since that first year, but wish they would go back to banner design like that first year.
  24. Okay I won't mention it anymore myself, besides which the argument has happened many times before and people are mostly decided either way and can't be moved from their position.
  25. Pandering to lolicons/pedophiles is an epidemic in Japan certainly. Sure it could be for comedic effect, or maybe just maybe the game with child slave Nowi with hardly any clothes for Halloween or in her normal version and now a banner with Elise and Sakura which could be married off and have children in their game could actually be something less innocent. What is getting old is this argument though. If you want to believe Heroes is completely perfect and never does anything wrong sure one could stretch and make arguments to support that. When they have a completely naked Nowi or something on a banner, one can say there is nothing wrong with nudity and it is innocent and all that. Sure, or we can look at what the actual motive is.
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