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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. I can't really look at my barracks cause that doesn't count all the units foddered off. I think I get HP boon the most, res boon the least. Banes are all over the place, so hard to say. A somewhat common trend is the bittersweet +atk/-spd or +spd/-atk.
  2. Maybe it could be Dierdre with a blue Naga tome (People want blue dragon slayer right? I know Ryoma with inherited cloud maragi dagger exists now, but still). Maybe she will be on a horse just for variety sake (she never gets one in FE4). They could also give Sigurd or Seliph a made up PRF lance (they can wield lances). Ishtar is Gen2 but one of the most popular FE4 units. Altenna could come, I mean Ethlyn specifically mentions having a daughter in her description, seems a hint at her coming eventually. I hope Judgral finally gets a representative.
  3. Those are so incredible, and really happy that Disturbance got in. My favorite track is probably the epic Doors of Fate (Chapter 5). As for the story. Are these professional writers? I think most of the people here could do much better. Anna, yeah it can't be the Askr trio! Fjorm, we made a promise! Oh one of the villains that has been tormenting you forever can shape shift you know? It shouldn't take brainy Alfonse to point it out. No wonder Loki is always so amused, she is dealing with little kids as far as their ability to problem solve. If she wasn't playing all the time she could have wiped out the Askr trio so easy it isn't even funny. Can they hold a small writing contest in Japan and the winner gets to write the rest of the story? Is this a professional writer or just random IS workers' kids? I mean I'm not expecting Tolstoy or Virgil or GG Martin or whatever. I would expect it would be better than grade school quality though.
  4. Good luck! Quan is awesome hope you get him! We have TT+ orbs coming soon that's usually 42 or so, so that should help people too if they need more.
  5. Yes......thank goodness, I pulled both units I wanted. Quan neutral IV after 80 orbs. Then next summoning session first green was Lewyn!!! +spd/-def to boot! Happiest day playing heroes ever!
  6. If we are talking about units, I think you said Dorcas was mediocre when we were discussing DC refines. He does come with infantry pulse 3. F Kana isn't much better, if better at all than Fae who is 3 and 4 star. She does have goad dragons. Zelgius I can agree yeah he is amazing as a unit. The other two the only reason is stuff besides their power as a unit. They both offer multiple things Dorcas with Fierce Stance and Infantry pulse 3, F Kana with Fierce Stance and Goad Dragons. However Sylvia has more to offer than just Mirror stance (which many would consider better than Fierce), she also is the first with barrier sword, and has that new dance skill. In addition she is a dancer, and no dancer has been dropped from 5 star rarity yet. I mean they very well decide to drop her, but again not surprised if she doesn't no similar unit has dropped yet.
  7. Yeah, I would take advantage of this, but I hate grinding in general. I could really use the feathers, have a lot of skills I need to inherit.
  8. I am! Celica was the only character I like more in this gauntlet, and I was on her team, so I will move to Lyn. With all the hate she has gotten as well as the multiplier screw previous gauntlet I hope she comes out on top.
  9. I haven't done this, so not quite sure. However I think it is something about how we get hero merit for Rival Domains battles, and so using random the more units you have the more hero merit you can get. Thus the more feathers you can get. It sounds tedious, but people are reporting hundreds of thousands feathers a week, which is crazy.
  10. That's true but there are other 5 star skills with cheaper skills usually doing the job better. We don't even have Fierce or Warding or Steady Stance on 4 star available units (other than free BK) and those are much weaker being single stat boosters. Hey I hope Sylvia drops to 4 stars, I will be shooting for Quan and Lewyn and this way I will likely be able to get her in the future. However I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't either.
  11. I've finished 4 star cleaning, will do 3 star later. That army of Lon qu is going to be a small library. Anyways this is the most amazing change ever. I am always so cramped, I hate sending units home if they have any skill that is good for anyone and it gets really annoying when mass summoning and constantly having to send something home in between. Finally....finally for so long like since the beginning of the game when I had hardly any units, I can summon on banners in peace. This is incredible, just incredible. Like the no need for that level to 20 just to unlock potential anymore as well.
  12. They hit it out of the park as far as art is concerned, man Ethlyn looks adorable! That's how you get 'cute' without having to lolify....take note whoever did Lachesis! The stats look impressive and match the units.
  13. New dance skill, her B skill. Also I don't think we've gotten any duel stance that isn't locked on a 5 star unit, and mirror is one of the best of those on top of that. Mirror stance can be great on quite a few units.
  14. After thinking about it I agree with you. Sylvia has a new dance skill, she also has an incredibly coveted and rare A slot skill in Mirror Stance 2. I can't see them offering Mirror Stance 2 so easily. I think this may be like Fallen Heroes where no one demotes.
  15. Like others have said, highly doubt we get speed tactic as a skill. We might get attack tactic since it is already available at 4 star. With desperation seal, Lewyn can double attack before counterattack regardless of health and keep Special spiral 3 in his B slot allowing ridiculous specials after the first turn. I don't think we will get desperation seal, but who knows we've gotten some very powerful ones....quickened pulse brutally powerful. QR3 allows armors to get double on both phases with bold fighter which is beyond ridiculous. Very happy with Ethlyn. Great thing about healers is they, especially mounted ones, are always useful regardless of stats or skills even. I am hoping she comes with wrathful staff B slot, but that is still such a coveted skill so I won't get my hopes up. Still very excited about her as a reward. You can run Sigurd, Eldigen, Quan, and Ethlyn as a horse team (no green but still) which is so fitting lore wise. Definitely if I have all 4 (I've never pulled Eldigen, so I need him and hope to get Quan this banner) it will become my main horse team.
  16. I'm with team Celica but I'd be sad if Lyn lost to multiplier shenanigans again. Veronica is insane, if this didn't have multipliers she would crush everyone and easily win the finals. Looks like her CYL release was a massive success, I also think they did a fantastic job with Forging bonds and her character building/development there.
  17. This. They are introduced at the same time and are strongly connected. They usually like to tie characters together in new hero banners. Quan is tied to TT reward Ethlyn, so that nicely rounds out all 4 units. Speaking of Sylvia I wonder if we'll get lines from FE4 like "I like it rough" and "You ever see a little girl with THESE before!?" (referencing her breasts) or if those are inappropriate. That comic with Arden/Ayra where he was so excited after getting the speed+1 seal on him and Ayra encouraging him even knowing he is still slow a snail was one of the best.
  18. Yeah it seems like a hard one to remake, the different systems, the giant maps, and the many racy things with the story. I think it could possibly be their project after Three Houses, either way that may be early 2020 or something so it could be awhile.
  19. Hope this so much. Generally am not a fan of remakes and much prefer new games, however FE4 is an exception This 20+ released only in Japan game being redone and updated would be a dream come true.
  20. BEST BANNER EVER!!! Lewyn has finally arrived and looks incredible, every FTP orb and resource I have will be used to try to get him. Quan has great reference in his weapon and the stat boosts in his weapon and A skill should help make up a bit for cav low BST. I love all FE4 cast, but Sylvia coming right after Lene isn't the most exciting choice. I figure she is there as the hot waifu for people who aren't familiar with the game to pull for though. This is only the 2nd banner this year without an alt, the 1st is the FE4 banner in May. This banner also flips the gender bias and we have 2 males, and 1 Female...with the one female most likely to be demoted. To top it off Ethlyn is coming as a TT+ award! If this was anything but FE4 I was going to go for Miciah and Elincia on the dance banner, guess I won't get to pull on that one after all. Note: The Japanese voices sound so good, IMO much better. I've been hoping for Japanese voices, English text forever hopefully it happens sometime.
  21. Are you using the same units, your core units, to solve every battle? These battles are meant to be solved with different units, I mean barring I guess people who have +10 merged units maybe those are strong enough to steamroll everything. It is also best to break down the battle into multiple parts. In the Jamke battle I see too main things. The mages on your left, and Astra charged Jamke and the peg knight with guidance that extends his range. If you have a unit that can tank and kill both mages in response, that takes care of one part. The next is either avoiding Jamke, or having a really high def unit who can tank his astra and survive. Then you can kill him and the peg knight. Also don't forget they often give multiple days (5, 7?) so no need to rush to finish it immediately.
  22. I think final bosses should at least be a blip on the radar. With armor BST yeah he would be very strong, and make an impact as all armors seem to do. The ressurection of I don't think I've ever seen Summer Leo after his bonus banner week. Same with Julius. Just sad to see a final boss, and again Julius is very unlikely to get an alt so this is all we get, to be so insignificant. I fear for Medeus who is unlikely to be on a banner so may be a GHB when/if we get him, he might be done dirty too.
  23. This so much. Lyon even is just inferior Sophia. If Julius had armor BST his tome would be put to great use. The difference between him and M! Grima, both final bosses, is that one is a banner unit and one was given for free as GHB. So M! Grima got armor BST, S+ tier, stands out, etc etc. Julius didn't get the same magical armor transformation and ranged infantry have terrible BST (ranged armors meanwhile are up there with the highest BST infantry melee). However at least Julius tome is interesting enough that he feels worthwhile to build and use. I'll even give Saias a pass, cause he is a different color than Arvis, so not as unique and exciting but still a bit of a niche...even if Lute exists. Walhart actually is pretty low on tier lists, but his unique weapon allows some crazy fun stuff, that you can't do with Frederick. Linus and M kana are impressive no complaints there. Even for those less well endowed, most people picked Bow Lyn as their free CYL unit who blows away Jamke.
  24. I mean he doesn't even have to be a great unit or whatever just have something that distinguishes him. Also I don't think they've released a mediocre/bad banner unit in a year or more, these forgettable units are nearly always free. Banner units always are either good/great, fulfill a niche, introduce a new skill, have a unique skill or PRF weapon. It's also brutal for people whose favorite character finally gets added, a character that isn't quite popular enough to ever get an alt so this is all you get, and it sucks and has no reason to exist except foddering off to better units for skills. I mean Canas fans have been waiting forever, and they had him along...Raigh just with a different face. If they are going to release mediocre units with good skills to fodder at lower rarity make them alts, at least fans of those characters will have a good or multiple good versions of them to fall back on.
  25. I think rather than a general poison dagger upgrade, regular Kagero (infantry) should get a PRF Poison dagger. Something like 14MT, effective against infantry. Refine, negate all buffs on infantry such as rally/fortify/hone/etc., HP+3.
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