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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. The problem is most of the playerbase is overwhelmingly biased towards fates/awakening. These people who are bashing Lyn for her 5th version all day long will be praising Lucina's 5th version. The disgusting part is that they act like no character should have that many versions. When really it is no non Fates/Awakening character should have that many versions. They should at least admit the truth.
  2. I would like to think it is even that second option but it seems much more like "We are sick of a non Awakening/Fates character getting more than one alt". Cause people are asking for a 7th Robin (grandmaster), even despite the gender/Grima thing hardly anyone has complained overall reaction very positive. 4th Chrom did that have as much a negative reaction as the 4th Lyn (LA)? Nope. Not even close. Not counting CYL, the only non Awakening/Fates character to have more than one alt is Lyn. I guess this is some terrible crime. I just hate that all these people are disliking the vid and then when 5th Lucina, or 7th Robin comes out they will upvote it like crazy. I mean talk about hypocrisy. They shouldn't act like it is about too many alts, it is about Lyn getting too many alts. They should just be honest about it. We don't want old characters getting too many alts. All this will do for the playerbase as a whole, is likely direct IS to go back to releasing only Awakening/Fates alts. Not less alts. Not even toning down multiple alts for popular characters (if from Fates/Awakening. So if anything will make the situation worse not better.
  3. Hopefully they take it as "We are sick of alts, stop doing them on non seasonal banners!", rather than "We love alts, just not this particular one"
  4. This is true. FTP would be lucky to pull both Hardin and M F Robin from the banner. Then on top of that even luckier if they get good IVs, or at least not bad IVs. While whales probably got Grima+10, Hardin+10 and slapped VF and BF on every other armor they have. I avoided that banner cause I didn't actually 'need' any of the characters gameplay wise, but I love Hardin and didn't pull cause of the alts. Now I see there will always be alts, so I regret not pulling for Hardin back then. Every time I run into one in arena or whatever and see him do his evil lance spin I am saddened. Back to the point those great new skills could have been put on actual new units. Well Hardin is new, but I don't want to get into the Grima argument again. The point it didn't need to be one new unit and 2 great skills, it could have been all new characters and those 2 skills. I'm all for new skills, unit types, weapons coming into the pool and such. However that doesn't mean it has to be on alt characters, those could come on new characters. Best of both worlds. I'll also say in response to an earlier comment, yes I want every character in every Fire Emblem in the game. I would rather have every character in the game before a single alt. Yes I know not every character is the greatest most unique thing ever, but likely most everyone has its fans and it is good for them to get their fav in. New characters excite me much more than alts. They probably excite players who come to Heroes without ever playing any of the main series a lot more too. Like they have no connection to Lyn, Lucina, or whatever popular character so seeing their face over and over again isn't going to stir anything. Seeing a new face would be much more exciting. On Leif, yeah I'm hard on him, he was the most interesting character on the banner as far as his skillset/weapon. However Reinhardt was the most powerful by some margin, I would say he is close to as interesting just cause of being the first with brave on enemy and player phase.
  5. Well when you start with something in a game and do it for a year, sure most people will expect it to continue. Leif is overshadowed by Reinhardt, on his own banner, another sword unit is the prize. Even if he is still a good infantry sword (the most common unit type in the game) 6 new characters, new faces is a lot considering how many new faces have we gotten? 6 is actually a substantial increase. Remember the great month of February when we has one new character the whole month? That was a blast.
  6. Yeah that they cost zero stamina now is a godsend, there is no pressure now. The big thing is, as you said, you can just field different teams/skills try out whatever and not feel like you are 'wasting' anything. I guess this also gives the devs more freedom to make the maps more challenging, as long as they are still beatable by the majority of the community and by many unit combinations.
  7. Well I fully expected seasonals to be alts when I started heroes. I never played gacha, but I knew enough to know that seasonal units are big money makers and are usually popular characters in silly costumes or whatever. Anyways with the first seasonal banner they set a precedent, and I had no problem with. Yes seasonal banners are going to be existing characters in silly seasonal attire. Fine. I don't want new heroes do debut in a silly costume, I'd rather them come similar to their existing form in the main game. However they also set a precedent with new hero banners throughout the year, though the number of characters changed it was always brand new characters. Characters that weren't already in the game in any form. So last year many people felt that we would be seeing fresh faces at a very good pace and these new hero banners were exciting events to see what new individuals from our beloved fire emblem universe would get in. So why so many people are pissed, is after Zelgius, Eirika, this tradition was broken and seemingly permanently. Now new hero banners will always have alts, not only that the alts will be the centerpiece or star attraction of the banner not the new heroes we get. This is not something that was done in the beginning, this is something that started in January. Never mind the Thracia nonsense where they show Leif, Nanna, and Finn as a "Hey don't worry guys, we hear you! Thracia is coming, Leif is coming, and it is going to be all new characters!" Yeah pulled the wool over most peoples eyes. Leif was an after thought, Reinhardt alt was the big reveal, and we get Olwen alt on top of that. Finn is not on the banner at all, rather gets absolutely shafted as a generic TT lance unit. Not only that. The first two legendary heroes were original characters in Fjorm and Gunnthra. However then we got Vanguard Ike, then Ephraim, then Robin, now Lyn. Yeah at first it seemed legendary heroes would be important characters to the main storyline. There was also a hope that maybe use the spot for unplayable god characters like Naga and such. Instead it became yet another place to feature alts. In short if they were doing things like last year, new hero banners would be bigger and they would be alt free. Just new characters debuting from the first time. Exciting events to find out who will get in next! So yeah doesn't mean every character would get in, but a lot more new characters would be in already and there would generally be a lot more hope that characters who aren't top 10 or 20 most popular could get in.
  8. I'm not forgetting all the previous hate. My statement is mostly based on the video stats that were posted earlier, with a massive spike in disapproval for this Lyn banner compared previous banners featuring an alt. Hey I wanted the first colorless breath to be something special too, like Mila or Duma or Naga. It was incredibly lackluster that it was an alt instead. That being said I would have much preferred the first color bow user to be a new character. Or the legendary banner to feature Ced. Camilla alt got hate just cause she was on Hoshiden New Year, when she isn't Hoshido at all she is Nohr. So it felt like they snubbed Ryoma or Hinoka.
  9. That is a great idea you should send as feedback. As it is now, usually if going in blind, you can only really learn by repetition...trial and error.
  10. M Robin and F Robin there is nothing different about them apart from gender. Just like tall Robin is no different from short robin, or long haired male Robin, from short haired male Robin. They are customizable in physical appearance and gender cause it is an avatar. They are the same character. Well they are pushing Robin everywhere too, I bet you we get a 7th before the year is up. I think this banner will make a lot actually. Golden week, people spend more money, and besides Lyn this legendary banner has a lot of great units.
  11. I guess if there was a male Lyn, creepy as that would be, things could be better. Still don't understand it at all though. The different genders, other than marriage options, are the same in every way. They can't exist at the same time either they represent the same individual.
  12. Lol. PTW! I hope this isn't a spawn map, I liked the ones where it is a puzzle with all the units OP as they may be visible.
  13. This so much. Honestly I'm peeved at the amount of hate Lyn is getting, it just reeks of complete bias. Unlike Robin, Chrom, Eirika, Hinoka, Zelgius (though he gets a pass since BK is TT unit) are a million times worse. They appeared on new hero banners, they actually took a spot from a what would be the debut of a new character. What about Lyn. 1st Lyn is regular Lyn. Was launch unit, in one of the launch banners also I believe. Nothing wrong here. 2nd Lyn is bridal Lyn. Seasonal 3rd Lyn is CYL. This can't be held against her, she was voted in by us. IS has nothing to do with it. 4th Lyn is Love Abounds Lyn. Seasonal So what has she done? Seasonals are all alts anyways, in a rare case the first appearance of a new character may be there like Spring Xander however since the beginning these banners have been predominantly alternate versions of characters already in the game. Where was all this hate when we got our 6th Robin? Or the 5th who was on a new hero banner? Not to mention the time between 5th and 6th Robin was less than the time between LA Lyn and this upcoming legendary Lyn. Nah, it's all good people even want a 7th with Levin sword. What about the 4th Chrom being on a new hero banner? While these got some hate, it is nothing compared to what Lyn is unfairly getting. It has nothing to do with it being the 5th Lyn or even general alt hate, it is cause an old character is getting this many alts. I mean we can have 12 Camillas, 20 Tharja, 40 Lucina, and 100 Robin and it would be cool. However god forbid that an older character gets more than one alt. I hope this banner outsells every one before it. Cause it doing bad wouldn't stop alts or anything, it would just mean we would get even more alts for characters from the 3ds games and much less from earlier games which would be an even crappier situation than we have currently.
  14. It's true the response to Zelgius was neutral. People wanted him in his red armor, and didn't like how the face looked, some called it lazy. However since Black Knight is a TT award without benefit of bane/boon, people gave this a pass for the most part. I didn't even make a big deal about it, other than thinking it was lazy. Eirika was a very negative reaction, at that time it was thought Eirika may win CYL so people were thinking 3 Eirikas!? However more than that was people felt it was a diss to Knoll, and it made no sense for Eirika to be a tome wielder. Lyn stats look good, hope I pull her.
  15. Hey my hate of alts is well documented. However don't get why so many are all cool with a half dozen Robins and other alts infesting new hero banners, but Lyn who has never encroached on a new hero banner gets all this hate. Cause she is old? So only new characters can have many alts?
  16. I don't really think it matters, male or female they are all Robin. They are all the same character. @silveraura25 There has been no alt Lyn on a normal new heroes banner. That is why it is much less offensive. 5 alts, but she hasn't robbed any character of a space. LA Lyn, seasonal. Brave Lyn, well she won female CYL. Bridal Lyn, seasonal. The only Lyn that was on a new hero banner is the original Lyn, sword Lyn. Most people have a far bigger problem with alts on new hero banners than the monthly legendary hero being an alt. In terms of hate it would be like this. 1. Alts on new hero banners. Hated by a lot 2. Alts on legendary banners. Hated by some 3. Alts on seasonal banners. Hated by few
  17. Aren't there 6 Robins in the game though? It is only fair that some older characters get a bunch of alts too, if they have a big following. I have the other 4 Lyns, but this Lyn is green which will be much better. Can have red, green, blue and colorless and everything covered. Lynsanity! I won't get my hopes up on pulling her though. Looking at the units Colorless: I have none of these units. So I will be pulling this for sure. Even extra Genny would be awesome I have several healers that need wrathful staff, though I will of course keep one I like her character. Halloween Jakob I've wanted for so long and will be who I hope for most. Don't like alts, but F Grima is a legendary hero so this is still a very good pity breaker. Greens: I don't Halloween Henry and I really want him too, Henry is my favorite Awakening character and the regular version sucks. I have Inigo, but he is bad nature, -spd so I'd love one with better IV. Then of course the coup de grace, Green bow Lyn. First colored bow, insane stat possibilities thanks to her A skill and weapon, and I could form a really good Lyn team with her. Plus Speed tactic, oh man. Reds: Don't have Cav Eirika or Fallen Celica. Don't care much for either, they are alts. Even if gameplay wise I could use a powerful red horse mage (my Leo is -atk/+res just really terrible). Plus last legendary banner I only pulled red, and I got pity broken by Vanguard Ike twice! I'm staying away Blues: Shigure, already have him and with great nature (+atk!). I also have Miciah with decent nature. Not too interested in legendary Ephraim and sniping for 1 unit out of 3 is a recipe for disaster. Guys it is very suspicious though that they released this banner trailer now. Usually it is the night before or maybe 2 days before. May 1 is a long ways off. This makes me think we are getting a surprise Herofest or something tomorrow. The early announcement was only to let us know the legendary banner is still coming and who is on it so we can more wisely spend our orbs.
  18. I think we all know their method of business by now. Release the 10 most popular characters in the series in various costumes over and over and over again. Doesn't people have to be happy about it.
  19. Right there, the bolded text. You know who the star of this banner is? Hinoka. First archer flier. Brand new C skill that helps all other fliers movement, and an absolutely insane weapon. Drive atk 3, Spd+3 and armor effectiveness, 14might PRF? I mean seriously!? Probably will have an incredibly stat spread to top it off. So they could have made this Reina, instead of screwing her over, and I'm sure whales would go crazy and drop thousands or whatever to get her. Plus we actually get a new face in the game. Also we have Kana to draw people, and Shigure anyways. I mean if people want to say Thracia, no one knows and thus they had to put Reinhardt/Olwen to sell, blah blah. Okay, what about Exalted Chrom. Did he need to be put on the banner, would it not sell with just the Morgans? Now with Kana and Shigure, they couldn't introduce Reina with those skills and unit type? That wouldn't sell? I mean if alts are dominating even banners of the most recent and popular games in the franchise then that is very disturbing, most of the characters likely will never be added.
  20. The wall of text alt rant is something I agree with mostly. However as frustrating as it is, this current banner a middle finger given to Reina, it is going to continue. I guess the whales love tons of alts, and they finance the game. Nothing we can do but live with it I guess.
  21. When talking about favorites getting in, maybe others don't care for her, but Reina really stood out for me in Fates. Her past and change in life course, her scarred face, being an older woman, the battle lust but not crazy like Peri. This was such a perfect chance to get her into the game. She is the Kinshi knight, I think the first character anyone thinks of when they think of that class. It would have also increased her fame. Now when she comes later as the 2nd or 3rd or 50th bow flier, it will be like ho hum whatever bow flier is already in the game. Kaze is the speedy one of the ninjas in Fates. I usually went with Saizo and Kagero. Kaze is so fast, but his strength was just....well for me at least really poor. Still look forward to what they do with him, likely free unit. Hope the legendary banner gives us Lewyn or Ced or something to be excited about.
  22. Wow this is really lame, was looking forward to what the new trailer could reveal. Thought Fates was popular? What's with the alts? It is sad that even with their most popular and recent games they can't avoid going this trend. So we have our 2nd Shigure and our 2nd Hinoka, along with one new character Kana. I mean so many characters from that game left to get in and the do this. Alt Hinoka is the most offensive, archer pegasus? Reina was the obvious choice, couldn't put her in with that skillset? I guess save orbs for legendary banner and hope for better.
  23. We'll likely know in a few hours what the new banner will be. Personally I would like either... -Beast units!!!! Okay this might not happen for awhile, so this is just a wish -Another Thracia banner. We had 2 Thracia units before the Leif, sorry excuse me Alt Reinhardt, banner. They are still way underrepresented. Othin, Evelyn, Mareeta, there are many good choices. Let us make it a Thracian April! -Genealogy of the Holy war banner. Would fit coming after Thracia. Maybe Gen 2? Julius, Ishtar, Altenna. Now that would be a banner! Or we could have more Gen 1. Lewyn, Brigid, Lex. I also wouldn't mind another Echoes banner (Kliff, Valdibar, Silque) or a celebration of Blazing Sword with Dart, Nils, Pent, Louise? Whatever it is hope its good, and alt free (okay that isn't happening ever again, but maybe only one alt at least?)
  24. Don't most gacha games fizzle out after a few years though?
  25. Yeah realistically at the molasses rate they are adding new characters, a ton of them are never going to get in. I mean we can't expect Heroes to last decades.
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