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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Seliph, LA Hector, LA Lyn, and Lachesis is my team. Runs go very smoothly with little difficulty.
  2. We're never going to have an original Reinhardt situation again. That an obscure character became popular hasn't taught them anything. That is the real issue here. When new heroes finally get in they are in the shadow of alts within the banner. Well of course no one is going to care about them. Alts are getting alts already cause they are popular, no need to make every alt top tier star of the banner it is just double disservice to new heroes making their debut. Sorry for using the word alt too much.
  3. I think there was a famitsu poll 2015, for favorite fire emblem character and Finn placed #9. He is obviously very popular in Japan, but here he is just a forgettable lance user. Camus has a DC PRF weapon and he really stood out when he was released. Finn has a decent stat spread, but Oscar is similar and has access to IVs. Peri can be an even bigger offensive powerhouse since she has access to IVs also, and plus can run ploy skills due to her high res. Every character doesn't have to be strong and all that, but at least make Finn interesting in some way. Oh well I guess for Tempest trials he will be useful at least.
  4. Finn needs his exclusive brave lance as a new skill(weapon) he can learn and then refine. He is just too generic right now, which is unfortunate for one of the most popular characters from the Judgral games. For Berkut I think people want him to get Kreimhild, rather than a new refine on Berkut lance+. This means you couldn't sack Berkut to get a DC lance, Kreimhild would be a PRF weapon just for him. Maybe def+5/res+5 16MT lance. Refine gives him effect half damage from magic first attack. Maybe that is broken, but something similar would be fitting.
  5. Okay that is cool. That was the only thing I knew about back when I played this game first time. Marriage and some suggested pairs. It made it one of the best game experiences of my life, I hope you enjoy it too.
  6. I've always loved SRPGs. I dislike most JRPGs cause the gameplay is boring and repetitive, but with SRPG you get get the character development and story focus coupled with a turn based strategy game. What puts Fire Emblem a little above Tactics Ogre/Final Fantasy Tactics style is the ability to field so many more characters and thus the scale of battle is much larger. In addition the game moves a lot faster, and there are no 'generic' units, everyone is a character with their own personality and motivations. FE7 absolutely blew my mind. This Nintendo series I had never heard about and was Japan only til that release. I've been hooked ever since.
  7. I agree. Just being able to buy exclusive characters would be really bad. Black knight was a special one time deal, and he was a free TT unit that has already been power creeped by Zelgius. For older players all he is, is another merge or steady stance fodder.
  8. I was also hoping for some blues. Got none, but 1 red. I pull it and get 5 star Seliph! +HP/-res. At least I have a bonus unit now. Going to go defiant defense A slot, brash assault B slot, QR3 seal, bonfire, and some decent but cheap C skill.
  9. You can save at the beginning of every turn don't worry. Also going in blind is the best way to experience a first playthrough. Regardless of who you decide to use or build, don't worry you can't screw yourself over.
  10. My dragons (Y tiki+2, Nowi, Ninian+1, and Myrrh) took care of this. Y tiki tanks the left, the rest falls into place. I use Myrrh actively to kill Saias, I think that is pretty key. You want to hit him don't just eat his glacies.
  11. Just a huge disservice to the potential of this traumatized character. Her past revealed in some supports is interesting. However there is so much focus on her assets, appealing to sis cons, and other nonsense. Doting on Corrin, then Leo her blood half brother having the hots of her too. That first cut scene with her coming to Corrin in Birthright says it all. I mean how much more in your face can you get? She comes with the most interesting class of the royals and with focus can actually build her into a decent magic user or excellent user of bolt axe which is cool. She has that at least. Fire Emblem has always had 'fan service', usually in the form of very attractive women. However I'm going to use Fates, the very same game, to show an example of fan service done right. Kagero. Yeah she is stacked and very attractive, however it isn't focused on. We learn of her dutifulness but more welcoming and less harsh than Saizo, as well as her love for drawing even if she lacks in talent. We don't see her doing strip teases, or talking seductively 80% of the time. Then again she is a very popular character when looking at various polls so I guess that would make the design a success.
  12. It is hard to find much talk or info about Spring Catria. Of course gamepress/gamepedia has stats and builds, however how good is she in practice? Specifically with her PRF tome and debuff skillset? I have no interest in bladetome, but her debuffing capabilities. I got Sigurd and Brave Lyn with their respective smoke skills to help Gunnthra out. My blue however is Camus (No I don't have Reinhardt, or at least a +atk one worth promoting) and while he is solid he doesn't really do anything in terms of helping Gunnthra.
  13. Well you don't want her to get into melee range of like anything, but she fills her unique niche pretty well. If she had high speed she could maybe windsweep and just hit armors safely, that would be sweet. Still she does a good job and her good res plus distant defense (or double that with the seal) means she can tank mages in general well. Yes, love effective weapon units. She is a rare sight nowadays, but my +atk Poison dagger Kagero still is a blast to use. If I pull an optimum nature Caeda definitely going to promote her for that Wing sword bliss. Saias. Can't wait for him to drop, he comes with speed ploy meaning you can easily build him to be a quad ployer! For Arvis lovers, you can sack one of the copies to give him speed ploy and thus make him a quad ployer too. I likely will wait on sacking a spare Saias though, cause Speed ploy may eventually be a seal and then it would have been a waste to give to Arvis. Can father and son conquer battlefields though? Even though they are doing the same thing, being able to cover more area will make it harder for the enemy to maneuver around it. Oh imagine 4 quad ployers, just marching up the battlefield like the Fab Four. Camus return also!
  14. -Miciah is the bomb. It sucks that BST matters so much in arena, but the bird toting armor/cavalry deleter is a lot of fun to use. There are a lot of fun units that aren't good for arena unfortunately, unless they are high merged. What do people think about arena scoring? -Infernal difficulty is fine. It isn't for whales only either. Every infernal difficulty has many clear options, some of which that are free and/or low investment. They replay these GHB anyways, so if for some reason you really don't have a team that can beat it, you may in the future. I've cleared all the infernal challenges, and I'm FTP. I really like GHB particularly infernal cause they are like puzzles, and are the most interesting challenges the game has to offer.
  15. Congrats! I want her, she seems like the perfect partner to Gunnthra. However the spring banner still has the awful old pool of pity breakers and there is likely to be a lot of orb bait with golden week coming up.
  16. Linde. Come home please, sometime, some way! Hinoka, another hone fliers would be so welcome, plus always liked her character Hector, I have him but have several units that could really use DC Brave Ike, Have him, but would love Steady breath that would let me complete my Young Tiki Dorcas, Lute, Genny, Eldigen, Rhajat, F Morgan, good units that I don't have yet.
  17. -Chrom is a much more interesting lord than Lucina -Medeus was in the right, humans were mostly scumbags towards manaketes, enslaving and persecuting them. Despite everything dragons had done for them. Naga should have never handed the world over to humans, she should have granted knowledge and power onto dolphins or some other intelligent species and let them take command.
  18. I wouldn't put it over Trump to push congress for approval for all out war. It would distract from all the negative stuff directed at him, might serve some other personal interests as well. I wouldn't put it over the GOP controlled Congress to approve of war to distract from what a clown their appointed president is. The righteous hammer of justice. That is completely biased, that only enters war for personal interest not for the greater good or some other stupid reason. What about the countries they choose to send aid to, sometimes who are in direct conflict with another country. What do those other countries think? They probably hate the US, and well they should. Just a huge waste of money that could go to much more meaningful things, that you know actually make the citizens lives better. I certainly don't trust whatever is being said about US military strikes, it could all be hogwash just to get the people to think a certain or support actions that have a much more sinister motive. They've done it time and time again before, so why anyone would trust them I don't know.
  19. Yeah I don't think Lunatic is much of a drop, I tried it once to see if it was worth it. Less points, easier to at least take a base, but still very hard to conquer all enemy bases. Yeah what Othin said. However if you are getting 960 on hard battle auto, man it seems like I'm completely wasting my time then. Maybe Infernal is only if you have all +10 units and can conquer it consistently.
  20. Manga I'm following is Vinland Saga (getting anime series!) and Berserk. Anime I had taken a long break from but in the past few months, went through Made in Abyss (wow child characters with dark storyline, like the world building and animation is great), Land of Lustrous (also really interesting worldbuilding, and character development, at first I was like monk harem? but it is much deeper than that), and Steins gate (yes older anime). Wow Steins gate has become an all time favorite for me, it actually lives up to the crazy hype. In addition if someone was to ask what is anime? This is what I would recommend. You have neko maids, maid cafes, lonely otaku, tsundure, Mary sue, crazy protagonist, deep intelligent storyline, very emotional moments, and twists. It kind of is all encompassing of many of the things anime is known for. It's time travel plot is really well done as well. Oh also watched Magus bride, though the ending was a bit rushed and disappointing in some ways it was overall a great watch with beautiful animation and interesting characters. Now I'm watching the new Galactic Heroes (the old one is maybe my #1 favorite anime or at least tied for it), Steins gate 0 (wow so good), and FMP: Invisible War and the next Code Geass when that drops.
  21. Remember that even in Feh channel they specifically encouraged feedback to continue to improve this mode. So they are going to pay especially close attention to feedback, more so than they do so even for other things. They know this is experimental, new and far from perfect. I like the world map and taking territories. Rewards seem good, I mean the tier rewards at least. I liked Rival Domains cause of the grand scale, but yeah the warping and random enemy reinforcements that can warp and then attack same turn does take out some of the strategy. The thing is with 10 turn limit, the objective to overtake enemy forts, it seems a necessity for the mode to work. I wonder if there were a set amount of units rather than endless revive/enemy reinforcements, no turn limit, no teleport, would it work better? As far as world map arena. I would prefer if they utilize the big maps and have 8vs8. That would be cool. No forts, no teleports, and 8 units total per team. I'm always doing infernal but I've never knocked out all the enemy bases. I usually knock out 1, but have also often only protected my own and not taken any enemy bases.
  22. In game development, rewards and such yeah I feel they are very progressive. All the different modes, the pool rework, better rewards, new heroes are much more carefully designed than they were early in the game. I am especially impressed with how much they pay attention to and how quickly they address feedback. It is like our voices actually matter a great deal, which is refreshing. I'm not sure going with more alternates is being the opposite of conservative, cause that seems to be the gacha status quo. A lot of alts. Even if it is a very different direction from what they did til Zelgius descended. Speaking of data I wish we had access, like actual raw numbers per banner not the top selling game this day or week or whatever, to it. I'd like to see if this strategy of alts is making them much more money. I would assume it is considering every banner this year. However perhaps it is only making a similar amount of money, and they are indeed testing the waters more with alts.
  23. Yeah they definitely shouldn't make every obscure character meta defining, however it seems the alts end up purposely being made super great. Like Reinhardt is the star of this banner. Exalted Chrom was the star of that banner. Grima Robin was the star of his banner. Horse Eirika wasn't the star necessarily but rides in as the best red cav in the game. Zelgius is the best sword armor in the game. So people get this double reinforcement with actual new heroes getting the short end of the stick power wise, while making popular characters super powerful alt versions. I'm completely with you on the second part, which is why I'm not making as big a deal as I normally would. It is sad. The silver lining is it means for people who want new heroes they are far less frequent, thus much easier to collect. I'm fully convinced that higher ups that don't work on the game are now calling the shots after that last financial report came out. Wow Heroes brings hundreds of millions a year, well let's bank on that as much as we can, and be very conservative in our banners. I mean when this game released, and they didn't know it would be a huge success, they just released new heroes, no alts besides seasonals, even many obscure faces. You would think that was the time to be conservative.
  24. Reinhardt was a meta defining unit. That makes everyone take notice. Luke, Roderick, and Athena are all decent but rather forgettable with substitute units that are considerably better. They could make more obscure characters either unique firsts gameplay wise, or powerful. Either would explode their popularity. Like first colorless dragon, that was a golden opportunity to include someone like Nasir or something. Making obscure characters more popular can only benefit them, cause it brings more attention to their source games. If they remake Thracia, cause of Reinhardt's popularity in Heroes it will bring a lot of people to that game who wouldn't otherwise be interested.
  25. Wait, people actually criticize games in detail that they haven't played? That makes no sense. Whenever I criticize a mechanic or some aspect of a fire emblem game, well I've played all of them. Doesn't mean my opinion is right, but at least I can offer an opinion since I've experienced the game.
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