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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. The art of Echoes is the best in the series IMO, I just absolutely adore every design. Everything is so clean and it is all practical looking as well. Yes and full voice acting, it will be hard to go back to not having it. Echoes is a remake of gaiden which is of course very old, however I really like how bows and magic function. Archers can attack from much further away, and aren't helpless up close. Magic you have the basic attack at 1 or 2 spaces, but then it can be 3 or 4 or 5 depending on spell and mage ring. Having these many other attack ranges I feel adds a lot to the game and strategy. I really hope the new game keeps this. Music has been pretty good in recent titles. Fates might be the best soundtrack since Genealogy, IMO at least. I actually also like the dual system a lot, however it needs to be further tweaked cause it was so broken in Awakening and in Fates it was still too strong. This could also add a lot to strategy if done right.
  2. Pretty much this. No other game captured the feeling of war on a grand scale. The others seem like tiny battles. In addition all the maps are connected forming the Judgral continent giving a sense of unity rather than the sharp disconnect you get from most other games like you travel to random battlefields in random places. Of course with today's technology they could fill these huge maps with much more objectives and stuff to do, optional side quests within the large maps, etc. I also enjoyed Gaiden/Echoes dual route, something nicely explored also in Tear Ring Saga. I think it is really interesting and keeps people invested in 2 almost separate storylines that also have overlap. Dungeon crawling is really interesting, but I think it was much to simple in Echoes. I still enjoyed them, but a lot more could be done. It is a sharp contrast to the open field battles, and was very refreshing.
  3. Well the legendary heroes could be actual characters, that well aren't already in the game maybe? Hundreds left to add. Along with all the historical mythological or unplayable characters from the games. I don't think there is any excuse to just give an alt.
  4. Well as long as there are people stupid enough to believe then it will continue. Pretty much Trump has brainwashed his feeble minded followers that everyone is out to get him. That everything is fake news and a conspiracy, blah blah blah. The bloated walrus is out playing golf in Florida instead of listening to the rally. What a joke of a president.
  5. Hey that is an actual discussion that can be had. They can do a lot to improve things while retaining the epic giant maps.
  6. Vanguard Ike should have been more differentiated from normal Ike. He pretty much has a bit more BST and a 4CD Aether. He's just a better version of regular sword Ike. Legendary Ephraim is also an alt, but at least he is very different from regular Ephraim. Different movement type, different weapon, different playstyle. I think the people who complain aren't spending on these alt banners. I certainly am not. Also I mean one new character a month? That gets old fast. Hardin is February, Morgan is March. I mean I guess it makes it really easy to save orbs, since new characters are so rare and come so infrequently, we'll have many orbs to pull for them.
  7. Actually it is more like, if I said, hey Corrin sucks let's remove him completely from the game and have no avatar. Oh and there is no possible way to rework Corrin and an avatar character to work at all. Thinking so is naive and foolish.
  8. Well if true, it's an easy skip. I don't care if F!Grima has 180+ BST, is in her own tier above every other character, comes with hone dragons. This is coming from someone who loves dragons. I skipped Fallen Heroes, despite loving Hardin, and I'll skip this legendary banner too. I refuse to support alts in anything but seasonal banners. I'd like new hero banners to be actually 'new heroes', like characters that aren't in the game yet. Same thing with the hyped new legendary hero we get once a month. Also nothing is owed. IMO Ike and Ephraim as legendary heroes was a mistake in the first place. It would be incredibly discouraging to cycle through every lord of every game as a legendary hero instead of using that slot for something much more interesting. Like Anri, Altina, Mila, Naga, the twelve crusaders of Judgral, or more original characters. I really hope the data mine is wrong. Then again, if true, it will make it that much easier to save all my orbs for the Thracia banner. Wow, 3 new heroes! Last year that would be typical, or even less than most banners which often contained 4 or sometimes more. This year it will be a record!
  9. Awakening was important, it was going to be the last hurrah for the series, but it did really well and revived the series. However after a few portable entries they are making their return to consoles. Being a switch game, this next fire emblem will have a much much larger budget, and thus pose a much bigger risk. While at the same time allowing the creators to do more. If it fails badly, then Fire emblem will likely go back to 3ds.
  10. Well I mean you don't choose your father. However yeah his children were born into wealth despite having a stupid evil dad, so that is something. Maybe he is good to them.
  11. The rats continue to flee a sinking ship. You know I do feel bad for Melania, Ivanka, the rest of the Trump family though. They are persecuted and hated and harassed cause of who Donald is. I mean they deserve our pity, after all imagine him as a husband or a father? It's a wonder they can function at all.
  12. Even if a remake comes it won't be for a long while. First we have the new fire emblem Switch coming out, which is their hugest release since Path of Radiance. A return to consoles and likely something that will have a much bigger budget than the past few releases. Then the echoes creator said he wanted to do Binding blade next, so I don't know when FE4 remake comes, and all that depends on strong sales. There is a great modern english patch for FE4, you could try it out now, and see how you like it. We all have opinions, but we all have different tastes too. Try it out.
  13. That same argument can be made for every fire emblem game. Just use the most powerful cavalry or flier units anything else slows you down. Etc Etc Anyways as Jotari said, if FE4 is remade it will keep the big maps. They were very faithful in FE Gaiden. One of the biggest draws of Genealogy and things that make it stand out the most are huge maps, so they certainly wouldn't change that to satisfy a few complainers. Onto other matters. Yes I would love the same artist that did Echoes of Valentia. That is by far my favorite art style. It is absolutely gorgeous, they are dressed practically, everything looks clean, and it isn't overly fan servicy either. Cut scenes for key moments, and many more optional mid chapter interactions to build and develop the characters more. The soundtrack should be arranged for orchestra, they should hire the Berlin Philharmonic or some other top orchestra to record it. The composer/arranger could also extend tracks by further developing and varying themes. Obvious stuff like gold is all pooled, so any character can use it. Being able to freely trade items. Would like more depth into Manfroy and how the Loptr people suffered, his relationship with his daughter. Also much more on Julius and Ishtar. There is a lot of potential to expand many things, though have to be careful to not make it too bloated. I wonder though if we will get any other fire emblem remade though, apparently Echoes of Valentia didn't reach sales goals. It was my favorite 3ds fire emblem, but I guess a lot of people passed on it, despite it being completely new for the majority of people outside Japan.
  14. With Jedah I wish we knew more how he came to be, and also the relationship with his daughters. I do agree that they sometimes just go generic pure evil dude instead of exploring these individuals more. Manfroy we get to hear more about how his people were forced to reside in the outskirts of civilization in barren hot deserts, and how they were persecuted and hated.
  15. Well obviously great stories come in all genres and forms. Yes it should be well written first. Yes unfortunately while there was some potential, and some memorable characters, much of the story was awful. I think a big part is how Corrin, the player avatar, is the focus of everything and faultless and worshipped no matter what decision he makes. I think Fire Emblem generally being about large wars kind of lends itself to serious storytelling though. After all many die in war, and in these times, villagers and non participants are effected in many ways. It can be uplifting, inspirational, not necessarily dark and/or depressing. However super silly stuff can be very jarring and completely ruin the atmosphere.
  16. It's a fitting example. According to Levant everyone who isn't a horse is useless. Though of course you agree with everything he says so you seem to miss this.
  17. Stat wise Kagero and Catria look incredible. Kagero is the clear prize with those monster stats and being the first ever flying dagger user. Catria is a fantastic blue cavalry, maybe the best besides Reinhardt. Also just the perfect ally for Gunnthra. Alfonse and Sharena look good but not amazing. Alfonse does join the scarce cavalry axe pool, however Sharena joins the very competitive green infantry tome pool.
  18. Lol so changing the subject now? I was referring specifically to those swamp maps not the Echoes game as a whole. Sorry you don't like big maps, but it is hilarious that you believe everyone thinks the same as you.
  19. Kind of funny that you are so critical of horse emblem in FE4, but completing those slog fests super fast is dependent on whitewings. Hypocritical much? Yeah.
  20. Yes, yes. Nothing going on, not the NPC battles and actions, the bandits, heroes arriving from different areas, enemies coming from different angles and areas. Sure. We obviously aren't going to agree on this and there is already another topic about FE4 echoes. Maybe people can discuss other FE games to be reworked.
  21. That map in FE7 has way less villages and everything is completely cramped. The desert and swamp maps usually with infinite summoned spawns of Echoes are the slowest slogfests there are in the history of the series. Yet again despite all those complaints by some people, the game was enjoyed by most who played it.
  22. About the maps if you put them all together they form the Judgral continent. Also yeah retaining the large maps is a must, no point in remake without them. Many of the most powerful units were not horses but foot soilders. Everyone uses Ayra, Lewyn, Brigid, Jamke, Larcei, etc etc. Not as many people use Alec or Noish. Lex and Sigurd are used always cause they are great units in addition to being on a horse. Also no avatar, hate avatars. Corrin completely ruined Fates. They always encroach on the story, and have to be uber god tier since they represent the player supposedly, then they also have to be able to marry everyone cause we all want to be playboys. They are often terribly written. The game should be about the characters within that universe not an avatar for the player being forced into that universe. You summed it up very well. I mean for people who don't like big maps, they can go play another game, and let us fans who actually enjoy FE4 have a remake that does it justice. Cause there is a lot I don't like about Fates, I'm not going to tear everything down and be selfish. The most important thing is staying true to the original while improving the game perhaps expanding it. Besides which there are an infinite amount of gameplay adjustments, such as where and when enemies attack, movement buffs/nerfs, and such that can be done to improve gameplay while keeping big maps intact.
  23. Isn't that what people said about the Gaiden remake? Yet they kept the Celica route swamp/desert maps and spawns that people complained about. Still most people loved the game. Nothing will please everyone, there will be doubters for every remake. However it doesn't have to please everyone, it just has to please most people.
  24. Oh thanks! It is vague but I am hoping more in depth supports, more actual character events and such as well. I think this switch game is going to be their most ambitious since Radiant Dawn, I hope they take their time and have tons of funding.
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