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Everything posted by Stercus

  1. Well now I need to build teams around blessings I don't have and hypothetical legendaries I know nothing about. FANTASTIC! No really I'm actually pretty open to this I can think of some good fits for legendary heroes for either of those.
  2. I lack the resources to actually watch it in full right now and truly "follow" it, but I've been listening to the full version of Adabana Necromancy - the OP for Zombieland Saga - on loop for the past hour or two and probably won't be stopping any time soon.
  3. You mean people don't want to give me their +10 Legendary Marth with perfect IVs and skill inheritance in exchange for my one star Stahl?
  4. I honestly don't really know what I was expecting from the event, but I know it's more than what we got. I was expecting something, anything about Gunnthra's passing, for one. They could've did something like the Geneology Tempest Trial, where the other three siblings try to put Gunnthra's spirit to rest, or they could actually deal with the issues that come from "oh it's an alternate universe version of X" for once, but they didn't. But at least I got to learn that the summoner's hands are warm. That's the deeplore I've been waiting for. EDIT: @Vaximillian That Caeda and Marth are absolutely adorable and I love them!
  5. To this day, whenever you put Linde on a forest tile, she starts checking the bushes for Charlie Gharnef. Poor girl. But seriously, through all the laughs this series provides, there are some chapters that just... hit you. Hard. Like this one or the Spring Lucina one.
  6. "Betcha didn't know that, didja!?" Hrid has an Attack Superboon, so I'd definitely recommend giving that your consideration, but as far as a more balanced tank type, +def/-spd is probably more efficient, since speed is a dump stat on Hrid that's made mostly obsolete with his prf weapon's effect. QR is also unnecessary, as Hrid's prf will secure you double attacks much more efficiently.
  7. I want to note with this entry that I'm not actually a fan of Waluigi. Honestly I don't even like him all that much, and I think his current place as an assist trophy is about as much as he deserves. Nonetheless, I couldn't help but think about how one could build a moveset for him that's faithful to the character without drawing on memes and "lolrandom" humour. Here is my attempt. It's missing stuff, but I'm pretty happy with it so far. Waluigi makes a racket! And that's about all I have. Still need a more cohesive description of the other tilts and jabs, aerials, up smash and forward smash need doing, throws aren't there, and he needs a side special, but I think I have a real solid base here.
  8. Cleric, because I honestly enjoy helping others and it promotes into the classes that cast magic through faith and belief, and frankly I really want to cast magic but I don't really want to work for it.
  9. I edited the build accordingly to address that, and will be adding more builds this evening after work.
  10. "I hope that this year is kind to all my siblings." In the not too distant past - the beginning of 2018 - we were gifted with a seasonal banner celebrating the new year. Included with those seasonal alts - but not included in the banner himself - was Corrin, dressed in traditional Hoshidan garb and joyfully exploring his cultural heritage and enjoying the traditions of his people. Some time after the banner dropped, Corrin ironically started a new tradition in FEH, being our first seasonal alt to be reserved as an exclusive Tempest Trial reward. Of course, this was met with some derision given the notable drawbacks of free units: a lack of both merging potential and IVs. And so, New Year's Corrin fell by the wayside, dismissed by a majority of players for his odd statline and limited potential. Now, with 2019 fast approaching and tempest trial units having new possibilities opened to them through the Heroic Grail system, it seems like it's time to take a look back at Corrin and - like him - discover just what we were missing out on. The Statline HP: 37 Atk: 32 Spd: 30 Def: 34 Res: 18 BST: 151 The Skills Weapon: Hama Ya+ Assist: Rally Def/Res Special: None A Skill: Atk/Def 2 B Skill: None C Skill: Spur Def/Res 2 Clocking in at an impressive 34, NYCorrin has - at the writing of this analysis - the highest neutral defense stat of any archer unit currently in the game, edging out even over the mighty and dreaded Halloween Jakob (by one point, admittedly). Of course, without IVs Corrin can't bolster that defense even further, and both Gordin and Halloween Jakob can overtake his defense stat if they have a boon in it. Unfortunately his offensive stats are middle of the road for an infantry archer, and the nicest thing one can say about his resistance is that it's not the worst Res stat for his class. With all that in mind, NYCorrin's physical bulk should not be ignored, especially given his accessibility as a free unit through Heroic Grails and the possibility of any Tempest Trial reruns in the future. Corrin is a solid choice for many enemy phase and support builds thanks to his excellent bulk and his access to many useful bows with refine bonuses to reinforce it. Of course, Corrin is not without his flaws. While he can run a pretty decent support build with his base bow and skills from common 3 or 4 star units, a build that takes full advantage of his strengths can be much costlier, demanding the sacrifice of either other Grail units or 5 star exclusive skills. Building Corrin to his full potential will require a great deal of hero feathers and refining stones, and it may not feel worth it unless you have a particular fondness for the character or the way he plays. As noted above, Corrin's resistance is particularly bad and his speed is middling; a fast mage - particularly one using a raventome - or an adaptive damage dealer like Felicia or Ylgr can bypass Corrin's bulk entirely and punch a hole right through him. Corrin also struggles to match the damage output of other archers; fellow easy access archers like Jamke, Clarisse, Setsuna and Leon can handily outspeed him, outgun him or both, and the gap only gets bigger when considering rarer bow units like Legendary Lucina, Kinshi Knight Hinoka and of course, Bridal Cordelia. Halloween Jakob - despite being considerably rarer and more expensive - also makes a much more balanced bow tank, particularly with his access to armour buffs and fighter skills. Nonetheless, New Year's Corrin is a fun and well balanced unit who can fill a unique niche for his class and accessibility. The Builds Close Counter Build Budget Support Will be adding more builds as my schedule allows
  11. Gotta continue the Ilyana push. If they put out a midway progress report like last time I'll probably throw a swingvote or two at a top ten candidate that I find particularly satisfying. Marth will receive at least one vote from me because frankly he deserves it.
  12. Archetype: Day 3, the Brash Rider Name: Wyalde - Red Stallion Class: Dragoon (Knights trained in the art of mounted combat with axes and swords.) Basically a Cavalier with tweaked weapon access. Promotes to all the same things. Appearance: Wyalde is a tall young man, and while it can be assumed that he's quite handsome from the few hints given, his scarlet helmet and golden mask make his true appearance a mystery. Everything but his mouth and jawline are completely covered, so his eye and hair colour are unknown by much of the cast and the player. It's unclear how Wyalde can actually see with his mask covering his eyes, but it's strongly implied that he may actually be blind. Of course, that opens up a pandora's box of questions regarding how he's aware of his surroundings, especially in the heat of battle. These questions remain unanswered. Wyalde's armour and helmet are a striking crimson ("red sounds like such an exciting colour, don't you think?") with a gold trim. The metal almost sparkles in the light, and between it, the knight's powerful red steed and the bright blue plume streaming down from his helmet, Wyalde is a fetching sight. Description: It's not hard to tell what kind of person Wyalde is; in fact, he's probably shouting what kind of person he is at you within seconds of meeting him. Wyalde is loud, passionate, excitable, but above all else, chivalrous. Dramatic and impulsive, Wyalde would fit in comfortably with the likes of Arthur, Kieran or Owain as a companion. A wandering knight errant, Wyalde walks the earth "in the service justice, our true queen". Appearing wherever the innocent are imperiled or injustice threatens to take root: he arrives "like a bolt of red lightning" and delivers righteous justice with a swing of his axe. At least, that's how he tells his origin. Regardless of his sketchiness and question mark-shaped past, Cyril and Joanna place their trust in the red cavalier when he gallantly rescues them during an ambush by assassins on the trail back home to Cania. Wylalde's backstory can be gleaned and pieced together from his support conversations with the cast. The son of a noble house, he was kept hidden away from the world by his family out of shame for his "inadequacies" - in other words, his blindness. With only a steward to truly care for him and raise him, Wyalde grew up dissatisfied with his lot in life, wanting to be like the gallant and heroic knights in the stories his steward told him. Late in his childhood, his family's estate was razed to the ground, and when his family abandoned him - stumbling and lost in the inferno - it was his steward that gave his life to save him. With his dying breath, the steward whispered secrets into Wyalde's ear, secrets that he refuses to share with anyone in any of his supports. Some time after, Wyalde became the person he is today, roaming the world and repaying the kindness and valour shown to him one good deed at a time. Crit Quotes: "Like a bolt of red lightning!" *mimics the sound of a bugle sounding a cavalry charge* "Let's! Go! WYALDE!" Death Quote: "Heh... I knew... this day would happen someday... But I have to wonder... Did I do enough?" The Crunch: Despite being brash and red, Wyalde fulfills the "fast and skilled cavalier" niche. His growth in speed is especially impressive, allowing him to run circles around - or run Wyalde upon - his mounted compatriots, securing double attacks with relative ease. It's worth noting that Wyalde and his verdant companion both have fairly balanced growths, so while they may be blessed in different departments, they're both serviceable in their own ways. Archetype: Day 4, The Calm Rider Name: Wren - The Green Sentinel Class: Cavalier Appearance: A young woman with dusky skin and dark, blue-black hair. Wren has piercing green eyes and a hawklike gaze, and her hair is kept back in two buns on the lower back of her head. She is armed simply, with dinged and scuffed forest green armour that is light and only covering the bare essentials. She wears a padded yellow tunic underneath the armour for what little protection it offers. Her horse is a light brown, and is as sparsely armoured as its rider, with its "saddle" being little more than a woven blanket. Description: Wren had always admired her father. A soldier of Cania, he was strong and kind, doing his best to be there for his daughter when he could. When he came home one day an arm short, Wren knew that life would be hard for the family from then on. They all worked hard, and in time she followed her father's footsteps, becoming a soldier of Cania on the border. But then, her first day on the job, the coup happened. She didn't know what was happening, but she had a spear thrust into her hand and was told to use it on her own countrymen. Confused, scared and frantic, she did the only thing she could think to do. She ran. While on the run, she eventually wound up meeting Wyalde, and then meeting Wyalde again. And again, and again, and again. By the time she ran into the legendary Wolf of Cania and the prince, she was more frustrated seeing his stupid red armour than she was ashamed of facing her liege after deserting. Wren is skittish, nervous, and really just kind of a wreck most of the time. She lacks confidence in herself and thus tries to build herself up by aspiring to role models and idols around her. However, she is hard working, diligent and determined, and she has a stubbornness to her that few can deny. She has a strong sense of right and wrong and feels obligated to make the world a better place, but also judges herself harshly for her own failings. Crit Quotes: "I... I'm not afraid of you!" "This time, STAY DOWN!" "Not running away this time!" Death Quote: "I... guess I shoulda listened, Dad. Wasn't cut out for this... after all..." The Crunch: Speed and skill are for chumps. Wren is the cavalier you take when you want to hit something once but hit like a freight train while doing it. Gifted in HP, Strength and Defense, Wren is basically what Joanna was probably like back in her prime. Her speed isn't too great - especially in comparison to Wyalde, who is probably, like, three times faster than her - but it's got better potential than Joanna, and her skill and luck are middling, but not terrible. Additional Notes: Might as well do this together. Wren and Wyalde as a pair are inspired loosely based on Char Aznable and Lalah Sune as far as appearance goes (and in regards to Wyalde's speed and preference for axes). Wyalde is also an affectionate parody and tribute to both the chuuni type characters like Owain and Arthur and the masked mystery characters like Zeke and Bruno.
  13. Lost part of my stuff for part 3 before work today and only have limited data on my phone for the rest of the night, so I'll post both part 3 and 4 simultaneously tomorrow. Sorry folks.
  14. Archetype: Day 2, the Veteran. Colloquially referred to as the Jagen. A powerful unit that outstrips the other early game characters by a wide margin but can be dangerous to overuse, due to typically lower growths than their younger companions and the very real risk of them hogging all the xp. Name: Lady Joanna - The Wolf of Cania Class: Paladin (Starts with Lances as her highest ranking weapon.) Appearance: Usually sitting atop a dark brown war horse in dark barding, Joanna is a surprisingly tall and imposing woman for her age. She has put on some winter weight due to her relatively sedentary lifestyle the past few years, and it shows in her full, round face and her robust figure, particularly when she's in her chipped and scarred royal blue armour. Joanna's hair is a faded grey, but not quite white yet. It's held in a prim and proper bun at the back of her head, with a simple but elegant red hairpin stuck through it. Joanna has a warm, friendly smile, and often has her eyes closed in thought. While she is clearly regal and capable of holding her own, its obvious that the ravages of time have worn her down and she's ready to take a break. Description: A proud knight and a prouder grandmother, Joanna has served three generations of the Canian royal family with honour and loyalty. Called the "Wolf of Cania" by reverant subordinates and fearful enemies alike, Joanna serves Cyril as both his personal bodyguard and his instructor in the ways of tactics and strategy. Technically no longer a standing member of the Canian army, Joanna sees her duty as Cyril's personal tutor as a well earned clerical job after a life of war and conflict. Things take a turn, however, when Castle Cania falls while she and Cyril are out of the country. Now she takes up arms once more, serving as her master's sword and shield despite the fear she holds for her grandson Casval, who was stationed as a castle guard. Warm and cordial, Joanna is easy to talk to and easy to get along with. She enjoys being around the young and has a passion for teaching that she's only discovered in the twilight of her life. Her support conversations with the younger members of the army have her behaving in a suitably grandmotherly fashion, while her supports with older characters tend to be more sobering affairs, often focused on worldbuilding. Crit Quotes: "Watch closely, pups!" "I'm not mad, just disappointed." "The wolf is back on the hunt!" Death Quote: "It's been a long, hard road... I suppose I could... take a short rest..." The Crunch: Joanna's greatest asset is her defensive statline. With exceptional bases in HP, Defense and Resistance, there's very little that can put a dent in the mama wolf. Her growths for her defensive stats are also very respectable, and while her attack power is middling and her speed growth is next to none, she does her job as Cyril's early game babysitter exceptionally well, whittling down enemy fighters while forming a near impenetrable wall between herself and Cyril. Like many veterans, she can be one of the best units in the game with proper care and moderation. Of course, she can easily be outstripped offensively by either of the early game Christmas Cavaliers, and the early armour knight could be a more well rounded tank should they promote to a Great Knight. Additional Notes: Joanna was originally conceived during the Serenes Forest discord server's Together We Draw communal art project. I'm a far better writer than I am an artist.
  15. This is a really cool concept and one I can get behind. Love the idea and its execution!
  16. Archetype: Lord, Day 1. You know the type. Main character, gotta use them in every chapter, yadda yadda yadda. Name: Prince Cyril of Cania - Prince of Daylight Class: Canian Prince. (A member of the Canian Royal Family, trained in archery and tactics.) An infantry bow unit with unique skills and prf access. Promotes to the Sun Lord class (a legendary ruler of Cania, fighting astride a venerable Sun Crow), a flying unit with access to bows, spears and swords. Appearance: Cyril is a youthful man with feathery, shoulder length red hair. Slender and slight of frame, more in line with gentler, more effeminate lords like Marth, Seliph and Eliwood as opposed to hunks like Chrom and Hector or youthful, boyish heroes like Leif and Roy. His clothing aesthetic is bright, rich but practical for travel, illustrating his innocence, position of priviledge and preference for travel and exploration over battle. Dressed in warm colours, Cyril wears a feathered cape (think the Sorceror class in Fates) of bright, fiery colours plumage. Upon promotion, Cyril dons lightweight white and gold armour and a golden crown with a sun-like design at the back of the head (think Veronica, Kinshi Riders). His vibrant cape has become a cloak, covering the back and the right side of the body when at rest. Description: At face value Cyril is your standard Marth styled FE lord, being gentle, kind-hearted,compassionate and caring little for bloodshed. He's the youngest child of the king of Cania; he has much to learn about the world and he knows it. He's a scholar at heart and eager to expand his horizons, and he begins the game studying tactics abroad. His kingdom is overtaken by usurpers while he's away, and he embarks on a journey of self-preservation as he seeks answers for the loss of his people and evades assassins looking to tie up loose ends. Unlike many of his fellow protagonists, Cyril is - by his own admission no less - a bit craven, which is one of the reasons behind his choice of weapon. The truth is that Cyril is keenly aware of his own frailty and squeamishness. While he fears the frontlines he still wants to be able to support those that fight on them. Throughout the plot of the game, he comes to terms with his fear of his own mortality and learns to stand on his own without fear. By the final act of the game, he is a proven warrior prince who is able to hold his own on the battlefield without compromising his desire for peace. He serves both as the main protagonist of the game and as the army's tactician. He's doing his best. Crit Quotes: "Last chance to yield, friend!" "You'll want to see a cleric after this!" "I survive for Cania!" The Crunch: A bow lord!? Madness, absolute madness! Thankfully, Cyril has the tools to keep himself alive during the early game and the opportunities to become powerful later on. While his growths are focused on being a quick, hard-hitting unit, his bases at the beginning of the game have a decent amount of defense. This gives Cyril a bit of accident forgiveness, letting him endure hits from early game melee range units that an inexperienced player might expose him to. Like most lords, Cyril has a personal weapon that's effective against cavalry and armour, which adds to his utility in the first act. Upon promotion Cyril not only gains access to more weapons, but flyer mobility thanks to a giant mystical crow. During the endgame he also has access to a powerful new personal weapon: the Houyi Bow, a legendary dazzling bow that serves as the setting's Fire Emblem. Additional Notes: The aesthetic for Cyril, his promoted class and his prf are inspired by the Chinese legend of Hou Yi, a master archer who shot suns out of the sky until only one was left. I may come back to this entry after making more characters and add possible support pairing options for Cyril.
  17. We in it bois! I shall begin work on this challenge tomorrow as a writing project. I will attempt to design and describe each character with the following template: Archetype: Self explanatory, the trope being built upon during the current day of the challenge. Will probably also had the number of the day as well. Name: The name of the character. If I'm making some kind of reference in a shallow attempt to look smart I'll explain it here. Class: What the character is. A given for some archetypes but open for meddling, I think. In the case of unique classes or classes with multiple weapons I may note which weapon the character would probably have higher ranks in or what they're probably most commonly depicted as using in media. Appearance: A physical description of the character and their general attire and aesthetic. In the case of Lords, probably a description of their promoted appearance as well. Description: A run down of the character's, well, character. Their personality, who they are, any sort of details about the character that make them more than a function. Crit Quotes: I've always found these to be fun snippets of characterization, so I'll try to whip up a couple to better exemplify personality. The Crunch: I'm not going to hurt my brain trying to figure out actual bases and growths and how to balance them out, but I will give my thoughts on how i think the character would fare as a unit on the gameplay side of things and what their hypothetical growths and bases might prioritise or neglect. Additional Notes: Any thoughts I had on the creative process for this character or just general trivia or headcanons that I had that just didn't fit anywhere else.
  18. I am here to join the illustrious +10 club! Behold my passion project, a +10 L'arachel. I'm very proud of her.
  19. Let's see here... Shadow the Draghog: All aboard the Camus bandwagon, choo chooooo. A lance cavalier would be an excellent addition that frankly should be in the game already, and Camus is definitely a well known and popular character. Hardin would also make for an excellent addition. There was mentioning earlier in the thread of Xane, and while I'm not sure how he could be incorporated, it'd certainly be really cool to see. I'd also like to throw Wrys into the ring, using a unique Staff based moveset. How would that work? Fuck, I don't know man. But I'd love to see it happen. Jeorge would make for a nice archer addition, but all archers are clones and we have 4, so... Wake Me Up (Wake me up inside): My immediate thought is one that I don't think many other people would agree with. I'd love to see The Vaike as a playable character representing the actual Fighter class. So far the closest we have to that is Lissa which... no. No, she's not a Fighter. Adult Tiki could be an interesting addition, filling a similar role and power fantasy to Twili Midna in Hyrule Warriors. (Regardless of stats or the actual effectiveness of her moveset, she feels worlds more powerful and destructive than the base version.) Donnel would make for a good spear infantry unit, as well as a representation of the trainee class in its many incarnations. Fayyylmaotes: There's a lot of clamouring for a dagger unit, and my fondness of Wang Yuanji makes me inclined to agree. I know that a lot of people are pulling for Kaze or Jakob, but I'd really like to see Saizo, personally. I've always enjoyed him as a character more than Kaze, particularly in his supports, which I found frequently entertaining. I'm honestly hard pressed to think of any other Fates characters I would want that aren't rendered redundant by characters already in the game. Honestly I think Fates has more than enough representation as it is.
  20. Free Mode is always welcome in a Warriors game and when I play a Warriors game that doesn't have one (Lookin' at you, All-Stars) I get pretty miffed. More consistent/easier to access saving would be welcome. I have the 3DS version of the game and I honestly don't think there's an option to manually save the game. If there is, I can't for the life of me find it. That's honestly absurd, and I feel like every time I turn the game on I need to scour through all of my characters and their weapons to make sure everything is in proper order. Better representation is a must. This is especially true given the weapon triangle's importance in the game. Without paying for dlc, you're stuck with three spear and axe users. Those spear users all use the exact same moveset and are weak to bows. It's absurd. Even if they insisted on focusing solely on Shadow Dragon and Fateswakening (A terrible idea) they can do MUCH better with representing everything Fire Emblem has to offer, character wise.
  21. Micaiah..... uh.... Micaiah is.... Vanessa is useful during the early portion of Sacred Stones, especially for saving the NPCs of Victims of War. The Restoration Queen script edit gives her a sweet paired ending with Lute. I like Peri's cotton candy gradient hair. Takumi is a fun unit in Heroes in his Empty Vessel form. Micaiah... Lugh and Raigh have a nice mother. Ricken did his best to protect Maribelle. Ross is the most viable of the trainee units. I'll soon be able to kill Surtr with every single unit at my disposal, for without Muspellflame he is weak. Micaiah... uh, Micaiah has a bird? That's nice I guess.
  22. Well, what the hell. I'll offer suggestions. Give Renault Yoder's base stats. Leave his growth rates untouched. Give Canas Etzel's New Mystery of the Emblem base stats and growths. Raise his Con by 3 (making it 10). Give Eliwood Marth's New Mystery growth rates. Like Canas, raise his Con up to 10 and cut Durandal's weight down to 12, like it was in Binding Blade. Have Kent and Sain switch base stats and growth rates.
  23. Most every day, actually. Don't get me wrong, I actually quite enjoyed the work and most aspects of the career. But I was going through a particularly dark time in my life at the time and the constant negativity certainly didn't do anything to help. There was also the fact that it felt hard for me to maintain passion when doing stories that didn't interest me, personally. I was able to do the work and I was able to put on an enthusiastic front, but I couldn't help but feel like I wasn't doing the story the justice it deserved. Of course, that was probably depression talking still. All things considered I'm willing to give it another try and get back in the saddle, but it'll be a while before that happens. I have a lot more irl issues that need my immediate attention before I even considering going back to college again. Of course, one thing I learned in my time in the program is that a college degree isn't something you necessarily need to be a journalist. I could do freelance work on local events and such, see if I can get my name noticed. But that's a discussion for somewhere else. We're supposed to be talking about other people grossly unqualified to give the news!
  24. So, I don't know the job market in the U.S. right now, especially not in regards to art based employment. But, speaking as someone who told herself for years not to go for certain careers or subjects because they're "just not practical" and had a miserable time in college just trying to scrounge together a "useful" degree... If this is something that you care about and have a passion for, I think that you owe it to yourself to try. The fact that you have a fallback plan and a degree already under your belt is very good, and will probably serve you nicely - at least I would hope it would. Not to mention, drafting and design does seem to have a good "synergy" with art, so to speak, and it would probably look appealing on a resume to see someone trained in both.
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