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Everything posted by Perkilator

  1. I think Dragalia Lost has to be my favorite Nintendo mobile game out there. In fact, Euden is in of my FP Vol. 2 wishlist!
  2. I don’t know if this is the right section to post this, but I simply wanted to share this. This isn’t made by me, but I still find it AMAZING. Smooth animation, smooth gameplay, challenging but fair level design, and they even brought back the CTR karts for Coco’s vehicle section!
  3. Manhole (Game and Watch): Appears near the blast zone to rescue the summoner during their fall. Mata Ray (Ring Fit Adventure): Heals summoners that stand under it bit by bit (more if the summoner or their allies taunt on it). Pokémon Ranger: Draws loops around opponents that slowly deal damage. Any continuous looping around opponents over 100% damage instantly K.O.'s them.
  4. The theme is fighting the last characters in their respective Smash debut games (Jigglypuff in SSB64, Mr. Game and Watch in Melee, etc.)
  5. Whether or not you like Gen 8 (not trying to argue for either point), we can't necessarily count out a potential rep just yet.
  6. "I am pretty sure Sakurai might not going to be adding a Gen 8 Pokemon in the Fighter Pass Vol. 2 since we don't have any single Gen. 8 Pokemon as a Pokeball Pokemon in Ultimate. Also, I think Sakurai might not add a third 3rd Party franchise reps in Ultimate yet since we don't have a single third 3rd Party franchise rep in Ultimate main roster nor the first Fighter Pass Vol. 1, I would maybe think Sakurai will might not include Sora and Arle Nadja in Fighter Pass Vol. 2 and maybe go with a rep for a second Namco franchise and possibly add a rep for a second Atlus, Microsoft, or SNK franchise since we have Hero (rep for a second Square Enix franchise character) and Bayonetta (rep for a second Sega franchise character) in Ultimate already." This was in the Ultimate General Discussion thread. I don't normally like to tattle, but...did someone ACTUALLY type up their belief that we wouldn't get a Gen 8 Pokémon on account of the lack of a thereof Poké Ball Pokémon?
  7. Sirfetch'd Intro: Sirfetch’d appears out of a Luxury Ball and readies itself for combat. Stance/Idle 1: Sirfetch’d holds its leek and leaf shield as it marches in place. Idle 2: Sirfetch’d slightly swings its sword backwards. Idle 3: Sirfetch’d smirks and slightly turns its head. Notable Palette Swaps: Farfetch’d, Psyduck, Swanna, Cramorant, Honchcrow, Corviknight, Galarian Farfetch’d Walk: Sirfetch’d marches proudly. Dash: Sirfetch’d charges forward, sticking out its leek. Damage: Sirfetch’d turns its head, with the expression of writhing in agony. Jump: Sirfetch’d jumps simply, raising up its leek. Crouch: Sirfetch’d crouches and raises its lead shield. Weapon of Choice: Its leek, which has seen many a countless battle for years. A,A,A: A swing of its leek (10%, small knockback) and a shield bash (8%). Forward+A: Sirfetch’d thrusts its leek straight forward (12%, OK knockback) Down+A: Peck; Sirfetch’d jumps forward and pecks with its beak (9%, OK knockback) Up+A: Sirfetch’d swings its leek in an upwards arc (12%, OK knockback) Air+A: Sand Attack; Sirfetch’d lets out some sand from underneath its shield (6%, small knockback) Air Forward+A: Peck; Sirfetch’d slightly pecks the opponent with its leek (9%, small knockback) Air Back + A: Steel Wing; Sirfetch’d swings its leek behind itself and turns it to steel, along with its wing (14%, OK knockback) Air Up+A: Sirfetch’d thrusts its leaf shield upwards (12%, OK knockback) Air Down+A: Slam; Sirfetch’d descends quickly and slams its leek in the ground (16%, OK knockback) Dash Attack: Sirfetch’d rams into the foe with its shield (14%, OK knockback) Edge Attack: Sirfetch’d pecks with its beak (9%, small knockback) Smash Moves Forward+A: Rock Smash; Sirfetch’d slams its beak so hard that rocks fly out of the ground (21%, medium knockback) Up+A: Round; Sirfetch’d sings a note very loudly, briefly stunning opponents at full charge (18%, OK knockback) Down+A: Brutal Swing; Sirfetch’d swings both its leek and shield in a full circle, with a purple light spinning out of it (24%, medium knockback) Grab: Sirfetch’d grabs the opponent with its beak. Pummel: Sirfetch’d bops the opponent with its shield (9%) Forwards+Throw: Sirfetch’d tosses the opponent out and smacks them with its shield (14%, OK knockback) Down+Throw: Sirfetch’d stomps on the opponent, trapping them in the ground (16%) Back+Throw: Sirfetch’d tosses the opponent out and smacks them with its leek (17%, OK knockback) Up+Throw: Sirfetch’d tosses the opponent out and stabs them with its leek (19%, medium knockback) Special Moves B : Protect; Sirfetch’d raises its shield and nullifies all attacks; however, the strength of some hits will eventually cause the shield to wither. It will repair itself with each string of attacks until it becomes unusable, which is signaled by a snap. At that point, it will take much longer to repair itself. B + Forwards : Meteor Assault; Sirfetch’d’s most powerful attack. At full charge, it will charge a great distance with its leek and slice through opponents (42%, far knockback). However, it will suffer recoil damage (14%) and cools down for two seconds. B + Up : Brave Bird; Sirfetch’d thrusts upwards at a great height (26%, medium knockback). The height is extraordinary, but at the cost of extremely slow horizontal movement. In addition, Sirfetch’d will suffer minor recoil (8%). B + Down : Fury Cutter; Sirfetch’d prepares its leek, and cuts in a downward arrow shape (12% once, 19% the second time; medium knockback). If Sirfetch’d is hit while preparing its slash, it will instead move swiftly and cut in a diagonal line (18%, OK knockback) Final Smash: Final Gambit; A blue aura sparks around Sirfetch’d, and it rams the opponent with its shield (16%). The opponent is then trapped in a cutscene where Sirfetch’d closes its eyes and puts its leek to its head. It then slashes furiously at the opponent and launches them with one last slash (48%, far knockback). The recoil it suffers after is almost equal (43%), which will leave it in danger if it’s at high damage. Gimmick: Sirfetch’d’s shield will slowly wither as Protect is used. It will repair itself in a few seconds if it’s mildly withered. If completely withered, the repair time is about 13 seconds (which takes it to its mildly withered state, which means a 4-second repair). In this state, Protect is rendered useless until repairs are finished. The shield’s durability is represented by a HUD mock-up gauge of the leek; the shield will start to wither when the gauge is 75% depleted. Taunts 1: Sirfetch’d wiggles its unibrow, its head turned to the camera. 2: Sirfetch’d kneels in its direction. 1+2: Sirfetch’d raises its leek up and lets out a war cry. Winposes 1: Sirfetch’d makes a poses that mirrors a cutscene from the Subspace Emissary where Link pulls out the Master Sword. 2: Sirfetch’d concludes its Meteor Assault, and raises its leek with a gallant explosion in the background. 3: Sirfetch’d swings its leek diagonally down twice, and raises its leek as it lets out a hurrah. Icon: Poké Ball Boxing Ring Title: The Noble Wild Duck Victory Music: https://youtu.be/kGPHtS1kFZ8 Kirby Hat: Sirfetch’d’s shield.
  8. I was wondering…if Arle got into Smash, do you think SEGA would allow a mix between Compile era music and SEGA era music?
  9. Just as the title says. Personally, I'm hoping that Resident Evil, a survival horror series, isn't just left on the sidelines as a Spirit Event and gets a Fighter later down the line, Ultimate or not (Sakurai could use another official render or piece of art for the Fighter as opposed to the regular Spirit, it's always possible).
  10. I originally made this thread back around the time of Joker's release, and since I don't like to triple post in my own threads, I figured I'd make a revival thread for it. Piranha Plant: A Strange Bookend Stage 1: Jigglypuff on Saffron City (Red and Blue Main Theme (64)) Stage 2: Mr. Game and Watch on Flat Zone X (Flat Zone (Melee)) Stage 3: Wolf on Lylat Cruise (Star Wolf (Brawl)) Stage 4: Duck Hunt on Duck Hunt (Duck Hunt Medley (for 3DS/Wii U) Stage 5: Bayonetta on Umbra Clock Tower (Time for the Climax!) Stage 6: Incineroar on Boxing Ring (The Battle at the Summit!) Boss: Mewtwo, Lucas and Roy w/Ryu, Cloud and Corrin on Battlefield Omega (Opening - Super Smash Bros. Melee (Brawl)), and then Master and Crazy Hand w/Ryu, Cloud and Corrin on Battlefield Omega (Battlefield (for 3DS/Wii U)
  11. Intro: The Adventurer’s intro before they start a level in Ring Fit Adventure. Stance/Idle 1: Their complete idle stance from Ring Fit Adventure. Idle 2: The Adventurer does a couple squats. Idle 3: The Adventurer sets Ring down and stretches. Notable Palette Swaps: Male, Female, Ring (Male), Dragaux (Female), Hubby (Male), Honey (Female), Armando (Male), Allegra (Female) Walk: The walk animation from Ring Fit Adventure. Dash: The dashing animation from Ring Fit Adventure, complete with the fiery hair. Damage: The damage animation from Ring Fit Adventure; even the ones after Ab Guard. Jump: The Adventurer squats down and jumps (the height is increased when you squat a second longer), and then a Low Ring Press. Crouch: The Adventurer squats down. Weapon of Choice: Ring, the Adventurer’s companion throughout Ring Fit Adventure. The two work in tandem to pull off a multitude of skills. Jab: The Adventurer shoots a gust of air out of Ring (3%, small knockback) Forward+A: The Adventurer keeps running as they shoot air (5%, small knockback) Down+A: The Adventurer squats down as they shoot air (3%, small knockback) Up+A: The Adventurer points upwards and shoots air (4%, small knockback) Air+A: The Adventurer shoots a gust of air in the air (5%, small knockback) Air Forward+A: Knee-to-Chest; the Adventurer pulls their knees to their chest, and legs fly out like a spring (8%, small knockback) Air Back + A: Smoothie Spill; the Adventurer accidentally spills a Grape Smoothie they had on them (2%, small knockback). Where it lacks in damage, it makes up for by pushing the Adventurer forward a couple feet. Air Up+A: Warrior I Pose; the Adventurer puts one leg forward and extends the other backward. A flower pops and launches the opponent (9%, OK knockback), sometimes healing the Adventurer if a sweet spot is hit (8% healed off) Air Down+A: Knee Lift; the Adventurer lifts one knee up while the other faces downward (12%, OK knockback with a meteor effect) Dash Attack: The gusts of air have increased power (8%, small knockback) Edge Attack: The Adventurer does a slightly weaker Chair Pose (8%, small knockback) Smash Moves Forward+A: Chair Pose; the Adventurer does a chair pose, and a flower appears and charges with the attack (10% uncharged, OK knockback; 15% normal charge, OK knockback; 25% fully charged, far knockback). This attack goes both up and down, and successful hits at full charge sometimes heal Ring Fit. Up+A: Victory Pose; the Adventurer squats down, and bursts a dome of light around themselves (9% uncharged, small knockback; 19% at normal charge, OK knockback; 29% fully charged, medium knockback) Down+A: Overhead Press; the Adventurer squeezes Ring, summoning a giant fist with a meteor effect (11% uncharged, OK knockback; 20% at normal charge, OK knockback; 30% fully charged; far knockback) Grab: Abdominal Press Hold; the Adventurer traps the opponent in a giant ring. Pummel: Ring Fit squeezes the opponent (3%) Forwards+Throw: Bow Pull; the Adventurer pulls Ring back like a bow, and a giant fist comes out (11%, OK knockback) Down+Throw: Overhead Bend; the Adventurer bends down and tosses the opponent with an illusion of abs (14%, OK knockback) Back+Throw: Standing Twist; the Adventurer twists backwards and tosses the opponent (11%, OK knockback) Up+Throw: Front Press; the Adventurer squeezes Ring, and a fist comes up and smacks the opponent upward (12%, OK knockback) Special Moves B : Ring Pull Blast; By holding down B, Ring Fit can suck in opponents (no damage) while charging up a powerful gust of air. At full charge, an extremely powerful gust blows out and pushes opponents far away (20%, far knockback) B + Forwards : Ab Guard; Ring Fit presses Ring to their abs and raises a shield. The shield gets stronger the longer B is held; it reduces the damage from enemy attacks until it is broken by a strong enough attack. B + Up : Low Ring Press: Ring Fit points Ring downward and lets out a gust of air, with more powerful ones coming at a charge (14%, medium knockback). Ring Fit then glides by the blast until they either touch the ground or run out of air. B + Down : Squat Spring; Ring Fit squats down, and a spring appears underneath them to bounce them up; the longer B is held, the greater the height. It doesn’t leave Ring Fit in freefall, so use it in tandem with Low Ring Press for optimal recovery. Final Smash: Overhead Hip Shake Rush; a massive beam of light appears around the Adventurer, and any opponents trapped in the vicinity are taken to a cutscene. The player must move the Right Stick continuously for 12 seconds as they deal a number of blows to the opponents (1% per hit). The maximum number is 50, and then opponents are launch after the sound of a bell (16%; 66% percent total, far knockback) Gimmick: Rhythm Gauge; a gauge that fills with each successful combos you pull off, which also goes down if you fail a combo, get attacked, or do nothing while it is somewhat full. When it’s completely full, the Adventurer’s hair glows like a flame, and their attack power is increased by 5% more damage for a 40 seconds. Taunts: 1: The Adventurer stretches to the left. 2: The Adventurer stretches to the right. 1+2: The Adventurer stretches both arms to their back. Winposes: 1: The Adventurer performs a Victory Pose, like they do in the game. 2: The Adventurer high-fives Ring, like they do in the game. 3: The Adventurer drinks a spinach smoothie after a hard workout, like they do in the game. Icon: The dot in both ‘i’s on the game’s logo, Boxing Ring Title: A Ring Fit for a Hero Victory Music: The victory theme after a level. Kirby Hat: The Adventurer’s hair and headband (depending on gender), as well as a Ring replica.
  12. Jill Valentine Loosely inspired by: ink-saver.tumblr.com/image/188…
  13. I just looked up what she's like in FE Warriors, and I was thinking she could use a mix of hand-to-hand and Dragonstonr combat. Here's the video I looked up:
  14. I want Sirfetch'd as the Gen VIII rep purely out of its unique swordplay (or rather, LANCEplay). Here's a Smash artist's interpretation of what that kind of moveset could be like: And here's a more in-depth interpretation of mine:
  15. Just a general series thought; if I was in control of the FE side of the Smash roster, it would look like: -Marth -Roy -Ike -Lyn -Robin -Azura -Celica -Claude
  16. Anyways, for my wishlist, I’m hoping for/expecting a mix of 1st and 3rd party characters in this pass, so my picks are: 1. Crash Bandicoot 2. Adeleine and Ribbon 3. Sora 4. Sirfetch’d 5. Ring Fit Adventurer 6. Arle Nadja
  17. Y’know, I wanna say I wish Jill Valentine wasn’t a Spirit, but…what if they used a completely different render for her Fighter Spirit?
  18. Um, guys? I think we're going off topic of the thread. Please take any Falcondorf discourse to the General Discussion thread.
  19. Alright, I've decided to overhaul this OP a little. Here are the characters in Vol. 2 right now: Min Min (ARMS) Steve (Minecraft) Sephiroth (FINAL FANTASY VII) Pyra/Mythra (Xenoblade Chronicles 2) Kazuya Mishima (Tekken) Sora (Kingdom Hearts) And with that, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's life cycle has now concluded.
  20. Echoing what I said in the General Discussion thread, you know what I would’ve like to see? Assist Trophy characters in each Challenger Pack. If such a thing was possible (as in one Assist Trophy per challenger pack), what Assist Trophies would you have liked to see? My choices are: -Jack Frost (SMT/Persona): Runs around shooting ice at enemies, sometimes hanging from upside down. -Golem (Dragon Quest): Slowly walks around and chucks boulders at opponents. -Mumbo Jumbo (Banjo-Kazooie): Casts a spell that randomly transforms the player*. -Nakoruru (Samurai Shodown): Fights opponents with her dagger and her trusted bird friend, Mamahaha. -Hanneman (Fire Emblem: Three Houses): Teleports around the stage and casts Sagittae. He takes less damage from projectile attacks and is immune to magic attacks, but is relatively weak to physical attacks. *The transformations by Mumbo Jumbo are as follows: -Giant -Tiny -Invincible -Bunny -Metal -Bullet Bill -Super Leaf -Superspicy Curry -Gold Or he can just turn you into a washing machine, leaving you completely helpless until the transformation wears off in ten seconds or an opponent tosses you off.
  21. I want a mix of 1st and 3rd party characters in this pass, so my picks are: 1. Crash Bandicoot 2. Adeleine and Ribbon 3. Sora 4. Sirfetch’d 5. Ring Fit Adventurer 6. Arle Nadja
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