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Everything posted by MagicCanonBalls

  1. I do keep grail and free units. I have a built Cecilia and +def Spring Camilla with Raven tome, that's why I am comfortable with sending other cecilia home. I just want to clear up my barrack and actually start building units I wanted to build for a long time (I have 5*+10 Cain with Death Blow 2 at max sp and almost max hm for Pete's sake). A more recent Merric build/gameplay is rare on youtube though. I am probably just scared of screwing up a unit again after giving Warding Stance 4 to Arthur few days ago (he is still good, but I realized there are better A skill afterward and that WS4 could've gone to someone else). Anyway thanks for all the guides and answer up there, expecially Luna and AoE attack damage diffence.
  2. I understand the bladetome set, but wouldn't luna be better with his refine, since it cuts enemy res instead relying on his poor atk? Also I just checked that I have extra G duel infantry. Would that help with his scoring in Arena with double chill skills? And since he couldnt kill he could just do chip damage and let bonus unit kill. Thought about it. But 1)I have a Boey with merge ongoing, and 2) Because of Boey I sent home all my Cecilia almost immediately thinking i wouldnt need another green raven tome. But definitely will keep this in mind next time I summon a Cecilia.
  3. Just impulsively upgrade and merge +spd OG Merric to +5. His Atk gave me some regret. What would be a cheap build for him (mainly AA/PvE) without refining his prf? I do have a spare Raigh's twin (gronnserpent and stance) and no bladetome or close counter. Not gonna pull any green until Sayri banner ends, so i wont get more merge or green tome fodder til then.
  4. My free pull got Mira fairy (+spd, which brings her to... 20 spd), 1st ticket is my first Lilith with... -spd +def. Got a 4 star Mustafa with bad IV too. Totally not ominous or anything.
  5. Wow you and I are like on the opposite of the spectrum. When I saw Sayri and Mustafa my mind is screaming with joy. This is probably one of the better banner for me this year if they kick out OG and out in like Priam or Flavia.
  6. Goodbye orbs stash. Freakin Anna, Sayri and Mustafa. Luckily I didn't spend any on Mila or Valentine banner.
  7. I can't find the source anymore, but a chinese translation of the full article listed the top reasons ppl voted FE4 is for introducing marriage and 2nd gen system. Not sure if that's what you meant by fluff since it is quite important in that game, but if IS turn it up to eleven I can imagine fateswakening hater would hate IS even more for ruining their classic.
  8. I am semi-competitive I guess. Maintaning between 17-19. I don't have a core static team. I would use different team for the same streak just to stir things up (especially if I have more than one bonus unit, I have managed to have 5 different teams for the same streak), as long as the score are similar. Although Niles is frequently seen and mostly on my first team. Also I am not a whale, only spent once on orbs in year 1.
  9. Plot-wise, yeah I agree both are pretty bad. But King's Landing on fire is much cooler. It's just a fan theory I constantly see on Reddit. And I can't think of a hypothetical equivalent of Euphemia Incident in 3H. Is that a good thing or I am just not creative enough? What I mean is despite finished CF, I am still not on Edelgard side. Like I said, she is just not convincing enough for me, even in jer own route. Anyway, due to weak internet connection I can't watch the video. And I don't remember Code Geass much to contribute on comparing these two beyond what I said. Side note: I am sorry if this is my double post. I refreshed accidentally while still posting my last comment. Waited few minutes and refreshed few more times but my reply never shows up. So I am submitting this again.
  10. Hey now, at least GoT fans theorised that Daenerys was corrupted by power and let opportunity to get revenge get to her head. Euphemia Incident is just...a fixed plot in time to get the next plot going. Anyway, I find antagonistic protagonist like Edel and Lelouch is just not convincing enough for me to support their actions. I like Edel a lot better when she is treated like the villain she is in other routes. Lelouch has his moments but Edel is better because at least she didnt manipulate her trusted allies (Hubert, CF Black Eagle Strike Force) the way Lelouch did (if I remember Code Geass correctly).
  11. Dynasty Warriors 5, 8 and Warriors Orochi series. I always have a lot of fun playing these games. People keep saying they don't change the formula, but when Koei do change it up in 6 and 9, many fans (including me) were not happy with the changes. It's like Call of Duty. Fans stay and continue to buy because there isn't much better alternative, and also brand recognition is there. I can tell from Warriors Orochi that Koei is almost wanting to try new things. They don't have to come up with 3 character rotation for that game, or come up with a new battle system to fit both Dynasty and Samurai. Speaking of, Samurai Warriors play differently than Dynasty too, which is why I don't like it as much, but definitely apprecite the difference and nt just copy paste its Dynasty counterpart. Dynasty 8 is almost perfect for me. I love the XL version, but the Empire version is a let down compared to last few ones. Fire Emblem New Mystery. my first FE. I still remember browsing which NDS game to play. Then I saw the description for this game which includes Avatar customization and all the cool battle stuff. I took a chance and got it for myself. Man it was blast. Looking back if that game didn't have casual mode and avatar I just might give up before prologue. After finishing it I went and try the older entries but none of them really fit my taste due to lack of avatar and reclass options. So I just replay NM again on hard mode, and it was a different kind of fun I didn't knew I would enjoy. Mass effect and Dragon Age series. Cool gameplay, dialogue and Gay romance. It's also around the time I understand English much better when I started playing ME1, so it served as my gateway into Western RPG.
  12. It's all fantasy. There are wizards and dragons and supernatural powers. The designers can do anything they want. so what if they have lore or world-building to back up the gameplay and stats. It still sucks that male unit can't get pegasus, it still sucks that female unit can't get Hero even though some of them would appreciate the class growth. And for Naga sake, let Lindhardt be Valkyrie and Gremory already. All this just makes the so called "lore" and "realism in fantasy world" seems like petty excuses to keep us from having less frustrating gameplay. With that being said, I think FE has done well so far in terms of breaking gender norm in designing unit. Almost every game has quite a few male and female that isn't traditionally masculine/feminine, and their stats/growth reflects that.
  13. My 1st is New Mystery. I am assuming the remake would come with graphic update. 1. More variety of tome and weapons in shop. 2. Add skills from recent games like 3H and Fates.
  14. I don't think it will happen for the reasons stated above, nor do i want it to happen. I would prefer town exploration to be similar to Echoes. Just some portrait and simple map with few characters.
  15. Yes but in PoR we can see that they were separated for the duration of the war, and probably not always together. They always knew they weren't related. It's weird for me too but not unacceptable/uncomfortable weird.
  16. Clarisse probably would get some debuff refine to fit her assassin theme, like Katarina's refine and Legion's Axe. Did bow hurt you?
  17. 10) Oooh, Kyza is a rarepick if I've ever seen one. Cool choice. I also really want Fiona to be good at least in this game. If KARLA can be good in Heroes, why not her? 12) Aaaand I spoke too soon about Asugi. 14) Bernadetta is already in the game. 17) A mixed Warriors/TMS banner? Uhm, I'll allow it because it sound cool. 18) I don't know why, but I'm starting to think you may like Griffon Riders xD 19) You. You my friend are cool and valid, for remembering Phile and Mustafa. 20) I think you accidently wrote Cyril instead of Dorothea as the dagger user. 21) ......uh. Well I guess this can count as your Adrift like banner, a banner with alts based around a theme. But what a weird theme indeed. It's unique if nothing else. Wasn't aware Bernie is already in the game. Haven't played FEH since Feb. I changed it to Linhardt instead since only him and Caspar left. As for mixing warrior and TMS it's simply because I haven't got the chance to play it yet so I just based it on Let's Play videos I watched. I thought Mustafa and Phila were recruitable based on their dialogue and situation. So this is the chance fo IS to make it right. (And Phila is potential waifu so realistically speaking she still has chance to appear in a random Awakening banner.)
  18. 1. Shadow Dragon- Bord (Axe Infantry), Jake (colorless bow armored), Julian (Red dagger infantry), Samson (Lance Infantry). Wendell (colorless tome armored), Wolf (GHB sword cavalry) Never actually played FE1 or FE11, so this is based on NM experience. Bord is surprisingly fast powerhouse for an Axe fighter in my playthrough. Jake is ballistician so armor bow is close to that. Samson is lance infantry because FEH need more lance infantry. 2. Echoes - Kamui (Astra sword infantry), Tatiana (Staff Flier) , Jesse (Colorless bow Cavalry), Atlas (Axe Infantry). Mycen (TT+ Lance Cavalry). Deen- GHB (Blue dagger infantry) I gave Kamui Astra sword out of favoritism in Echoes as well. Tatiana is there due to the gender rule. Deen is cool and can be fought as enemy. 3. New Mystery- Cecil (Axe Cavalry), Frey (Sword Cavalry), Horace (Lance InfInfantry), Malice (Sword infantry). Etzel (TT+ Red Tome Armored), Arlen (OP GHB Blue tome infantry) I wish we can get more NM banner, there are so many characters I want. Cecil is to complete starting cavalry trio with Luke and Roderick. Frey as compensation for being canon fodder in Shadow Dragon. Etzel and Arlen are here to reunite with Linde and Merric as in the DLC. And Arlen is my fav character in FE so he gets to be OP. 4. Genealogy. Whatever. Maybe the substitutes from 2nd gen. 5. Thracia. Whatever. 6. Binding Blade. Whatever. 7. Blazing. All my wanted characters from this game is already in, so another Whatever. 8. Sacred Stones. Vanessa (Lance Flier), Forde (Lance Cavalry), Kyle (Sword Cavalry), Saleh (Green Tome Flier). Knoll (TT+ Red tome armoured), Selena (Blue Tome Cavalry) Surprisingly still quite a lot of characters I like are not in. Artur and Moulder cant make it after consideration. 9. Path of Radiance. Calill (Red Tome Infantry), Ilyana (Blue Tome Infantry), Boyd (Axe Infantry), Lucia (Sword Flier). Stefan (TT Sword Infantry), Tauroneo (GHB Lance Armored) Lucia is flier so it's not all infantry. Stefan is pretty cool and takes a bit of effort to recruit him, so being TT reward resembles that. I like Tauroneo in RD better but not enough place there. 10 Radiant Dawn. Kyza (Blue Tiger Laguz), Volug (Colorless Wolf Laguz), Bastian (Green Tome Infantry), Heather (Red Dagger Infantry). Nolan (TT Green Axe Infantry), Fiona (GHB Lance Cavalry). Mayne Fiona can finally be good. 11. Awakening. Vaike (Axe Infantry), Say'ri (Sword Infantry), Gregor (Blue Bow Cavalry), Miriel ( Red Tome GRIFFON FLIER). Basilio (TT Axe Armored), Flavia (Ghb Sword infantry). I need Griffon rider since day 1. If not for no alt rule I would have made one more banner featuring all the Griffon Riders in my previous Awakening playthroughs. Flavia is ghb since she is from warrior culture so it made sense to beat her in to battle as recruitment requirement. 12. Fates. Shura (Colorless bow cavalry), Reina (Red bow flier), Mozu (Lance infantry), Scarlet (Axe flier). Caeldori (TT lance flier), Asugi (Ghb OP Red Dagger infantry). Mostly just filling in the rest of fates. Asugi is another one of my fav FE character so he gets to be OP as well) 13. Three Houses. Hanneman (Cavalry Red Tome), Manuela (Flier Green Tome), Catherine (Sword Infantry), Shamir (Blue Bow Infantry). Alois (TT Axe Armored), Cornelia (GHB blue tome infantry) Faculty banner with Cornelia. 14. Three Houses 2. Marianne (Staff cavalry), Dedue (Axe Armored), Linhardt (Red Tome Infantry), Constance (Lance Infantry). Jeralt (TT Lance Cavalry), Judith (Green Bow Infantry). One student from each house. Judith should have been playable in 3H post timeskip. 15. Thracia 2. To be honest Fe4&5 banners are almost auto skip for me unless it has some nice skill fodders.but I understand it is underrepresented in FEH, so another Whatever. 16. Heroes OC. Bruno and Veronica as they are shown. Another two slot and TT reward are whatever I guess? GHB is Dead Gustav. I just need more shirtless Bruno art. 17. Crossover. Cain mirage owner. Warriors oc: guy (infantry sword), girl (infantry lance), whatever for TT reward. Darios (ghb Infantry axe). 18. CYL4. Brave Bruno as GHB, Blue bow griffon flier (my ultimate fantasy unit in FEH). TT reward would be Awakening Anna as Colorless dagger infantry. The 4 winners can be whatever, i like them all anyway. 19. CYB1. Awakening Spotpass banner. Priam (Sword infantry), Emmeryn (Cavalry Green Tome), Gangrel ( Flier colorless Levin dagger), Yen'Fay (Flier Sword). TT reward would be Lance Flier Phila. Ghb would be Mustafa as Axe armor. 20. 3H's weapon of Zoltan (OZ) banner. Felix (Sword OZ infantry), Caspar (Axe OZ flier), Leonie (Lance OZ cavalry), Dorothea (Colorless dagger OZ dancer). Flayn (staff OZ flier). Ashe ( GHB Bow OZ Cavalry) I really like the Zoltan weapons in 3H so this entire banner is dedicated to them. Dagger and staff are hypothetical as they don't exist in game. Dorothea actually get praise for her sword skill from Felix after sparring (she learnt from her time in opera) so her wielding dagger isn't too out of place. As for Ashe in ghb I don't want to spoil for those still playing so I will just leave it at that. 21. Mysterious Kris banner. Ok this is an idea I had for a long time, pretty sure it breaks no alt rule, so feel free to ignore this if it pains you physically just from reading the following description There are questions at start of game to determine Kris stats and growth by asking "past, present and future" so I would make 6 unique combination of those answers ( for 3 Male 3 Female), and different looks as well since you can customize their appearance in game. So all 6 Kris would all have sort of different personality, distinguish appearance, weapon and movement type. He can be ghb because of how disliked he is in fandom, and every hater get the chance the beat him. 22. Mixed banner. Artur from FE8 as Green tome infantry. Kieran (PoR) as sword cavalier. FE7's Isadora (lance flier), Severa (green Dagger Griffin flier). TT reward- Elice (Marth sister) as cavalry staff. GHB- Fuga from Fates (Axe infantry). Some characters that couldn't fit into their respective game's banner. 23. Lifted from Alts-only status. Noire (Colorless bow flier), Inigo (Sword Infantry), Pent (Cavalry Blue tome), Louise (Infantry red bow). TT- Turban Hardin. GHB- Charlotte as Axe infantry. I thought Regular Fiora wasn't introduced yet. Buy a quick google search proved me wrong and I don't know other suitable candidate other than regular hardin. Charlotte can be fought ad enemy is you play Birthright. Legendaries & Mythic: whatever. There is no way i can complete this set without breaking the rules and cracking my brain.
  19. Putting Silver Snow playthrough on hold after timeskip. Currently playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3. Gotta say, it was a lot more fun than I remember. Just finished Superior difficulty which surprised me with another Ultimate difficulty and another rift unlocked. But some of the alternate costumes are really bad and not worth to play through the infinity rift.
  20. Mercenary- Because Hero's outfit in Fates is really cool. Samurai- Dual wielding swords is also cool. Besides, both Mercenary and Swordmaster coexist in most FE games. Spear Fighter- Rend Heaven. Also can act as tank. Dark Mage/Diviner- Assuming scrolls and tomes aren't mutually exclusive, well then, magic is magic no matter what, so either is fine. Ninja- Thief who can fight, debuff enemies and deal with mages. Awesome. Outlaw- Adventurer is more fun to use for me. Sky Knight- I don't like dragon and wyvern. Pegasus is much more elegant anyway. Troubadour- Healer on horse is a plus. I didn't put in oni savage or fighter because most physical classes I listed can promote into classes that can wield axe.
  21. But isn't that part of your explanation in the OP, that Rhea should have gotten over her trauma despite not everyone involved are found and still secretly plotting against her. I mean for Rhea it's genocide; for the Empire it's, what, lose out on territories and extra taxes? What if Brigid or Almyra shows proof that Empire was separated from them by force not long ago? Do they have the right to reclaim it like you said? Why can't the same explanation be applied to Empire, or Edelgard herself, why can't they just get over their trauma. This isn't a question because I am sure you will have some glorified justification for why it's different cases. And you would think that those are actually perfectly reasonable justification with lots of philosophy or something like that. Both Rhea and Edelgard are on brink of losing it. In all routes, Rhe loses her pretended sanity as soon as Edelgard revealed herself. Anyone who opposed her or tried to tell her she was wrong, she's in power to eliminate them. Same goes to Edelgard, she has Hubert and position as heir to the throne, made her thinking that she has the power (and indeed she has) to eliminate what she "believes" is wrong. Finally, I agreed that Rhea should be made playable. Cutscene fight between her (in Seiros form) and Edelgard would be epic.
  22. It's still New Mystery for me. As my first FE it really hooked me up with the gameplay, especially the avatar system with a bunch of other units' customisation. The side story with Katarina, looking up guides online to recruit units, and crazy bias against Arlen cuz I somehow relate to him based on the few lines he said (he remained my favorite charater in the series). Back then this was the perferct SRPG that I was looking for. I am not sure how to rank 3H yet. Still on SS maddening (final route). It's definitely up there in top 3 with NM, Awakening, and Conquest. Just not sure if I like it more than any of those 3.
  23. I completed CF maddening with Ferdi as Wyvern; Caspar as war master. Which is why i wanted to switch it up a bit. For the paralogue part I just enjoy doing them, especially Marianne's for material farming and routing every monster. I am certainly gonna train those paralogue units to be decent at combat. I just don't want to spread exp too thin. Besides deployment slots aren't enough to use all of them. Maybe after getting through Ch13 then I can start focusing on non BE units. As for Ch.13. My plan is to switch into wyvern rider if i couldnt complete it in magic class. I guess my biggest concern right now is the dancer slot. I am not gonna recruit Ingrid or Lorenz because I want to fight them post timeskip. I am really not sure I can play through Maddening without a dancer.
  24. I am doing NG+ Maddening SS, no Hero's Relic run (except Sword of Creator). I need some opinion on my recruitment plan and who should be the dancer. (Dorothea and Marianne were my dancers in previous runs so they are out.) For paralogue purposes:Leonie, Lysithea Marianne, Ashe (poor guy get recruited every time then get benched after his paralogue) Tutor them to prepare for BL maddening: Felix, Annette My house members classes in mind. Ferdinand: War master Dorothea: Gremory Caspar: wyvern. Bernadetta: falcon or bow knight. Male Byleth: Dark Bishop/Dark Knight Petra: Assassin. Linhardt: Bishop/mortal savant
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