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Cain Magnus

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Everything posted by Cain Magnus

  1. That's...a VERY interesting way to calm down. XD That sounds good. It's shouldn't be too hard though. I haven't been there in a while, but should the opportunity rise (I would go ASAP, but certain things are preventing me at the moment), I'll definitely consult my doctor about it.
  2. Well, I haven't been diagnosed because my parents didn't see the need at the time, but I've realized it for quite a while now. I've always been going by with that, because my mom, dad and siblings always told me for a long time that it's very difficult for me to be social on an average level. I've just only recently come to accept it because I've pretty much been in constant denial. I don't mean to get into all the details, as I won't (Thanks for understanding that ), but even now, I still have some problems controlling the volume of my voice appropriately or confronting people other than those I absolutely have to speaking to or used to speaking to (Like my parents and my employers), even if it's people I'm familiar with. I could know you for six years and still have a few problems communicating properly. But over the years of growing up some more, I've gotten ten times better than I was before. But even so, since I've never seen a doctor about it, I can't be too sure if something is really wrong with me... But I didn't mean to switch the topic over to that. Sorry. And thanks, Popo for the info. =) Even though I lack actual proof that I have a disorder, major or minor, it's good to know. Just in case I do have an opportunity to get it checked on, that is.
  3. Yep, got it. Thanks for the understandable and clear answer. I am worried, but I guess I'll suck it up for now. If I feel even more uncomfortable than I do now as my days on the register go on, I'll definitely explain in the manner in which you spoke. :)
  4. Well, seeing as I only have Serra for Lyn Mode, my start is a solo to the end of LHM! I had a feeling that would happen, but it's turning out better than expected. When it's HNM, I'll have a better time, since I'll have Hector, Eli, Rebecca, and Serra, though the chapters up until Raven arrives will be tough, seeing as my only tank at the time will be Hector. x_x Anyway, here's half of LHM: Prologue (6 turns): Same old, though Batta got me all defensive, so I got 6 turns instead of 5. Chapter 1 (7 turns): Let Sain sit back and annoy Kent with his talk of women within the trees while Lyn tackled through the bandits...though she won't be able to do this for long. Pretty much the only bandit to land a good hit on her was the boss. All worked out fine though. Chapter 2 (9 turns): This one was a bit scary with the bandits landing lucky hits on Lyn while she was taking a whole 3 turns to break the wall. >_> Sucked it up and used a vulnerary and kicked the ass of Glass. Chapter 3 (11 turns): That stupid lone bandit had to destroy the village, as it cost me three extra turns to get to him after Lyn finished off the boss. But given my drafted units, it's all unavoidable without Florina. Chapter 4 (7 turns): Let everyone have a party with Natalie while Lyn played as the security guard blocking the way. After clearing out the enemies that attacked Lyn on turn 4, moved down a space (Yet still blocking the way completely) to recruit Dorcas and let him join the party inside. I was almost afraid of Lyn dying here though, but I used the last of her second vulnerary and stole one from Florina. Chapter 5 (10 turns): Could have cleared in 8 or 9 if that bandit to the north didn't try to chase Kent down. Got him with Lyn and moved on before he could catch Kent though. Now I have Serra!...who contributes to nothing turn count-related. But at least I can save vulneraries! (Ugh, trying to get the text within the code box properly lined up is irritating...I'll just post it normally.) Lyn: Level 11 Str: 8 Skl: 14 Spd: 18 Luk: 10 Def: 4 Res: 4
  5. Nah-- Ike: Of course I'm his favorite... Me: No you're not! Ike: Oh really? Then who? Me: ....uh...Raven? Ike: Hmm...the guy that you only started to like because you first saw his critical animations because they looked like Aether? I never would have guessed...Come on, now. Me: Heeeey! I'm trying to lie here! Ike: ...*Points at sig* Hahaha. Sure. Okay. Me: ...I hate you now. ...Err! Yeah, Ike's my favorite... -- Nephenee?
  6. Sorry, I had no idea how it worked for picking more than 1 unit. But I'll edit my post accordingly.
  7. Since Sam edited in my last pick (Thanks for that), Rebecca for the next.
  8. I figured since the Serious Discussion forum was for more important and touchy topics, this forum should be correct. That and it's a personal issue. All right. So I'm having a small problem at my job that can be shaken off my mind quickly, though I'm having trouble deciding on a safe course of action. I know it's strange for me to make a topic like this, but it's just something small that I hope I can get off my chest immediately, as it is interfering with my own daily activities. I've been working at Dollar General (It's a general store for those who don't live in the US) as a Sales Associate for two weeks, with this current week going on my third. I pretty much only work on freight and the register occasionally. But due to a situation that happened between a rather impatient/short tempered customer that intentionally wanted to get me fired (Though I won't disclose any further information on it, as the way I worded, it should be self-explanatory), I'll be at risk of losing my job itself if I continue to work the register, because I have a 'slight' social disorder that has the potential to get me in serious trouble. The asst. manager that was on duty at the time stepped in at my request, which he was impressed with me for that choice and keeping my cool with the woman I was dealing with. I've put that whole feud behind me now because people like that aren't worth the headache....though chances are, I'll never see her again anyway. But there is no doubt that in the future, more situations will arise...and I can only handle so much before I actually lose control of my usual cool head with crazy people. This is where the true issue comes in. I've had thoughts come across in my mind that can help with those future situations...as well as ways to avoid them completely. I've also done my own online research that turned out a failure...that and the Employee Handbook I have doesn't have a single fact or guideline about angry customers. I figured that trying to avoid them completely is too much trouble, but considering how the store desperately needs employees (Yes, we have a VERY small staff because it's...well...the dollar store.), I need to get away from the register entirely and just focus on working on freight only. But the problem I'm facing is if that's the best thing to bring up with my Store Manager. I know it's just a groundless and over-exaggerating fear, but any risk losing my job is fatal, as this was the only place to hire me out of two years of hard searching. I've always dread working at the register anyway. I feel uncomfortable around dealing with customers' money or anything else related to it. It generally isn't my sort of thing to do, nor was it what I was hired for. I specifically stated "Stocking" on my application, but I assumed that when I was hired, there was a logical reason for having me work both. So I don't want my manager thinking I'm some picky person, which my reasons stated could easily be misunderstood for one. If I really have to work at the register, then I have no right to object. If I don't have to, I'll definitely want off. I have no hesitations on telling my manager things, but I want to make sure that asking her about it won't be an even bigger risk. Is asking my store manager to take me off the register the right thing to do or should I just suck it up and deal with anything that comes at me?
  9. I got nothin'... What kind of games other than strategy are you interested in?
  10. This is my first draft as well. I'll have to delete one of my files, but I don't need it anyway. Count me in.
  11. Nice. I know they're overrated, but swords. Because I've been a sucker for blades since I was little. Favorite FE Mage?
  12. Happy Birthday!

  13. Ah, damn... XD Oh well. I can settle for just Vergil then.
  14. If no one else has got a hold of these two, I'd like to claim Guy Cecil and Vergil (Devil May Cry).
  15. I used to several years back, but eventually lost interest. Favorite weapon type (Non-FE)?
  16. Cool. :) That would be Mega Man (NES) in Bomb Man's stage where a Sniper Joe enemy (The green guys with the shield) can get trapped between an open area within a platform. It's so hilarious and amusing to look at. XD Favorite chapter in any FE game?
  17. Actually, I support this idea. Even though I haven't been a victim of any new member bashing here, I'll admit that I've seen certain situations unfold that could have been handled better from the people doing the bashing. Being mean as such without a plausible reason is just wrong. I'm feeling myself getting way more accustomed to this site as the days go by than I stated in my last post in this thread. It's now one of my top favorite places to visit and be a part of. I think it could benefit a lot from rule enforcements on disrespect towards new members, or anyone else in general who feels attacked.
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