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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. Well, I haven't gotten around to playing it. The GC version is one I missed completely, and I've no desire to play it with waggle on the Wii. I'd welcome a HD version.
  2. Well, the Pokemon part wasn't so much NIntendo as it was the Pokemon Company. They do operate a bit outside of Nintendo's satellite. You're right on the mark about the others however.
  3. Probably the kind of bomb threats that happen when some jackass calls a school and says ZOMG BOMB. And then the school goes under lockdown because keeping everyone in a building with a bomb is smart. (I had it happen to me once in high school. It was bullshit because we were in the library. Which had glass doors. If there was a shooter or a bomb or whatever, I don't think glass would have removed our visibility. >_>)
  4. I can run FE4 quite fine using the Retroarch cores, but keep in mind I'm running a New 3DS XL, so performance is much better. Also love the theme shuffling. I have Genesis AND Mega Drive themes together. <:3
  5. Chalis, I see you, too, have embraced the homebrew way.
  6. So, on the 3DS, due to RetroArch cores, I'm playing Super Butoden 2 with our pirate lord's ost rather than the other one. :>
  7. When most people say FE5 is hard, they speak of the first playthrough. Doubly so if you're playing it blind. Even some aspects can drive even a vet insane. Xavier's the most obvious instance where more often than not, people will just say "Fuck it".
  8. Thracia is my favorite. Difficulty be damned, the game has so much in the way of interesting mechanics and it's a damn shame they got tossed to the wayside. Otherwise, top three are that, Genealogy and a tossup between Binding Blade and Gaiden. Yes, I said Gaiden.
  9. I wonder if the fiends will return to collect the salt of the players. Red Rider was a dick when he showed up. And if they do return, will they retain the SMTIV version of the theme they got in the PS1 I, II and if... versions or a new mix? I am curious! XD
  10. Bowser Jr. Toadette, Dry Bowser and Sprixie it seems are the hidden ones. And E. Gadd was in Superstar Saga and Partners in Time, so he was in the RPG spinoffs at least.
  11. Ehh...FE's always been hit or miss with antagonists. For every Arvis, Manfroy and Travant, you have the likes of Beldo (Who is worse than Validar IMO), Lyon (On Eirika's route. On Ephraim's, he's actually really interesting) and Jiol (Boring cowardly king is boring). FE's also had plenty of villains you just downright despise. Gharnef is the foremost example. Everything he's done was out of jealousy, which is hilariously petty when you look back at it. He's not capable of compassion due to the Darksphere/Sable's effects, but even before that, he was an "ends justify the means" kind of guy. Then there's Hilda who's just an outright bitch with her torture of Tiltyu and glee toward the child hunts. Her kids are sympathetic characters, Ishtar especially, but even Blume's nowhere near as evil as Hilda (He didn't do anything to stop her, but he did disagree with the child hunts.) Not every villain's gonna be tragic. It's just a fact. You'll have plenty of one-dimensional villains that don't have a sympathetic angle.
  12. Does this mean we chop off Ares' arms and legs? He is the black knight.
  13. Misha only shows up on the A route, so if one takes the B route, they skip her recruitment. (Which I do because fuck you Dorias) Xavier is bullshit no matter what. Fuck Xavier.
  14. I'll take this "silly" witch design over Gaiden's blatant reuse of the female mage sprite from both FE1 and its own game. Sad that the map doesn't use any Gaiden music though. Even if it's an Alm map, Celica's map music would've been fine.
  15. So what's with the green tiny Navarre looking thing? And if the theme's godslaying, are we going into SMT II territory to compliment SMT IV's SMT I parallels!?
  16. I only have one real hope for the ballot. Although I'm satisfied with the roster as is, there is a glaring omission. One which was an assist trophy in Brawl, but removed for some unknown reason in 4. I'm talking Isaac from Golden Sun.
  17. I just want the 64 Final Destination, Battlefield (Or Duel Zone or whatever) and Meta Crystal songs. ;-; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vI_KQr9pbp4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GR2QklrgB84
  18. I more meant he hibernated even when the army was in Belhalla fighting Julius. xD
  19. The thread was dead after post 1. It's just a matter of how dead.
  20. ThinkPad Wait shit, Lenovo and IBM took that one.
  21. Maybe he hid underneath Belhalla the whole time, but before he could help Seliph, well...he kinda took a nap. A very long nap.
  22. Do I need to blare that song from Bravely Second again? About the imperial soldiers who won't die even if killed?
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