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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. So Best Buy is indeed doing the Smash Bros thing. Don't get your hopes up on it being at a nearby Best Buy unless you live in a larger city. In Illinois, the Best Buys that did the Nintendo Experience stuff last year were Shaumberg and Oakbrook. For reference, I live in the suburbs north of Chicago. Though the fact they skipped out on Chicago itself was somewhat amusing.
  2. Virion is like Ringabel. A classy womanizer with exquisite taste. Except Virion actually gets his girl, but I digress.
  3. That version is awful IMO. The non-arranged version is better. But you want the best version?
  4. Except he discarded his dragonstone, which I take to mean he pulled a Xane and Gotoh. Except he's already reaaaaaaaally old so a different class wouldn't work. I do like the idea though. Actually, screw it. Xane for Spotpass. And he supports everyone for ultimate shapeshifting mindfuckery.
  5. OH NOES, MARTH NEEDS ADDITIONAL HELP. It's almost like he didn't admit that he alone is weak, but is stronger with others! Granted, I'm not arguing Kris's special snowflake status. Far from it, actually.
  6. "I'll end it thus!" Wait, shit, that was Walter in Shin Megami Tensei IV. My bad. They sound exactly the same. Either that or "Anything can change!" could work.
  7. Wat. Hardin had the same number of lines he would have had otherwise in FE3. The only one who REALLY got hit hard by that was Jagen during the "Fuck you General Lang" scene. As for the whiners about bad fanfiction spawning from self-inserts? Uh, that doesn't stop people from doing that shit otherwise. If you're gonna pan the avatar, don't do it for that reason.
  8. Is it bad that when you guys talk about XYZ shit, I just think of the XYZ Dragon Cannon cards?
  9. I'd still argue Sonic Genesis on the GBA is worse, especially the principle of it being a terrible butcher of a good game rather than a game that was bad from its inception. But arguing which trash is worse is futile.
  10. Derp. I forgot about Sonic Genesis on the GBA. Which was a very, very shitty rebuild of Sonic 1 on the GBA. Yes, rebuild. Because Sonic 1 can run just fine on the GBA as Stealth of Sonic Retro had proved with a proof of concept.
  11. Nah, Loptyr looked like Medeus as a Dark Dragon. It would've made sense, seeing as, again, Medeus came across as the type who'd sooner commit seppuku before letting a human be his body. In any case, in FE, usually the final boss is a boring fuck with the secondary villains being the main draw. FE1 was sorta split between Medeus and Gharnef, but FE3 was full-on Gharnef's-an-asshole. FE4 was Manfroy's-an-asshole. FE5's weird seeing as Beldo's a subordinate of Manfroy and Leidrick's a subordinate of Beldo. Idoun wasn't really a villain and Zephiel came across as mentally unstable...Nergal was the main draw in FE7. FE8's weird. You either have the Demon King being the main dick or Lyon being the main dick depending on the route. Point is, yeah, the final boss is usually boring as fuck.
  12. So guys, I forgot to mention. Last week, a friend of mine went to a convention and got some pretty neat stuff. Japanese Pokemon Red was one thing, but when he showed me Mystery of the Emblem, I was like...woah. Not saying it's a rare game or anything. Just was shocked to actually play a Japanese Fire Emblem game on actual hardware aside from Binding Blade. And before you bring up "Why not FE4", we're talking about someone that's not really that interested in Fire Emblem.
  13. I dunno...Grima gets off on human suffering and possessing people. From what I gathered with Medeus, while he does like humans suffering, I think he'd sooner drop dead than possess one. Also consider Grima never spoke Medeus's signature words about as long as darkness is in men's hearts, he would return.
  14. I've seen it. People took his words literally when he spoke in a metaphorical sense. The part about him being all "My heart beats no more... But the flame of life within me refuses to gutter out." Also consider that the Risen are more or less mindless, with a few exceptions like the Infinite Regalia Deadlords. Walhart doesn't fall into that, period. Not to mention how eloquent he is compared to the Risen chiefs that actually talk. So I too question why anyone would think Walhart's a Risen.
  15. So Valtome is Final Fantasy's Orthros/Ultros now?
  16. Awwww. Okay. Was just a thought. Knowing her, she'd just take it as "lol different 'verse"
  17. That goes without saying. Granted, the two Whitewings and Camus have the most playable appearances.
  18. Do I smell another Waifu execution vid? Now with Freddy telling her to pick a god and pray? ;D
  19. Red and Green are glitchier. And I have played Green. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_glitches_in_Generation_I#Red.2C_Green.2C_and_Blue_.28Japanese.29
  20. No, it was originally in its conception going to be a Four Heroes of Light sequel. There's a reason the Four Heroes of Light bosses show up as Nemeses with remixed music from their game. Also I see Ayanami shit talk in here. I have her on ignore for a reason, folks.
  21. What facts? 7's an overrated turd like 6 is. 6 started the downward trend. 7 propelled it. If you like it, that's fine. I'm not arguing your tastes.
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