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Everything posted by Karimlan

  1. @Othin: they're basically a showcase for what the Brave Heroes can do. Smart play, IS. XD
  2. Ah, Marsil—The Sword of Flames. That is one of the coolest weapons, gameplay- and design-wise. My other favorites were the Mourneblade, Were Bane, the Fist of Tulkas, and good ol' Alucard Sword. I mostly did hit-and-run tactics as well, although I employed the Shield Rod + Iron Shield trick, where two huge swords will rotate horizontally across the entire room, making mincemeat out of anything in their general path (before I got the Crissaegrim at least--the game no longer had a challenge once you got the sword). Spamming that skill saved my rear numerous times in the more expansive rooms full of enemies or Bosses, coupled with Soul Steal (at least before I got Mourneblade) once HP drops really low, and Hellfire's teleport to whisk me away to a different part of the room (someone in the design team really loved fighting game joypad motions, don't you agree?). I thought the Japanese version was a little harder than the North American one (I had played both versions), and Dracula's voice in it is so much more epic. I vaguely remember playing Simon's Quest, but I fail to recall ever finishing it. You mentioned a few posts back that you teach. What subject is it? I take it that you're not a fan of the misanthropic trope in character development, or is it from a writing standpoint? Which one of these literary figures do you think would be most fun to talk with drunk: Hunter S. Thompson, Jack Kerouac, Ernest Hemingway, or Kurt Vonnegut? Did you ever think that Whitey Bulger would ever be caught? (Seems like he's an underworld legend over in South Boston.) And, what did you think of the movie adaptation of his life that starred Johnny Depp (Black Mass)? What period in history would you most likely want to be part of, other than the present day?
  3. I hope it's not Alucard vs Trevor Belmont haha. More queries *grin* Were you one of those guys who thought that once you got the Crissaegrim sword on Symphony of the Night, the game is busted wide open? Prior to getting the aforementioned item, what boss strategy did you employ the most? Ever had the chance to play the Japanese version of the game? What is so bad about Simon's Quest that you recommend people stay away from it, given that SoTN's object in the endgame seems close to that of the NES title? How did you like Alucard's transition into Genya Arikado, or how Konami went about it at least?
  4. Mouthbreeder/mouthbrood, as some folks call it. We got that here in PH too. Best lightly seasoned and fried, with a relish of salt, tomatoes, and onions. I don't eat offal much, but I have found a liking for grilled chicken hearts (grilled yakitori-style with a savory sweet glaze).
  5. I envy you. My Caeda's now at +8 as well, and I have enough resources to get her to +10, but that Atk boon eludes me to this day (Mine's boon is Spd).
  6. My apologies if I missed out on this, but would Lysol's (heh) damage be boosted by field buffs alone, or in-combat buffs (e.g, Goad/Ward) too?
  7. I'm up for anything, including getting drunk while having a meal. -- Rootbeer float
  8. Heyyyy there, fellow Symphony of the Night fan. This question may have been asked to you in one manner or the other, but what did you think of Dracula's final line in the prologue for SoTN's English version? Were you able to play the alternate versions of SoTN (Saturn/PSP)? Are you stoked for the second season of Castlevania? What did you think of the first one? Are you a fan of most fictional portrayals of THAT ruler? Which one was the worst, in your opinion? With decades since The Lost Boys, Interview With the Vampire, and the White Wolf pen-and-paper RPG Vampire: The Masquerade, do you think the vampire subgenre has lost its magic/pizzazz? What do you suggest for it to return?
  9. How the girls in the Dead or Alive series dress up. Notable reference points would be Lei-Fang, Tina, Kasumi and Ayane, for a start. The proper way of teaching your dog to play table tennis is...
  10. Welp, I picked Lyn last year, and went Hector in this one as I just really had to stop pining for every iteration of him that comes out. I figured that my batting average for the CYL last year may hold true for this one, but we have, what, less than a month for the whole thing; so I'm pretty optimistic.
  11. From right to left, even if you're not Japanese/Chinese. Or in Braille even if you're not blind. The proper way to use chopsticks in Italian cuisine is...
  12. Committing monetary fraud. The proper way to be a Kung Fu master is...
  13. If you have a spare Linus lying around, I don't see why not. I'll be giving Hector Aether since my pulls have netted me a whole lotta Chroms. With that lance, its CD goes down to 4 and he gets sustain on top of that massive bulk.
  14. After the Paralogue quests were done and the login rewards claimed, I ended up with 31 orbs (spent a couple for Light's Blessings) from my post-Arena total of 17. No Brave or off-focus 5* heroes came in, but I did get a few Ares copies that I'll earmark for a future merge project. Went with Brave Hector as my free pick.
  15. I found blutwurst (German blood sausage) off-putting at first, but here in the Philippines, we do have dinuguan (pork stewed in its blood, with aromatics and long chili peppers), so I guess I had nothing to complain about. It doesn't taste half as bad as haggis (which I really can't bring myself to eat). I don't mind anchovies either, as we have dried fish of all sizes here, and a fermented paste made of fish or shrimp known as bagoong (if the Singaporeans and Malays have belachan, bagoong would be the closest thing to it) which goes well with soupy dishes and unripe mangoes even(!).
  16. Saw a pitch for a being that is as real as the Loch Ness monster.
  17. Do so after taking an arrow to the knee. The proper way to lobotomize yourself is...
  18. @XRay: Funny that you don't like shiitakes. They impart a rather nutty flavor that goes well with most Chinese/Japanese meat/vegetable stir-fry dishes. But well, there really isn't an accounting for taste after all (in the literal and figurative sense of the word, apparently). I've learned to eat bitter gourds on stir-fried vegetables, but for the life of me, I still don't eat okra. Not even on gumbo.
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