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Everything posted by Karimlan

  1. Ask the people who would call him Alexander the Marginal if he weren't so great. If you attempt to fail and succeeded, what have you done?
  2. @expshare: the vocals remind me of Horna, for some reason. Liking the d-beat in the early minutes myself.
  3. In all honesty, the ramblings that preceded this quote add gravitas to your argument, and ought to not have been struck through in the first place. But that's me already. Plainly put: sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. I don't mind having four of the five Lyns (yup, I lack the Sword Lord, err, Lady) any more than Tak-tak (or whatever term of endearment he gets) being less edgy in his current incarnation. IS will ensure it offers what's best for buzz, and buzz oftentimes leads to business (see "Controversy Creates Cash" by Eric Bischoff). @Xenomata: if I'm not working on a Caeda merge project, I would promote him already xD
  4. To attract attention on the road and clear the way, I think? The color stands out in traffic. Why does my lunch box feel so light?
  5. O noes. Cooked burgers last night and slathered curry sauce on the buns. Fan-f***ing-tastic.
  6. Went for Brave Lyn as my pick because I was dreading colorless hell at the time. Eventually, I was able to get all four of the CYL Heroes, and a few more duplicates on them. All Legendary CYL Ikes have been pwned off for Steady Breath though XD
  7. (presuming you have Wing Sword with the Eff refine because she is a goddess with it) Looking to sweep armor/cavalry: Galeforce. Looking to give Caeda sustain: Aether. Either one would serve nicely in scoring, although I'm pretty okay with her having Luna/Moonbow.
  8. will be pleased to know that I send SC characters swimming myself (favorite characters vary with the game, but most consistent would be Voldo and Mitsurugi).
  9. @Purple Mage: That's because our palates have gotten used to the taste of soy sauce, ketchup, vinegar, and whatever else goes into our take on the barbeque sauce. Strictly speaking, what we call pork barbeque would simply be referred to as grilled pork on skewers by Americans, particularly those from the Carolinas, Texas, or any state with a rich, low-and-slow BBQ culture.
  10. Soy sauce, which is a common ingredient in Japanese tare/teriyaki, Korean galbi, and Chinese hoisin sauces, really won't be a part of the more traditional American BBQ sauces.
  11. There were a few diners that served burgers with a sunny-side-up egg on top; some call it a roadside flip, roadside burger, or any derivative thereof. It's not as common nowadays but some folks still do it. @Anacybele: There really isn't any accounting for taste, then :P I find the yolk mixing with the burger's juices to be just as tasty.
  12. Especially if the egg is runny. Yum. Guess there's no accounting for taste XD
  13. A man of culture, I see. Curry wurst is hella awesome! (ok, I'm very partial to curry anything lol)
  14. There are several that I'm fond of: Thai sweet chili sauce Honey mustard Ranch dressing Tartar sauce
  15. I'd rather live in a gang-infested neighborhood. WYR get your tongue scalded by a Jucy Lucy's molten-hot cheese core or get brain freeze from a milkshake?
  16. Caging Me Softly. Nicolas Cage is awesome. @Purple Mage: Yup, I live in PH. And I'm alone. You rang? xD WYR eat Fugu or Soup No. 5?
  17. So far, this Awakening banner has nabbed me two off-focus 5* characters: a Delthea with neutral Atk, and an OG Ephraim with a Def bane. The latter will end up as a merge to my existing Ephraim that has a Def boon, while Delthea will be, at some point, leveled up for AA, with the earlier one that I had gotten (she has an Atk bane) merged into her. None of the red orbs gained me Olivia (new or otherwise), or even a Caeda, which sucks.
  18. @DragonFlames: danke schon (my Deutsch is very rusty, but I would still be able to respond correctly to anyone handing me a beer and brat :D ) on topic: offers deals to prevent double-posting.
  19. Chrom wasn't being extra helpful here, although he swept the map. Frederick did the tanking :D
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