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Everything posted by Karimlan

  1. If the tedium will get me inside her skirt, Serra. I can be every bit as conceited as she is anyway. WYR eat mealworms or Japanese blowfish (fugu) prepared by a no-name restaurant and a chef whose license has expired?
  2. "Nice appetizing pee foam." Reminds me of "frothy yellow fun." XD
  3. Mark Twain. Anything by Mark Twain is good, although his humor gets darker in his later writings. "Jesus, Mark Twain. Not only is he funny, but he's dead and he's STILL funny." —Lewis Black, "Nothing's Sacred" On that note, here are more queries: Do you dig gallows humor/satire? Favorite kind of tea, save for sweet? I'm looking to get a Nintendo Switch around Christmas time. What games do you recommend, aside from Smash? Do you practice martial arts? Do you play any musical instrument?
  4. Extremely spicy. I think I'd rather have GERD than diabetes. (but, it's really a catch-22...) WYR live in a dystopian future or the Dark Ages?
  5. Er, no next question? Lol in this case, I'll answer @Dragoncat's question. Green, since it will complement dollars. And my frame of mind. Would you rather binge on Mexican food or Indian cuisine?
  6. Sniped for blues on the New Power banner, and I ended up with... Brave Lucina. Not the best pitybreaker, but not altogether the worst one. I can either merge into my existing one or save it for anyone who would need Aether. Now to scrounge up more orbs...
  7. Horses are useful, tasty, and sticky. Ripped from FB
  8. ^ - seconded. You'll want dijon or whole-grain mustard as a binding agent.
  9. I'm pretty sure Sain won't mind #74. 75. Stop using "er..." and similar non-word fillers around Erk.
  10. Some chicken adobo (Philippine, not Mexican) would go well with that vodka. I'm pretty sure @Mister Rogers has had this during his stint down south in these here islands. He'll swear by it, and drink to that with a discount Jagerbomb.
  11. Cheers! Time to get things started. How are ya doin? Gatsby Talk: ever read the original novel? Ever see yourself rocking a three-piece suit? Do you drink? Favorite alcoholic beverage? What other classic American novels are you fond of?
  12. Karimlan


    I'm pretty much looking to get a Switch by yearend for exactly the same reason. Avid Heroes player as well. Cheers and enjoy yer stay!
  13. 66. Stop Nils from playing the skin flute in front of people.
  14. I stand corrected. That would be whole eggs for a Caesar's salad, or other emulsified vinaigrettes. Your problem with the egg's rawness is solved by coddling the egg—immersing it in near-boiling water to get rid of salmonella. In the case of a plain vinaigrette, it's simply oil, any good-tasting souring agent, salt, pepper, and whatever herb you prefer.
  15. I'm working on a Caeda (shoutout to @LordFrigid and his excellent guide), and given my immediate inclination to pull reds, I've gotten a few 4* copies of her; if I were to merge her now, she'd be +7, only I'm stocking up on feathers. She's currently neutral, and I was wondering if which of these would be more beneficial in the long run: a +Spd boon (for constant processing of Flashing Blade) or an +Atk boon (to amp up effective damage of Wing Sword)? EDIT: went through the guide again. I'd really, really need a +Atk boon lol
  16. @Darros: I'm not sure if flour is a good idea, but egg whites (which is the secret to any Caesar dressing worth your trouble) or mayo would give it enough body to add to subs and hoagies.
  17. AFAIK, it won't be French's or Grey Poupon.
  18. Wish granted, but the HEMA context would be based off historically accurate movies like Monty Python and the Holy Grail and shows like Blackadder. I wish the localization for FE16 would have quirky mistakes.
  19. @Darros: The recipe below (the whole article, really) might be able to help. Vinaigrette basics Ingredients 3/4 to 1 cup olive oil, extra-virgin olive oil, or any good-tasting oil 1/4 cup good-tasting vinegar or lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon black pepper Optional extras (choose 1 or 2, to taste): 1 minced shallot, 1 minced or grated garlic clove, 1/2 to 1 teaspoon grainy mustard, 1 to 2 tablespoons minced herbs, 1 to 2 tablespoons finely grated cheese, 1/2 to 1 teaspoon honey Equipment Measuring cups and spoons Bowl, blender, or jar with lid Whisk, fork, blender, or immersion blender Instructions Measure all ingredients into a bowl, blender, or jar. Combine the vinaigrette: If using a bowl, use a fork or whisk to rapidly blend the vinaigrette together. If using a jar, top with the lid and shake until the vinaigrette is combined. If using a blender, blend until the vinaigrette is thoroughly combined. Taste the vinaigrette: Dip a leaf of salad into the vinaigrette and give it a taste; tasting the dressing with the greens gives you a better idea of how the vinaigrette will taste with a salad than if you taste it on its own. Adjust the taste: Add more olive oil for a more mellow flavor, more vinegar or lemon juice for more tartness, and more of any of the other ingredients to taste. Whisk, shake, or blend to combine. Use the vinaigrette: For a side salad for 2 to 4, start with a tablespoon of dressing, toss, and continue adding until the greens are evenly coated and look glossy. Serve immediately. Store the vinaigrette: Transfer leftover vinaigrette to a jar or other container with a lid (if it's not already in a jar). If the vinaigrette contains any fresh ingredients, like lemon juice or minced shallots, store it in the fridge. Vinaigrettes will keep for 3 to 5 days; shake to recombine the vinaigrette before using.
  20. Cohen's response to Palin is gold. I couldn't stop laughing.
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