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Everything posted by Karimlan

  1. E. Honda (Hariyama) - from the Street Fighter series of course Kinnikuman (Machamp) - from the manga/anime with the same name KMasters (Blaziken) - see Hariyama Doh (Psyduck) - see The Simpsons (Psyduck reminds me of Homer for some reason)
  2. The support will exist, and we will witness how Nino will blush deep crimson as she sees the lingerie Jaffar would pick up for her, and she will inch her fingers closer to one of Jaffar's daggers... I wish for a real fighting game with Fire Emblem characters.
  3. He would live long enough to be playable, but his weapon would damage him in odd chances like the Devil's Axe. I wish Kent and Sain would be introduced in FEH.
  4. Liked the Xeno-series because of the allusions to Nietzsche. Cheers and enjoy your stay!
  5. Unless he has workable stats, that will be a bummer for some.
  6. If he doesn't forget his axe lol. Then again, he probably wouldn't, as Miriel won't be in the game to pick it up for him.
  7. Saias - I chose "You should retreat" as it sounds every bit the veiled threat, which fits his personality to a T. Olwen - "Absolutely not!" is almost on par with her blue counterpart's "You scum!" and that's good enough for me. Sword Reinhardt - His "I'll show you how it's done" quote sounds really conceited and arrogant. On that respect, it does the best job of portraying his stature as one of Friege's elite.
  8. @AnonymousSpeed: I live and work in the Philippines currently, but when I was working in the US, I've been to NM on road trips and have tasted one of those cheeseburgers. They were THAT memorable. Ever worn a double-breasted jacket?
  9. @AnonymousSpeed: I mistook NM as New Mexico. My bad. @Gemma: In no particular order, Adon, because he's an arrogant bastard, and his Rising Jaguar > Sagat's Tiger Knee/Joe Higashi's Tiger Kick. Guy, because of his speed Cody, because of that awesome design and mindgame-inducing moves Karin, because I haven't seen a character whose moveset is based off counters done well since Geese Howard (come to think of it, they are the only two I'm aware of that employ such moves)
  10. @Cute Chao: mine definitely was Xander, as I was heavily into Horse Emblem when I started playing.
  11. @(s)ad touch: just finished Season 1. Holy fuck the series is awesome. I'm picking up parallels to 1984, Brave New World and Minority Report. Makishima Shogo is a sick motherfucker.
  12. I see @AnonymousSpeed's Gaffigan clip and I raise it with this: Seriously, I'm okay with any salad as long as it doesn't have jello.
  13. @Hawk King: I read in a Facebook Messenger group I'm in that it does peak out at 768. The system, I guess, was just not able to add 450+ SP twice. It's all good though.
  14. It seemed to have corrected itself...or so I thought. After getting 400+SP earlier, my Caeda was gaining 1-4 SP per kill. Thankfully, she had about 4500++ SP before I tried the exploit, so I wouldn't need to grind for SP at all.
  15. In the past year or so that I've been playing FEH, I've spent about $150. Yes, I've stayed F2P until the Black Knight Care Package reared its head. I have no regrets, really, save for not having fixed my finances to allow spending for the game sooner lol.
  16. Ask Bill Shakespeare. He came up with quintessence. What runs in your head when you hear someone say he/she is psychic?
  17. Favorite brand of guitar/strings/amp/pickups? Favorite distortion pedal? What music do you play? Do you use a slide? Any other instrument that you've fancied playing? Re the cool comic strip: it really wasn't what I was hinting at...for the most part. For starters, we might even want to set aside a definition of "cool" before we throw around our views lol
  18. The Trump balloon was hilarious. The "crop circle" was more in-your-face. (translated from Russian: FUCK TRUMP)
  19. @DragonFlames: oh, but I am, too :D The more oddball the mythology is (Hindu, Sumerian, Celtic, some aspects of Norse), the more I'm interested in it. On topic: is constantly seeking help on his fictional work's plot device.
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