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Everything posted by Karimlan

  1. All-time? Ghost in the Shell. Had any experience in playing a Hammond organ?
  2. Metal—and a lot of its subgenres (black, death, thrash, doom, and progressive in particular), jazz, and classical (I'm a huge fan of Wagner, Rimsky-Korzakov, and Schubert). Audio formats: vinyl or CD/mp3?
  3. Learning to play bass. I'm primarily a drummer. Thoughts on using a metronome (click-track) in recording music?
  4. My bad! I didn't see this. Joe's okay, for the most part. I just hate him mooning lol. I pick Adon over him because of his arrogance and his drive to be better than Sagat. @Lost Impact: fluttering from Tier 18-19, and back lol. Favorite classical piano piece?
  5. @D4RTH: I'd go with Chill Spd, to ensure that your cavaliers can double.
  6. I was initially drawn to Roy. Now, it would have to be Zephiel and Caeda—the former for his misanthropy and borderline madness, the latter being a merge project I'm working on in FEH. That Wing Sword refine is just awesome. Fighting game talk: Do you prefer Super moves that are executed on a separate meter, or the Desperation moves that are executed when your health is low?
  7. I'm pretty sure you didn't pick that up from de Sade. XD There was this one incident where I was talking to a customer about her cable tv/internet bill over the phone. I remember having taken a painkiller (NSAID) before reporting to work as I had my wisdom teeth extracted. Needless to say, I was out of it. -------------- Me: The balance I'm seeing here is $120.55. It's from the August 25-September 24th bill cycle. Customer: Okay. can you take a look at this charge of $35? Me: (spacing out) Sure thing... let's see here... (thoughts drifting some more, while taking a look at the bill) Well, it's about this adventure you went in. You were imprisoned in a tower, and escaped with a bunch of stragglers and made off in a ship... Customer: Was that a movie I rented or something? Me: (snapping out) Wait a minute...yes it was. Customer: Oh. It was a diversion, I guess. Me: (nervous laugh) Was it good? (trying to go along) Customer: Now I remember why I never bothered to see it on the big screen. Me: Oh, I guess it was that bad huh? Customer: (guffaws) Yes, yes. Oh well, it's right there, and I gotta settle it. Fair's fair. -------------- I processed the payment, ended the call, and asked for the rest of the day off. I got it. My supervisor didn't think I could make the entire day hopped up on Celebrex. I didn't, either.
  8. @sirmola Diving through colorless hell nowadays will get you more chances to get a Priscilla with neutral Def (she is on the 3-4 star banner after all) and a Speed boon (I assume that's what you're going for). This current one you have would have boosted damage output and healing capability though, so I don't think it's that bad.
  9. Very well put. Trump makes George W. Bush look politically mature by comparison. Not by much, but Dubya had the upbringing, at least.
  10. They had me at... I might whale hard for this banner, as I need another Bold Fighter (which will end up with H!Jakob) and a Vengeful Fighter (earmarked for Zephiel).
  11. Either one would strike me as hard. I have the artistic aptitude of a doormat. Besides playing pool, has anyone been able to figure out a use for geometry?
  12. Summer Camilla can take at least one hit from non-triangle advantage colors, but there ought to be better candidates for CC (Spring Camilla, for instance). Her bulk (no, not THAT bulk) leaves a bit to be desired, unless you have Fortify/Ward/Drive in play.
  13. It's all good. I was reminded of those books when you came up with the CYOA threads, so I had to ask :D Kurt Vonnegut is one of my favorite authors as well, with Breakfast of Champions being my absolute go-to title whenever someone asks. Vonnegut's misanthropy and dour demeanor resonates with me a lot, particularly in that aforementioned book. Was it the same case with you? What barbeque do you actually like: North Carolina, Memphis, Texas, or Kansas City? What do you think of the grilling culture of other countries, for instance Japan (yakimono—yakitori is just one kind, and it refers to grilled chicken)? What side dish do you prefer for barbeques? Soda talk: Coke, Pepsi or A&W Rootbeer?
  14. Tsk, and here I was, thinking that you had a few of them. Not that I still have my copies, but I did own a few of them at some point. Do you fancy yourself a comic on the caliber of Colbert? Favorite stand-up comedian? Speaking of jazz, ever checked out Cowboy Bebop? That anime's soundtrack is awesome. Which of these punk subgenres do you dig: Oi, Crust, D-beat, or Ska? Ever read Breakfast of Champions?
  15. It's um, you. Ever tried banana bread a la mode?
  16. You can always try playing Thracia 776 though a SNES emulator, for the time being. Translated ROMs are already fluttering around the 'net. Ditto the other Japan-only Fire Emblem games. Enjoy your stay!
  17. Because of all that window shopping (because you're presumably doing it on a machine running Windows, get it? Groan). Was that corny or what?
  18. Yay! CYOA guy gets his place. Time to get the ball rolling. Thoughts on fighting games? Which do you prefer: 2d or 3d? Ever owned any of the original Choose your Own Adventure books? Did you think it okay on my part to leave a little bit more of a narrative on my replies to the CYOA threads? Were the CYOA threads an exercise for us to come up with the zaniest, most absurd advances to your plot device? Favorite authors?
  19. Deck-stacking, plain and simple. It's a lot like what Duterte is doing over here in PH currently, with a supposed constitutional convention in the offing. The way things go, I may very well be looking at a change in the Constitution in about two years' time (or one, depending on how power-hungry the motherfuckers in Malacañang and the House of representatives are). I believe it was Jefferson who said something along the lines of "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just." Needless to say, people be quaking in their boots now.
  20. What @Tybrosion said. You're better off hanging onto her 'til you get another one. I wonder if I can make Summer Camilla's base kit work with her boon/bane (+speed/-res). I don't have Desperation and/or Blarblade fodder at the moment, and if I'm gonna replace one skill on her, it would be Hone Fliers (I'd saddle her up with Goad Fliers, to work with Flier Formation on B).
  21. Barbie does. Ken does the ironing. Who came up with fried green tomatoes?
  22. I lost count. Does anybody else hate that term as much as I do?
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