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Everything posted by Karimlan

  1. The Legendary Banner is seriously trolling me. I get about 1-2 greens to summon on each time I try for it, and I come up with Boeys. When I try to go for red, I get Seth and Stahl, until it's broken...with a Leif, which I don't really care much for since I got an ideal IV one for him already (+def/-HP). Time to buy more scrounge up more orbs..
  2. Looks like the best person to ask if coconuts migrate.
  3. Has a thing for cats in peculiar places.
  4. I wholeheartedly concur. If they look beyond the echo chamber, beyond Fox News, they'd have even the most casual idea why they have all this ambivalence directed at them.
  5. Is familiar with the wonders of shrubbery.
  6. @Xenomata, if you have a Caeda there, I'd drop everyone and give her the Wing Sword refine. But then, here are my picks from your candidates: Hinoka Alm Lilina
  7. 10/10. I was five when I heard this! Since @Chopper... started it, here:
  8. Hunter S. Thompson wrote one of the books that is arguably in my list of all-time greats: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Arthur Koestler was, along with Bertrand Russell, one of the greatest minds that wrote against communism. And, Robert E. Howard was a pulp fiction writer in the 20s-30s who introduced the world to a certain barbarian from Cimmeria. Just how chaotic was Irish history? Were you able to play Zelda II and get to the place where the NPC named Error is found? Reaction to it? Are you fond of wasabi? Studying or working? Do you pay attention to local/national politics?
  9. Are you into metal music of any kind? Which of these writers/novelists who have committed suicide would you have wanted to talk out of, given the chance: Ernest Hemingway, Hunter S. Thompson, Robert E. Howard, or Arthur Koestler? Beer talk: Lagers or stouts? What was it about Machiavelli's The Prince that put you off? Opinion/s on moi?
  10. Yeah! It was awesome haha. We can start from that Jacob's Ladder-like scene.
  11. ...which reminds me of what Lewis Black had said of the Democrats on a lot of occasions in his monologue (a couple come to mind here): "The Democrats are a party of no ideas, while the Republicans are a party of bad ideas." (on the Dems fielding John Kerry to run against the younger Bush) "They can't find someone to beat a guy who was already beating himself."
  12. Has Minerva (I think?) on his banner.
  13. ...jumped on both of their heads, and they turned into rings. I took the rings, and...
  14. Gone to young girls/young boys/soldiers/graveyards, everyone. (I know that song. It's eerily beautiful.) Who came up with the combo of fried chicken and waffles?
  15. For the same reason why people use different forks and knives for salads/desserts. How long was the last strand of white hair you've pulled out from your nose?
  16. I'm partial to Ephraim, as he was my very first 5* Hero (from the first Sacred Stones summoning event), but I'm a fan of Zelgius, too.
  17. Read a book, bring a handheld system, or count the number of people stranded on their connecting flights. Is it time for a beer yet?
  18. English is a crazy language. If Flight 23 leaves New York and makes a coast-to-coast trip to Los Angeles, and on the return trip changes crew members, flight patterns, and the plane itself, will it still be known as Flight 23?
  19. You got me. I've never logged in there to begin with. (Since it wasn't answered the first time) Why is it that in order to chop a tree up, you first have to chop it down?
  20. This excerpt from an article on the New Yorker encapsulates perfectly the sentiment behind showing Sanders the door. Whole article: https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/sarah-huckabee-sanders-and-who-deserves-a-place-at-the-table
  21. What the ending of Illusory Dungeon ought to have been.
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