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Everything posted by Tree

  1. I have actually lost because I ran out of space to maneuver. Sometimes I wish I could take out my own buildings. 😀 Still, offensive buildings are very useful.
  2. Well, there is weapon triangle advantage there. Not that I'd disagree with that assessment anyway. 😀
  3. I didn't even know who Cynthia was before this battle. I don't like (or dislike) her really. Yet for some reason, I wouldn't mind a 5* version. (Maybe her silly quotes are growing on me.) I don't have any 5* Firesweep lance units, so she might have some limited use even unmerged. Ares, Naesala, and Haar are further in the queue though.
  4. @XRay I guess I felt the really difficult content would be hard for me even with Reinhardt and Bow Lyn. Many players do have access to both Reinhardt and Bow Lyn, but I thought people might not be using them since they were saying it was difficult to complete. [edit] Ares is awesome. He defeated all of the enemies by himself. He only needed one initial helper hit to weaken Cynthia. No dancers required. I also tried it with common units: Anna, Fjorm, Eir, Legendary Ike. Ike was upgraded with four merges and five flowers which allowed him to defeat almost everyone including a couple blue units.
  5. I didn't think this was hard at all, but I did use the Reinhardt/Bow Lyn/double dancer squad. With a more traditional team, perhaps it would be difficult though.
  6. I probably would have noticed a missing skill back then since I did actually look though my units to make sure nothing of note was missing (like Desperation, etc.) I have many more units (with more skills) than I did back then, so it's much more likely for me to overlook something now. However, I wouldn't have thought I'd forget about an important skill such as Desperation on one of my top units like Naesala. I even had to spend 2,000 feathers to get a copy this time since I only had spare 3* versions.
  7. I used to do that (with 20 or so potions) and would finish it all in about an hour and a half, but I didn't think that was typical. 😀 This time I'm taking it slow.
  8. Strangely enough, just recently I was wanting to equip Desperation on Naesala, and was really surprised when I couldn't find it. I thought for sure I'd given it to him, and also thought I used it with Fury before. Eventually, I just inherited it thinking that I must be crazy. It definitely was odd though. (I never lost any skills with that inheritance bug awhile back.)
  9. Nothing of note for my five free summons either, but that's fine. Saving up free 5* pulls for later. 😀
  10. Does everyone finish all the stories first day? I wasn't expecting so many spoilers here. 😀 (It's not a big issue, just thought it was odd.)
  11. The special orb bonus for June features fifty grails. I thought they would have included sixty like sacred coins and refining stones. Even the feathers version has 6,000. Sixty grails would have paired nicely with the monthly forty grails from Forging Bonds. It doesn't really matter to me though, because I wouldn't have bought it even with sixty grails.
  12. I'm enjoying this mode a lot more than arena. I like the single battle format, the enemy theme teams, and the lack of a required bonus unit. Score rewards independent of competition is nice. There is a slight loss of resources compared to Blessed Gardens, but it's less overall work to earn the rewards so that's an OK trade-off for me.
  13. Double HM is interesting. The biggest quick improvement I'd like for Forging Bonds is to make 2x bonus the default rate.
  14. Yeah, that is a nice feature. I did like the Heroes crossover event story. Quality of the individual stories varies. Some of the stories are really weak, but some are decent. You get about half a summon of "orbs" per character, so you don't feel as bad if you didn't like the story. (They also have a skip button if you get impatient.)
  15. Don't worry, I've had weeks in Tier 21 where I've lost four matches in a row on the first day of the season. 😀 I'm sure you'll get some easier matches on later days to even it out. There's always enough matches in a week for me to build up a safe margin.
  16. @Fire Emblem Fan Brave Lyn at +10 [+atk] with a Brave Bow is close to a delete button. @Landmaster The ingame notification system truly is terrible for looking up past information. Finding the current calendar after a few weeks takes more effort than it should. @XRay Yeah, we won't know for sure until near the end most likely, unless they happen to confirm it earlier one way or another.
  17. No Fates or Awakening royals present; no duplicates at all. This should make lots of people happy. For me, it's orbs savings, which is great because I'm low on orbs anyway. That armor design though. I can't decide whether it's more suited for space travel or an undersea expedition. 😀
  18. Duma with Distant Counter/Vantage/Quick Riposte seal can be surprisingly effective if someone notices it too late. If your units are injured, you're less likely to survive Vantage. Also you won't double Duma making you vulnerable to the second attack from Quick Riposte. You end up spending turns trying to heal before the turn limit is reached. I've gotten burned by that one before. 😛
  19. I completely agree and hope they are permanent. Ideally, they would have a way in the game to check the schedule to make planning easier, but that's not likely considering how even their calendar can take some effort to find after a few weeks. 😀 I did just use the Golden Week banner to merge Bow Lyn, but I don't mind. Yeah, that would have been nice. Surely they knew they were planning this back then? I guess it's possible that they finalized this more recently.
  20. Ah, OK. That sounds interesting especially with the divergence options. It actually makes sense that you would have to use a different team since the other party had been sent in a different direction. Maybe they'll implement something like that someday. I don't think the new AR changes do all that much, but they certainly aren't bad changes. I hope that swapping to work on a different defense map doesn't automatically make it the default defending map. I don't want to get attacked without a mythic present while designing a completely different map. As expensive as they are in resources, defensive mythics do greatly reduce AR stress for casual players. I guess those on top didn't really value defensive mythics, so no one was trying to merge them like the offensive ones.
  21. Putting a couple of the current size maps together wouldn't really be giant, but I get your point. The real advantage to larger maps is the freedom to tackle objectives in any order. In the absence of larger maps, it would be nice if some scenario branching options were available to simulate taking different routes to get to the same location. This would need HP/special charge, etc. to be brought over from the previous scenario in order to effectively link the maps together. You can somewhat accomplish this by playing the story out of order, but there is no continuity from the previous map. (This would also improve re-playability which would be a welcome change considering how many times they want us to repeat each map through the various story difficulties, quest rewards, and Chain Challenges.) I like the continuity that Chain Challenges and TTs provide with HP/special charge carry-over. Individual objectives could fit well within that. I'm not sure what you mean by "assault mode mechanics could be used for parallel objectives." It sounds interesting, but I don't fully understand it. My biggest issue with Relay Defense was actually the relay portion. It took too much team planning. 🙂 Before Aether Raids was announced I was really hoping for a scenario editor. AR in its current implementation doesn't leave much room to have fun with design without sacrificing summoning currency. You either have to create a decent defense or leave some mythic/blessed units permanently placed.
  22. Fury is also good for getting her resistance up to reliable ploy levels. Defense Ploy can effectively add a bit more attack. If you plan on fighting many armor units, than Death Blow could potentially be better because attack is probably much more important than speed against most armors.
  23. Those observations are correct, but I was mainly referring to Rival Domain size maps, rather than Rival Domains itself. There wouldn't necessarily be camps, fortresses, or any structures at all (at least not in the Rival Domains sense). The idea was that larger maps would be useful for more story based content like: the retelling of major events from past games, alternate outcomes, off-screen events, or even just for the current main story. Larger maps would take a few more turns, but the team size in Heroes is relatively small (1-8) compared to traditional games so turns would still go fairly quickly. It would be significantly shorter than a traditional scenario from a main game, but could take 2-3 times longer than many other Heroes maps. I don't think larger maps would work well for competitive modes like AR or Arena though, because players have to complete those types of maps repeatedly.
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