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Everything posted by BergelomeuSantos

  1. Actually...You might be right! I remember wanting to finally build my Sharena but I didn't have any ideas on the S-Slot. Now we have a Triple-Trio-Askr!...but I'm not sure who would like to build something like Nóatún +Eff and Wings of Mercy.
  2. I guess the title is pretty self-explaining. Why I did this? Boredom. If I got to begin this, my topic would probably be Insects or Fire Emblem Classes. Insects because...I love insects and already lost more than 10 hours of my life just talking about them with my biologist friend. FE Classes might be a little more interesting for most of you, but when you have a 6.0v of a Class List, it becomes pretty tedious to even look at the damn thing. (Also, not sure if anyone else already did this in the past)
  3. For a second I somehow thought Even Spd Wave was one of his skills and I was like ''Oh shit, are they going to give him good Spd?!''. Still, the best thing here for me is the Spd/Def bond seal. I remember really wanting that for some build. Hope I pull a Rafiel for farming.
  4. Micaiah was a surprise. Still, did anyone got glance on what the boomerang was? I can't see the whole video right now, so yeah.
  5. A boomerang certainly is a option....even if don't recall seeing one in Fire Emblem at all. The image also seems to be the Damaged art and the user isn't really wielding the boomerang..which could mean 2 things: Either this is a freaking Magic Boomerang (which could make for a pretty funny Colorless Tome) or it's just a little thing for Damaged art. I'm all in for Magic Boomerang after the thought. This seems awesome.
  6. I guess we all agreed with Japanese vestiment already and I can see a katana sheet. I wasn't looking forward to getting more Fates units at the moment but.. The right one might be Hina because of the hair + katana. This is my only guess. On the other hand, I can't picture what is this at all:
  7. He's the best wall I ever had for Cath on Chapter 6, he comes with a Mend and his artwork is somewhat funny. That's it, I guess. I bet he's the best healer in FE6, but I rarely play it without some ajustments to growths and stats.
  8. Failure isn't doing you any favors at the beginning (unless you have some support right away, but I'm not familiar with support at all so whatever), but you will eventually learn from your mistakes and overcome them, giving you a somewhat neutral spot between sucess and failure (which I guess it's the better spot to stand). Or you can just keep failing and learning nothing of it, which will probably take you to the worst spot possible. Winning a lot on the other hand could be simply described as ''The higher you are, the higher you fall''. Which shouldn't be good. So yeah, a balance it's good. Even if there's no set place to call middle. I'm still voting for failure.
  9. Yep, Worms was kinda of a big deal. I remember even playing a rippoff with Penguins. Anyway, the game: Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen Remastered (....I feel like this is such a obscure game that people won't even get the joke)
  10. My dude, I would buy the shut out of that just by the title. Anyway, here's my pick: Super Printer Quest You play as someone who only work is to print whatever stuff they throw at him. The game is just you doing that until you reach a promotion. After that the game ends.
  11. Fir/Noah is the first that comes to mind. It was the sole reason I wished paired endings was in this game. After that, I'm not so sure as I'm not a big fan of how supports are earned in GBA era. Larum/Ogier could work out well too, I guess. And I would love to see how Lance/Clarine would end up.
  12. I'm with 0 expectations for this one. Or maybe that's just because I'm really tired at the moment. Radiant Dawn/Path of Radiance is what I want. Awakening is what I think it will be.
  13. Ehh...I'm kinda of disappointed. If it was any other date I would find it fine since I like 4 of the 5 units that were added (you know very well who the 5th is), but tomorrow is my birthday and I was going to make a 'personal special' where I would just spend a ton of orbs on the New Heroes banner. Yeah, not sure if I want to do that on a Fallen Heroes banner.
  14. Then all hail Pepsi! Because blue will be the...uh...give me a moment.. Uhh...will be the endless sea where we will build a impregnable fortress and defeat you guys because defense is the best offense..?
  15. I hate both and Dr. Pepper doesn't exist here (alongside cherry variant and all that) (seriously, the only ''variation'' we have is freaking Coffee Coke). With that said, Blue>Red. So I'll be a simp even if it's just to defend the superior color.
  16. Happy Birthday, May Brother!! (My turn is day 7!) (I'm 100% sure I saw your post last year...but I don't remember how it was, somehow..)
  17. I'd say at least 8/7 is good enough for most games as it gives some customization but nothing overwhelming, while a focused 'max deploy' (normally 4) is also really valid. Still, it really depends on the game. Some games can work well with 16 characters, others not. Simple as that.
  18. Sorry for the delay, but I added the 'Don't care' option and Tempest Unit/Grand Hero Battle. (Not that it matters all that much because I doubt there's going to be many new votes) Yes, but..won't that make his next incarnation be next year (which kinda contradicts my ''are pretty near of getting a new alt'')? Also, like @XRay said, they're pretty much a New Heroes Banner with the option of getting one for free.
  19. Sorry, I was kinda of desperate for getting some extra questions. 1-Sure! 2/3/4-I actually don't have another space. But I guess I could adapt the Physical/Magical thing. Don't care option-Sure2! I will try to change it right after I finish something in a game..
  20. I believe that Seliph (and probably Sigurd) are pretty near of getting a new alt, so I was curious of how would you like it to be. This is quite laid-back, so please don't take it too seriously. (Also, I know there are options that probably won't make more than 0 votes *like magic options* but I still added them for variety.)
  21. Oh, so they decided to not use the War Alts in the CYL..that's good, I guess. But now I'm way curious about what they will do.. And I'm sorry, Edie. I know I'm trying to like you a little bit more, but my birthday is coming up and I still have hope that Tellius or Judgral is coming along it..
  22. I'm all in for Tellius. Getting someone like Brom into the game would probably be the highlight of my birthday (one day before the banner) with the virus around.
  23. Oh...right. Sorry, I saw ''Shadow'' and my mind automatically goed to FE1/11.
  24. I'm going with Merric because of my last FE12 run. Guy deserves some praise. But nothing against Nino.
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