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Everything posted by Lanko

  1. Started with Eliwood, then went with Camilla. Even forgot to vote in the final moments haha, at least still got some extra feathers. So instead of Begnion, it's Nohr who invades and crushes Daein. Nice.
  2. Damn, I was planning on saving orbs, and didn't care about anyone... but they release a Nephenee alt. Which looks amusing and amazing. Ah shit.
  3. 175 orbs until Julia (+RES-HP). Got another Naga (+HP-SPD), a Gunnthrá (+RES-ATK) and a green mage Mist (+SPD-RES). I think it's pretty good, got some decent fodder too.
  4. Surprised how Camilla looked a bit childish in this, as it didn't really sounded like her... but then again, it's alternate worlds. Considering both Xander and Leo to die or at least renounce, wonder what happened in that Fates world.
  5. ~160 orbs, got Micaiah (+hp-def) and Eliwood (+hp-spd), plus another Axe Ephraim and a Nina. Guess I'll take Camilla as the freebie.
  6. Funny, the trailer showed her on Mystery of the Emblem. So she really is Nagi in that game (and the first)? Wonder what caused the memory loss or the return of it in Awakening.
  7. Got a Naga (+HP-DEF, of course...) actually without spending too much, which made me happy, specially as I got a Gunnthra and a Hrid as well. Kinda of makes up for spending 200 orbs for no Bridelia. Even got them with +ATK.
  8. How strange, story wise... Sigrun, Tanith and Sanaki do not even appear on the maps and the final boss is Pent, but no Louise in sight. No Masked Marth intro as well. Maybe we're the villains this time, like killing Pent and the guests while he's waiting for Louise to arrive
  9. I hate this game. Wanted Bridelia, 200 orbs later, I start with blue and get Charlotte. Go to Green next and get Minerva. Sigh. I don't even care they are +ATK (with obviously -SPD, of course...).
  10. Damn, was sure I would save my orbs as there wasn't anyone I really wanted, but Bridelia I want. Here we go...
  11. What do you guys use to take screenshots or record FEH?
  12. Hoping for PoR/Sacred Stones, betting on Awakening.
  13. Wow, what a huge surprise! Sigh, I was just starting saving orbs again after dumping 350 for Alm, and now this! At first I was a little pissed when I saw Pent and no Louise, but she is the free unit! Nice! But like others said, I would have prefered her FE7 version first. Loved her outfit. Sigrun and Tanith is really nice. Tanith x Oscar was my favorite pairing in PoR. Probably others were more important/flashy, but after years since playing that game, that's the only one I still remember how it goes. Sigrun was a very curious character that didn't get much screen time in PoR, but was at least playable in RD. And not gonna lie she's cute, but also has a cool style: cool hairdress with a cool hair and armor. It seems strange but Fjorm looked a little too childish for me, I expected she would be a little more serious even if she's a bride. But I guess Tanith already does that. Again, like other said, it's a little worrisome that their alts came first than their original counterparts, in classes/weapons that those also wield... so maybe they won't end up getting their original selfs in (I wanted original Sigrun and Louise) as perhaps the classes they're in are a little saturated and since they aren't ultra popular, that's perhaps the best way to introduce them in the game and make them stand out more. It also just happened with Mareeta, so perhaps this will be a trend from now on.
  14. No, they didn't actually exist... but people believed they did. Charlemagne was widely believed to have received a sword from an angel (Durandal). The Japanese had a whole mystical tradition regarding them. Some believed they actually had spirits or could be imbued with them or even possess them . There are tons of examples of those weapons if you research about it.
  15. Lance infantry was the norm in ancient/medieval warfare, despite the popularity of magical swords (exactly they were very rare, difficult and expensive to make in contrast to a spear). For some reason the games usually give you plenty of sword and axe infantry, but not lance infantry, which makes absolutely no sense.
  16. Hell yeah, just used the tickets for the fallen banner and on the last one summoned Fallen Tiki with +SPD-RES.
  17. Should I 5* Delthea or a +SPD Tailthiu for the blue mage spot?
  18. Nice. So we will get Delthea tomorrow. For me, nice to have Gharnef as I don't have him as well. Tempest Trials will award someone as well, and a 5* at that. Only Bride I would consider getting would be Bridelia. Maybe Ninian too so I would get Groom Eliwood. Nothing too crazy for me so I guess my orbs will be relatively safe.
  19. FINALLY did the Cavalry quest. The guides provided some insight but couldn't do any of them as I don't have Walhart, Ethlin, Reinhardt, Finn, Mage Titania and etc. Still, useful info. Manage to work it out with Brave Veronica, 4* Camus, Peri and Picnic Leo. Had to Summoner Support Veronica with an A and S her with Camus so all the support bonuses combined with the +ATK+SPD to Cavalry skill from Camus would allow Veronica to ORKO the green mage on the upper left and tank Aversa as well. Also had to inherit Veronica a +2 ATK A Skill from a 4* Lilina to have the exact numbers necessary. Leo also had Spur Def Seal, so this with S with Peri gave her 4 Defense (And she gave him 2), which allowed them to actually take some necessary hits (living with 2 and 4 HP at some points). Kept clearing and healing up, kiting the bottom red knight until Veronica could debuff and take 90% of his HP and Peri finished him. Whew!
  20. Immortality, teleportation and mind control (the first three) sound pretty good to me!
  21. Thanks. Hm, I usually like the Jap dubbings, but I actually disliked this Berkut. I didn't like the echo and the tone of the voice felt like stuff I already heard thousands of times in anime. His Eng deep voice feels more unique, imo.
  22. Anyone have links for the Japanese voices? Got curious to see this Berkut in japanese.
  23. I'm already saving orbs for later, so I just used my 15 tickets I still had trying for Brave Lucina and Sword Celica (the only ones I still don't have besides Axe Ike, but I already have too many Axes and no lancers). No success, but trying for Celica got a +RES-SPD Idunn! I'll gladly take that! Also got a 3* Eliwood, but finally it was a copy with +ATK. Now if only Armads Hector can come my way...
  24. Aww Tiki lost? Sad about it, but Nino's a good character too.
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