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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. I think there is a mistake in the calendar, it's not Wednesday today.
  2. What I did was that I left Guy to go North, Lyn on the higher blockade thing (she dodges all of the pirates' attacks) and Oswin on the lower one. To fight the the paladin, like you said, he rushed to Oswin. My Oswin could've doubled with a steel lance (or Iron not sure, just use the weapon that does the higher damage) and Erk was behind attacking the boss with Thunder. Next turn Oswin killed him. Just try to kill the magic users, they're do a lot of damage against Oswin. The rest was easy. Don't forget to keep your units healed.
  3. Begone! You are not worthy of my presence! XD joking. No problem.

  4. for wishing you a happy birthday*

  5. No problem for wishing you and no problem if you forget my birthday. XD

  6. So he keeps coming back in FE6... So there isn't any penalties at all when he dies?
  7. Ummmm... Lilina takes 2 places? O.o Is she THAT overrated? I think Lilina, FE9 Mist, bards, dancers, herons and FE10 Volke are pretty overrated. There are lots in the series though.
  8. After discussing Merlinus in another topic, it got me wondering, if Merlinus dies, does he come back? I never tried or saw a video of someone killing him. And if he doesn't come back, is he still your supply keeper?
  9. Well the point is, in FE6, he doesn't even NEED to be deployed, so he is just as useful as FE7 Merlinus, if not more since he doesn't need somebody to stand there protecting him. But yes stat-wise FE7 Merlinus is much better and even though he will keep dodging attacks, it doesn't mean he is immortal since RNG is just that way. XD Another thing is that FE7 Merlinus could give you access to your items in the middle of a battle.
  10. Really? I didn't think anybody would use that to. XD As other people said, take a picture, take a part of it out, copy it, make a new page, paste the image, add your name and make sure it's EXACTLY 100x50 pixels. It usually says if it is.
  11. Just to add a few more: How is it that a group of rather young people completly destroy armies that are like 3 times bigger than there's? Why don't the people ever say things like "I KILLED SOMEBODY, I'M GOING CRAZY!!!!" (other than Rolf)? Are they heartless or something? I don't get reinforcements sometimes, they come out of the most random spots... Sometimes it makes sense but other times, I wonder how they got there.
  12. This is in the "other games" section so we have the right to betray the games. XD I'll have to say Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Halo 3. Awesome games.
  13. I agree with you on the votes but I don't think we should directly insult moderators or users. *is implying that I don't want to be voted for worst/least known member 100 times*
  14. That'd be interesting. (In character endings) Merlinus: died on chapters 15, 18, 20, 26 and 27. (In rankings) Survival: 1 star. He was slightly better in the FE6 (not even needing to be there to help out), still good and VERY helpful in this game though.
  15. I like the idea but it'd be too obvious that I did it after you suggested it XD Not that kind of person. Does that mean you'll take it anyways? I really don't need it.
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