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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. Hey! It took me awhile to find you again. XD Because of the whole time warp thing.

  2. Well the english translation of FE6 wasn't official so we can't really complain about diferences between the official and unofficial translations. About Geitz saying hell, no idea but the game is rated E. Hell isn't really as bad as saying something that kids never even heard of I guess. I never noticed any mistakes in Fire Emblem games... weird.
  3. Trying to get Soren to reach A weapon level in magic other than wind? That'll be tricky. You could try boss abusing with other kinds of magic sometimes or using the arms scroll. He is fine with his wind magic honestly.
  4. I gave him swords since his hit wasn't that good since he didn't need any extra attack thanks to his axes.
  5. Which is why you usually take his weapon away. XD This game annoyed me so damn much at times... While I was playing I kept thinking that 70-85 hit was a lot, but in this game... it isn't. The fact that every chapter had the same goal was odd in my opinion. What also REALLY annoyed me was all the reinforcements in this game. They shouldn't send reinforcements at like the end of a chapter unexpectedly like that. T.T I lost my Hero Crest in chapter 7 because of that. The desert chapter was THE WORST IDEA EVER. I mean in other games there are desert chapters for sure but in this game, they just made it so that you'd hate it. Desert map + Fog of War + items scattered everywhere + you have to finish it within 14 turns + Sophia and Cecilia + thieves can't promote + an army of brigands, dragon riders, dragon lords, 2 berserkers and some mamkute= Evil... The final boss: I expected her to be way stronger after a game like that.
  6. Yeah, I was JUST about to make a post about this... He was an amazing singer, dancer, performer and probably person. I loved his music. Ironically, I started listening to his songs again a few days ago... Dying at the age of 50... Honestly, that's a tad young knowing that the average life span is like 80-90. May he rest in peace. R.I.P. Michael Jackson
  7. Umm... there are only 2 promotion items that come before this chapter. Unless you promoted Sain or Kent in Lyn Hard Mode but even then there would only be 3 promoted units. Yeah, I also remember that other similar post, it wasn't that old so it probably died during the Fall of the Forest. I never defeated him but if I wanted to I'd emulate the game since I don't like this chapter and if I also want to arena abuse to get my units strong enough...? No thanks.
  8. But your still supposed to kill him. You can't get her in chapter 13 even if you talk to her with everybody in your team one by one. Like most other people said, you could check references if you need anything.
  9. Best: Kieran! Hilarious, crazy and makes everyone dumbstruck, what more do you want? XD Worst: Aran. Actually having personality > Having no personality at all.
  10. I voted for FE10 for all of them. I haven't played FE4 so I don't know what's so great about it's soundtrack. FE10 has a lot of nice portraits, the best in the series in my opinion. FE10 has amazing 3D animations, good colors, clear and it just looks so much cooler. XD FE10 shocked me with it's nice music, the GBA collection also has nice music but not as good.
  11. In this game, that's a tough question. I might say light magic despite the fact that it has 1-2 range. Bows are actually helpful in this game and swords to. Lances are always helpful when dealing with most of the enemies in the game (even though there are barely any sword users in this game) and axes help since there are a lot of lance/axe users in this game. This game made light magic look pretty weak, probably because of the possible users: Ellen, Saul and Yodel. Yodel comes way too late and is only helpful if your other healers suck (which is doubtful since there are a lot of magic users in this game who could heal) or if you want the legendary weapon you didn't get. Ellen and Saul aren't bad but the fact that even after they promote, they get a weapon that doesn't deal much damage that isn't all that useful. I don't know, I just don't like light magic in this game.
  12. ... I hope you aren't trying to tell me that you're going to solo about half of part 1 with Fiona? Good luck... So are you going to use Ike like you would if it was a Lyre, Fiona and Ike solo or are you only going to use him for crucial moments like the final fight?
  13. Cool runs. How did Merlinus get 1 win? Did he get attacked by someone with a Devil Axe or something? XD I mostly just want to see you defeating the Fire Dragon with an army of weak units.
  14. I rarely promote healers over magic users since having more staff users is more useful than having more fighters in the army.
  15. They're probably like horses or something, humans breed them and they were found in the wild (like ALL animals). Come to think about it Begnion probably owns the most flying mounts in Tellius.
  16. It always depends. For example: FE6: Allen and Lance FE7: Sain and Lowen (well I usually use all of them actually) FE8: Franz and Forde FE9: Oscar and Kieran FE10: Most of the paladins suck in this game so I use Oscar and Titania mostly. Since there were only 2 that were the same I voted for the red and green.
  17. Yeah, but the guy used a lot of luck. Though the run was awesome. 1. Minimum time possible: see Roxas' post. 2. Usually, in speed runs you ignore the items unless they're on your way to victory. Though you might be able to beat the final chapter rather easily with Myrrh (well the final bosses anyways). 3. I think Eirika's route takes less longer. EDIT: Yes, I do remember your username. XD
  18. Wow how'd that work? O.o More epic wins/failures: Wins: On my first playthrough, I remember using the devil axe like a normal axe but never suffering from suicides. Defeating Kishuna on Eliwood mode with an army of non-promoted units. Rebecca dodged a fatal blow that had like 75% hit from a nomad. Fails: Thinking that Wallace was a good unit. Skipping chapter 13x. Watching Raven get killed on a speed run (by the soldiers). Almost killing Raven with Hector.
  19. I don't remember when was the last time I got a haircut but I'm getting my haircut this weekend, so I guess a few weeks ago.
  20. And some other items like Delphi shield (the thing that makes flyers immune to arrow bonus damage) could be like stars for flyers. Promotion items make you faster? Probably master seal only. Mines are self-explanatory. All those things like iron runes and stuff... No idea.
  21. Ok, because I really want to see a speed run of chapter 19xx. I'm really curious to see how I could finish it in the fewest turns possible.
  22. Cool video. I have a question, are you also going to do all the hector mode chapters to?
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