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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. I know but I like to arena abuse a few specific units :D.
  2. I don't use him... I felt like killing him for fun but other wise... he doesn't really help.
  3. Bartre because I dislike prepromotes and Dorcas has a worse personality XD Which is why I chose Bartre over Dorcas on my playthroughs.
  4. XD I balanced them again... Anyways I vote Nolan just to balance the vote because Nolan is like... the only thing keeping the DB alive but Boyd is just another over powered unit in Ike's group.
  5. Laguz are awesome... Imagine the next game is about an army of laguz (you) rebelling against the beorc. But I doubt they will keep the name.
  6. Very nice. That just proves that Ross is able to do anything... except solo the last chapter at level 1...
  7. XD Ike/Reyson must have been easy it's just an Ike solo except you won't keep using your B. EXP only on Ike and you have a 2nd turn with Ike everytime.
  8. That's a good point... We might get pissed off of the new sequel... But if they still have loads of ideas they might even be able to TOP FE10 (a bit doubtful) but I wouldn't say no to new characters either.
  9. Not FE8 and FE1 3 and 11 got three... and since when is there supposed to be a perfect order to FE games?! IT'S FE! Next you will say that FE12 will be about peace...
  10. Teal is supposed to be a fusion of blue and green. Eirika is a blue head but Ephraim looks more like a teal head.
  11. She is called the silver haired maiden for a reason you know. Wow... the adventures of a dragon fighting for a weird reason... THAT would be an epic twist.
  12. Your choice... btw how far are you on your Eliwood solo?
  13. Why not... Magic users only! Or people who need a specific promotion item and the prepromotes of that class run. Or maybe healer only runthrough XD. Imagine the trouble... but you won't be able to complete most of the first chapters...
  14. Astrid, Oscar and Kieran. Oscar comes in the first chapter so he has time to grow and he has great stats. Kieran because he also has great stats but he comes in a bit later. Astrid because she has paragon so training her ain't that bad and when she is trained she owns. Makalov... I never used him and I don't feel like using him but I always thought that a sword knight would be awesome (and he looks drunk) ... Titania... is a prepromote which I dislike. Geoffrey... I just don't like pre promotes.
  15. You mean the ship? Why? Can't you just rescue Eliwood and run?
  16. I WANT the next main lord to have silver hair (Micaiah's son) BUT I think that he/she will have blue hair.
  17. And you finished EVERY DAMN PLAYTHROUGH!? I didn't do any themed runs yet.
  18. Nice name... Good luck and becareful with the chapter where you get Aran I hear it's very hard on hard mode.
  19. That's a random playthrough... that means no healers?
  20. You got inspired by my post didn't you? Yeah I would like to have a game like that... I even wrote a new plot XD. BUT I wish they could make two games at once and make a new one AND one based off of FE10/9.
  21. The winnner of the Bishop debate is... SAUL!!! I didn't make one since a long time and please tell me if I forgot someone. This topic is for the Warriors. I vote for Lot because... I only played through once and even though I used the other axe users I prefered him over the two other warriors.
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