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Everything posted by Yukiko

  1. After the port on the Switch of TMS, I think it would be more likely if they released a remake. If I recall correctly, in an interview IS stated that 3H was produced for the most part by Koei Tecmo. Maybe the employees at IS worked on another project. I think fe6 would be more likely since it's shorter than fe4 and maybe IS could handle it without making KT do most of the work once again.
  2. Whether they changed it because they wanted to be more faithful to the japanese version, or because they felt it was too explicit, I still don't think it was really necessary. In the overseas version, they just wrote explicitly what the player was induced to think. And there are several other characters whose tragic and disturbing past is written just as explicitly. But I don't think they changed all their dialogues. And at the age of 12, I think all the teenagers are taught at school, during history lessons, how the society worked in periods like the Middle Ages, where the strong always trampled the weak...
  3. If I promote a unit from thief to assasin, he/she will loose her class skills, right? Do they have to stay thieves forever if I want them to steal and open chests and doors?
  4. Maybe in the future they'll release an artbook that contains the lyrics of the songs, like the one released for Shadows of Valentia. Then, we'll know what the words meant and we'll be able to recognize the language...
  5. Understood. I'll go checking the other thread for more details. Thanks for the answer!
  6. I read that if you don't unlock c supports before the timeskip, you won't be able to unlock the whole support chain with a certain character at all. Does this apply only to Byleth's conversations with other characters or to all conversations in general?
  7. I wouldn't put aside completely the hypothesis that it might be an invented language. To me, it doesn't seem like the lyrics are in classical latin... For example, the classical latin word for saint is sanctus, not saint... I don't know if it could be some form of corrupted latin, though... Actually the only word I could recognize is Fodlàn at the end of the first line of the second verse...
  8. Ok thank you. I was actually expecting some more, usually the most recent entries allowed you to use 15 units, if I remember correctly...
  9. Sorry if somebody already asked it, but how many units can you use in the final map in the Golden Deer route? I would like to get an idea about how many units I should focus on.
  10. I'm really excited for all of them. Their arts look great and they all seem to be pretty good units. I actually wish Brave Camilla's design was her original one, maybe without the crown and the mantle. She looks more elegant and refined. The one I like the most is Micaiah, but I think I'll try to summon all of them, and then choose as a free pull somebody I didn't get with the orbs.
  11. I'd like to build Claude but I don't have many skills to fodder, so I'd like to find a low investment build. Are his B and C skills good? And which skills would be good as his special and his A slot?
  12. The summoning on the Three Houses banner didn't start very well, but the final results are great:
  13. In 150 orbs I got a Micaiah and Female Byleth, with pretty good natures. I'll try to get at least one of the lords, but at the moment I'm pretty satisfied!
  14. The newest video about the monastery, released by Nintendo a few hours ago, seems to further confirm that. Edelgard is besides Hubert, Dimitri is besides Dedue and Claude is besides Hilda.
  15. I preordered it at a local shop but I'm worried it could not arrive on day one... I hope it does though, I can't wait to play it!
  16. They really look cool! Especially the Holy Knight, we've never had a class on a horse that can heal and fight with a melee weapon before! (Unless I forgot about some character-exclusive class...) I wish there was a flying magic user class, but there might be dlc exclusive classes just like in Echoes... I just hope that, if that's the case, they'll be less expensive and that there'll be a lot of postgame content to use them...
  17. The plot and the characters. According to what they said at Nintendo Treehouse at E3, they put a lot of effort into the characters' personalities and backstories. And the trailers showed that with the timeskip and the war among the countries the plot will be very interesting too!
  18. Yes, I actually fell down to tier 17... I had no idea the defense team was affected by it... Thank you for the answers!
  19. I'm having a problem with my Aether defense. I have six units in my defense team, but when other players challenge me, the sixth unit doesn't appear on the map. But then, if I check my map in my aether keep, the unit is there. I know this already happened once but I thought IS had fixed it... Should I send feedback?
  20. I'd really like Bride Leanne and Groom Naesala. Or Valentine Leanne and Naesala. Or even Halloween Leanne and Naesala with matching pirate outfits. Bride Oboro with a traditional japanese wedding kimono. Maybe Groom Takumi to accompany her. Any Jugdral alt because it deserves representation. Any Anna alt. Christmas Sephiran and Sanaki.
  21. Oh, you're right, I only thought about the most recent units... Then maybe it may be Rinkah...
  22. At first I thought the one on the left could be Rinkah, but when new characters debut in heroes, they always have a weapon they could use in their games and none of Rinkah's classes can use bows... As for the one on the right, the hair make me think about Julia... Jugdral alts when IS?
  23. My free pull from the BHB banner was a 5* Catria. Basically you only find 5 stars in your free pull when you don't care about the units in the banner.
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