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Everything posted by Yukiko

  1. I'm pretty disappointed too about this decision, now if someone wants a gen 1 unit it's going to be more difficult... And being pitybroken on a skill banner/seasonal rerun banner it's still going to leave a lot of people disappointed... Especially considering that skills banners only last a few days. I wonder if this would have been better: demoting most of the gen 1 units to 4 stars and bringing back the old four star focus banner and make it permanent banner. The twelve units you have a higher chance to find should change each week. In this way it would be easier to get merges and skills. They demoted only 12 heroes to the 3-4 stars pool. They are still bloating it, just much more slowly...
  2. I'm so happy it's Yune, she's the goddess I wanted the most. I don't have many orbs though... I'll go farming some.
  3. Theme: Characters who appear/are mentioned in Radiant Dawn but aren't playable. Summonable units: Lehran (in his heron form) Altina Soan Lorazieh Mythic hero: Ashunera I think it's a pity Heroes isn't fully exploiting its potential... It's not a canon game so there could be endless possibilities... Such as characters you can't recruit in the original games. At least they made several villains playable in Heroes, so let's be grateful for that...
  4. I think it's going to be Awakening. If I'm not wrong, aside from Panne, the last time we had Awakening heroes was in July... Quite a lot considering that IS tends to promote more the best selling games. I would like to see a Blazing Sword banner... We still don't have characters like Nils and Nergal and I'd like to see Fiora, Kent, Pent and Rath.
  5. There are a couple of units I would like to improve but I'm not sure about which skills I could give them. The first one is Bridal Sanaki. I was thinking about replacing Nifl Frostflowers with a Bladetome. Is this a good choice? And if it is, which A and B skills should I give her? Since her base speed is a bit low, should I focus only on increasing her attack? I was thinking about giving her Death blow and maybe Chill res, but I'm not sure... Or should I still try to increase her speed as well? The other one is kinshi Hinoka. I recently got a Firesweep bow and I was thinking about giving it to her. What could a good build for this weapon be? I also would like to find a better build for Warrior princess as well since it's very useful in arena assault. Which one could it be? I also recently pulled spring Palla with -Spd,+Res IVs. Which B skill could I give her considering her 31 Spd? One last question: which boon is better for legendary Roy between +Def and +Res?
  6. So far I've pulled Palla, Bruno and three pitybreakers (Ike, Faye and Amelia). Except for Bruno they all have bad natures and Veronica doesn't want to join my team... Hopefully I'll find her soon!
  7. I hate Surtr a lot as well. I killed him several times with Laevatein in Aether Raids... It was very satisfying!
  8. I would like they added every FE character in Heroes except the generic enemies characters such as Brigand Boss etc., which I personally don't even consider characters... If they added some of the most hated characters we would have the possibility to destroy them with the characters they made suffer. Who wouldn't want to kill Sonia with Nino, Linus or Lloyd? Or maybe Hilda with Tailtiu?
  9. I actually often change accessory on Leanne but that's my favourite pairing:
  10. It MIGHT seem a bit out of nowhere, but I think that last conversation with Ludvek more or less was what pushed Elincia to make that decision. She has seen how the rebellions were coming and she wanted the fighting to end, but Ludvek kept pushing her, and even when she defeated him, he resorted to trying to force her to stand down, preying on her weakness. By then, Elincia realized that she cannot afford to be weak, and has to make a hard decision. I know but that scene still doesn't convince me completely. Even when she talks to Ludveck, her decision still seems sudden. I mean, her decision is right, but she changed her idea of how a good king/queen should behave in such a short time... I feel that if they showed us a bit more what Elincia thought when she decided to react, with some extra dialogue before the final battle of part 2 the decision surely wouldn't seem that sudden... I think the dialogue before that battle is a bit rushed...
  11. Support conversations should absolutely be added. Even if they want to leave the possibility to have any character support any other possible they should at least write dialogues for characters who are close. They don't have to write a dialogue between Aran and Calill, for example, but Micaiah and Sothe really should have one, and so on. They should also expand the backstories of the characters introduced in RD, such as Vika, Heather, Lyre, Kyza... We know almost nothing about them. They also should fix Elincia's character in part 2. The change in her personality is too sudden, it doesn't feel like a growth. She spends the first three chapters in part 2 crying because she doesn't want to be queen and doesn't want a civil war to start in Crimea. Then, in the last chapter, she suddenly decides to sacrifice Lucia and eradicate all the remaining rebels. They should have shown how Elincia decided to change her aptitude. A character like her, which hates violence, surely thought a lot about the consequences and the morality of her actions before doing anything. Yet they showed us none of this. If they showed us how Elincia slowly started to accept that she had to resort to violence to protect her kingdom, even if reluctant at the beginning, it would have been way better both for the story and for her character. I wish she also had the occasion to discuss how to be a good queen with some of the other royals to help her grow up instead of pouring over about what to do all alone. All of the other kings are less sentimental and more resolute, such a confrontation would have been very interesting. Another little thing: don't make Pelleas that dumb. Him trusting Izuka is very likely considering his personality. But how couldn't he get suspicious when he had to sign a pact with his blood?
  12. Didn't Loki and Veronica appear in one of the first two chapters of book three? I recall Veronica asking Loki if she was the one who had broken the seal of the reign of the dead and Loki answering: "Me? Why would I ever do something like that?" I'm satisfied with the event conversations so far even if I haven't unlocked all of them yet. The forging bonds with Fates' shapeshifters was a bit boring, so I was afraid the quality would drop again, but thankfully that's not the case!
  13. Thank you for the advice. I think I'm going to try both B skills for Micaiah and see which one is more useful for my teams.
  14. I have some questions about the units I'm building at the moment. Which A skill could I give to NY!Laegjarn? I'm out of Fury and have no premium skills so I was thinking about something like Steady Stance, Sturdy Stance or Steady Posture... Which one would be the best? What would be a good A skill for L!Azura aside from Fury? Which boon is the best for Reyson between Hp and Def? Which set could I give to Dancer Micaiah? I had thought about Death Blow 3 in the A slot, Wings of Mercy in B, Res Ploy in C and a special among Moonbow, Glimmer and Iceberg... Which one is the best? Also she is +Atk, I don't know if this could be important for the build... On my current Aether Raids defense team I use Tibarn, Naesala, Reyson and Leanne. Most of the players who defeated me run Panic Manor in their offense fortress which changes the buffs from Hone Beasts and Fortify Beasts into debuffs, making Tibarn and Naesala do very little damage. Should I change their C skills? I had thought about Spd Ploy for Leanne so that it can make a combo with Naesala's weapon, while I have no idea about which skill I could give to Reyson...
  15. It's the same for me! Those two months felt like 3000 years... I can't wait to +10 him!
  16. I'm not disappointed with the top 4 but some other characters placed so high... Og!Robin, Nina, Og!Niles... So it seems to be true that some people didn't know they could scroll... I'm also surprised L!Eirika didn't receive many votes... I supppsed I'm the only unlucky one who failed to get her every single time...
  17. Personally, my least favourite is Lloyd. I don't like how is face looks and he is very different from his FE7 self. Honourable mention to Hot springs Camilla for her lack of proportions.
  18. I actually don't have many issues with dragons either, considering I'm a bit low in arena tier... I think I'll merge all of them then! And I'll give Soren the Bladetome. Thanks for the advice, @XRay!
  19. I recently rewatched a playthrough of both PoR and RD and there are a couple of little details that piqued my curiosity, but were never explained further, nor in the games, nor in other material such as the "Tellius Recollection" books. So I wanted to discuss them with you, since I rarely see them being brought up (except for the first one maybe...). I'd really like to hear your thoughts, since we have no official confirmation about those facts and also because I adore speculating about videogames and their characters. Important: the discussion contains spoilers about the plot. Was Vika captured or was she born as a slave like Muarim? Vika is a character we know almost nothing about and I've always wondered about her origins. I read through all of her quotes but there isn't any hint about this and both of the options seem equally likely. If I were to guess I'd say she was born as a slave and that she isn't from Kilvas. In fact, ravens are often described as sly and cunning, while Vika seems to be rather honest, kind and in no way treacherous. How can Sephiran have human hears while Lehran has pointy hears? How can he change their shape? Does he use magic? Or is it something the developers didn't take care of and forgot about? I really think the answer is the latter... They could have just used his long hair to cover the hears! And is he still able to fly? It was said that he lost his powers, but I have the impression that it refers to the fact that he can't use galdrar magic anymore... So I actually think he can still fly. The last question is about the Laguz kings' meetings that takes place at the end of chapter 14 in Path of Radiance. While the kings are discussing about Crimea's situation, Deghinsea scolds Naesala for attacking the Beorc ship that was carrying Elincia (the attacks happens in chapter 12). Naesala seems to be aware of the fact that Elincia was on that ship as he shows no surprise. Caineghis, instead, gets angry and the Raven king replies saying the following: Naesala Don't act surprised! I have no intention of ruling some tiny island nation forever. I will make Kilvas a name to remember! To that end, no amount of gold is enough. Laguz or beorc, I care not. If the pay is right, there's nothing I won't do. Really, why should Caineghis be angry or surprised? Everyone in Tellius knows that ravens plunder as many ships as they can. It shouldn't be a surprise that Elincia's ship was attacked too. Unless... Considering the Lion king's reaction and the fact that Naesala seems to be aware of whom he attacked... Did the writers want to hint that Naesala had the intention of capturing Elincia and maybe sell her to Daein? A princess who barely escaped from her homeland couldn't have with her a lot of gold and treasures. So, plundering her ship probably wasn't that convenient. And it wouldn't be surprising from Naesala to sell her to Daein, considering that he sold his childhood friend Reyson to gain some more gold. What do you guys think about this? Let me hear your thoughts!
  20. I have three Dancing Elincia with the following natures: +Res/-Spd, +Def/-Res, +Hp/-Spd. Which one should I use as a base? Will she benefit from a boon more than another? And should I keep one as a fodder for Cloud Maiougi? I know Hotsprings Hinoka's Splashy Buckets is superior, but I have no plans of pulling her at the moment... I also pulled a Valentine soren who is +Atk/-Res. Since his defenses aren't that good I wanted to replace his weapon with something else. What could I go for? A Bladetome?
  21. As the guaranteed five star seasonal I got Bridal Tharja... She was the only one I had among all the red seasonals released in the second year... I wanted anyone except for her... Well, at least I found Valentine Ike and Soren yesterday without spending too many orbs.
  22. That's something I hadn't considered actually... I had just thought they would add them because the staff is the only weapon left which isn't available in every colour...
  23. I gave a vote to L!Azura, one to Dancing Micaiah and I'm going to give three votes to L!Eirika. They're all units I'd really like to get, Eirika especially, both for the unit herself and for Atk/Spd solo.
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