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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. Logic. Good job, Sherlock. ##Unvote ##Vote: StSS
  2. Oooohhh Beatorichee!! *runs* Also Prims y u no sheep better
  3. The Horde will conquer the world by killing you all at Night Time, by the way. Join us or die.
  4. ##Vote: Paperblade Die, Alliance scum! The Horde is better.
  5. So, Cam is scum and has been playing badly to fly over the radar.. Wait, that makes no sense! He only roleclaimed because you pressed him to do so. Don't try to omit that. Who? From what I know, Core hasn't voted anyone yet too. Even if he's got low opinions, I think he still should do something and vote. Also, I'm unconfortable about Rein's posts, they seem like he's scumhunting when I get the feeling he's not. It is as if he wants to poke at everyone and get a reason to vote. I remember he voted someone because "he missed a vote and was too lazy to ctrl+f", and his vote on Cam is questionable enough.
  6. Oh, that reminds me... I already know who his vessel is. >: Either way, is the story acceptable? As a regular FE, I mean.
  7. About the story, is it bad? Does it have major plot/character flaws as Radiant Dawn had? Also, isn't having only 9 chapters to marry someone a bit... Fast? I mean, with maps like FE4 I can understand that, but with maps like FE7/8 it's kind of hard to develop Support between chars so quickly... And why is Gimle's existence an spoiler? I heard he's some kind of Dark Dragon villain thing. What's so spoily about it? He isn't actually Gimli from LOTR, so...
  8. It's got an average story in my opinion, not as good as the other FEs but good enough. I thought the staff would have developed the formula a bit, but instead they went back to the FE2/3 formula and developed it instead, which disappointed me a bit. It's also really slow, as dondon said. Still, I give it a 7/10. The gameplay itself is a messy idea, just like all the other FEs prior to 6, but it's still fun.
  9. This. Nexus is harmless. PGO isn't, but I think he'd say he's PGO if he truly were one. Either way, he just didn't need to be too specific about it. Also: Unvote ##Vote: Elieson Dude, role fishing is bad. I'm glad to know you realize that, but I'm not comfortable to know you still did it knowing it is bad.
  10. ##Vote: Shinori AKA stop trying to say Iris' vote was useless and we should scumhunt with no info. We get info by voting, and RVSing kind of helps on the start. Also hi.
  11. ... An Overlord class? Yay Disgaea. When I looked at the SpotPass list, it only showed Ike. No one else from FE9/10 was there. >: Is the Black Knight a SpotPass char?
  12. Let's see... I'm not sure who I'm going to DLC/Spotpass especificaly, however. FE1: - Caeda - Marth FE2: - Cellica FE4: - Leaf - Celice - Alvis - Yuria - Ayra - Sigurd - Ethlin - Lachesis - Sety - Sylvia (if she becomes a spotpass/DLC in the future) FE6: - Roy - Lilina - Sophia FE7: - Eliwood - Hector - Nino - Lyn - Ninian/Nils (if they become Spotpass/DLC chars) FE9/10: - Ike - Micaiah - Elincia - Soren (if he becomes a Spotpass/DLC) - Mia (same as above) - Mist (same) - Sanaki (... same) ... Damn it, it's past 20 characters. >:
  13. Great idea, let's form an Anti-Sue organization! We'll burn them all on the stake and preach that all Sues must be hunted down and burned. No exceptions. Poor Micaiah and Ike. >:
  14. Is there a script telling how the DLC chars join the main group? Aside from the DLC description... Are they playable in the main chapters?
  15. She stands out because she is widely known as the Silver Haired Maiden from the Dawn Brigade. So it is really easy to make the connection.
  16. I only like a few games' OST. FE4: - Doors of Fate **** - ****- The Final Holy War (Arranged) ***** - Light and Darkness (Arranged) **** - ***FE9: - ****- *****- **** ***- ****- ****FE10: - Eternal Bond ***** - (spoilers) **** ***** ****- *****- ****- ****- *****- ****- ****FE13: - Destiny~Fire ***** ... That's all, I think.
  17. Depends on how you see it. 1. They are the laguz that resent the slavery they had been through the most. So it's understandable that they react worse than the others. 2. Yet it is not morally right. It's a case of "The end justifies the means". 3. Well-intentioned extremist. Haven't you seen any? 4. It's not justified because a lot of shit happens because of him. They don't look like sues at all.
  18. The Etrian Odysseys have no story whatsoever, what are you going to spoil? >: Maybe EO3 has, but I never played it because No$GBA won't run it. I'll try to play after I buy a 3DS. The reason I wasn't found of EO is the lack of a storyline. I dislike plain RPGs.
  19. Rine, Male. Yeah, sign me up. =P
  20. Oh and, there's something else I didn't understand. If I recruit any DLC/Spotpass char, do they lose their trademark weapon? Like Sigurd losing his Tyrfing and Ike losing Ragnell. And I just noticed this: Are these musics remixed for the FE13 version?
  21. They didn't need to. What I think is Daein could have stood agaisnt Begnion's increasing popularity and territory (as it's an Empire) without having to join the L.A at first. I imagine a twist in which Ike would be pressed to run to Daein instead of going into the Cave With Lava Floors Chapter, and then Begnion pursues the group into the territory. It does not need plot holes and inconsistencies to be flawed. The whole reason for Daein to fight the L.A was convenient and poor. The whole war agaisnt Begnion was written poorly actually, as much as I love FE10.
  22. Not to mention flamming does the exact opposite of incentivation. So when you do it, you're flamming the person and not actually helping him with a critic. I didn't like the story and the characters too, by the way.
  23. You have to find Power Berries. They're hidden in places that are really hard to find if you don't read a guide. Fortunately, fogu (a HM fansite which covers a lot of things) tells you where you can find them. Rune Factory is a fantasy Harvest Moon. I didn't like the first one much (although some people loved the new mechanics), but I loved the third. If you are interested, I recommend you play the third because it's the most newbie friendly of them (you start with a weapon, you don't have to wander around thinking about what you're supposed to do etc.). They are for the DS, with the exception of Tides of Destiny and Frontier (which are for the Wii).
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