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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. Rapier

    Pokemon TCG Mafia

    Time to cross-examine them!
  2. Rapier

    Pokemon TCG Mafia

    You said that too early. No one's on my mind, so I'll let the fire spread before taking a side.
  3. After renting the room, Rine went upstairs as fast as he could, after all he was tired from the trip and felt that his backpack and his tools were weightening on him. Unfortunately for him, his room was the one closest to the end of the hallway. "Of course, who wouldn't want to stay on such a strategic place like this Inn? ... Whatever, just keep going, you'll reach it eventually.". When he entered the room, he noticed how well-spent his money had been; it wasn't the biggest and most gorgeous room in all Pravna, surely, but it made it's job: The bed was simply huge, with a big table and chair next to the right wall; the room had more space than he needed; the bathroom wasn't as small as a bird cage; it was perfect to stay for the night. Without thinking twice, he took his boots out, put his backpack on the table, and jumped on the bed. Before he knew it, Rine fell into a deep sleep. His dream made him go back in time, when he was a kid, and magic was too hard for him to do anything good with it. His parents always tried to teach him how to use Fire magic, but it was useless. His brother, on the contrary, had an easier time: Their uncle would come each week especially to meet him and tell him more about Thunder magic, which they had a similar affinity that only enforced their bounds even more. He'd spend a long time chatting with his nephew about his life, a life of a full fledged mage and about Thunder magic, raising the boy's spirits everytime they met. When his twin was 7, he left home with his uncle in order to be trained closely by him. Rine's brother was always excited with the idea of leaving home and going somewhere else, he just couldn't refuse such a proposal, even though it would mean staying away from his parents and his brother from a long time. "We'll be far away from each other for a long time... But when I come back, I'll be a very skilled Thunder mage! You'll see!" and then "You'll also try hard to become a Wind mage, won't you? So, yeah, when we meet again, we'll be very different from now... Take care, brother, and never think about giving up!" And when he finally got to learn more about Wind magic from a master, their teachings were too advanced for him, and he was always abandoned eventually. No matter how much he studied or how hard he tried, the result was always the same. "It's useless, you can't even control the wind as the others in this class. I can't teach you something beyond the basics if you don't even know the basics themselves.", they always said, as if every master he met was a copy of the previous one, only using different words. "No matter how many times I try... Is it really impossible for me? I can't accept it... yet, it's so difficult...", he mumbled to himself, alone, in the darkness of his room. A deep sadness has been born inside him since the day his brother left and left him all by himself, and his lack of proggress just strenghtened it. It was on that moment that the present Rine's memories merged with the past Rine's, reminding himself that he would become a skilled Wind mage in the future, and that he'd be able to surpass all the difficulties on his path. That thought made the boy smile, and the sadness faded with the dream, as he slowly regained his counsciousness. The second thing he did, after scratching his eyes, was to hold tight his amulet and stare at it. "Master, I'll be forever in your debt for helping me out. Thank you for everything."
  4. I didn't think I should count Trait, that's why it became a big mess (in the end, it was just a miscalculation of my part). Fixed.
  5. But I fixed it. I had 5 def, 6 speed and 7 Str. I changed it to 4 def, 6 str and 5 speed.
  6. It's ok, I just had a question. Now I think it's fixed properly.
  7. Name(Race, Nationality): Rine (Human, Tsae) RPer: Lorddomu Age: 17 Spirit Self: A red eyed silver hawk Appearance:Red hair (Yes, red, not ginger); emerald eyes; wears a red shirt, along with a black armor with a golden pattern engraved in it's center), and grey shoes; Is also 5'7 foot tall Backstory: Rine was born in a poor village of Tsae, and life has been hard for him and his siblings since day 0. His father hardly stopped home, working for his country wherever it was necessary as a Wyvern Knight and also sacrificing his life inside and outside of it in the battlefield; their mother was always busy, either working and taking care of the kids. As he went through hardships in his young age, Rine always thought that he'd become a Wyvern Knight just like his father; No, even better than his father: his talent would be so great that he'd become one of the elite, and his family would never have to go through all of this again. Three months after the boy became 11, two of his father's most trusted companions came to their house. One had his right arm badly hurt by a piercing weapon, and his armor had a big broken hole in the center, and his left shoulder was almost completely destroyed; and the other had his left eye covered, obviously hurt (if there was still a left eye). They came with his father's armor, black with a golden pattern in the center. On that moment, Rine was busy with his siblings inside the house, and didn't pay attention to who came to visit them; but as he heard his mother crying, the boy and the others rushed to the door, finding the two men already inside of his house. As soon as he understood what was going on, he also couldn't hold his tears, speechless. When Rine became 16, his training was complete. He still had ways to go, but at least he was ready for the battlefield. Without any options left, the only thing left to do was to grab his axe and continue his father's job and fulfill his dreams. Mount: Wyvern Class: Wyvern Knight Weapon Ranks: Axe C Level: 1 Traits: Wyvern, Flying Stats: Vit: 6|Str: 6|Mag: 0|Ski: 5|Spd: 5|Luk: 3|Def: 4|Res: 0| Simplified(Not inclusive of Weapons equiped): Hp: 22|Atk: 6/0|Hit: 10|AS: 5|Eva: 8|Crit: 4|CEva: 3|Def: 4|Res: 0| Abilities: Charge Gold: 20 Items: 1) Iron Axe (8 Mt, 13Hit, 0Crit, 5Wt) 2) Throwing Axe (9Mt, 11Hit, 0Crit, 6Wt) 3) Vulnerary 4) Item 5) Item
  8. I play on Normal Mode before going for Hard Mode.
  9. Rapier

    Pokemon TCG Mafia

    It's hard to know since his display name is different from the first post. In any case: ##UnVote: I Eat Tables
  10. Weeks ago, after hearing from this master that his new goal would be to travel around the world and gather experience and knownledge, Rine thought a lot about where he should travel to. He didn't find North as attractive as the other countries that lie to the East of Shuthra, so, at least, he had in his mind that his destination would be East. Now the question was where to go, to Astarte or Lushira? Those two were appealing to him, but he knew that Lushira was almost impossible to reach without fighting. Their relations with Shuthra weren't the best, and maybe they would think that Rine had something to do with witchcraft. "Well, maybe I do have something with witchcraft. That tome my master gave me generates wind, so, isn't Witchcraft classified as something that is created from nowhere? At any point, it'd be best if I avoided going East. So, North-East it will be.". Rine had little to none information about the Astarte Empire. He knew that something was going on there, but not exactly what. "I don't need to think so much about it right now. I can get more info as I go to the east. I mean, they are -close- to Astarte, there must be something they know.", he thought, while analyzing the map on the table carefully. If anything went wrong, he could head North instead. "No reason to ponder about it so much". Thus, the young mage decided to head to Pravna first, in order to attend to the magic festival, and then think about what else to do from there. Then, he finally reached it, after two weeks and 3 days traveling. Pravna was a lot different from his home-town, as if it was ever possible to compare the two of them. Crowded roads, a huge fair, a lot of shops, and much more, even in the noon. He had a tour around the city before going to an Inn and setting out there, preferably the one closest to the festival. He found it absurdly expensive, but still, it was a good deal, as he could rest as much as he wanted and not be late to the main event. It was a long trip from his home, and he had to hurry up in order to reach Pravna in time. The space between the cities were much bigger than he expected, and he was tired from traveling for 5 hours straight, another sacrifice which he doesn't mind anymore. Rine went for his room in order to get some rest and then get ready for the festival later.
  11. I'll use Mibbit then. Thanks for the help, by the way
  12. Sorry about posting a question in the regular RP thread, I didn't know I wasn't supposed to.

    Also, I -could- read the topic. The question is why, if I can get all the basic info I need to start RPing (and then I can read it calmly).

  13. I can read the last 3/4 pages, but I can't read all the 28 pages. And even if I do, as soon as I finish it, there'll be many other pages ahead of me.
  14. Can anyone tell me what has happened in Chapter 5 so far? Those 29 pages intimidate me. Also, I'd appreciate if someone told me where you guys are, so I can get a grasp of what I should do now. Also, I don't use Skype, so there's no other way unfortunately.
  15. Rapier

    Pokemon TCG Mafia

    ##Vote: I Eat Tables Because I'd rather vote on someone who didn't post at all than vote in someone who's been participating actively.
  16. OOC: Can anyone tell me what has happened in Chapter 5 so far? Those 29 pages intimidate me. Also, I'd appreciate if someone told me where you guys are, so I can get a grasp of what I should do now. EDIT: Woops, sorry!
  17. Can I sign-up? And do you think the RP is too far ahead to catch up? Since I didn't get any reply from the other RPs I tried to sign-up for, I think it's ok to try this one out without worry.
  18. Best: Reyson Worst: Elphin (Why go through all the trouble to get him when you could get Lalum, anyway?)
  19. Funny to see my exact thought on the first post. Best: Sirius' mask, for it's original and epic design Worst: Marth's tiara, because it's silly imo.
  20. I hope so too, although most of the RPs are too ahead from the start (and it will make it hard to catch up even on those early ones). I'm trying to sign-up for Abysmal Souls (already fixing it) and Border, but I also wish I could sign-up for yours (it's a bad idea, I doubt I'll be able to follow the events so far on all the RPs at once). At least you're free from my signups written with bad english I could swear that the Gran Calendar was around year 300-500 in Genealogy of the Holy War's timeline. o_o
  21. Hi, and welcome to the forums dude. I hope you have a good time here. That would be the best thing ever, I'm also waiting for it (patiently) although the chances are a bit small (but they exist nevertheless!), let's just hope that dream comes true. =)
  22. Rapier

    Pokemon TCG Mafia

    *wonders what kind of nasty effects can be used in this game*
  23. I always do Jamka/Aydeen, Azel/Tiltyuu, Alec/Briggid, Holyn/Ayra, Levin/Fury, Fin (or Beowulf)/Lachesis, Claude/Sylvia. To be honest, I think they are the easiest ones, except Fin & Lachesis and Alec & Briggid, since Lachesis will be weak while Fin is around (I never managed to level her up enough to become a solid fighter until I reached Silesia), and in Alec's case Briggid will need to be protected by some meele units in order to survive. By the way, I never beat FE4. I ended up losing my savestate in the Final Chapter, and my current savestate has units that aren't as good as I wanted them to be (yorray to perfectionism. But dood, come on, a Level 13 Celice in Chapter 8 is just terrible). When I have enough time, I'll try again. I'm happy to see that the Mafia subforum isn't dead as the Death Note subforum from the forums I come from. It was a good game, too bad it grew old and eventually became left out. I'm a newbie with Mafia, but I'll surely try it out! *wonders about which character I'll get after Black Knight* Those numbers confuse me. D: What's their meaning, anyway? Fixed! Last, but not least, thanks for everything! ^^
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