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Everything posted by Baldrick

  1. Racer chooses Rennac next. I'm going with , Joshua.
  2. I have an addiction for wooing pretty girls and my partner is a stern red-haired knight, so I guess I'm sane. I'm tempted, but I've already joined so many drafts, I don't think I should be taking on any more until I finish a few. I will, however, be watching this thread with great interest.
  3. What exactly does "being on the map" entail? I always assumed it meant they were both deployed.
  4. In theory, it should give us all the same boost. Waitwaitwait... Are we not allowed to talk to Elty unless Lacky has been drafted?
  5. (Aideen, Lana, Lester) , (Fury, Fee, Sety) Asaello, Sharlow, Azel, Alec, Radney, Rodolban, Janne, Lex Fury: Fliers are useful, and her kids are awesome. Lex: Team superbuddies - Captain Aideen: Rescue and Warp will be pretty cool. Azel: Team superbuddies - First Officer Alec: He nearly got himself some pegasus knight booty. And now he will die alone and unloved. Janne: She's on a horse. The rest: Holy hell, I got some stinkers.
  6. Prologue: 14/14 Prologue can fall in a well and die. Can do 5-turn Jungby, but it guarantees a Midir penalty, so I 6-turn it instead. Sigurd grabs the speed ring, Fin makes sure bandits don’t approach the throne. Alvis arrives to give Sigurd second place, and then Alec and Sigurd go to Evans. Sigurd reaches Evans on turn 13 and seizes the next turn Name Level HP St M Sk Sp Lk Df R Sigurd 12.92 41 19 1 14 18 9 12 4 Alec 8.78 35 10 1 12 12 6 8 1 Fin 4.85 33 11 2 9 10 11 8 0 Chapter 1: 30/44 No, I didn't forget Jamka. 5 turns to Genoa, standard Sigurd solo. Alec sat in a forest and got the leftovers, Fin sniped with the Javelin or Iron Lance if they were weak enough. Dew went off road to manipulate the pursuit squad, so Aideen could walk a path that wouldn't be attacked by them or by Ayra. She was recruited for Hero Sword. Sigurd waited a bit so Fin could help out around Marpha, and Aideen doubled back once the pursuit squad was gone. Turn 14 Seize there. Jamka's squad didn't approach as quick as I'd hoped; Fin and Alec got the occasional kill, then it was Jamka time. He missed Sigurd, who sat within range, and Aideen just below him; as I'd hoped, he didn't want to attack her, and he could be recruited on turn 23. Then Fin and Alec cleaned up the rest and Jamka followed Sigurd,t to beat up Sandima and avenge his father. Fin and Alec followed. I had a lot of luck; Sigurd ran to the western edge, and the spread of the enemies meant only one was in the way of the path, and Sigurd dispatched him. Diadora did her thing, and Sigurd got a simple kill. Jamka convinced himself a random archer killed his father, and beat up him instead. Name Level HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Sigurd 18.78 47 21 1 23 20 9 12 4 Alec 12.36 38 12 2 12 12 6 8 1 Fin 11.84 38 15 2 15 11 14 10 0 Jamka 10.12 39 14 0 15 15 7 9 0 Deidre 5.41 27 1 15 9 13 6 3 18
  7. P: 5/5 1: 4/9 Sain got an Iron Sword. 2: 5/14 Sain broke down the wall with Iron Lance, Lyn took on bandits. When the wall fell she ran it, and they double-teamed the boss. 3: 4/18 Sain charged forward, countering the enemies near the upper village, and Lyn mopped up what survived. Wil auto-recruited, and Sain attacked the boss on turn 4, and finished on the EP. 4: 7/25 5: 4/29 Sain went around the top. Everything up there except the archer died on an Iron Sword. Lyn recruited Serra, and Florina grabbed Erk and traded his Fire to him. On turn 3, Sain weakened the merc, and Florina moved in range of the shop. The merc died to Lyn on EP. Turn 4, Sain killed the archer, Lyn MK’d the boss, Florina sold Fire and a Vulnerary and bought a Javelin. Lyn finished the boss on Turn 4 EP. 6: 4/33 Lyn recruited Matthew, who opened the first door. Wil gave Kent his Iron Bow, who gave it to Rath. Sain got a door key and went south. Turn 2, Florina sat on the switch, Matthew got a robe, Sain and Rath killed soldiers. Turn 3, Sain and Matthew opened doors. Turn 4, Sain sat on switch, Lyn and Rath killed the boss, Matthew got Armorslayer, Kent sat on switch. 7: 2+4/39 Same as Bolting, but Sain. Javelin meant I had insurance in case Sain missed. He didn’t, so finished on PP. 7x: 6/45 Rath killed the soldier near the chest, Sain killed the soldier in the east room. Then Sain helped break down the west wall, and went up and soloed the boss room, using Javelin to let the mages suicide. Lyn and Rath broke down the other wall, and handled the eastern enemies. Matthew got a pointless Hammer. 8: 6/51 Sain went to get the Lancereaver, then rushed back. Lyn and Rath dealt with the initial squad. Sain was STR-screwed (12 str at lv 11) so he could “only” ORKO a lot of enemies. Lyn MK’d the boss. 9: 5/56 Sain, Nils and Rath were all at the front, from bottom to top. Lyn moved next to Sain, who rescued her. Rath dropped her, Nils danced Sain, who attacked the merc. Next turn, Lyn moved past the forest, Rath finished the merc, Nils danced Rath, who rescued Lyn. Sain dropped her. 3rd turn, Lyn moved a chess knight’s move away from Eagler, to reveal the soldier. Rath killed him, and Sain finished the other soldier who Lyn missed on the second hit, with an Iron Lance to make Eagler use Hand Axe .Wallace rescued Nils. Turn 4, Lyn attacked Eagler; she critted, but I can’t seize until next turn anyway. 10: 5+4/65 Florina. Sain beats up some enemies to reach level 12 after being dropped, and promotes on turn 2. He heals and sets up to counter Lundy with a Hand Axe on turn 3, then Hand Axes again on turn 4. He finishes the job with an Armorslayer (managing to land both at 53 display hit) on turn 5. Luckily, the rain has stopped by then, or I’d be delayed a turn. Name Level HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs B W Lyn 10.62 30 8 9 15 8 5 4 59 30 Sain P2.20 32 14 11 12 9 8 2 87 56 Rath 9.62 26 9 9 10 6 7 2 27 20 Wallace and Nils; base and capped str and skill respectively.
  8. What about just banning Levin!Arthur ? Though that doesn't solve the problem of leftover units...
  9. The lion's share of the statboosters wouldn't hurt, either. I see what you did there. Hm, a Roy with your HP and strength, and my defense would be unstoppable!
  10. Double update. [FE6] Psychotic Yandere Teacher Cecilia's Experimental Draft of Chaotic Evil, er, Fun Completed in 258 turns [FE7] The First, Eli's Random-Selection Draft Thingy Completed in 195 turns Now, all I need is an ugly turncount.
  11. Whoa, Cecilia is not terrible! Chapter 22: 24 turns, 258 total The tricky part is getting Cecilia and Roy to A support. Lugh and Fa, boosted by Pure Water to prevent Berserkness, are left group. Everyone else right group. When the Druid realizes that Lott will just be healed, he tries to hit Lugh at 9%. Both groups reach the top; Lott frees the right switch, and Astol sits on it. Lugh goes to activate the left switch, and Fa joins the other group. The process is sped up by using Miredy to carry her. None of the enemies give much trouble, though a bishop puts Astol to sleep. Cath turns up, which I didn't expect. I didn't recruit her, though. Roy unlocks the gate, and the heroes suicide on Miredy. Fa and Igrene kill the manaketes, and Roy heads toward the throne. Lott, Igrene, Miredy block the staircases so no enemies get through. Cecilia heals Roy when he needs it. When Zephiel is down to critical health, Fa steals the kill, and Roy seizes... no, he doesn't. It's only turn 17, and I have to wait for Roy/Cecilia support. While I wait, reinforcements make a beeline for Astol. He tries to flee, but is cut down. After what feels like a million turns, support upgrades and Roy can seize. FINAL STATS: Roy Lv 20/5.32 50hp 15 21 21 21 14 14 For one glorious chapter, he was my MVP. Otherwise, he played just like somebody with poor strength, who is stuck at 20.00 for ages would play. Lott Lv 20/12.34 60hp 20 25 18 14 17 7 SO CLOSE. 1 teensy little point of skill away. His HP is maximum though. He was a quality pick, since lances tend to be prolific and he obviously didn't have any issues hitting. Lugh Lv 17/17.19 36hp 24 20 19 17 12 21 This guy was insane. Sometimes he did have problems doubling really fast enemies, but apart from that, he wasn't screwed in any bad areas. And his magic was ridiculous. 50 years after the events of FE6, Bern's grizzled veterans tell their grandchildren of a green-haired demon who tore apart whole squadrons of dragon knights like you would tear apart tissue paper, all the while with a psychopathic grin on his face. Astol Lv 20.00 35hp 12 10 19 13 8 6 RIP Astol Chapter 8 - Chapter 22. He did his job, and not much else. Miredy Lv 18/10.30 46hp 21 21 22 9 15 5 Eventually her speed plateaued. Somehow she didn't cap it either. Her utility was a great help, she was only slowed down by the fact she didn't have a legendary weapon. She didn't gain ANY damage mitigation in 17 levels. Cecilia Lv 9.18 42hp 14 10 12 12 9 16 She had a rocky start, but a horsey is always appreciated. She contributed chip damage a lot, but couldn't get enough staff level to really be useful. If only her staff and anima levels were reserved. Igrene Lv 12.76 42hp 18 20 16 9 13 11 Her bases carried her for a few chapters, then Ilia happened, then dragon knights happened, then she got S Rank. So she was always contributing something meaningful. She wasn't have bad for a sniper. Solid pick, would draft again (towards the end, of course). FA Lv 18.74 37hp 16 15 11 30 7 17 For somebody so sweet and innocent, she sure can fight. Despite strictly limited supply, she provided a valuable service. So, that's it.
  12. bump. Knocking off the rest, since I've already completed one draft today. 18: 9 turns, 204 total Forests hurt horses. Miredy cleared the path, and once the river froze, Cecilia and Miredy carried Roy to the throne. Miredy killed the boss. 19: 5 turns, 209 total This chapter was annoying to get right. Miredy carried Lugh on the first turn, and Niime warped Lott forward to take Lugh and drop him. Those three dealt with the eastern enemies. Igrene took on the western peggy squad, since I want her to get to S rank. Then, Miredy carried Roy over the mountains to the boss's area, and Lott was warped by Niime while carrying Fa, and dropped her within range of the boss. The plan was: Fa weaken Sigrun, Lott rescue, Miredy finish her and Roy seize. Fa ruined all that by critting, though. Cecilia Hammerned Warp, since I'll need it for Chapter 21 20: 7 turns, 216 total Everybody rushes. Ugh status staves, why do you mock me? Yuuno gets to sit in her cell. No treasures gotten. 21: 18 turns, 234 total This was a fun chapter. Everybody goes east, Astol does shopping. Miredy and Cecilia and Lugh kill dragon knights. Miredy carries Lugh over, Yodel warps Lott carrying Igrene, and then Astol carrying Fa, so they can bypass the detour in the NE corner. Astol sits on a mountain unarmed and gets attacked about a thousand times. Lott, Lugh, Igrene and Fa kill dragon knights. Miredy rescues Roy and runs. Cecilia, incensed, strong-arms Yodel into Warping her forward so she can take-drop Roy. The next turn, Miredy rescues Yodel, who is take-dropped by Cecilia. Everyone cuts a path through to the top of Murdock's room. Once everyone else is past, Yodel Rescues (the staff) Astol. Gale appears, but is a pacifist. Lugh and Fa kill the other kind of dragon. The first kind, deprived of their juicy thief, chase down the party. They decide to go down the eastern side, so a certain group of reinforcements don't hold them up. Yodel warps Igrene inside Murdock's room so finish off the small fry, and Igrene is SO CLOSE to S Rank I can taste it. Lott and Miredy tank the angry mob, and Yodel Rescues Lott so he can help beat down Murdock. Igrene gets S Rank! Roy promotes. Sealed Sword get! (That's what my patch calls it) Now for the tricky part...
  13. Somehow, I skipped it. OK, I'll draft for you. Send me a list of units you'd want for first round.
  14. This seems like an awesome idea. My computer thinks DS emulators are the devil, so I can't participate. But, I'll team up with whoever's willing, or draft for them if it's not allowed.
  15. I knew I should've locked in Saleh. Dozla, then.
  16. Guy doesn't really have enough strength growth to be good. Karel's bases are decent, and doesn't cost much, except you have to give up Harken. My advice would be to use Guy for a few chapters, and unless he gets Str-blessed, bench him.
  17. I guess irony doesn't translate over the internet well.
  18. 's okay. I'll take Fin then. I'm surprised he's lasted this long.
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