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Everything posted by Baldrick

  1. Well, a crapload of bonus levels at endgame never hurts. I would've picked him if not for Demon Wall. Palom. That's the boy, right?
  2. As a 10/1 General having been a Dark Mage, Cord would have 30 HP, 10 Strength, 9 Skill, 10 Speed, 17 Defense and 5 Resistance. Some merit as a tank, perhaps? I'm not sure how well it'd work on H4, though. Chapter 1 22/22 I'd like to blame this on the fact I forgot to visit the village until it was boss time. I really would. But the boss went down only a couple of turns before Marth got back. Anyway, the Cavs killed off the thief so I wouldn't be worrying about losing Wrys, Jeigan went to the fort and did the usual. Marth and the mounted units came to back him up. Progressed slowly, trying not to draw too many enemies at once. Cain got two strength level ups, so when I reached the boss, I was determine not to screw it up.While Marth went back, Jeigan Cain (12 with the Silver Lance, 6 with the Iron Sword) teamed up against the boss. Abel took free shots with a Javelin (6 dam 38 hit, awesome). I don't know what I would have done without Wrys. Turn 10: Jeigan missed, Gazzak hit. 29 HP Turn 12: Jeigan hit, Gazzak hit. 17 HP Turn 13: Abel missed, Cain hit, Gazzak hit. 17 HP Turn 14: Abel missed, Jeigan missed, Gazzak hit. 23 HP Turn 15: Abel missed. 29 HP Turn 17: Jeigan hit, Gazzak hit. 17 HP Turn 18: Abel hit, Cain hit, Gazzak missed. 11 HP Turn 19: Abel missed, Jeigan hit, Gazzak hit. 5 HP Turn 20: Cain kill. Second time around, I had much more luck. In case I had any thoughts of trying for a better time, Cain got another str point on the boss kill. Chapter 2 15/37 The good: There are checkpoints now. The bad: Holy crap the enemies are on steroids. 11 str meant everyone who is not Jeigan was 2RKO’d. Luckily the mighty Barst was there, with the special ability to attack at range without WTD, and Cain with Oguma’s Steel could also take a large chunk out of the enemy. Jeigan went to distract the enemies to the west (not the thieves, who made a beeline for the village), and then sat there. The enemy cavaliers could not kill Marth if he didn’t take damage and they both had 16 atk. Rapier weakened them enough that they could be killed the next turn. I decided to use undrafted units, while forced, as decoys; it allowed me to tempt Kashim to the southern bridge, so Sheeda had an easier time. Abel followed Cain’s example and procced strength for the third time in a row; rather less useful for him, though. It did mean he could do 7 whole damage to Gomer. Having cleared the map, and then saved; Barts sat next to him, and connected with the Steel Axe on turn 13. Abel and Marth chipped at Gomer on turn 14, Marth pulling off a dodge on the EP for 3 more. Barts hit with the Iron Axe on turn 15, and Abel finished. Marth seized. Name Class Lv Xp HP ST M SK SP LK DF R Marth Lord 3 70 20 5 0 4 9 9 8 0 Cain Cavalier 5 54 23 10 0 8 7 5 7 0 Abel Cavalier 4 93 22 9 0 7 8 2 7 0 Wrys Curate 4 6 17 0 3 6 6 4 3 6 Barst Fighter 4 21 25 11 0 7 10 5 6 0 Jeigan Paladin 2 44 procced Skill
  3. I can't tell whether you're winking, or not worrying about holding down the Shift key...
  4. I just tried it. He comes back, but loses the experience he gained in Lyn's mode.
  5. Some fun with Return!Fury and Rescue!Aideen unlocked a turn 7 capture of Lubeck. 4 turns to Phinora, but Fury had to leave Lex. Sigurd charged up while the rest engaged Dragon Knights. His strength seems to be capped at 23… Reptor fell on turn 21, and I had to wait a turn for Lex and Fury to fall in love. Turn 22 Finish. 7,4,11 / 150 Turns for Gen 1. I'm moving in the right direction, at least. Sigurd 30.00 60 28* 3 18 21 17 18* 6 149 kills Awesome, like always. Alec 23.33 48 15 5 23 21 9 16 7 32 kills Slowed down quite a bit. Strength and Silver Weapons are not his friends. Lex 30.00 55 27 3 13 17 14 22 9* 88 kills Sigurd jr. He really made things easier, very solid pick. Azel 30.00 55 7 25 11 24* 6 10 10 83 kills Once he got his horse, he didn't need any help. Very good magic and speed. Aideen 27.36 45 4 25 17 16 30 10 12 2 kills Healer is nice, she took down a couple of Thracians as well. Fury 26.87 39 18 16* 20 25 15 12 15 34 kills Doesn't live up to her name. Solid all round, except for survivability. Let's see if Lex!Fee can win back any turns.
  6. This keeps happening to me. Awfully sorry. Rosa (2nd)
  7. Yeah, GBA version is fine with me. Don't Edward, Yang etc. become playable in the endgame? We'd need to add them to the list of draftees.
  8. It's a nice idea (there's plenty of possibility for story justification, it would force you to think carefully about your next move) but I think it would be unnecessarily restrictive, since there are times you'd want to seperate your party apart from soloing the map with one unit e.g. fight on two different fronts, collect treasure, hold a chokepoint etc. In the ambush scenario, it'd require more strategy if your team were seperated at first, and you had to gather them together to survive (something like FE5 Chapter 19, with more enemies in between the groups, or FE7 Chapter 24, but make it indoors so fliers couldn't make it easy to regroup). My idea to encourage that sort of play would be to seriously nerf cavalry (like, give them Wendy-level bases) but also give them a larger move lead and FE4/5 Canto. So they could run around doing useful things, but couldn't handle multiple enemies at once.
  9. This filled up pretty quickly. Welcome back. Potential Levin Sworder? No, because Cleric's Mag growth sucks. Thankyou, sir, may I have another? I shall promote him into a Whisper. Not... what I had in mind, but I can make it work. I'll need an extra guy since I won't have Gotoh. Chip damage is never bad, I guess. My and my big mouth. Accepted subject to whether Etzel counts if I don't recruit him. I definitely can't fit in another Dark Mage. So I'll take Wrys for healing and nothing else. Not a bad pick at all. He'll see a lot of use. There are plenty of nice physical class B classes, you know. I'll take him as a merc, then. I finally get another non-sucky class B, and it's Macellan. AGAIN. This playthrough will have a high concentration of red-haired permanently bow-locked ex-clerics, it seems.
  10. It's funny, because I gave myself Cain and Abel mostly because I expected people to be sadistic. Awesome. Oh, and I forgot to mention: Abel will be Mage -> Bishop (so I can kill Garny) Cain will be Myrmidon -> Paladin (for the sword rank)
  11. But, if he gets plenty of EXP, he becomes less horrible, no? So Rebecca is as useful as Athos versus the Dragon? That's good to know. Mobility issues != Issues with everything else
  12. Eleven pickers picking! Rules: 1. Marth, Gotoh and the Christmas cavaliers are free to use. 2. The other 11 units are to be picked. If you don't select a class set for it, I will choose one that pleases me. 3. The game will be played on H4. 4. Warp staff is banned, apart from in Final. I hate that chapter :/ 5. Athena, Horace, Etzel and Ymir are unpickable, because mass killing guys off is lame. I may be willing to change my mind on Athena, though. 6. Jeigan will be used as he was intended. Sparingly in the early chapters, not at all past a certain point (unless he is picked). 7. No Arena abuse, Wi-fi Shop or Forging. 8. Unpicked units may not be fielded beyond chapter 3, unless to recruit a picked unit. Units: 1. Marth Lord -> Lord 2. Nagi Manakete (lightli drumming) 3. Cain Myrm -> Pala 4. Abel Mage -> Bish 5. Tomas Cava -> DrKn (eclipse piping, instead) 6. Barst Fter -> Zerk (Kirby a-leaping) 7. Midia DrKn (Integrity dancing) 8. Radd Cura -> Swrd (Bblader a-milking) 9. Lorenz Sorc (Darros a-swimming) 10. Rickard Thief (KALLLucas a-laying) 11. Maria Arc -> Snip (FIVE ETHER RINGS) 12. Wolf Sorc (Four Venusaurs [+2 HM slaves]) 13. Wrys Cura -> DrKn (Three FrenchEmblemReignsSupreme hens) 14. Nabarl My -> Snip (Two Luminescent Blades) 15. Caesar Me -> Hors (Vicious Sal in a pear tree) 15.5 Jeigan Hm, I've got too many picks. I'll leave the last two in reserve. When I can deploy more than 15, maybe I'll choose them. R1. Macellan Hunt -> Warr (Tiny arvilino) R2. Lena Arch -> Snip (Kris Kopfjager)
  13. Which is why units like Arran, Farina, Cecilia and Fiona rank 10/10 So, Oswin can do the work of several other units? That sounds pretty good to me. He's not going to participate in any rushes to Zephiel or Hector rescue-chains, but he still has plenty of use, particularly in non-seize chapters. Nearly everyone has mentioned one or the other, and they are basically his only weaknesses. Oswin's start is incredible. Only Marcus is better, and he can't do everything. His level means he's first in line for a promotion, and he gains partial WT control and some badly needed speed. Lategame he's not so great, but still worthwhile. His movement is awful, and his con means not many units can carry him. BUT he can be carried, which is critical. It means he can be ferried forward whenever he is in danger of falling behind. The map size is fairly small on average, so he'll seldom be completely removed. Even in the chapters where A) he falls behind and B) It's all hands on deck (Battle Before Dawn, Cog of Destiny and Victory or Death come to mind) the enemy density is such he should still see combat. His mobility definitely hurts, but it's not a dealbreaker, when he's so solid as a combat unit. 8/10
  14. Just realised I never actually joined this. Joining now! V I could get behind, as long as GBA version is alright.
  15. Paladins are nice and all, but are they any good? Who knows? Whereas Great Knight has the decency to tell you what you're going to get straight off the bat. Therefore, go for Great Knight.
  16. Chapter 5: 8/42 Neimi went to get the Dragonshield, then drew any enemies that approached the main group. Natasha stood behind Eirika and Artur while they worked their way up. When Joshua was in range, he was recruited. Eirika grabbed the Armorslayer, and her and Joshua moved up towards the boss. Joshua reached the boss on turn 8; he needed the boss to miss at 48 in order to not die. Chapter 5x: 7/49 I was determined to get some advantage in this chapter. Orson charged ahead, while Kyle and Ephraim mopped up. Orson got to the end of the corridor, using the Javelin to clear enemies in his way, by turn 5, and Ephraim was rescued by Kyle on the same turn. Next turn, Kyle gave Ephraim to Orson, who dropped him within range of the throne. Ephraim insisted on dying a lot but eventually he survived a run. Orson killed the boss and Ephraim seized on turn 7. Chapter 6: 7/56 Everybody hit the forests and the fort, waiting for an opportunity to rush across the plain. Joshua had to rescue Neimi on turn 6, but still managed to land the killing blow on Novala (after Eirika had weakened him) Name Level HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Eirik 14.54 25 9 14 16 12 7 7 Neimi 5.22 17 6 7 9 6 5 5 Artur 12.71 20 11 11 13 5 5 12 Joshu 9.44 27 8 15 16 9 5 4
  17. Kirby, you're ruining my fun. Yeah, a lot of non-verbal contact is lost over the internet, which is why I use emoticons.
  18. There's always Earth Seals. You can get one from a village in the first Lloyd/Linus map, or steal one in Zephiel's chapter. They're both pretty tough to obtain, however, so you may not get one until Victory or Death.
  19. Grinding Lara isn't for the faint of heart, true. Thief -> Dancer is probably better for efficiency purposes, but getting Lachesis or Leaf ready for promotion is not the most efficient path, either. Little known fact: The Thief Fighter -> Dancer stat boosts are so high they wrap around and become negative.
  20. Chapter 2 10, 17, 28, 34 / 71 Standard to Heirhein. For once, Voltz and the armors did not give me any troubles. Lex helps a lot here. Sigurd sat near Macbeth on turn 16, and somehow survived about a million attacks. He even failed to kill Voltz, so Azel could do the deed. Now I have the Elitebuddies. Lex was Returned, so he could promote and waste the cavalry. Diedre eventually managed to not be hit by ballista with 62 display hit and 6hp (since I'll need Silence later). Azel protected the throne and had to survive a double attack from Fury, because her squad blocked the way for Levin. As usual, Sigurd got through the gap while Lex and Alec drew Zyne (and killed him, as a bonus). Name Level HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Sigurd 22.85 51 20 2 21 17 15 18 8 Alec 14.65 42 10 0 14 13 7 11 2 Lex 26.58 52 23 3 13 17 12 20 4 Azel 15.06 41 2 20 8 16 5 4 7 Aideen 7.00 31 0 14 8 10 15 1 10 Fury 11.74 34 12 1 13 18 9 9 9 Chapter 3 5, 11, 7 / 94 The first part of every numbered chapter I find easy. It's the later parts that let me down. This time, Lex, though awesome, couldn't clear the cross knights fast enough. Aideen had to put in some dodging, and Alec was just strong enough to survive a Mistotlin blow (Nihil is useful for something!) Sigurd and Lex dealt with Shagaal once and for all. Aideen and Alec followed, while Azel reinforced Madion. Fury went to help Claude and Tiltyu, which was not smart. Sigurd got the Leg Ring and zoomed his way to the throne, after being warped. Azel's brave tower defense meant he could promote at the end! Now they are Mountedbuddies, and can wreck the enemy with Sigurd. Name Level HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Sigurd 27.11 56 28 3 22 20 16 21 6 Alec 17.80 44 11 0 16 15 8 12 2 Lex 30.00 55 27 3 13 17 14 22 4 Azel 22.50 48 7 28 10 20 5 9 9 Aideen 9.30 32 0 14 9 10 17 3 10 Fury 17.81 35 15 3 15 20 11 10 9 Chapter 4 17, 11, 6 / 128 Except not really, because Fury was not even on Lex's mind yet, so they had to stick together, and Azel has pitiful defense, so gets killed too much.. Deetva's squad were smart for once and didn't all suicide on Sigurd, so I lost some time there finishing them off (otherwise, they'd attack one on my squishies). Dew eventually made it to the bridge, and Saliane was captured. Aideen Returned everyone; with Elite Ring, staff abuse and civilians (they actually made it to the home base), she was ready to promote (but actually promoting her in chapter 4 would cost time). Sigurd did the ordinary job on Silesia and Zaxon.
  21. Best: Thief Fighter -> Dancer. Actual best: Mountain Thief -> Warrior. If you can get Marty there, he becomes surprisingly good. Indoors, that is. Honourable mentions to FE3 Archer->Sniper, anything that gains a horse. Worst: Pegasus Knight -> Wyvern Knight. Because oh god, what did they do to that pegasus?
  22. I actually enjoy playing more, because I always screw myself over at drafting
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