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Everything posted by Baldrick

  1. It's not so bad. There's a 40% chance of getting some points for most of them...
  2. Most: Cecilia Least: Jaffar Nominate: Best/Worst Death Quote
  3. Even in that case, it's more efficient for Wendy and Barth to do it on one turn, so Oujay is not impeded. Advantage: Wendy.
  4. #29275 [FE4] SOYO Draft XYZ finished in 289 turns. And then there were five.
  5. I came in because I was bored, and liked FE. I stayed because of drafts, mostly. And the custom member titles.
  6. I was a bit melodramatic. I got on a roll... perhaps it would be more reasonable to say the series would become less experimental.
  7. Baldrick

    hey hey

    G'day, fellow Australian! Where are you from? If you say Sydney I'll have to shun you. If you're playing the old games, I'd recommend 3 or 4 to start with. 1 and 2 haven't aged well, and 5 is a sequel.
  8. I think the main point of the OP is that Fire Emblem is becoming more like a generic RPG in order to appeal to a wider fanbase. He's not necessarily saying it's a bad thing; that all the uncultured masses will get their hands on it, and it would no longer be ironic to like Fire Emblem and therefore the series is ruined FOREVER. It might be the shot in the arm the series needs to boost sales, become more profitable so that they could hire more people to work on it, more games could be made and the series doesn't die out; but the changes could be a slippery slope and all the mechanics that make Fire Emblem unique are scrapped, to the point where FE15 and FFTA4 are virtually the same game. For me, as long as those unique mechanics are intact (individual units with backstories and motivations, (mostly) permanent death, weapon triangle, specialized classes, finite weapons, etc.) it will still feel like a Fire Emblem game. It's not like the first 11 games in the series all feel the same.
  9. Base weapon level shouldn't matter, unless it stops growing as well. Availability barely matters, since you don't gain anything from extra levels. Promotion gains are important.
  10. Another mystery: How were your guys able to escape from the new and improved Hardin?
  11. Whitefang, buy High Potions. Lots and lots of High Potions. Don't bother with armour, Tellah can carry you to the point where you can find the upgrade. Cecil Pts Score D. Mist 10 10 Kain 10 0 0 Officer 11 11 0 0 Octomamm 10 12 Rydia 2 - 6 - 6 Antlion 2 12 Rydia 6 14 8 Mombomb 15 12 Rydia 7 Rosa 10 -16 - 8 Battle for Fabul 15 13 - 2 - 10 Milon 15 16 Palom 10 - 4 - 14 Milon Z 15 16 Palom 12 - 2 - 16 Dark Knight 17 16 - 1 - 17 Baigan 9 1 Palom 14 - 3 - 20 Cagnazzo 16 10 Palom 15 - 7 - 27 Dark Dragon 19 13 - 6 - 33 Tellah used vs Flame Hound (chest monster) 1 - 32 Sandy, Mindy, Cindy 16 16 Tellah 21 +16 - 16 Main problem with Octomamm is keeping Rydia alive. Once you get through a few arms, he slows down, luckily. I killed most of the mombombs, stupidly. Only Cecil (and Rosa, I guess) will mind the EXP. I think Kain is programmed so that he will kill you even if you level grind. Milon was the first tough fight, mostly because I had trouble dodging random encounters. His minions went down with 2 hits of Fire, and I beat him up until he died. It's a good thing Palom learns Fira after the first Milon fight. Baigan was a monster. I almost took a Tellah penalty, but then I realised Reflect wore off after a while. Cagnazzo hit with Tsunami a few times because Palom is so slow. Rage of Zeus minimized the Phoenix down usage, though. Dark Dragon was very hard, because I saved my money and didn't buy armour. Hi Potions got me through it. You get armour in Golbez's airship, but it cannot protect against magic (non-ice magic, anyway). Tellah I think will be mandatory here. Cindy needs to die first, because she can revive the others. Cecil takes too long to kill her, so using magic is the easiest way. You have to time it perfectly, so that he casts it after it wears off, before Sandy's turn. Once Cindy goes down, the others quickly follow.
  12. To Madion 6 turns Pretty slow. To Silvail 13 turns Eltshan pushed me back nearly to Madion before Lach could get close enough. To Orgahil 8 turns Briggid ran away. Aideen was on Warp duty, so no Ichival. It's not worth it, really. Chapter 4 - 32 turns Chapter 5 - 27 turns Total turns: 170 Name Level HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Sigurd 30.00 64 30 1 22 22 18 24 3 Ardan 23.12 54 22 0 8 17 5 20 4 Dew 11.91 32 11 1 8 19 15 5 0 Holyn 28.07 59 23 3 28 22 2 16 4 Laches 26.93 37 23 13 16 21 14 17 10 Brigid 25.57 49 23 3 23 25 16 20 11
  13. Chapter 6 9,8,7 / 174 Note to self: put Elite Ring on Sigurd at Phinora next time. Anyway, it was the Celice show. Forever. Name Level HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Celice 20.30 57 27 9 22 18 20 19 10 Lana 2.30 30 2 12 9 8 17 2 8 Radney 4.34 31 10 0 14 15 5 8 3 Roddle 4.11 31 10 0 19 14 5 9 0 Oifaye 17.41 41 16 9 19 17 8 18 8 Lester 5.80 35 7 6 7 17 17 7 1 Julia 3.26 25 0 13 9 12 5 4 16 Fee 12.78 38 13 6 13 18 15 13 9 Chapter 7 9,8,7 / 198 Shanan cleared a path for Celice. Then, Julia cleared a path for Celice. Meanwhile, Fee was growing fat on bandits and armour knights. Aless ran away, and Celice had to run around the top to get a clear shot at Blume. Not having to do Darna is nice. Name Level HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Celice 22.64 60 29 9 22 19 20 21 10 Lana 3.75 31 2 12 9 9 18 3 8 Radney 5.46 32 11 0 14 15 5 8 3 Roddle 6.03 32 10 1 19 14 6 15 0 Oifaye 19.77 43 17 9 20 19 8 20 8 Lester 9.19 39 7 7 8 20 20 7 1 Julia 9.81 25 2 19 10 14 5 5 21 Fee 21.24 47 16 14 17 25 16 21 15 Janne 4.12 31 6 7 9 16 4 5 6 Chapter 8 9,8,7 10,6 / 214 Ugh, Asalleo. At least it meant Oifaye could help kill some dudes. Sety came out and was immediately awesome. I managed to get the Thief Bracelet. Yay, I guess? Name Level HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Celice 27.76 66 30 12 22 21 23 25 11 Lana 6.35 34 4 13 12 11 19 3 8 Radney 6.49 33 11 0 14 15 5 8 4 Roddle 6.81 32 10 1 19 14 6 15 0 Oifaye 23.42 47 18 10 23 21 8 21 8 Lester 13.23 45 7 10 10 21 22 8 1 Julia 18.85 38 2 23 10 15 9 5 25 Fee 25.50 54 16 15 17 25 17 21 15 Janne 9.84 32 14 7 12 17 4 8 6 Asalle 14.93 39 14 3 16 15 6 13 1 Sety 21.56 51 12 20 19 24 17 18 19 Chapter 9 5,5,3,5 / 232 Hannibal decided to be awesome and not die on Celice. Celice sped forward to Kapathogia, and Hannibal was zapped because Sharlow is slow. Then, Arion happened. Celice managed to stay out of his reach by going south, under the rock formation, and eventually his squad did not block me. Name Level HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Celice 30.00 71 30 13 22 22 24 17 12 Lana 22.35 51 9 27 22 20 30 8 10 Radney 6.49 33 11 0 14 15 5 8 4 Roddle 6.81 32 10 1 19 14 6 15 0 Oifaye 26.79 50 19 11 24 23 8 26 8 Lester 16.21 49 7 11 11 23 24 9 1 Fee 30.00 59 18 17 20 26 18 21 17 Janne 12.56 33 15 7 14 18 5 9 6 Asallo 17.75 41 15 3 16 15 8 15 1 Sety 28.64 58 15 20 22 27 17 18 20 Sharlow 1.70 Base Chapter 10 4, 5, 5, 13 / 259 Celice sped through the forest, and had to wait for backup because enemy with Hero Sword is lame. The cavs got a lead on him, but he made it up. Sidestepped Julius and Ishtar so skilfully (had to survive a Lopto attack though). Ugh stupid Chalphy army blocks my path. Integrity, thanks for the tip vis-a-vis Fee and Palmark. Alvis was a bitch. The combination of children eating and mook killing meant my best units made it to 30, and the worthwhile units made it to 20. Name Level HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Celice 30.00 71 30 13 22 22 24 27 17 Lana 30.00 64 10 32 23 28 30 11 10 Radney 6.49 33 11 0 14 15 5 8 4 Roddle 6.81 32 10 1 19 14 6 10 0 Oifaye 30.00 57 21 11 24 24 8 22 9 Lester 20.26 53 11 14 15 28 27 12 6 Fee 30.00 59 18 12 20 26 18 26 17 Janne 22.84 41 25 13 22 17 6 18 10 Asaleo 21.24 45 23 3 18 18 10 17 4 Sety 30.00 60 15 20 23 27 17 18 15 Sharlow 5.30 26 *shrug* Final 4,4,6,8,8 / 289 Standard for first two. Celice managed to punch through to Freege. Pegasus sisters oh god. They chased my non-Celice army. Ishtar was dangerous, since she seemed to activate Continue 100%, but eventually Celice broke through. I could've let the others die, since they had fulfilled their purpose, but I was in a good mood. They duly ran away, sacrificing Freege (why do they trash it?) and getting down to near where archer dudes spawn. Meanwhile, at home, Fee and Sety and Asaello took down Arion. Meanwhile, where it matters, Celice made it to Velthomer, with Ishtar and Julia on his tail. Celice talked to her, and she went got the special book. Used Narga on Dark Warriors that didn't fall for Celice's feint, actually pretty fun. Then the climactic battle versus Julius. Julia managed to prevail, and by managed I mean he bit the curb. Then, talky talk happened. The end! Celice - 136 kills I relied on him a lot, obviously. Lana - 2 kills Staff chick extraordinaire. Roddlevan - 6 kills What a joke. He didn't leave home after chapter 7, except to distract Shagaal jr. He was a fine arena bitch, though. Radney - 6 kills See Roddlevan. She was my backup arena bitch when I got tired of seeing Roddlevan dying horribly repeatedly so I could get some fresh RNs. Read: I didn't even select her in the last three chapters. Oifaye - 57 kills Moustache power! He was useful all the way through. The best unit not to come from Fury or Diadora's uterus. Lester - 21 kills He was absolutely hilarious, made my day. Ronan on a horse. Julia - 44 kills So close to level 30 she could taste it. Would draft her again. Fee - 66 kills Lots of words describe her. Healbot. Flier. Decoy. Janne - 4 kills Pretty fly for a substitute. Asalleo - 16 kills I keep misspelling your name. Sety - 36 kills 50 kill Elwind always goes down smooth. Too late to do much significant, though. Sharlow - 0 kills You actually have Elite? It may have been worth it raising you if I didn't have Lana. And, like, half a dozen other healers.
  14. Chapter 3: 15/52 Jeigan, Oguma and Sheeda went to meatshield in the east/recruit Nabarl. Used a Silver Lance to kill one thief, and the other was used as a blockade so only one fighter could hit. Using a diagonal formation (Oguma/Navarre/Julian NW of the fort, Jeigan on it, Sheed SE of the fort), I tanked as many hits as I could, then they ran. By then, the first group had been dispatched, Cain rushing forward to inflict a few counters, then easing back so Marth, Abel and Barst could take over. Nabarl got healed and finished off the eastern fighters, then everyone healed up before taking on the boss. Marth and Cain both attacked, relying on the boss not hitting twice, and Barst finished with the Devil Axe. Chapter 4: 19/71 I saved the villages and didn't use Jeigan, at the cost of several turns. Mage Abel and Myrmidon Cain killed the near thief, Barst killed the archer, and Marth and Abel killed the second thief. I was careful not to leave any enemies on critical health, since almost nobody could survive two hits. After the moving enemies were dead, I inched towards the boss, who was easily dispatched with magic and axes. Name Class Lv Xp HP ST M SK SP LK DF R Marth Lord 6 50 23 5 0 6 9 11 8 1 Cain Myrmidon 7 60 22 10 0 16 13 5 4 0 Abel Mage 8 07 24 4 3 9 8 5 3 3 Wrys Curate 6 47 17 0 5 7 7 4 3 8 Barst Fighter 6 84 27 11 0 7 10 7 6 0 Naba Myrmidon 6 36 22 7 0 9 12 9 8 0
  15. Rosa (2nd) - I was lucky to get her. Cid (2nd) - The endgame choices were a bit thin, but perhaps I should have chosen Edge Kain (2nd) - Hello Demon Wall and doors. Palom (1st) - Somebody for Mt. Ordeals. Would've preferred Tellah, but I can't have everything. Rydia (Young) - Useful, and should net me some points. Good for a last pick.
  16. #28840 Random Reclass Thingy Draft complete in 251 turns.
  17. I wasn't saying she'd be the best unit to use it, but that it would be unusual.
  18. He ain't even started my draft yet.
  19. I'm surprised Doku didn't give Aideen the Bargain Ring. Though I suppose she'll visit enough villages to buy both rings at full price. Nothing in Chapter 6 That was Fee, and she has a flying horse. I'd class her more as a decoy, anyway. Arthur's turn-shaving potential, like all other units who can't fly, use staves or dance, is limited to clearing the path for Celice en route to Melgen, Alster, Miletos, and Freege. He does it better than anyone else, but it won't be a significant amount of turns.
  20. That would give you Holsety Tinny, which could be interesting.
  21. Levin!Arthur is not that great, though. Levin loses a lot of his punch having to sit next to Tiltyu, it costs turns getting them to that 500 points, and any decent Celice does not need backup anyway.
  22. If drafted characters must be revived immediately, we probably wouldn't need the rule that they must be alive at the end of boss fights. For free characters, I think their level shouldn't be counted, as they'd likely be quite underlevelled anyway. EDIT: since I'm going to be away... If I reading the rules correctly, Marth can't choose Young Rydia, so I'll take her. If he can and does, then Rosa 1 or Yang 1 in that order.
  23. Another thing; does Rydia's level count in the fight she's free?
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