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Everything posted by Baldrick

  1. 26:15/141 This is where my cavalry pay off. Marcus, Prissy, Fiora and Rath charge ahead, rescuing Erk, Lucius, Eliwood, Ninian, and Hawkeye whenever they are in danger of falling behind. Serra makes her own way, cause she’s a badass. (Apart from Eli and Nin, they all have 6 move, so horsies only rescue when a foot unit waits next to them, and in Ninian’s case, another mounted unit can drop them later on). With the power of dance, everyone reaches Nino as the first thieves exit the room. Nino is recruited, then taken to safety (Zephiel’s room) by Prissy. Marcus kills the DS thief (Rescue thief is spared, which leads to a funny situation later on when Serra bumps into him; I imagine it is kind of awkward.) Fiora charged along the perimeter of Zeph’s room to nab the BL thief. Rath bails her out, while Hawkeye, Marcus and Erk choke the staircase where Ursula is. Prissy uses Physic, not because she can’t reach, but to get to Lv 10 by the end of the chapter. Eliwood finishes Ursula by rapiering her, and trains on shamen. Fiora reaches C swords, because I am an idiot and like grinding swords on GBA fliers. Name Level HP St Sk Sp Lu De Re B W Eliwood 19.01 34 12 17 15 14 10 7 154 67 Marcus 12.32 39 19 22 14 10 13 12 202 126 Serra 6.15 18 5 8 9 9 3 10 20 0 Erk 17/2.53 35 12 14 15 9 7 16 99 71 Prissy 10/1.00 23 9 9 9 11 6 16 29 0 Lucius 15/2.29 30 18 13 13 3 5 14 62 47 Fiora 18/5.65 39 14 19 22 11 10 18 133 66 Rath 17/3.69 40 15 15 18 7 11 10 73 39 Hawkeye 8.63 53 19 15 12 15 15 12 51 24 Ninian 7.30 17 0 0 14 15 8 9 20 0 27: 10 /151 Eliwood handles the myrmidons, Erk takes on the cavalry from the east. Then, they wait for Vaida to get there. Eliwood recruits her, then flees. Erk stays behind to attract the generic wyverns, standing in a forest so he can dodge reliably. The rest of the units stream up the middle, slaughtering everything in their way. Fiora and Rath deal with the troopers, Hawkeye and Marcus and Lucius stand on the forts to stop the reinforcements and tank the aggressive enemies. Afterwards, Hawkeye and Fiora chip at Linus with Silver Lance and Swordreaver. Marcus is doubled with the Brave Lance, so he, Serra, Prissy and Vaida stop knights from appearing while Rath and Hawkeye mop up. 28: 8/ 159 Priscilla, on the magic path, and Fiora on the archer path, charge through. Eliwood makes his max move each turn. Priscilla’s job is to keep Eli alive, and reach the area where she can chip the Warrior so that Eli can ORKO him. Fiora’s job is to aggro George. Turn 8 clear. 29: 11/170 Marcus and Hawkeye covered the western entrance. Eliwood, Rath and Fiora took the eastern ledge. After Sleep and Berserk ran out, it was trivial to defend. The others boosted their staff rank. For fun, I spammed Physic, then Hammerned it. 29x: 5/ 175 Apart from buying stuff, I trained Fiora and Eliwood in the arena. Erk hit D staves, and Lucius is on the verge of B staves. Name Level HP St Sk Sp Lu De Re B W Eliwood 19/5.22 40 16 18 16 14 11 11 208 89 Marcus 13.48 40 19 22 14 10 13 12 231 138 Serra 7.26 19 5 8 9 9 3 11 21 0 Erk 17/4.94 37 13 15 17 10 8 16 130 101 Prissy 10/5.04 26 11 11 9 15 9 18 58 13 Lucius 15/5.79 32 19 15 14 4 6 14 80 59 Fiora 18/10.13 40 18 23 24 13 11 19 194 92 Rath 17/6.72 42 15 18 18 8 12 13 105 58 Hawkeye 12.17 55 22 15 12 16 15 14 87 45 Nils 8.11 18 0 0 14 16 8 10 0 0 30: 9/184 Everybody charged forward into the centre. The cavalry and wyverns broke against the wall of Fiora, Eliwood, Marcus and Hawkeye. On the end of Turn 3, Marcus sat on the northwestern fort in the valley, and Fiora sat two squares southwest on the mountain, and Nils was in the forest. Lucius reached B staves and backed them up with Physic. Turn 4, Marcus grabbed Rath and ran forward, being careful not to trigger the reinforcements near Limey. Fiora dropped Rath and flew back; Nils sang, and she grabbed Eliwood. Turn 5, Marcus dropped Eliwood, Fiora moved back to her place, Nils sang again, Fiora grabbed him and moved forward, Rath dropped Nils in the forest. Turn 6, Eliwood moved three spaces below the bridge after being Nilsung, rescuing Nils on the way. Rath sat above him and dropped Nils to the right, Fiora rescued Marcus and sat to the left of Rath. Turn 7, Fiora moves her range and drops Marcus on the fort, blocking the General. Rath kills the ballistae, and Eliwood moves next to Rath in the forest. Nils runs to safety, his job done. Limstella Bolts Rath. Turn 8, Rath uses Silver Bow, Fiora Spear, and Marcus Killer Axe. I need two KA crit, or one Spear and one KA crit to OHKO her, not that it matters, since Eliwood can’t reach on turn 7. Not even Nilsing him on 7 can help. I only get the one KA crit, though. Limey Bolts Eliwood, which makes it trivial to kill her on turn 9 and seize. F: 9+ 2/ 195 Hawkeye, powered by Ninis, takes the hit from Uhai, and Fiora, Erk, Lucius, Hawkeye and Rath finish off him and his cronies on turn 2. Athos soloes the magic users with Luna, Eliwood and Marcus kill Brendan and his friend on turn 3 after Athos sleeps him. Turn 4, the squad that killed Uhai work on Darin, after Athos sleeps him. Athos soloes Ursula and Jetsam, and guess what I did to Lloyd and Linus so I could kill them easily? (I didn’t actually sleep Linus; Luna, Aureola, Rex Hasta and Brave Lance ganged up on him.). Nergal’s door opens on turn 8. Unfortunately Athos can’t reach him, so he attacks Nergal on turn 9 (double Luna FTW) and Marcus with Basilikos and Eliwood with Durandal finished. Athos and Eliwood attacked the dragon on turn 1, then healing happened. It attacked Athos on EP, so I didn’t need to Nilsing Athos to finish on turn 2. Eliwood 19/8.37 43hp 18 20 19 15 13 11 222B 95W Pretty good, though a little weak before promotion. His horse made him very useful in rescue chains. Marcus 15.40 42hp 20 23 14 11 13 12 249B 147W MVP. Early chapters are trivial with him, I should have used him better. Still the strongest unit (barely). Speed hurt him lategame. Serra 7.26 19hp 5 8 9 9 3 11 21B 0W Made mostly redundant by Prissy. Didn't participate in the last chapters. Erk 17/7.39 38hp 14 15 19 10 8 17 141B 107W A very good win percentage. His speed meant he could double most things, and hitting Res is always a bonus. His availability snagged him 5th MVP. Priscilla 10/5.49 26hp 11 11 9 15 9 18 58B 13W Staff and horsey. Never took off combat wise, I'm amazed she racked up as many kills as she did. Utterly pointless S staves. Lucius 15/8.25 32hp 22 16 15 5 6 17 89B 62W I think he got the Lilina treatment. Not what I expected, but it made him a very potent healer once he could use Physic. Fiora 18/11.98 40hp 18 23 24 14 11 20 208B 102W Runner-up for MVP. She feasted on mages early, and most other things later on. Her utility was unparalleled, her only weakness is AS loss. Nilsian 9.87 19hp 0 0 14 17 9 11 3rd MVP. Dancer made my life easier. Rath 17/10.01 45hp 16 19 22 11 13 14 120B 64W Overcame a slow start thanks to 22x. 4 movement through forests and snow was useful for rushing the later chapters. Dibs on high-level bows. Hawkeye 13.15 55hp 22 15 12 17 15 15 99B 49W 4th MVP. Basically Marcus on foot from the moment he joined. Never died, not once. Insane durability. Athos 20.00 Base 12B 6W Great availability, not much power. Final Turncount: 212. Silly game. 212 - 16 for 22x - 5 survival chapters + 1 penalty (totally worth it) = 195 turns. Apparently Bern and Etruria sought my skills.
  2. You can do whichever route you like. Kyle instead By the way, because I forgot to mention it before, it's a snake draft.
  3. OK. Random order: 3 4 1 2 So SH, then Racer, then me, then Refa.
  4. OK then, you can promote them when given the choice, but if you decline, they can't promote.
  5. No, undrafted prepromotes only. That's what happens when you deviate from Integrity's template.
  6. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 players. 2. Eirika/Ephraim, Orson, Tethys and Myrrh are free for all to use. 3. Seth is banned from all use. 4. The game will be played on Hard Mode. Rules:
  7. My mistake. I guess I'll have to throw out my chapter 29 strategy as well.
  8. You can't stack too many skills on one character. I'm not sure about FE9, but FE10 made skills removable, so more than one character could make use of it. You can also remove weight, helping low build units, and boost hit and crit, to make some weapons unique. The earlier FE games didn't really have a large variety of weapons either (except arguably FE5) Est archetypes are now much more useful. Exactly 3 stats means there is a strategic purpose to using BExp; use it earlier for cheapness and short-term gain, or later to get the most benefit from the levels? PEMN, but I didn't recruit Meg, Stefan or Oliver in my first FE10 playthrough. Sometimes is it a better choice than rescuedropping, and can be used on enemies. Less options != less useful. Laguz could carry more items since they only need one weapon, which never runs out. Generally, they should be stronger than beorc, which makes strategic use of them necessary. Laguz who can maintain their form don't show up until the last part of the game. Canto was mostly the same as in FE4, FE1 had playable siege weapons, Non-lord weapons were in FE4 and Weapon Exp and terrain were minor changes. Build is a subset of rescue, Poison only meant you had to watch your HP carefully. The rest were pretty significant, but many innovations are not necessarily better than a few good ones.
  9. Did you know? Unlike every other survival chapter, 26 does NOT end early if you kill the boss? Ugh.
  10. Dimna Those are some awesome fathers Horace.
  11. My original plan was using Prissy, but then I realised there was a nice little loophole there. Yeah, two four-move low-build units make it a lot easier to navigate the blizzard. Now, if I had put half as much thought into the rest of the draft...
  12. I had enough space for exactly one horsey, and I chose Rath on the basis that he badly needs EXP to become usable, and there are quite a few wyverns hanging around. That said, I managed to clock the highest turncount on that chapter despite having two mages and a flier. At least I got the gaiden. Isadora rescue-dance-dropped Lyn within range. <3 Ninian Also, guess who gets Kenneth's map because he has three magic users and no infantry? 24:11/120 Defend chapter. The important thing was to get the lovebirds and the other lords to the eastern squad ASAP. Fiora was a great help. Then, she stocked up on Killer weapons. I had a pretty good fortress and Marcus was superfluous, so he went to get Hammerne. Like a boss. Chapter 25: 6 / 126 Rath, Fiora and Ninian were on the northern diagonal. Hawkeye and Prissy were just below. Rath grabbed Hawkeye and was danced, and dropped him up north. Eliwood moved next to Priscilla, who rescued him. Fiora took Eliwood and flew up. Next turn, she dropped him next to Rath and stood within dancing range. Ninian danced her, and she took Ninian up, and Rath took and dropped her. Turn 3, Rath and Hawkeye cleared the remainders, and everyone except Eliwood was at the entrance. Turn 4, Fiora rescued Eliwood, and Ninian danced her, so she could set herself up to clear the penultimate room with a Javelin. Rath and Hawkeye ensured no wyverns got in. Turn 5, Fiora weakened the boss, and Eliwood neared the throne. Turn 6, Fiora killed him and Eliwood seized. Now I’ve cleared half the deficit compared to Zahlman.
  13. It's a good idea in theory, but Trueblades don't exactly have killer stat caps.
  14. Chapter 20: 5/95 I've got Ninian, which should help my turncount from now on, but somehow I still managed to get an exorbitant turncount. Marcus lead, everyone follow. Only the Restore and Wyrmslayer villages were worth my time. Marcus attacked Olag on turn 4, Erk's Fire killed him on turn 5 Chapter 21: 2/97 Delayed a turn so that Rath could be recruited. Chapter 22: 9/106 Did the unthinkable: RESTED Marcus. I probably should have brought, since I didn't realise so much of the chapter would be fought on the edge of the desert anyway. Pent was left to his own devices, but he refused to heal, so Fiora had to grab him. Otherwise, it was just a training session for Rath and Fiora. Hawkeye helped kill the bosses, using Iron Axe so he doesn’t steal the kill. Having stolen the GR, Matthew went into the desert and got an Eclipse. Yay, I guess? It seems I got the EXP requirement, due to Erk and Rath getting an auto level up from the bosskill. I’m not one to turn down bonus EXP. Chapter 22x: 16/106 It was nice to actually be able to go at a gentle pace. Lots of juicy promoted enemies for Rath and Fiora, Marcus and Hawkeye only killed the generals. Didn't bother with the chests. 23: 3/109 Fiora promoted, and went into the thick of it. She had to dodge a Silver Bow hit on Turn 1 EP, in order to sit within Lloyd’s range on Turn 2. On turn 3, Marcus attacked Lloyd (just enough defense to survive at long as Lloyd doesn’t crit) and Hawkeye, of all people, finished with a Swordreaver (only because Erk couldn’t do enough damage, and nobody else was in range). Used a couple of promo items in the prep screen for Chapter 24. Name Level HP St Sk Sp Lu De Re B W Eliwood 14.99 29 10 13 12 12 8 7 123 54 Marcus 11.88 38 18 21 14 10 12 12 184 116 Serra 6.15 18 5 8 9 9 3 10 20 0 Erk 17/1.00 34 12 14 14 9 7 15 85 60 Priscilla 7.98 19 7 8 9 10 4 10 22 0 Lucius 12.19 24 13 10 11 3 2 11 39 29 Fiora 18/1.73 36 14 16 20 10 10 17 73 38 Rath 17/1.00 38 14 14 16 7 11 9 24 17 Hawkeye
  15. Awesome. I'll take Farina then.
  16. What will happen next round? My next pick will depend on what happens after SP gets his next turn. EDIT: I.E. because there's only three left at the end of the round.
  17. I've never played Gen 2 in an FE4 draft before. What exactly is Fee doing that would require more power/durability?
  18. Tiltyu. This time I'll try not to choose Levin as well...
  19. At one point, Roy asks for confirmation that someone (Elphin, maybe) is talking about Dragons that were defeated in the Scouring, rather than Bern's mounts. Apart from that, there's no link between the two unlike in Akaneia and Tellius. My theory is that either the only dragon that Nergal could use at Arcadia was Fa, and she was too young to have enough quintessence, or Nergal didn't want to tangle with Athos. The problem was he needed a lot of power. When he died, he used his own quintessence as a source. Why Ninian came through in the first place, I'm not sure. He thought Nils would suffice. He says in 6 that he's a normal Dragon who fought in the Scouring. The Demon Dragon is the official name for the Dark Dragon/Idoun.
  20. It is possible to use Fin as a father, though? I'll give an example of what I'm thinking of. I'm given Lachesis, Azel and Fin in first gen. Can I pair Fin and Lachesis? I'd like to play, as well.
  21. OK, I did exaggerate the situation... But, Levin/Fury is the best pairing. And the draft by that point had become a standard draft, only with somebody else playing your team.
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