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Everything posted by Flere210

  1. I disagree whit the church whitholding agriculture technique. The greenhouse employ the techniques you would espect from a medieval society, and any student can see what they do here. And one of those notably employ pegasus crap. Maybe she just stopped using the pegasi Galatea is known for for warfare and started using them for agriculture?
  2. I have been screwed over by FE RNG much more, and at this point i pretty much only play nuzlelocke, so i assumed the problem was competitive.
  3. The main difference is that pokemon is multiplayer. Imagine getting a 3% crit in three house OU because even whit capped luck you can't erase the chance entirely. Fire emblem has much worse RNG, you notice it less because it's a PVE game.
  4. And is a negative way too big. Raphael is indeed on the bottom tier of 3H because of that, and this is in a game whit gauntlets and combat arts limitong the impact of speed. Genealogy is the opposite, creating 2 conditions for lacking pursuit, wich makes even Lewyn whit forseti a relatively mhe unit(footlocked and can't even one round consistently). There are other poorly balanced games, such as RD or Revelations, but genealogy looks like their problems stem much more from sheer incompetence. When it comes to units like Tormod or Rev!Odin the devs just could not fail to realize that their aviability make them unplayable, they decided to make them bad for whatever reason. I can't think the same for most of genealogy bad units.
  5. Inwas expecting mounted classes to be godmode and the Holy knight happened.
  6. And Naruto is like cu chulain because he was trained by an overpowered sensei whit a rival, fought a villain related to said sensei, fought his rival in an huge climatic battle, transformed in a monster after getting angry at the death of a loved one and so on. Lots of stories are similar to older stories and it usually does not means much because most trope are older than Jesus. Edit: i did not want to sound so blunt, it's just that Naruto's fandoms often act like every battle shonen into existence copies Naruto every time one of them use a common trope and they are getting on my nerve.
  7. Most games allow you to select the difficulty onnthe beginning, they don't test your ability to understand whatever was on Kaga mind and then assign you a difficulty for the second half of the game. If there was some foreshadowing for the second generation existing i could understand, but as things are you are punished for not fulfilling an objective that you never knew existed.
  8. I could beat it playing it blind whit pretty much no pairing. It was not enjoyable and i came very close to restarting the game because of certain bottlenecks. Keep in mind that first timer would also not have yet the skill necessary to beat the game whit worse units.
  9. Missing a character on genealogy is a pretty huge deal lol. Missing erynis means getting a shitty flyer for 70% of gen2 and a mhe sage instead of the most awesome footlocked unit in the game.
  10. Because horses are not necessarily more comfortable on road than they are on the wilderness, at least compared to humans. The roman legions were able to cross great distances surprisingly fast thanks to the road system they made. Horses are obviously faster in term of top speed over short distances, but when it comes to endurance in marches, it's not necessarily so. Very few animals tops human in endurance and stamina. Edit: i sent the message whitout completing it lol. Personally, i think that most of genealogy is a mess and not in a fun way. Messing whit eugenetic is fun, not getting to use your marvels of genetic because they never bought an horse is not. Not getting a double attack in a game balanced around them is incredibly stupid. Realism is usually a terrible reason to do anything in a game. Otherwise let's force you to wait 50 turns in front of a castle to simulate starving the people inside untill they surrend. Let's put a % chance for any character to get an infection after they take damage that if not treated would lead to death or amputation(because poison weapons are already so much fun). Let's make every flyer die after they get it by a sleep staff to simulate them falling from their mount. Let's have any mounted unit move randomly if a fire spell get casted around them to simulate animals fearing fire. And i can do this the whole day. A game should be fun first and realistic second. Those things may be fun in dwarf fortress because the game revolve around them, but would not be fun in Fire Emblem. Wich is the main problem of genealogy. It randomly tries to be unnecessarily realistic at some point but at the same time prevent you from doing basic realistic thing like trading items around, wich result in a bloody mess.
  11. Annette is my favourite character and i have pretty much no sympathy for Gilbert. It's just that, as i said before, i think his mental issues does not really stem from him failing as a knight. Him leaving his family is both a failure as an husband and father AND a failure as a knight, while nothing that he did in Duscur is a failure as knight from any objective perspective.
  12. Then why they side whit Edelgard and Cornelia? The whole point of chivalry is loyalty to your lord. Betrayal is the least chivalric thing you can do. I am not discussing genocide because first, it was not done by knights, it was done by everyone and is a separare issue, and second, because there is actually not much againist it in actual chivalric codes. They enabled and encouraged the crusades. Gilbert is the same. From a "chivalric" standpoint, he did nothing wrong in Duscur. He did not run, did not surrender, and saved the prince. He could be proud of himself. And yet he is not, he feel guilt and shame despite acting like a true knight. Then he run away from his responsibilities, he lies, he abbandon his prince and his family when they needed him the most. Those are not actions guided by chivalry. Those are actions guided by Survivor Guilt, a mental issue that plague soldiers to this day and always plagued them, no matter wich code they follow. Rodrigue is the only character(barring a BL Ingrid) that actually does follows the tenets of loyalty to the king, the people and the godess. Now, is very possible that my understanding of Faerghus is wrong because i see the words "Knight" and "Chivalry" and assume a code like those of medieval Europe. Maybe Faerghus is supposed to be more like the spartan way. But otherwise pretty much no one give a fuck about acting like a knight. Wich is a weakness in the system itself, but a different one.
  13. I find both to be extras anyway, you have a lot of swordmaster and mages either way and neither deen nor sonia are exceptional.
  14. I just don't think that Rodrigue did anything really wrong either. He knew that Dimitri and Felix were going trough hell and so he tried to put on a stoic facade because he tought it would help. I don't think that he did not murn, just that he only did when he was not seen. Is a common think for fathers to think that their role is to keep their cool even in the worst times. I don't even blame the code for Gilbert. He has a massive case of survivor guilt and i feel that his own issues stem more from that than on some perceived "Honor". Changing your name and leaving your family are as unchivalrich as it can get, and yet he did it. I would be more inclined to criticize Farghus chivalry if more people followed it. Changing side more often than meme italians like 90% of Farghus nobles do is nit chivalric in the slightest and i think that for all it's flaws Farghus would be a much better place if more people were actually following the chivalric code.
  15. The female lance lord is Azura and i will nwver understand why people consider Ryoma and Xander, wich miss half of the game, as lords before her. She even has blue hairs.
  16. I am quite sure that Dimitri never asked Dedue to turn into a demonic beast. It's not like he can't act on his own volition. Also, i think Felix is 100% wrong on Glen. Dying to protect the king is the fucking point of being a royal guard, he died doing what he must, and most likely never had a choice about it(as in, he had no chance to escape or surrender). Whould Felix be happier if Glen runned away and was hanged for desertion? Even for Rodrigue, everyone react differently to grief, i can't blame him for trying to find solace in the fact that his son died heroically doing his duty or for trying to be strong and not be seen by his other son murning. It was not what Felix wanted, but comunication between parents and children is always difficult.
  17. 1)they should bring back the minimum damage of 1 even if the attacker has 5 might and the defendant has 50 defense. While this look like a nerf, it justifies removing other weaknesses, as there is not a risk anymore of the armor becaming unkillable. 2)they should pick 2 at most two weaknesses between low res, low mov, low speed an hammers existing. I would pick low mow and low speed because they make the most sense. 3)they need a way to get Wary Fighter(imo it's better of as an effect on certain shields instead of a class skill, as Armors are not the only ones that may want it), and in general speed should not double your DPS if you have 30 point and the opponent has 26.
  18. Mages does not exist so they only follow the rules established by the creator. And while unequipping armor is possible, wouldn't it just make them as fast as normal units? Heroes does that because you can't have less movement than 1 and making armors unable to cross forests at all would be both even more unrealistic and far too punishing. I'd rather have them balance armor knight in a way that feel "right" for human tin cans.
  19. Ignoring terrain was guntz main argument for equipping the mov ring, but i don't think it fits FE armor knight. He was using a steampunk power armor, it make no sense for an heavily armored guy to walk better than unarmored guys in the forest.
  20. On top of it despite a large cast fire emblem lack entirely villains, despite pretty much any other franchise that have 3+ characters having at least one.
  21. Yes, he has significantly less movement compared to an OP semi-hidden unit. That said, there are quite a few things going for him: 1)higher stats than usual in a way that don't make him overspecialized 2)ability to ignore terrain in a game whit maps that are 100% terrain(this could be replicated whit things like ledges). 3) there is a move increasing ring that can be traded around 4)plains increase defense by 15% and forests by 30%. This both means high defense is more valuable, and that flyers miss an important bonus and are either very frail or are tanky but deal no damage 5) damage is in general higher, because there is no permadeath. In particular, certain bosses oneshot 90% of your party no matter what, wich makes the one guy that can take an hit from everything valuable.
  22. Well, i just implied it, but i am making only the children that go to Garreg Mach in the same year. In the case of Silvain's son he is likely one of the middle children. I an going to mention siblings if i feel they are important, but so far none were.
  23. I agree whit this so much. I hate when people have fucking magic and all they use it for is cooler looking artillery. Pretty much all fantasy settings i design take several clues out of the Tippyverse( a D&D fan setting created on the premise that magic is used at it's fullest.)
  24. I am not expecting her to genocide crestbearers, i assumed that she would use something similar to what happen in many Lysithea's endings to remove the crest ehitout killing them. That said, in the real worls even in meritocratic societies the children of the wealthy and powerful have many advantages, both because they can receive better education, and therefore have more merit, or because there is bribery involved. If you pile up superpowers on top of those advantages, i see an uphill battle for the commoners.Let's not forget that Edelgard needed to have Ferdinand Von Aegir telling her that maybe public education is a neat idea.
  25. It's kinda impossible destroying the influence of the crest whitout phisically destroying the credt themselves. Under a meritocracy every position that require strenght is going to be won y the guy whit a crest of Blaydid by default, because not even Raphael could match Dimitri's strenght, and so everything that can be enhanced by crest. Eventually crestbearers would be an elite again to the the boosting of crests giving them more "merit".
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