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Everything posted by Flere210

  1. Because all transformers we had so far were highly limited in what they could do, such as having no 1-2 range, no effective weaponry, no canto and some of them even a gauge. And in the saga that always awarded "good enought" stats, having a good enought x that transform in a good enought Y is almost always going to be better than having someone locked in a class whit stats above "good enought".
  2. Edelgard by destroying the best tool they have in Fodlan. Crests.
  3. For BL, i think Dimitri should realize he is not suited to rule. So he should give the crown away. As Farghus is based on France and the one thing he says on the issue is that people whit crest and people whitout crests should cooperste, i would make him establish a parliment similar to the Estate general: made in equal parts of nobles, commoners, and member of the church of Seiros. Then they will elect a king that hopefully is not Byleth. For SS i would go trough a similar route, and have Rhea giving Fodlan to Byleth, Sethet and Flayn, wich nominate a parliment. For CF, Edelgard should crush the nobility whut an iron fist, outright killing or exiling them whitout their wealth. Also, the game should aknowledge that Edelgard revolution may not go as planned, but still ending on an hopeful note than whatever is going to Happen, the citizien of Fodlan were free to chose their own path. For VW, outright unifying Fodlan and Almyr into a great Empire seem a better solution, maybe using a federal style of government.
  4. My most realistic ending is "Dagda and Almyra sweep in taking advantage of a weakened fodlan and conquer it". Wich is a pretty shitty ending from any perspective other than realism. Outside of that, i feel like Dimitri "angry side" will not disappear and he would eventually become the boar again. Obviously a Fodlan governed by the boar is going to end in a bloodbath. As for Edelgard, she is trying to force a change when a large part of the society is not ready for it, so i am expecting a strong backlash from the noble houses as soon as they have a chance, leading to another civil war. As for VW and SS, Byleth has no experience in politic, so i just expect them to be bad rulers and screw something up. Older games are not really about the lord changing the world, they are about stopping a big bad. It's pretty possible that Seliph's son is going to be a tyrant worse than Arvis, but this is not whitin the scoper of genealogy. The point of genealogy is to stop Loptyr from getting revived, not to do any particular reform of Granvale. Or the point of awakening is to prevent the apocalypse. It's depending on how the story is framed.
  5. And Edelgard reforms are going to crash as soon as an heir of her pick a Commodus instead of someone worthy. Or hell, the nobles may strike back as soon as she dies. Changing a system by force does not solve shit because the culture that created it remain and is not changed whitin a generation. Hence my annoyance of all ending being "GoLdEn AgE!!!" Instead of something realistic.
  6. Dimitri does not need a plan for the future, they attacked his country unprovoked and he is going to end the war. There is nothing more and nothing more is needed. Is the normal Villain act, Hero react story. Edelgard had to be stopped because that version of Edelgard sure as hell was not going to lead to CF ending. Wich ino would not work anyway, but at this point i am a broken record about that issue.
  7. I'd go in a different direction and make childre a single parent due to how paring worked in earlier games, leaving many thing hangins as they depend on the parent and the route, wich is assumed to be AM for the lions, CF for the eagles and VW for the eagles, SS for the church(but i have yet to make one). I may in the future do some expansion in wich i detail the difference in the character in different routes. For CA characters and other exstras it will depend. Noble characters and guys will retain their surname(i suppose that, say, the daughter of Hilda and Raphael would still be a Goneril in order to inherit the land), while commoner girls will have a variable surname , and everyone would have a second name depending on the other parent. For example the guy below would be called Olivier Jeralt Gautier if he is the son of Leonie(i am purposely using a ship that don't exist to make clear that i have not a preset ship in mind for him.) Sylvain's son : Olivier \\ Gautier Even before joining the Blue Lions, Olivier was famous across Fodlan as the rising star of crestology. His passion in the study of crest was born as a mere interest in a taboo topic in his household, but in time it devoloped into his own reason to live. He spent most of his Youth in Ferdhiad and then travelling across Fodlan, looking for ancient books and for evidence about the white haired girl whit two crests that was in Garreg Mach in the same year of his father. While he is a close friend of Dimitri's children, he feel he is not good enought to protect them as a knight, and so he prefer to support them as a scholar. He has not talked whit Sylvain for years, but Olivier's desire to continue Haneman Von Essar's research came from the sadness he noticed every time his father talked about his crestless brother. Look: he has inherited his father charm, and the glasses that he have to wear after one too many night spent reading don't hinder it. He used to dress sharply, but he stopped doing so after he noticed he was receiving too much unwanted attention. Personality: he has a bit of a complex over not having a crest and sometime he has difficulty interacting whit Crestbearers whitout his frustration and envy seeping out. He is almost always seen either studying, making weapons or training, and hate wasting time. His scientiphic interest is tempered by chivalry. He is aware of the succesfull experimentations made by mysterios people to give a second crest to certain people, and he know it caused a reduced lifespan. But he is sure that there is another, better way, and is determinated to find it. He realize that many girls are attracted by him, but he usually ignore all of them, looking for a special someone he has not found yet. As he knew that his father was only truly happy when he stopped goofing around and settled whit his mother, and he kinda wish for a partner like that. In fact, romances are a guilty pleasure of him that he tries to keep secret at all costs. Personal skill: Crest analysis - +3 damage againist a crestbearer or demonic beast. Crest: none Boons:Lance, Faith, Reason Weaknesses: sword, bow, riding Budding talent: Riding Reason spells:Wind,cutting gale, thoron, excalibur Faith spells:Nosferatu, Heal, Seraphim, rescue, Abraxas(He is pretty much built to make Holy Knight good on him). Bernadetta's Son: Berthrand // Von Varley Even if the Varley's lost their title, Bertand was spoiled like a nobleman by his mother. This left him whit an arrogant, demanding attitude. Like his mother, he enjoys solitude, and the two can spend days whitout talking whit each other. But instead of closing in his room, Berthrand prefer to isolate himself by camping alone in the wilderness and exploring the great forests of Adrestia, sometime spending days like an hermit, living of hunting and fishing. While his abrasive personality make him wildly disliked among the children of Edelgard's inner circle, his abilities as an archer and survivalist did not go unnoticed, lending to an invitatition to join the Black Eagles in the same year of the imperial heir. Look: like his mother, he had a growth spurt, but his came earlier, to his annoyance as he can't move as freely as before in the wilderness. His uniform is always dirty or torn and even at young age he already has an unkempt beard, wich emphasize the bear-like appearance common whitin the Von Varley family. Overall he combine the look of a commoner whit the mannerism of a noble. Personality: He is a straightforward guy that is not accustomed whit being told what not to do, let alone having an authority figure actually try to stop him. While he won't usually put a fight, he is very likely to react to a perceived offense by disappearing in a nearby forest for a few days, only accompanied by his pet falcon. He has a philosophical mind and if pushed to interact with people his first reaction is to put out an eloquent argument about why people suck and is better to avoid interact whit them as much as possible. When he feel lonely he usually write letters to her mother, whom he loves very dearly. Insult Bernadetta whitin his earshot and tomorrow you are going to find the head of a dead animal in front of your door. Or in your bed if it wasn't the first time. Some people say that Hubert von Vestra invited Berthrand to join the secret services, but he won't confirm nor deny, but will just comment on the creepy guy being annoying. Certainly his abilities would be perfectly suited for espionage. Personal Skill: outdoorsman- double the terrain effect of forests. Crest: minor crest of Cethlean Boons: Bow, Sword Banes: Heavy armor, Authority, faith Budding talent: gauntlet Reason spells: fire, bolganone, ragnarock Faith spells: nosferastu, heal, restore. Lysithea's daughter: Pandora // Von Ordelia A girl determinated to live her life to the fullest. She lost her mom at an early age, but Lysithea managed to instill in her the love of life. Even if it is short, you should try to live every moment to the fullest. Following it's advice, Pandora devolopped into somewhat of a reinassance woman, being accomplished on many fields. In particular, her ability to win fencing duel by blending magic in her sword made her famous as the "phantom blade of Leichester". She even declared that she joined the Golden Deers because as a wielder of the crest of charon, she want to inherit the Thunderbrand from Catherine. Look: she won't be recognized as Lysithea's daughter if she didn't dye her hairs white in honor of her. She is tall, phisicaly fit and emanate strenght and vitality. Despite her attempt to look like a proper lady, she often bring along the tools of her latest obsession, sometimes prowoking accidents. Personality: she sat on the round table of Leichester while her peers where still learning, and she looks and feels older than them as a result. While she like helping them when they are in doubt, she see the Officers Accademy has the last chance to enjoy a careless lifestyle before their responsibilities as the ruling class of Leichester kick in, so she would try to avoid thinking on serious issues while she is in the academy. Even if she is already famous in the Alliance, she want to be treated just like a fellow classmate. Pandora learned from her mother to enjoy life even when you have no time left, and she lives every day like if it was her last. If something catch her interest, she want to try it. One week may be painting, the next one riding pegasi, and then basketweawing. She is not talented in everything, but when she dedicate to something, she will keep trying untill she get it right. She saw her mother use dark magic and she just practiced over and over for months untill she managed to do that as well. By using that magic in combination of the sword she get an impressive streak of victories in fencing duels. Between those, her works has a lady and her practice of fencing, she is often sleep deprived and can be angry in the morning. Some times ago Olivier visited her asking informations about her mother's Crest and from that day Pandora hates his gust. When she will find out that he is in the Blue Lions she would look forward to the Battle of the Eagle and the Lion just for a chance to beat him to a pulp whit no consequences. Personal skill: phantom blade- damage + 4 when dealing magic damage whit a weapon Crest: Minor rest of charon Boons: Sword, Authority, Reason Banes: faith, heavy armor, bow Budding talent: faith Reason spells: miasma, swarm, mire, dark spike, luna Faith spells: nosferatu, heal, rewarp, phisics
  8. There are so many Mario RPGs that they are a subfranchise at this point, and i think many people want a character from those in Smash. Geno seems to be the favoured one, likely because most other option are either alts of Mario and Luigi or one-offs like him.
  9. Except that, in the years the game is set in, the slithers were doing much more than the church to keep the current system afloat. Who killed lambert? Who did the insurrection of the seven? Not the church.
  10. The point her primary goal is a massive case of skewed priorities. If you have a moderately evil enemy and a super evil enemy, siding whit the super evil one to defeat the other is not the best path.
  11. She put her in the place closer to your army, in a place she already knew was going to be highly contested by the battle of the eagle and the lion of t years ago. Maybe i am aplying too much gameplay meta knowledge, but to me it looks like she used the balista, and the person operating it, as a bait. Bernadetta may have volunteer but i doubt she was told the strategy and the risks.
  12. Wich change my point from PIS(plot induced stupidity) to CIS(character innate stupidity). Wich actually makes the comparisson whit Gil even more appropriate.
  13. I admit that forgot that detail, but they can still nuke your army when they are in one place. And even if shamballa get destroyed they can just let it be, they can store the data in their computers and move away the important equipment, once the nukes land they won't need shamballa in the first place. And nuke are the tip of the iceberg whennit comes to their superior technology. But this can easily became a rant on magitek in general so i will stop there. My point is that i think that their superior technology more than make up for their numbers, if they used it well. Edit: i don't think she burned bernie. I think she used her like the cheese on a mouse trap. Wich is not the same thing but is still a bad thing. And the transformation thing is the strike i used againist Dedue, so i believe that is not a good thing regardless of who does it.
  14. White magic is always useful, if your gauntlet unit does no need crits or FIF to kill thing you may as well put them in War Monk so that they can get some extra exp by healing the turns they are not attacking(because let's face it, raphael is not gonna heal more than an handful of HP). Also is the only option for a female gauntlet user, such as Byleth or Catherine.
  15. -put Bernadetta on that platform -allow Arundhel to do has he please whit his territory -force Brigid to cooperate whit her -routinely employ demonic beasts - transform into the hegenon -the scene at the end of BL As for the slithers. In term of military might they are by far the most powerful faction. They could have won every moment by just dropping a nuke on Garreg mach while we were there chilling. The comparisson whit Gilgamesh is very accurate, but for this very reason, you should always bet on Gilgamesh because the only person that can beat him is his own plot induced stupidity.
  16. Not sure if it was, but it was made by sakaguchi and the name is veeeeery telling.
  17. Then the informations i checked where incorrect, i'll control again later. Edit: another unpopular opinion, Tear ring saga is not a fire emblem game, otherwise the last story is a FF game and many other oddities.
  18. I mean that the game lack moments where you get seriously called out for siding whit someone. I don't mean Rhea yelling at you, but more something like having to kill sympathetic people that did nothing to deserve that and having the game calling you a bastard for that. The only people you have to kill are: literally Oberstein, "kill every last one of them", Pope Arvis, the guy that transform into a demonic beast and "I swear that putting my close friend on a deathtrap was necessary to get the victory royale." I get the thematic reason why most character showcase their worst when you don't pick them, but this also make killing them like shooting a rabid dog instead of doing something really tragic Wich is my problem, those moments exist only if you decide that they exist. If you play Valkirye profile: covenant of the plume (the srpg that does this best), no matter wich route you chose, you will witness tragedy because of the path you chose.
  19. I want the game to aknowledge that lords can do wrong, wich Three house never does. A game whit choice and route imo fail if does not make you feel awful for having choiced your given faction, wich to me never happened, partially because everyone you side againist became 10 times worse when you fight againist them, so you don't feel too bad about putting them down.
  20. The only limit they need is map design. Mounted combatant pretty much move like that in D&D and even if they can do crazy shit(and if you are riding a griffin, or a wyvern if we want to be more FEsque, you can do ALOT of crazy shit), usually those kind of built are underpowered because you can't bring your griffin everywhere
  21. In the only games where they coexist RD and Fates, they have the exact same def cap(Ike has inflated cap in general tho). If such a difference exist, it is not supposed to be huge.
  22. Imo soldier.make sense only if mercenary is somehow absent. Otherwise you have two classes whit the same movement type and stat's spread. I am already kinda annoyed that we have both fighter and pirate. Weapon type imo is not a niche, otherwise we can as well bring back the pointless cavalry classes of Jugdral.
  23. There is no need to abolish nobility entirely. England still has fucking nobility and they don't do anything. You just need to keep it in check and shift some of the power to the people.
  24. Intentions are irrelevant, otherwise Arvis was right turning Sigurd's army into a barbeque.
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