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Everything posted by Flere210

  1. Basically what happen in certain Langrisser games. It can lead to absurdly OP MCs. Once the player figure out what the question does it can lead to crazy builds.
  2. I don't see why Dimitri would go againist Edelgard, as he only hated her because her being the FE made him believe she did the tragedy of Duscur, unless she publicly admit her allegiance to the Slither, wich she won't do. If Dimitri concludes that Arundhel was being Duscur, Edelgard would likely side whit him in order to get rid of Thales(she don't need him if she does not want to declare war) and getting the chance to sway him againist the church.
  3. Try a Camilla solo run, it's sure as hell not going to be easier than playing normally. My problem is not an unit being necessary(wich she is not) but a unit being so overpowered they can solo the game whit little work on the player part. But i conce Camilla pubish you more than Titania for not using her, because Conquest is not as easy as PoR. I am not againist min maxing, i am againist it trivializing games. You can't make something like Forseti Arthur/Ced that literally cannot lose againist 90% of the game he is in, or like Awakening dark mages. Again, reclass Jakob into a paladin, give him a javelin, and check if he kill everything on enemy phase. To me, the point of gimmick is to be impossible to brute forced trough, and make you play differently based on the situation. Conquest do that both by map design, and by giving enemies certain skills. They are annoying because often not having things going your way is annoying. And while i agree that Kitsune hell is a bad map, i'd rather have a set of map that tries to challenge me in different ways whit some of them being shitshows, than having a game whit 20 maps solved by the same strategy and 3 interesting maps that got warpskipped because interesting maps make you lose turns.
  4. She does in most cases, the game is just bad at conveying that she did.
  5. 1) i admit i was using engine improperly. What i mean is that fates clearly reuse many things from awakening and it's clear that they were cut from the same cloth. But in conquest those things where used in a very different way. 2) again improper use. Still, at first glance is clear that FO 4 changed the gameplay more compared to NV, whit things like removing skills and reputstion, changing the gunplay significantly and so on. I am sorry for the misconception.
  6. That Fates tried to go past the traditional problem of the series while Three houses was built upon the concepts introduced on awakening(in particular, a grester focus on reclassing and character building over strategy). A similar engine can produce wildly different games. It's like how Fallout 3 is closer to Fallout 4 than fallout NV, wich in turn try to build upon FO2. And this despite FO 4 having a completely different engine than FO3 and NV recycling a lot from it.
  7. To me is the complete opposite: For starter, i think the worst thing that can happen in a strategy game is a surefire strategy that can be executed regardless of the map. If that exist, the game failed as a strategy game. For example, FFT games may be fun as rpg but utterly fails at strategy games because eventually devolve into exploiting broken skills to autowin any fight. For example, many BL map can be beaten by doing stride-warp-dance-warp-atrocity on the boss, wich mean you don't have to interact whit the map and the enemies at all(you lose exp, but BL maddening has been done at 0% growth, so it's not a tragedy). Gimmicks are cheap ways to make you interact whit a map but at least you have to do that, wich put even the worst of them one step above maps that can be beaten whit a surefire strat. I would say that conquest does not feel like an older game because it overcome what brought down those games. There is no Sigurd/Titania/Seth. There are not warp staves that allow you to skip the harder fights, there is a solitary op 1-2 weapon, and even whit that things like ninja make sure you can't just Juggernaut in enemy phase. Knights and archers where not shit. Stats where more fixable but rarely to the point you can make a god by feeding enought resources on them. While not all characters were equal, there was no one that ended up being worthless. Conquest stroke at some core problems of the series and tried to do something about it. Imo mostly succeding, but also pushing older player in a new, uncomfortable territory. Most of the traditionally good strategies just does not work in Conquest, you either adapt or ragequit. And adapt or ragequit for me is the base of a good strategy game. Three houses is a true successor of Awakening, in that it brought back a broken, FFTesque, design philosophy. You went from having 12 warps in a game to have 4 per map. They addressed the power of WL by making it even stronger and allowing everyone to be one. They massively overcompensated from bow weaknesses ti the point is the unquestionably best weapon in the game. They brought back a map design mostly made of kill boss maps wich open up so many ways to clear those in an instant. And in general they made the actual fighting to be a relatively small part in a game that is mostly about doing SoL stuff in the castle. Yes it has a clear direction, but that direction is to emphasize the RPG elements so much that the game is more about minmaxing stats than about tactical moves.
  8. I always assumed that was the case, but sometimes weird thing happen. There is that map, chapter 8 i think, where a green unit is under siege and can either get killed before you can save him or kill most of the assaliant whitout much trouble. I have seen both scenarios happening.
  9. I tested whit save states and saw a lot of swings.
  10. I tried the first battle earlier. They changed a lot of the BS and the map layout. I felt the original one was better at showing you the mechanics, because gren and red units where arranged in a way that allowed you to grasp many concepts by watching them fight. I only realized how useful it was when i saw that the remade map lack those things. A good thing is that they put the evil emperor on the map. In the original the enemies where a bit too lame for a playable "kingdom fall". Another thing is that in the original the warrior girl(i am not going to remember the new names for a while) was just defeated whit everyone else. What is the point into having her accompany you for the escape if she still join in the fourt map? Not going to comment much on the change of how stats and classes works, but they are 99% going to be for the better because in the original combat was often a diceroll.
  11. I'd just make an MP system or a limit break gauge and remove the durability cost.
  12. It's only important in a meta sense, for us players. Chrom and his gang would not even know about the power of the spheres beyond what is told in legends. While having no explaination is bad, having an infodump whit no in story purpose other than give information to the player would be equally bad.
  13. Gotoh was old as hell thousands of years before Awakening. I think it's safe to assume that he died of old age. Bantu may be still around according to nowi, but he should be decrepit. Xane is the one i can't justify other than the gameplay reason that he would be broken in awakening. As for the earth dragons, Grima clearly pulled an eviler that thou on them. They are not just the main threat anymore. Maybe they were killed/absorbed, or they are just too weak to oppose Grima. It's pretty clear that the Grimleal hijacked anything villanous that was around(case in point, Aversa casually summoning the Loptyr dreadlords). And even if Tiki went mad in the past, we are discussing 1000 years ago, it's obvious that no one really know or care about that. Even if she did she wouldn't remember and there is no one else that can tell us that she did. And how much we do know about dragon sterility? Maybe they can not make babies whit each other but they can with humans? I am quite sure that manakete never tries to make children whit humans in Arkaneia.
  14. Personally i used endgame enemies stats because most things are frontloaded(blows faires and the like, battalions, and so on all shows up innthe first half.) So if i can prove that my build can oneshot a fortress knight on GD final map, it's 99% likely that it can oneshot every other feneric unit in the game once it get it's gear spinning
  15. A game whit a peaceful, highly technological setting and an easy to set up infinite money exploit.
  16. If one of the fault of the church is that it made the Kingdom and the Alliance exist, then the Kingdom and Alliance have a pretty big reason to feel threatened. The person lamenting taht the empire has been split is totally not going to eventually try to reunite it.
  17. Pavise barely does anything for high defense units, wich is everyone that mastered fortress knight. The only good iteration of it was in Jugdral and even there was nostly good kn enemies. It's good when given by a relic.
  18. If you can kill everyone whit bolting every map became:"use bolting on the boss; if too far, use warp and stride, then bolting on the boss." At least stride+warping dimitri usually take some planning because he is melee and has to cover more ground..
  19. So basically Archer Atlas 2? You only need bow and Authority, so i think it should work decently.
  20. Even striping away from Kris all the stolen lines, they remain Marth's Bodyguards, save him from an assassination attempt and accompany him toward the whole war againist Hardin. It's perfectly natural that they get close. And i say this as an hater.
  21. Story: i am fine whit both linearity and a route system, but in the latter case should be something that change the story almost entirely. Similarly, if there is an avatar, they need an actual dialogue tree that matter. Gameplay: i think Conquest whit the handling of stats between Thracia and New mystery. Getting several caps shoul be the norm of everyone that is not a jeigan, but those caps should be class speciphic. This way the player can really get ahead of the curve in mid-lategame. Reclassing imo should work similarly to fates, but with some extra options. And i would nerf into the ground every mounted class. The weapon system would include the options of two handed weapons, shield or dual wield/gauntlet. Two handed weapons smash shields and got quadded by dual wield, wich don't do damage to shields. Base: imo it should be like a Suikoden castle: some characters you recruit are not fighters but instead add features to the base: new ways to spend BEXP such as unlocking reclassing options or buying profociencies, new shops and forges, maybe even decorations and minigames, and there should be a system to habe PC support whit those people. Maps: i like dragon veins, expecially when the opponent can use them too, so i would integrate them. In general i would limit Kill boss/Conquest maps to the bare minimum, that is, big climatic fights againist bosses stronger than what is achievable by the player, because those battles are those that end up getting cheesed by warp and the like most of the time. Instead i would make most chapters either "kill every last one of them", defend, or a special objective. Classes: every class get a special move that define them, for example i would give PCC to swordmasters and HoMM style charge to cavaliers. Ballistician in the fe10 style would be a thing because i love them a lot and there would be much more magic classes, in particular as red units. Other than that i would try to limit the bloat as much as possible.
  22. Dimitri stake in the conflict is that the slither are guilty of everything bad that happen to him for his whole life. Claude stake innthe conflict is that he has to deal with a Crisis in Fodlan before dedicating to the thing he really want to do. He obviously have to stay in Fodlan, and he has to take part in the conflict. But his main enemies imo should not be the slithers, but the people, both in Fodlan and Almyra, that make a coexistence impossible. I think having a map or 2 in almyra, as well as making the king appear on screen, should be enought. Rhea is actually a perfectly viable enemy for Claude, as she isolated Fodlan and want to keep it isolated, and Edelgard is too, assuming she allies whit the nobles that did the tragedy of Duscur. Dimitri is not a direct threat, but if he goes completely Berserk he can't be an ally either.
  23. Considering how good WL and WM are, it's very likely that you will invest in axe. Enghlitened one imo is also good enought if you want to use the proficiencies to recruit certain people.
  24. I feel Claude should kinda be his own thing, there is just no way to make him as entrenched in the conflict as Edelgard, Dimitri and Rhea whitout rewriting the character. For him whatever happen innthe game is just a stepoing stone to something grander, and imo the route should focus on that.
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